
Defines functions pbi_row_push_few pbi_schema_add_relations pbi_schema_table_get pbi_schema_table_prop pbi_schema_hidden pbi_schema_sort pbi_schema_column_prop pbi_schema_types_infer get_request

get_request <- function(url, header) {

  resp <- httr::GET(url, header)

  if (httr::http_error(resp)) stop(httr::content(resp), call. = FALSE)

  resp <- httr::content(resp, "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
  resp <- try(jsonlite::fromJSON(resp, simplifyVector = FALSE))

  if (inherits(resp, "try-error")) {
    stop("The Power BI API returned an empty value or the value could not be parsed.")


# Infer Power BI data types from a data frame. Used in pbi_schema_column_prop().
pbi_schema_types_infer <- function(vector) {

  if( !is.atomic(vector) ) stop('The argument must be an atomic vector')

  if (inherits(vector, "Date")) return("DateTime")
  else if (inherits(vector, "POSIXt")) return("DateTime")
  else if (inherits(vector, "POSIXct")) return("DateTime")
  else if (inherits(vector, "factor")) return("String")
  else if (inherits(vector, "logical")) return("Boolean")
  else if (inherits(vector, "numeric")) return("Double")
  else if (inherits(vector, "integer")) return("Int64")
  else return("String")

# Define Power BI formats for columns of a data frame. Used in pbi_schema_table_prop().
pbi_schema_column_prop <- function(dt,
                                   table_name = "table1",
                                   date_format = "yyyy-mm-dd",
                                   integer_format = "#,###0",
                                   double_format = "#,###.00") {

  cols <- names(dt)
  data_types <- sapply(dt, pbi_schema_types_infer)

  format_string <- rep("Standard", length(data_types))

  datetime_index <- which(data_types == "DateTime")
  format_string[datetime_index] <- date_format

  int_index <- which(data_types == "Int64")
  format_string[int_index] <- integer_format

  dob_index <- which(data_types == "Double")
  format_string[dob_index] <- double_format

  table <- jsonlite::unbox(data.table::data.table(
    name = table_name,
    columns = list(
        name = cols,
        dataType = data_types,
        formatString = format_string

  if(!is.null(attr(dt, "sort_by_cols"))) {

    sort_by_cols <- attr(dt, "sort_by_cols")
    table$columns[[1]] <- sort_by_cols[table$columns[[1]], on = "name"]


  if(!is.null(attr(dt, "hidden_cols"))) {

    hidden_cols <- attr(dt, "hidden_cols")
    table$columns[[1]] <- hidden_cols[table$columns[[1]], on = "name"]




pbi_schema_sort <- function(dt, sort = NULL, sort_by = NULL) {

  sorttbl <- data.table(name = sort, sortByColumn = sort_by)
  attr(dt, "sort_by_cols") <- sorttbl



pbi_schema_hidden <- function(dt, hidden = NULL) {

  hidtbl <- data.table(name = hidden, isHidden = TRUE)
  attr(dt, "hidden_cols") <- hidtbl



pbi_schema_table_prop <- function(dt,
                                  date_format = "yyyy-mm-dd",
                                  integer_format = "#,###0",
                                  double_format = "#,###.00") {

  schema <- pbi_schema_column_prop(
    date_format = date_format,
    integer_format = integer_format,
    double_format = double_format



# Used in pbi_push_table()
pbi_schema_table_get <- function(schema, table_name = NULL) {

  tables <- schema[["tables"]]

  nm <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(tables)) { nm[[i]] <- schema[["tables"]][[i]][["name"]] }
  nm <- unlist(nm)
  pos <- match(table_name, nm)

  table_schema <- schema[["tables"]][[pos]]


# Define Power BI table relations
# schema: A schema object from pbi_schema_create()
# rel_list: A list of relations as returned by pbi_schema_relation_create()

pbi_schema_add_relations <- function(schema, rel_list) {

  rel_list <- lapply(rel_list, jsonlite::unbox)

  rel <- list(relationships = rel_list)
  new_schema <- append(schema, rel)



# Internal api calls ------------------------------------------------------

pbi_row_push_few <- function(dt,
                             table_name) {

  rowcount <- nrow(dt)

  token <- pbi_get_token()

  url <- paste0("https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/groups/", group_id, "/datasets/", dataset_id, "/tables/", table_name, "/rows")
  url <- utils::URLencode(url)

  header <- httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer", token))

  rows <- list(rows = dt)

  resp <- httr::POST(url, header, body = rows, encode = 'json')

  if (httr::http_error(resp)) {stop(httr::content(resp), call. = FALSE)}

  message("Successfully added ", rowcount," rows to ", table_name)


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powerbiR documentation built on Aug. 23, 2022, 5:06 p.m.