
Defines functions simulate_POMDP

Documented in simulate_POMDP

#' Simulate Trajectories in a POMDP
#' Simulate trajectories through a POMDP. The start state for each
#' trajectory is randomly chosen using the specified belief. The belief is used to choose actions
#' from the the epsilon-greedy policy and then updated using observations.
#' A native R implementation is available (`engine = 'r'`) and a faster C++ implementation
#' (`engine = 'cpp'`). 
#' Both implementations support parallel execution using the package
#' \pkg{foreach}. To enable parallel execution, a parallel backend like
#' \pkg{doparallel} needs to be available needs to be registered (see
#' [doParallel::registerDoParallel()]). 
#' Note that small simulations are slower using parallelization. Therefore, C++ simulations 
#' with n * horizon less than 100,000 are always executed using a single worker.
#' @family POMDP
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @param model a POMDP model.
#' @param n number of trajectories.
#' @param belief probability distribution over the states for choosing the
#'  starting states for the trajectories.
#'  Defaults to the start belief state specified in the model or "uniform".
#' @param horizon number of epochs for the simulation. If `NULL` then the
#'  horizon for the model is used.
#' @param return_beliefs logical; Return all visited belief states? This requires n x horizon memory.
#' @param epsilon the probability of random actions for using an epsilon-greedy policy.
#'  Default for solved models is 0 and for unsolved model 1.
#' @param digits round probabilities for belief points.
#' @param engine `'cpp'`, `'r'` to perform simulation using a faster C++ or a 
#'  native R implementation that supports sparse matrices and multi-episode problems.
#' @param verbose report used parameters.
#' @param ... further arguments are ignored.
#' @return A list with elements:
#'  * `avg_reward`: The average discounted reward.
#'  * `belief_states`: A matrix with belief states as rows.
#'  * `action_cnt`: Action counts.
#'  * `state_cnt`: State counts.
#'  * `reward`: Reward for each trajectory.
#' @author Michael Hahsler
#' @md
#' @examples
#' data(Tiger)
#' # solve the POMDP for 5 epochs and no discounting
#' sol <- solve_POMDP(Tiger, horizon = 5, discount = 1, method = "enum")
#' sol
#' policy(sol)
#' # uncomment the following line to register a parallel backend for simulation 
#' # (needs package doparallel installed)
#' # doParallel::registerDoParallel()
#' ## Example 1: simulate 10 trajectories
#' sim <- simulate_POMDP(sol, n = 100, verbose = TRUE)
#' sim
#' # calculate the percentage that each action is used in the simulation
#' round_stochastic(sim$action_cnt / sum(sim$action_cnt), 2)
#' # reward distribution
#' hist(sim$reward)
#' ## Example 2: look at all belief states in the trajectory starting with an initial start belief.
#' sim <- simulate_POMDP(sol, n = 100, belief = c(.5, .5), return_beliefs = TRUE)
#' head(sim$belief_states)
#' # plot with added density (the x-axis is the probability of the second belief state)
#' plot_belief_space(sol, sample = sim$belief_states, jitter = 2, ylim = c(0, 6))
#' lines(density(sim$belief_states[, 2], bw = .02)); axis(2); title(ylab = "Density")
#' ## Example 3: simulate trajectories for an unsolved POMDP which uses an epsilon of 1
#' #             (i.e., all actions are randomized)
#' sim <- simulate_POMDP(Tiger, n = 100, horizon = 5, return_beliefs = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
#' sim$avg_reward
#' plot_belief_space(sol, sample = sim$belief_states, jitter = 2, ylim = c(0, 6))
#' lines(density(sim$belief_states[, 1], bw = .05)); axis(2); title(ylab = "Density")
#' @export
simulate_POMDP <-
    n = 100,
    belief = NULL,
    horizon = NULL,
    return_beliefs = FALSE,
    epsilon = NULL,
    digits = 7,
    engine = "cpp",
    verbose = FALSE,
    ...) {
    time_start <- proc.time()  
    engine <- match.arg(tolower(engine), c("cpp", "r"))
    if (engine == "r")
      sparse <- NULL ### use the version in the model
      sparse <- FALSE
    solved <- is_solved_POMDP(model)
    dt <- is_timedependent_POMDP(model)
    if (is.null(belief))
      belief <- start_vector(model)
    if (is.null(horizon))
      horizon <- model$horizon
    if (is.null(horizon))
      stop("The horizon (number of epochs) has to be specified!")
    if (is.infinite(horizon))
      stop("Simulation needs a finite simulation horizon.")
    n <- as.integer(n)
    horizon <- as.integer(horizon)
    if (is.null(epsilon)) {
      if (!solved)
        epsilon <- 1
        epsilon <- 0
    if (!solved && epsilon != 1)
      stop("epsilon has to be 1 for unsolved models.")
    disc <- model$discount
    if (is.null(disc))
      disc <- 1
    if (engine == "cpp") {
      if (!dt) {
        ### FIXME: this can be done better
        ### TODO: Add support for sparse matrices
        ##model <- normalize_POMDP(model, sparse = FALSE)
        model <- normalize_POMDP(model, sparse = TRUE)
        if (foreach::getDoParWorkers() == 1 || n * horizon < 100000) {
          res <- simulate_POMDP_cpp(
          time_end <- proc.time()
          if (verbose)
            print(time_end - time_start)
        ns <- foreach_split(n)
        if (verbose) {
          cat("Simulating POMDP trajectories.\n")
          cat("- engine: cpp\n")
          cat("- horizon:", horizon, "\n")
          cat("- n:",
            "- parallel workers:",
          cat("- epsilon:", epsilon, "\n")
          cat("- discount factor:", disc, "\n")
          cat("- starting belief:\n")
          print(head(belief, n = 10))
          if (length(belief) > 10) cat('(Remaining belief components supressed)')
        w <-
          NULL # to shut up the warning for the foreach counter variable
        sim <- foreach(w = 1:length(ns)) %dopar%
            verbose = FALSE)
        rew <- Reduce(c,  lapply(sim, "[[", "reward"))
        time_end <- proc.time()
        if (verbose)
          print(time_end - time_start)
            avg_reward = mean(rew, na.rm = TRUE),
            reward = rew,
            action_cnt = Reduce('+', lapply(sim, "[[" , "action_cnt")),
            state_cnt =  Reduce('+', lapply(sim, "[[", "state_cnt")),
            obs_cnt =    Reduce('+', lapply(sim, "[[", "obs_cnt")),
            belief_states = Reduce(rbind, lapply(sim, "[[", "belief_states"))
      } else {
        message("Using engine 'r'. Time-dependent models can only be simulated using engine 'r'!")
        engine <- "r"
    states <- as.character(model$states)
    n_states <- length(states)
    obs <- as.character(model$observations)
    n_obs <- length(obs)
    actions <- as.character(model$actions)
    # precompute matrix lists for time-dependent POMDPs
    current_episode <- 1L
    if (dt) {
      dt_horizon <- model$horizon
      dt_episodes <- cumsum(c(1, head(model$horizon,-1)))
      dt_trans_m <-
          FUN = function(ep)
            transition_matrix(model, ep)
      dt_obs_m <-
          FUN = function(ep)
            observation_matrix(model, ep)
      ## we keep the reward matrix as is to save memory.
      # dt_rew_m <-
      #   lapply(
      #     1:length(dt_horizon),
      #     FUN = function(ep)
      #       reward_matrix(model, ep)
      #   )
      trans_m <- dt_trans_m[[current_episode]]
      obs_m <- dt_obs_m[[current_episode]]
    } else { ### not time-dependent case
      trans_m <- transition_matrix(model, sparse = sparse)
      obs_m <- observation_matrix(model, sparse = sparse)
      ## we keep the reward matrix as is to save memory.
      ## rew_m <- reward_matrix(model, sparse = sparse)
    if (verbose) {
      cat("Simulating POMDP trajectories.\n")
      cat("- engine: r\n")
      cat("- horizon:", horizon, "\n")
      cat("- n:",
        "- parallel workers:",
      cat("- epsilon:", epsilon, "\n")
      if (dt)
        cat("- time-dependent:", length(dt_horizon), "episodes", "\n")
      cat("- discount factor:", disc, "\n")
      cat("- starting belief:\n")
      print(head(belief, n = 10))
      if (length(belief) > 10) cat('(Remaining belief components supressed)')
    #bs <- replicate(n, expr = {
    ### run once for debugging
    #sim <- { cat("debugging on!!!\n")
    sim <- times(n) %dopar% {
      # initialize replication
      s <- sample(states, 1L, prob = belief)
      b <- belief
      rew <- 0
      e <- 1L
      action_cnt <- rep(0L, length(actions))
      names(action_cnt) <- actions
      state_cnt <- rep(0L, length(states))
      names(state_cnt) <- states
      obs_cnt <- rep(0L, length(obs))
      names(obs_cnt) <- obs
      if (return_beliefs)
        visited_belief_states <- matrix(
          nrow = horizon,
          ncol = n_states,
          dimnames = list(NULL, states)
        visited_belief_states <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
      for (j in 1:horizon) {
        # change matrices for time-dependent POMDPs
        if (dt) {
          if (length(current_episode <- which(j == dt_episodes)) == 1L) {
            if (verbose)
              cat("- Switching to episode" , current_episode, "at epoch", j, "\n")
            obs_m <- dt_obs_m[[current_episode]]
            trans_m <- dt_trans_m[[current_episode]]
            #rew_m <- dt_rew_m[[current_episode]]
        # find action (if we have no solution then take a random action) and update state and sample obs
        if (runif(1) < epsilon) {
          a <- sample.int(length(actions), 1L)
        } else {
          if (!model$solution$converged)
            e <- .get_pg_index(model, j)
          a <-
            as.integer(model$solution$pg[[e]][["action"]])[which.max(model$solution$alpha[[e]] %*% b)]
        # debug
        # cat("Episode: ", j, "\n")
        # cat("alpha: ", model$solution$alpha[[e]], "\n")
        # cat("b: ", b , "\n")
        # cat("alpha %*% : ", model$solution$alpha[[e]] %*% b , "\n")
        # cat("a: ", a , "\n\n")
        s_prev <- s
        s <-
          sample.int(length(states), 1L, prob = trans_m[[a]][s, ])
        o <- sample.int(length(obs), 1L, prob = obs_m[[a]][s, ])
        action_cnt[a] <- action_cnt[a] + 1L
        state_cnt[s] <- state_cnt[s] + 1L
        obs_cnt[o] <- obs_cnt[o] + 1L
        # rew <- rew + rew_m[[a]][[s_prev]][s, o] * disc ^ (j - 1L)
        rew <- rew + reward_val(model, a, s_prev, s, o, episode = current_episode) * disc ^ (j - 1L)
        #cat(j, ":", s_prev , "->", s, "- a:", a, "- o:", o, "- rew:", rew_m[[a]][[s_prev]][s, o], "\n")
        # update belief
        b <-
          .update_belief(b, a, o, trans_m, obs_m, digits = digits)
        if (return_beliefs)
          visited_belief_states[j,] <- b
      rownames(visited_belief_states) <- NULL
          action_cnt = action_cnt,
          state_cnt = state_cnt,
          obs_cnt = obs_cnt,
          reward = rew,
          belief_states = visited_belief_states
    #, simplify = FALSE)
    rew <- Reduce(c,  lapply(sim, "[[", "reward"))
    time_end <- proc.time()
    if (verbose)
      print(time_end - time_start)
      avg_reward = mean(rew, na.rm = TRUE),
      action_cnt = Reduce('+', lapply(sim, "[[" , "state_cnt")),
      state_cnt =  Reduce('+', lapply(sim, "[[", "state_cnt")),
      obs_cnt =    Reduce('+', lapply(sim, "[[", "obs_cnt")),
      reward = rew,
      belief_states = Reduce(rbind, lapply(sim, "[[", "belief_states"))

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pomdp documentation built on Sept. 9, 2023, 1:07 a.m.