
Defines functions plot.compare_distributions plot.bs_p_xmin plot.bs_xmin create_plots get_cum_summary lseq

Documented in plot.bs_p_xmin plot.bs_xmin plot.compare_distributions

lseq = function(from, to, length.out) {
  s = exp(seq(log(from), log(to), length.out = length.out))
  ##To avoid rounding problems in the plotting
  s[1] = from

#' Generic plotting functions
#' These are generic functions for distribution  reference
#' objects. Standard plotting functions, i.e. plot, points, and lines work
#' with all distribution objects.
#' @param draw logical (default `TRUE`). Should the plot/lines/points function plot or
#' return the data (in a data frame object).
#' @param cut logical (default `FALSE`) -
#' Where should the plot begin. If `cut=FALSE`, then the
#' plot will start at the minimum data value. Otherwise, the plot
#' will start from `xmin`
#' @param length.out numeric, default 100. How many points should the
#' distribution be evaulated at. This argument is only
#' for plotting the fitted lines.
#' @docType methods
#' @note This method does *not* alter the internal state of
#' the distribution objects.
#' @export
          signature = signature(x = "distribution"),
          definition = function(x,
                                cut = FALSE,
                                draw = TRUE, ...) {
            xmin = x$getXmin()
            cut_off = cut * xmin
            x_values = x$dat

            if (!cut) x$setXmin(min(x_values))
            y = dist_data_cdf(x, lower_tail = FALSE, xmax = max(x_values) + 1)

            cut_off_seq = (x_values >= cut_off)
            x_axs = x_values[cut_off_seq]
            if (is(x, "discrete_distribution"))
              x_axs = unique(x_axs)

            x = x_axs
            if (draw) plot(x, y, log = "xy", ...)
            invisible(data.frame(x = x, y = y))

#' @importFrom stats qchisq qpois qt rlnorm
get_cum_summary = function(x, trim = 0.1) {
  n = length(x)
  m = cumsum(x) / 1:n
  x2 = cumsum(x^2)
  v = (x2 - m^2 * (1:n)) / (0:(n - 1))

  dd = data.frame(m = m, v = v)
  dd$x = seq_len(nrow(dd))
  ## Remove the first row (no info on uncertainity)
  dd = dd[-1, ]

  ## CI for mean is mu \pm qt(n-1*s/N)
  dd$m_up = dd$m + qt(0.975, (1:(n - 1))) * sqrt(dd$v) / sqrt(2:n)
  dd$m_low = dd$m + qt(0.025, (1:(n - 1))) * sqrt(dd$v) / sqrt(2:n)

  #CI for v is (n-1)*v/chi(n-1)
  dd$v_low = (1:(n - 1)) * dd$v / qchisq(0.975, (1:(n - 1)))
  dd$v_up = (1:(n - 1)) * dd$v / qchisq(0.025, (1:(n - 1)))

  dd = dd[floor(nrow(dd) * trim):nrow(dd), ]

#' @importFrom graphics par grid
create_plots = function(l, no_plots) {
  ##Set margins for optimal viewing
  old_par = par(no.readonly = TRUE)

  par(mfrow = c(2, no_plots),
      mar = c(3, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 0.4, 0), tck = -.01,
      cex.axis = 0.9, las = 1)

  ##Plot the cumulative means
  for (i in seq_len(length(l))) {
    upp_y = max(l[[i]]$m_up)
    low_y = min(l[[i]]$m_low)
    plot(l[[i]]$x, l[[i]]$m, type = "l", ylim = c(low_y, upp_y),
         ylab = names(l[i]),
         xlab = "Iteration",
         panel.first = grid(), col = 1,
         main = "Cumulative mean")
    lines(l[[i]]$x, l[[i]]$m_up, col = 2)
    lines(l[[i]]$x, l[[i]]$m_low, col = 2)

  ##Plot the std deviations
  ##Plotting the p-value std dev doesn't really make sense
  for (i in seq_len(length(l))) {
    upp_y = max(sqrt(l[[i]]$v_up))
    low_y = min(sqrt(l[[i]]$v_low))
    if (names(l[i]) != "p-value") {
      plot(l[[i]]$x, sqrt(l[[i]]$v),
           type = "l", ylim = c(low_y, upp_y),
           ylab = names(l[i]),
           xlab = "Iteration",
           panel.first = grid(), col = 1,
           main = "Cumulative std dev")
      lines(l[[i]]$x, sqrt(l[[i]]$v_up), col = 2)
      lines(l[[i]]$x, sqrt(l[[i]]$v_low), col = 2)
#CI for s is sqrt((n-1)*s/chi(n-1))

#' Plot methods for bootstrap objects
#' A simple wrapper around the plot function to aid with visualising the bootstrap results.
#' The values plotted are returned as an invisible object.
#' @param x an object of class `bs_xmin` or `bs_p_xmin`
#' @param trim When plotting the cumulative means and standard deviation,
#' the first trim percentage of values are not displayed. default `trim=0.1`
#' @param ...  graphics parameters to be passed to the plotting routines.
#' @method plot bs_xmin
#' @export
plot.bs_xmin = function(x, trim = 0.1, ...) {
  ## Remove any problem bootstraps
  bs = x$bootstraps

  ## Change to anyNA in future (need R >= 3.1.0)
  x$bootstraps = bs[!apply(bs, 1, function(i) any(is.na(i))), ]

  no_plots = ncol(x$bootstraps) - 1
  l = list()
  for (i in 1:no_plots) {
    d = x$bootstraps[, i + 1]
    l[[i]] = get_cum_summary(d, trim)
  names(l) = c("Xmin", paste("Par", 1:(no_plots - 2)), "ntail")
  create_plots(l, no_plots)

#' @rdname plot.bs_xmin
#' @method plot bs_p_xmin
#' @export
plot.bs_p_xmin = function(x, trim = 0.1, ...) {
  ## Remove any problem bootstraps
  bs = x$bootstraps
  x$bootstraps = bs[!apply(bs, 1, function(i) any(is.na(i))), ]

  no_plots = ncol(x$bootstraps)
  l = list()
  for (i in 1:(no_plots - 1)) {
    d = x$bootstraps[, i + 1]
    l[[i]] = get_cum_summary(d, trim)
  l[[no_plots]] = get_cum_summary(x$gof < x$bootstraps$gof, trim)

  names(l) = c("Xmin", paste("Par", 1:(no_plots - 3)), "ntail", "p-value")
  create_plots(l, no_plots)

#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @rdname plot.bs_xmin
#' @method plot compare_distributions
#' @export
plot.compare_distributions = function(x, ...) {
  dd = x$ratio[!duplicated(x$ratio$x), ]
  defaults = list(xlab = "x", ylab = "Log-likelihood Ratio")
  args = modifyList(defaults, list(x = dd$x, y = dd$ratio, ...))
  do.call("plot", args)
  invisible(data.frame(x = dd$x, y = dd$ratio))

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