

test_that("testing", {
  a <- matrix( 0,nrow=4,ncol=4)
  a[1,2] <- a[1,3] <- a[2,3] <- a[1,4] <-1
  a <- a + t(a)
  g <- as.popgraph( a )
  K <- length(V(g))
  m1 <- to_matrix( g, mode="adjacency")
  m2 <- to_matrix( g, mode="shortest path")
  m3 <- to_matrix( g, mode="edge weight")
  # type
  expect_that(m1, is_a("matrix"))
  expect_that(m2, is_a("matrix"))
  expect_that(m3, is_a("matrix"))
  # size
  expect_that(dim(m1), is_equivalent_to(c(K,K)))
  expect_that(dim(m2), is_equivalent_to(c(K,K)))
  expect_that(dim(m3), is_equivalent_to(c(K,K)))
  expect_that(diag(m1), is_equivalent_to(rep(0,K)))
  expect_that(diag(m2), is_equivalent_to(rep(0,K)))
  expect_that(diag(m3), is_equivalent_to(rep(0,K)))

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popgraph documentation built on April 14, 2017, 9:58 p.m.