
Defines functions optPenaltyPgen.kCVauto.groups optPenaltyPgen.kCVauto.banded ridgePgen.kCV.groups ridgePgen.kCV.banded ridgePgen.kCV ridgePgen

Documented in optPenaltyPgen.kCVauto.banded optPenaltyPgen.kCVauto.groups ridgePgen ridgePgen.kCV ridgePgen.kCV.banded ridgePgen.kCV.groups

ridgePgen <- function(S, lambda, target, nInit=100, minSuccDiff=10^(-10)){
	if (nrow(S) != ncol(S)){ stop("S should be a square matrix") }
	if (nrow(lambda) != ncol(lambda)){ stop("lambda should be a square matrix") }
	if (nrow(target) != ncol(target)){ stop("target should be a square matrix") }
	if (!isSymmetric(S)){ stop("S should be a symmetric matrix") }
	if (!isSymmetric(lambda)){ stop("lambda should be a symmetric matrix") }
	if (!isSymmetric(target)){ stop("target should be a symmetric matrix") }
	if (!inherits(minSuccDiff, "numeric")){ stop("Input (llDiff) is of wrong class.") }
	if (length(minSuccDiff) != 1){ stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is of wrong length.") }
	if (is.na(minSuccDiff)){ stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is not a positive number.") }
	if (minSuccDiff <= 0){ stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is not a positive number.") }
	if (!inherits(nInit, "numeric") & !inherits(nInit, "integer")){ stop("Input (nInit) is of wrong class.") }
	if (length(nInit) != 1){ stop("Input (nInit) is of wrong length.") }
	if (is.na(nInit)){ stop("Input (nInit) is not a positive integer.") }
	if (nInit < 0){ stop("Input (nInit) is not a positive integer.") }
	if (nInit%%1 != 0){ stop("Input (nInit) is not a positive integer.") }
	# return results
	return(.armaRidgePgen(S, lambda, target, nInit, minSuccDiff))

ridgePgen.kCV <- function(lambda,
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Function that calculates the k-fold cross-validated loglikelihood 
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Arguments:    
	## -> lambda         : penalty matrix.  
	## -> Y              : data matrix with rows and columns containing samples
	##                     and variables, respectively
	## -> target         : target matrix for the precision 
	## -> folds          : cross-validation sample splits
	## -> nInit	         : maximum number of iterations. Passed on to the 
	##                     ridgePgen-function.
	## -> minSuccDiff    : minimum successive difference (in the penalized 
	##                     loglikehood) to be achieved. Passed on to the 
	##                     ridgePgen-function.
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Value:
	## -> cvLoglik       : cross-validated loglikelihood.
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Authors           : Wessel N. van Wieringen
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

	# input checks
	if (!is(Y, "matrix")){  
		stop("Input (Y) should be a matrix")
	if (!is(lambda, "matrix")){  
		stop("Input (lambdas) is of wrong class") 
	if (nrow(lambda) != ncol(lambda)){ 
	    stop("lambda should be a square matrix") 
	if (!isSymmetric(lambda)){ 
	    stop("lambda should be a symmetric matrix") 
	if (any(lambda <= 0)){ 
		stop("Input (lambda) must be positive") 
	if (!inherits(fold, "numeric") & !inherits(fold, "integer")){
		stop("Input (fold) is of wrong class") 
	if ((fold <=  1) | (fold > nrow(Y))){ 
		stop("Input (fold) out of range") 
	if (!isSymmetric(target)){ 
	    stop("target should be a symmetric matrix") 
	if (!inherits(minSuccDiff, "numeric")){ 
	        stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is of wrong class.") 
	if (length(minSuccDiff) != 1){ 
	    stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is of wrong length.") 
	if (is.na(minSuccDiff)){ 
	    stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is not a positive number.") 
	if (minSuccDiff <= 0){ 
	    stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is not a positive number.") 
	if (!inherits(nInit, "numeric") & !inherits(nInit, "integer")){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is of wrong class.") 
	if (length(nInit) != 1){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is of wrong length.") 
	if (is.na(nInit)){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is not a positive integer.") 
	if (nInit < 0){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is not a positive integer.") 
	if (nInit%%1 != 0){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is not a positive integer.") 

	# make k-folds as list
	fold         <- max(min(ceiling(fold), nrow(Y)), 2)
	fold         <- rep(1:fold, ceiling(nrow(Y)/fold))[1:nrow(Y)]
	shuffle      <- sample(1:nrow(Y), nrow(Y))
	folds        <- split(shuffle, as.factor(fold))
	names(folds) <- NULL

	# optimize CV-loss
	cvLoglik <- .armaKcvlossR(lambda, 

	# return

ridgePgen.kCV.banded <- function(lambda,
                                 zeros=matrix(nrow=0, ncol=2), 
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Calculation of the k-fold cross-validated negative (!) loglikelihood, 
	## with a penalty structure that encourages a banded precision.
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Arguments:    
	## -> lambda    : numeric with penalty parameter value
	## -> Y              : data matrix with rows and columns containing samples
	##                     and variables, respectively
	## -> target         : target matrix for the precision 
	## -> folds          : cross-validation sample splits
	## -> zerosR         : row-index of zero precision elements.
	## -> zerosC         : column-index of zero precision elements.
	## -> penalize_diag  : logical indicating whether the diagonal should 
	##                     be penalized    
	## -> nInit	         : maximum number of iterations. Passed on to the 
	##                     ridgePgen-function.
	## -> minSuccDiff    : minimum successive difference (in the penalized 
	##                     loglikehood) to be achieved. Passed on to the 
	##                     ridgePgen-function.
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Value:
	## -> cvLoglik       : cross-validated negative loglikelihood.
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Authors           : Wessel N. van Wieringen
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

	# input checks
	if (!is(Y, "matrix")){  
		stop("Input (Y) should be a matrix")
	if (!inherits(lambda, "numeric")){ 
		stop("Input (lambda) is of wrong class") 
	if (length(lambda) < 1){ 
		stop("Input (lambda) must be a numeric") 
	if (any(lambda <= 0)){ 
		stop("Input (lambda) must be positive") 
	if (!inherits(fold, "numeric") & !inherits(fold, "integer")){ 
		stop("Input (fold) is of wrong class") 
	if ((fold <=  1) | (fold > nrow(Y))){ 
		stop("Input (fold) out of range") 
	if (!isSymmetric(target)){ 
	    stop("target should be a symmetric matrix") 
	if (!inherits(minSuccDiff, "numeric")){ 
	        stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is of wrong class.") 
	if (length(minSuccDiff) != 1){ 
	    stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is of wrong length.") 
	if (is.na(minSuccDiff)){ 
	    stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is not a positive number.") 
	if (minSuccDiff <= 0){ 
	    stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is not a positive number.") 
	if (!inherits(nInit, "numeric") & !inherits(nInit, "integer")){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is of wrong class.") 
	if (length(nInit) != 1){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is of wrong length.") 
	if (is.na(nInit)){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is not a positive integer.") 
	if (nInit < 0){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is not a positive integer.") 
	if (nInit%%1 != 0){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is not a positive integer.") 
	if (!is(zeros, "matrix")){  
	    stop("Input (zeros) is of wrong class.") 
	if(ncol(zeros) != 2){ 
	        stop("Wrong dimensions of the (zeros).") 
	if (!inherits(penalize.diag, "logical")){ 
	    stop("Input (penalize.diag) is of wrong class.") 

	# make k-folds as list
	fold         <- max(min(ceiling(fold), nrow(Y)), 2)
	fold         <- rep(1:fold, ceiling(nrow(Y)/fold))[1:nrow(Y)]
	shuffle      <- sample(1:nrow(Y), nrow(Y))
	folds        <- split(shuffle, as.factor(fold))
	names(folds) <- NULL

	# optimize CV-loss
	cvLoglik <- .armaKCVlossR_banded(lambda, 

	# return

ridgePgen.kCV.groups <- function(lambdaGrps,
                                 zeros=matrix(nrow=0, ncol=2), 
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Calculation of the k-fold cross-validated negative (!) loglikelihood, 
	## assuming that variates are grouped and penalized group-wise.
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Arguments:    
	## -> lambdaGrps    : vector with penalty parameter values, one per group.
	##                     values should be specified in the same order as the 
	##                     first appearance of a group representative.  
	## -> Y              : data matrix with rows and columns containing samples
	##                     and variables, respectively
	## -> target         : target matrix for the precision 
	## -> folds          : cross-validation sample splits
	## -> groups         : vector indicating to which group a variate belongs.
	## -> zerosR         : row-index of zero precision elements.
	## -> zerosC         : column-index of zero precision elements.
	## -> penalize_diag  : logical indicating whether the diagonal should 
	##                     be penalized    
	## -> nInit	     : maximum number of iterations. Passed on to the 
	##                     ridgePgen-function.
	## -> minSuccDiff    : minimum successive difference (in the penalized 
	##                     loglikehood) to be achieved. Passed on to the 
	##                     ridgePgen-function.
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Value:
	## -> cvLoglik       : cross-validated negative loglikelihood.
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Authors           : Wessel N. van Wieringen
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

	# input checks
	if (!is(Y, "matrix")){  
		stop("Input (Y) should be a matrix")
	if (!inherits(lambdaGrps, "numeric")){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaGrps) is of wrong class") 
	if (length(lambdaGrps) < 1){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaGrps) must be a numeric") 
	if (any(lambdaGrps <= 0)){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaGrps) must be positive") 
	if (!inherits(fold, "numeric") & !inherits(fold, "integer")){ 
		stop("Input (fold) is of wrong class") 
	if ((fold <=  1) | (fold > nrow(Y))){ 
		stop("Input (fold) out of range") 
	if (!inherits(groups, "numeric") & !inherits(groups, "integer") & !inherits(groups, "character")){
		stop("Input (groups) is of wrong class") 
	if ((length(groups) <=  1) | (length(groups) > ncol(Y))){ 
		stop("Input (groups) out of range") 
	if (length(groups) !=  length(lambdaGrps)){ 
		stop("Input (groups) out of range") 
	if (!isSymmetric(target)){ 
	    stop("target should be a symmetric matrix") 
	if (!inherits(minSuccDiff, "numeric")){ 
	        stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is of wrong class.") 
	if (length(minSuccDiff) != 1){ 
	    stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is of wrong length.") 
	if (is.na(minSuccDiff)){ 
	    stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is not a positive number.") 
	if (minSuccDiff <= 0){ 
	    stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is not a positive number.") 
	if (!inherits(nInit, "numeric") & !inherits(nInit, "integer")){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is of wrong class.") 
	if (length(nInit) != 1){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is of wrong length.") 
	if (is.na(nInit)){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is not a positive integer.") 
	if (nInit < 0){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is not a positive integer.") 
	if (nInit%%1 != 0){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is not a positive integer.") 
	if (!is(zeros, "matrix")){  
	    stop("Input (zeros) is of wrong class.") 
	if(ncol(zeros) != 2){ 
	        stop("Wrong dimensions of the (zeros).") 
	if (!inherits(penalize.diag, "logical")){ 
	    stop("Input (penalize.diag) is of wrong class.") 

	# make k-folds as list
	fold         <- max(min(ceiling(fold), nrow(Y)), 2)
	fold         <- rep(1:fold, ceiling(nrow(Y)/fold))[1:nrow(Y)]
	shuffle      <- sample(1:nrow(Y), nrow(Y))
	folds        <- split(shuffle, as.factor(fold))
	names(folds) <- NULL

	# optimize CV-loss
	cvLoglik <- .armaKCVlossR_groups(lambdaGrps, 

	# return

optPenaltyPgen.kCVauto.banded <- function(Y, 
                                      lambdaInit=(lambdaMin + lambdaMax)/2,
                                      zeros=matrix(nrow=0, ncol=2), 
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Function that determines the optimal penalty parameters through 
	## maximization of the k-fold cross-validated log-likelihood score, 
	## assuming that variates are grouped and penalized group-wise.
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Arguments:    
	## -> lambdas        : vector with penalty parameter values, one per group.
	##                     values should be specified in the same order as the 
	##                     first appearance of a group representative.  
	## -> Y              : data matrix with rows and columns containing samples
	##                     and variables, respectively
	## -> target         : target matrix for the precision 
	## -> folds          : cross-validation sample splits
	## -> zerosR         : row-index of zero precision elements.
	## -> zerosC         : column-index of zero precision elements.
	## -> penalize_diag : logical indicating whether the diagonal should 
	##                     be penalized    
	## -> nInit	         : maximum number of iterations. Passed on to the 
	##                     ridgePgen-function.
	## -> minSuccDiff    : minimum successive difference (in the penalized 
	##                     loglikehood) to be achieved. Passed on to the 
	##                     ridgePgen-function.
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Value:
	## -> optLambdas     : vector with optimal parameter values.
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Authors           : Wessel N. van Wieringen
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

	# input checks
	if (!is(Y, "matrix")){  
		stop("Input (Y) should be a matrix")
	if (!inherits(lambdaMin, "numeric")){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaMin) is of wrong class") 
	if (length(lambdaMin) < 1){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaMin) must be a scalar") 
	if (any(lambdaMin <= 0)){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaMin) must be positive") 
	if (!inherits(lambdaMax, "numeric")){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaMax) is of wrong class") 
	if (length(lambdaMax) < 1){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaMax) must be a scalar") 
	if (any(lambdaMax <= lambdaMin)){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaMax) must be larger than lambdaMin") 
	if (!inherits(lambdaInit, "numeric")){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaInit) is of wrong class") 
	if (length(lambdaInit) < 1){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaInit) must be a scalar") 
	if (any(lambdaInit <= lambdaMin)){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaInit) must be larger than lambdaMin") 
	if (any(lambdaInit > lambdaMax)){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaInit) must be smaller than lambdaMax") 
	if (!inherits(fold, "numeric") & !inherits(fold, "integer")){ 
		stop("Input (fold) is of wrong class") 
	if ((fold <=  1) | (fold > nrow(Y))){ 
		stop("Input (fold) out of range") 
	if (!isSymmetric(target)){ 
	    stop("target should be a symmetric matrix") 
	if (!inherits(minSuccDiff, "numeric")){ 
	        stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is of wrong class.") 
	if (length(minSuccDiff) != 1){ 
	    stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is of wrong length.") 
	if (is.na(minSuccDiff)){ 
	    stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is not a positive number.") 
	if (minSuccDiff <= 0){ 
	    stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is not a positive number.") 
	if (!inherits(nInit, "numeric") & !inherits(nInit, "integer")){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is of wrong class.") 
	if (length(nInit) != 1){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is of wrong length.") 
	if (is.na(nInit)){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is not a positive integer.") 
	if (nInit < 0){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is not a positive integer.") 
	if (nInit%%1 != 0){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is not a positive integer.") 
	if (!is(zeros, "matrix")){  
	    stop("Input (zeros) is of wrong class.") 
	if(ncol(zeros) != 2){ 
	        stop("Wrong dimensions of the (zeros).") 
	if (!inherits(penalize.diag, "logical")){ 
	    stop("Input (penalize.diag) is of wrong class.") 

	# make k-folds as list
	fold         <- max(min(ceiling(fold), nrow(Y)), 2)
	fold         <- rep(1:fold, ceiling(nrow(Y)/fold))[1:nrow(Y)]
	shuffle      <- sample(1:nrow(Y), nrow(Y))
	folds        <- split(shuffle, as.factor(fold))
	names(folds) <- NULL

	# optimize CV-loss
	optLambda <- optim(lambdaInit, 

	# return

optPenaltyPgen.kCVauto.groups <- function(Y, 
                                      lambdaInit=(lambdaMin + lambdaMax)/2,
                                      zeros=matrix(nrow=0, ncol=2), 
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Function that determines the optimal penalty parameters through 
	## maximization of the k-fold cross-validated log-likelihood score, 
	## assuming that variates are grouped and penalized group-wise.
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Arguments:    
	## -> lambdas        : vector with penalty parameter values, one per group.
	##                     values should be specified in the same order as the 
	##                     first appearance of a group representative.  
	## -> Y              : data matrix with rows and columns containing samples
	##                     and variables, respectively
	## -> target         : target matrix for the precision 
	## -> folds          : cross-validation sample splits
	## -> groups         : vector indicating to which group a variate belongs.
	## -> zerosR         : row-index of zero precision elements.
	## -> zerosC         : column-index of zero precision elements.
	## -> penalize_diag  : logical indicating whether the diagonal should 
	##                     be penalized    
	## -> nInit	         : maximum number of iterations. Passed on to the 
	##                     ridgePgen-function.
	## -> minSuccDiff    : minimum successive difference (in the penalized 
	##                     loglikehood) to be achieved. Passed on to the 
	##                     ridgePgen-function.
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Value:
	## -> optLambdas     : vector with optimal parameter values.
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Authors           : Wessel N. van Wieringen
	## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

	# input checks
	if (!is(Y, "matrix")){  
		stop("Input (Y) should be a matrix")
	if (!inherits(lambdaMin, "numeric")){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaMin) is of wrong class") 
	if (length(lambdaMin) < 1){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaMin) must be a scalar") 
	if (any(lambdaMin <= 0)){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaMin) must be positive") 
	if (!inherits(lambdaMax, "numeric")){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaMax) is of wrong class") 
	if (length(lambdaMax) < 1){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaMax) must be a scalar") 
	if (any(lambdaMax <= lambdaMin)){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaMax) must be larger than lambdaMin") 
	if (!inherits(lambdaInit, "numeric")){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaInit) is of wrong class") 
	if (length(lambdaInit) < 1){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaInit) must be a scalar") 
	if (any(lambdaInit <= lambdaMin)){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaInit) must be larger than lambdaMin") 
	if (any(lambdaInit > lambdaMax)){ 
		stop("Input (lambdaInit) must be smaller than lambdaMax") 
	if (!inherits(fold, "numeric") & !inherits(fold, "integer")){ 
		stop("Input (fold) is of wrong class") 
	if ((fold <=  1) | (fold > nrow(Y))){ 
		stop("Input (fold) out of range") 
	if (!inherits(groups, "numeric") & !inherits(groups, "integer") & !inherits(groups, "character")){
		stop("Input (groups) is of wrong class") 
	if ((length(groups) <=  1) | (length(groups) > ncol(Y))){ 
		stop("Input (groups) out of range") 
	if (!isSymmetric(target)){ 
	    stop("target should be a symmetric matrix") 
	if (!inherits(minSuccDiff, "numeric")){ 
	        stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is of wrong class.") 
	if (length(minSuccDiff) != 1){ 
	    stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is of wrong length.") 
	if (is.na(minSuccDiff)){ 
	    stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is not a positive number.") 
	if (minSuccDiff <= 0){ 
	    stop("Input (minSuccDiff) is not a positive number.") 
	if (!inherits(nInit, "numeric") & !inherits(nInit, "integer")){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is of wrong class.") 
	if (length(nInit) != 1){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is of wrong length.") 
	if (is.na(nInit)){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is not a positive integer.") 
	if (nInit < 0){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is not a positive integer.") 
	if (nInit%%1 != 0){ 
	    stop("Input (nInit) is not a positive integer.") 
	if (!is(zeros, "matrix")){  
	    stop("Input (zeros) is of wrong class.") 
	if(ncol(zeros) != 2){ 
	        stop("Wrong dimensions of the (zeros).") 
	if (!inherits(penalize.diag, "logical")){ 
	    stop("Input (penalize.diag) is of wrong class.") 

	# make k-folds as list
	fold         <- max(min(ceiling(fold), nrow(Y)), 2)
	fold         <- rep(1:fold, ceiling(nrow(Y)/fold))[1:nrow(Y)]
	shuffle      <- sample(1:nrow(Y), nrow(Y))
	folds        <- split(shuffle, as.factor(fold))
	names(folds) <- NULL

	# optimize CV-loss
	optLambda <- optim(lambdaInit, 

	# return

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