
Defines functions predvalidatesummary.fnc plot.predvalidate summary.predvalidate_survival print.predvalidate_survival summary.predvalidate_logistic print.predvalidate_logistic pred_validate.predinfo_survival pred_validate.predinfo_logistic pred_validate.default pred_validate

Documented in pred_validate

#' Validate an existing prediction
#' Validate an existing prediction model, to calculate the predictive
#' performance against a new (validation) dataset.
#' @param x an object of class "\code{predinfo}" produced by calling
#'   \code{\link{pred_input_info}}.
#' @param new_data data.frame upon which the prediction model should be
#'   evaluated.
#' @param binary_outcome Character variable giving the name of the column in
#'   \code{new_data} that represents the observed binary outcomes (should be
#'   coded 0 and 1 for non-event and event, respectively). Only relevant for
#'   \code{model_type}="logistic"; leave as \code{NULL} otherwise. Leave as
#'   \code{NULL} if \code{new_data} does not contain any outcomes.
#' @param survival_time Character variable giving the name of the column in
#'   \code{new_data} that represents the observed survival times. Only relevant
#'   for \code{x$model_type}="survival"; leave as \code{NULL} otherwise.
#' @param event_indicator Character variable giving the name of the column in
#'   \code{new_data} that represents the observed survival indicator (1 for
#'   event, 0 for censoring). Only relevant for \code{x$model_type}="survival";
#'   leave as \code{NULL} otherwise.
#' @param time_horizon for survival models, an integer giving the time horizon
#'   (post baseline) at which a prediction is required. Currently, this must
#'   match a time in x$cum_hazard.
#' @param level the confidence level required for all performance metrics.
#'   Defaults at 95%. Must be a value between 0 and 1.
#' @param cal_plot indicate if a flexible calibration plot should be produced
#'   (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
#' @param ... further plotting arguments for the calibration plot. See Details
#'   below.
#' @details This function takes an existing prediction model formatted according
#'   to \code{\link{pred_input_info}}, and calculates measures of predictive
#'   performance on new data (e.g., within an external validation study). The
#'   information about the existing prediction model should first be inputted by
#'   calling \code{\link{pred_input_info}}, before passing the resulting object
#'   to \code{pred_validate}.
#'   \code{new_data} should be a data.frame, where each row should be an
#'   observation (e.g. patient) and each variable/column should be a predictor
#'   variable. The predictor variables need to include (as a minimum) all of the
#'   predictor variables that are included in the existing prediction model
#'   (i.e., each of the variable names supplied to
#'   \code{\link{pred_input_info}}, through the \code{model_info} parameter,
#'   must match the name of a variables in \code{new_data}).
#'   Any factor variables within \code{new_data} must be converted to dummy
#'   (0/1) variables before calling this function. \code{\link{dummy_vars}} can
#'   help with this. See \code{\link{pred_predict}} for examples.
#'   \code{binary_outcome}, \code{survival_time} and \code{event_indicator} are
#'   used to specify the outcome variable(s) within \code{new_data} (use
#'   \code{binary_outcome} if \code{x$model_type} = "logistic", or use
#'   \code{survival_time} and \code{event_indicator} if \code{x$model_type} =
#'   "survival").
#'   In the case of validating a logistic regression model, this function
#'   assesses the predictive performance of the predicted risks against an
#'   observed binary outcome. Various metrics of calibration (agreement between
#'   the observed risk and the predicted risks, across the full risk range) and
#'   discrimination (ability of the model to distinguish between those who
#'   develop the outcome and those who do not) are calculated. For calibration,
#'   the observed-to-expected ratio, calibration intercept and calibration
#'   slopes are estimated. The calibration intercept is estimated by fitting a
#'   logistic regression model to the observed binary outcomes, with the linear
#'   predictor of the model as an offset. For calibration slope, a logistic
#'   regression model is fit to the observed binary outcome with the linear
#'   predictor from the model as the only covariate. For discrimination, the
#'   function estimates the area under the receiver operating characteristic
#'   curve (AUC). Various other metrics are also calculated to assess overall
#'   accuracy (Brier score, Cox-Snell R2).
#'   In the case of validating a survival prediction model, this function
#'   assesses the predictive performance of the linear predictor and
#'   (optionally) the predicted event probabilities at a fixed time horizon
#'   against an observed time-to-event outcome. Various metrics of calibration
#'   and discrimination are calculated. For calibration, the
#'   observed-to-expected ratio at the specified \code{time_horizon} (if
#'   predicted risks are available through specification of \code{x$cum_hazard})
#'   and calibration slope are produced. For discrimination, Harrell's
#'   C-statistic is calculated.
#'   For both model types, a flexible calibration plot is produced (for survival
#'   models, the cumulative baseline hazard must be available in the
#'   \code{predinfo} object, \code{x$cum_hazard}). Specify parameter
#'   \code{cal_plot} to indicate whether a calibration plot should be produced
#'   (TRUE), or not (FALSE). The calibration plot is produced by regressing the
#'   observed outcomes against a cubic spline of the logit of predicted risks
#'   (for a logistic model) or the complementary log-log of the predicted risks
#'   (for a survival model). Users can specify the following additional
#'   parameters to \code{\link{pred_validate}} to modify the calibration plot:
#'   \itemize{
#'    \item {\code{xlim} as a numeric vector of length 2, giving the lower and
#'    upper range of the x-axis scale - defaults at 0 and 1. Changes here should
#'    match changes to the \code{ylim} such that the plot remains 'square'.}
#'    \item {\code{ylim} as a numeric vector of length 2, giving the lower and
#'    upper range of the y-axis scale - defaults at 0 and 1. Changes here should
#'    match changes to the \code{xlim} such that the plot remains 'square'.}
#'    \item {\code{xlab} string giving the x-axis label. Defaults as
#'    "Predicted Probability".}
#'    \item {\code{ylab} string giving the x-axis label. Defaults as
#'    "Observed Probability".}
#'    \item {\code{pred_rug} TRUE/FALSE of whether a 'rug' should be placed
#'    along the x-axis of the calibration plot showing the distribution of
#'    predicted risks. Defaults as FALSE in favour of examining the
#'    box-plot/violin plot that is produced.}
#'    \item {\code{cal_plot_n_sample} numeric value (less than nrow(new_data))
#'    giving a random subset of observations to render the calibration plot
#'    over. The calibration plot is always created using all data, but for
#'    rendering speed in large datasets, it can sometimes be useful to render
#'    the plot over a smaller (random) subset of observations.
#'    Final (e.g. publication-ready) plots should always show the full plot,
#'    so a warning is created if users enter a value of cal_plot_n_sample.}
#'   }
#' @return \code{\link{pred_validate}} returns an object of class
#'   "\code{predvalidate}", with child classes per \code{model_type}. This is a
#'   list of performance metrics, estimated by applying the existing prediction
#'   model to the new_data. An object of class "\code{predvalidate}" is a list
#'   containing relevant calibration and discrimination measures. For logistic
#'   regression models, this will include observed:expected ratio,
#'   calibration-intercept, calibration slope, area under the ROC curve,
#'   R-squared, and Brier Score. For survival models, this will include
#'   observed:expected ratio (if \code{cum_hazard} is provided to \code{x}),
#'   calibration slope, and Harrell's C-statistic. Optionally, a flexible
#'   calibration plot is also produced, along with a box-plot and violin plot of
#'   the predicted risk distribution.
#'   The \code{summary} function can be used to extract and print summary
#'   performance results (calibration and discrimination metrics). The graphical
#'   assessments of performance can be extracted using \code{plot}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Example 1 - multiple existing model, with outcome specified; uses
#' #            an example dataset within the package
#' model1 <- pred_input_info(model_type = "logistic",
#'                           model_info = SYNPM$Existing_logistic_models)
#' val_results <- pred_validate(x = model1,
#'                              new_data = SYNPM$ValidationData,
#'                              binary_outcome = "Y",
#'                              cal_plot = FALSE)
#' summary(val_results)
#' @seealso \code{\link{pred_input_info}}
pred_validate <- function(x,
                          binary_outcome = NULL,
                          survival_time = NULL,
                          event_indicator = NULL,
                          time_horizon = NULL,
                          level = 0.95,
                          cal_plot = TRUE,
                          ...) {

#' @export
pred_validate.default <- function(x,
                                  binary_outcome = NULL,
                                  survival_time = NULL,
                                  event_indicator = NULL,
                                  time_horizon = NULL,
                                  level = 0.95,
                                  cal_plot = TRUE, ...) {
  stop("'x' is not of class 'predinfo'",
       call. = FALSE)

#' @export
pred_validate.predinfo_logistic <- function(x,
                                            binary_outcome = NULL,
                                            survival_time = NULL,
                                            event_indicator = NULL,
                                            time_horizon = NULL,
                                            level = 0.95,
                                            cal_plot = TRUE, ...){

  #Check outcomes were inputted (needed to validate the model)
  if (is.null(binary_outcome)) {
    stop("binary_outcome must be supplied to validate the existing model(s)",
         call. = FALSE)

  #ensure level is specified correctly
  if (!is.numeric(level)) {
    stop("level specified incorrectly; must be a value between 0 and 1",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (level > 1 |
      level < 0 |
      is.na(level) |
      is.null(level)) {
    stop("level specified incorrectly; must be a value between 0 and 1",
         call. = FALSE)

  #Make predictions within new_data using the existing prediction model(s)
  predictions <- predRupdate::pred_predict(x = x,
                                           new_data = new_data,
                                           binary_outcome = binary_outcome,
                                           survival_time = survival_time,
                                           event_indicator = event_indicator,
                                           time_horizon = time_horizon)

  if (x$M == 1) {
    performance <- validate_logistic(ObservedOutcome = predictions$Outcomes,
                                     Prob = predictions$PredictedRisk,
                                     LP = predictions$LinearPredictor,
                                     level = level,
                                     cal_plot = cal_plot,
  } else{
    performance <- vector(mode = "list", length = x$M)
    for (m in 1:x$M) {
      performance[[m]] <-
        validate_logistic(ObservedOutcome = predictions[[m]]$Outcomes,
                          Prob = predictions[[m]]$PredictedRisk,
                          LP = predictions[[m]]$LinearPredictor,
                          level = level,
                          cal_plot = cal_plot,
  performance$M <- x$M
  class(performance) <- c("predvalidate_logistic", "predvalidate")

#' @export
pred_validate.predinfo_survival <- function(x,
                                            binary_outcome = NULL,
                                            survival_time = NULL,
                                            event_indicator = NULL,
                                            time_horizon = NULL,
                                            level = 0.95,
                                            cal_plot = TRUE, ...){

  #Check outcomes were inputted (needed to validate the model)
  if (is.null(survival_time) |
      is.null(event_indicator)) {
    stop("survival_time and event_indicator must be supplied to validate the existing model(s)",
         call. = FALSE)

  #ensure that a time_horizon is supplied - needed for validating time-to-event models:
  if (is.null(time_horizon)) {
    stop("time_horizon must be supplied to validate time-to-event models")

  #ensure level is specified correctly
  if (!is.numeric(level)) {
    stop("level specified incorrectly; must be a value between 0 and 1",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (level > 1 |
      level < 0 |
      is.na(level) |
      is.null(level)) {
    stop("level specified incorrectly; must be a value between 0 and 1",
         call. = FALSE)

  #Make predictions within new_data using the existing prediction model(s)
  predictions <- predRupdate::pred_predict(x = x,
                                           new_data = new_data,
                                           binary_outcome = binary_outcome,
                                           survival_time = survival_time,
                                           event_indicator = event_indicator,
                                           time_horizon = time_horizon)

  if (x$M == 1) {
    performance <- validate_survival(ObservedOutcome = predictions$Outcomes,
                                     Prob = predictions$PredictedRisk,
                                     LP = predictions$LinearPredictor,
                                     time_horizon = predictions$TimeHorizon,
                                     level = level,
                                     cal_plot = cal_plot,
  } else{
    performance <- vector(mode = "list", length = x$M)
    for (m in 1:x$M) {
      performance[[m]] <-
        validate_survival(ObservedOutcome = predictions[[m]]$Outcomes,
                          Prob = predictions[[m]]$PredictedRisk,
                          LP = predictions[[m]]$LinearPredictor,
                          time_horizon = predictions[[m]]$TimeHorizon,
                          level = level,
                          cal_plot = cal_plot,
  performance$M <- x$M
  class(performance) <- c("predvalidate_survival", "predvalidate")

#' @export
print.predvalidate_logistic <- function(x, ...) {
 if(x$M == 1){
    print(list("OE_ratio" = x$OE_ratio,
               "OE_ratio_lower" = x$OE_ratio_lower,
               "OE_ratio_upper" = x$OE_ratio_upper,
               "CalInt" = x$CalInt,
               "CalInt_SE" = x$CalIntSE,
               "CalInt_lower" = x$CalInt_lower,
               "CalInt_upper" = x$CalInt_upper,
               "CalSlope" = x$CalSlope,
               "CalSlope_SE" = x$CalSlopeSE,
               "CalSlope_lower" = x$CalSlope_lower,
               "CalSlope_upper" = x$CalSlope_upper,
               "AUC" = x$AUC,
               "AUC_SE" = x$AUCSE,
               "AUC_lower" = x$AUC_lower,
               "AUC_upper" = x$AUC_upper,
               "R2_CoxSnell" = x$R2_coxsnell,
               "R2_Nagelkerke" = x$R2_Nagelkerke,
               "BrierScore" = x$BrierScore,
               "Brier_lower" = x$Brier_lower,
               "Brier_upper" = x$Brier_upper))

    if(!is.null(x$PR_dist)) {
    if(!is.null(x$flex_calibrationplot)) {
  } else{
    for(m in 1:x$M) {
      cat(paste("\nPerformance Results for Model", m, "\n", sep = " "))
      cat("================================= \n")
      print(list("OE_ratio" = x[[m]]$OE_ratio,
                 "OE_ratio_lower" = x[[m]]$OE_ratio_lower,
                 "OE_ratio_upper" = x[[m]]$OE_ratio_upper,
                 "CalInt" = x[[m]]$CalInt,
                 "CalInt_SE" = x[[m]]$CalIntSE,
                 "CalInt_lower" = x[[m]]$CalInt_lower,
                 "CalInt_upper" = x[[m]]$CalInt_upper,
                 "CalSlope" = x[[m]]$CalSlope,
                 "CalSlope_SE" = x[[m]]$CalSlopeSE,
                 "CalSlope_lower" = x[[m]]$CalSlope_lower,
                 "CalSlope_upper" = x[[m]]$CalSlope_upper,
                 "AUC" = x[[m]]$AUC,
                 "AUC_SE" = x[[m]]$AUCSE,
                 "AUC_lower" = x[[m]]$AUC_lower,
                 "AUC_upper" = x[[m]]$AUC_upper,
                 "R2_CoxSnell" = x[[m]]$R2_coxsnell,
                 "R2_Nagelkerke" = x[[m]]$R2_Nagelkerke,
                 "BrierScore" = x[[m]]$BrierScore,
                 "Brier_lower" = x[[m]]$Brier_lower,
                 "Brier_upper" = x[[m]]$Brier_upper))

      if(!is.null(x[[m]]$PR_dist)) {
      if(!is.null(x[[m]]$flex_calibrationplot)) {

#' @export
summary.predvalidate_logistic <- function(object, ...) {
  if(object$M == 1){
    predvalidatesummary.fnc(object = object,
                            model_type = "logistic")
  } else{
    for(m in 1:object$M) {
      cat(paste("\nPerformance Results for Model", m, "\n", sep = " "))
      cat("================================= \n")
      predvalidatesummary.fnc(object = object[[m]],
                              model_type = "logistic")

#' @export
print.predvalidate_survival <- function(x, ...) {
  if(x$M == 1){
    print(list("OE_ratio" = x$OE_ratio,
               "OE_ratio_lower" = x$OE_ratio_lower,
               "OE_ratio_upper" = x$OE_ratio_upper,
               "CalSlope" = x$CalSlope,
               "CalSlope_SE" = x$CalSlope_SE,
               "CalSlope_lower" = x$CalSlope_lower,
               "CalSlope_upper" = x$CalSlope_upper,
               "harrell_C" = x$harrell_C,
               "harrell_C_SE" = x$harrell_C_SE,
               "harrell_C_lower" = x$harrell_C_lower,
               "harrell_C_upper" = x$harrell_C_upper))
    if(!is.null(x$PR_dist)) {
    if(!is.null(x$flex_calibrationplot)) {
  } else{
    for(m in 1:x$M) {
      cat(paste("\nPerformance Results for Model", m, "\n", sep = " "))
      cat("================================= \n")
      print(list("OE_ratio" = x[[m]]$OE_ratio,
                 "OE_ratio_lower" = x[[m]]$OE_ratio_lower,
                 "OE_ratio_upper" = x[[m]]$OE_ratio_upper,
                 "CalSlope" = x[[m]]$CalSlope,
                 "CalSlope_SE" = x[[m]]$CalSlope_SE,
                 "CalSlope_lower" = x[[m]]$CalSlope_lower,
                 "CalSlope_upper" = x[[m]]$CalSlope_upper,
                 "harrell_C" = x[[m]]$harrell_C,
                 "harrell_C_SE" = x[[m]]$harrell_C_SE,
                 "harrell_C_lower" = x[[m]]$harrell_C_lower,
                 "harrell_C_upper" = x[[m]]$harrell_C_upper))
      if(!is.null(x[[m]]$PR_dist)) {
      if(!is.null(x[[m]]$flex_calibrationplot)) {

#' @export
summary.predvalidate_survival <- function(object, ...) {
  if(object$M == 1){
    predvalidatesummary.fnc(object = object,
                            model_type = "survival")

  } else{
    for(m in 1:object$M) {
      cat(paste("\nPerformance Results for Model", m, "\n", sep = " "))
      cat("================================= \n")
      predvalidatesummary.fnc(object = object[[m]],
                              model_type = "survival")


#' @export
plot.predvalidate <- function(x, ...) {

  if (x$M == 1){
    if(!is.null(x$PR_dist) & !is.null(x$flex_calibrationplot)) {
                              nrow = 1,
                              ncol = 2))
    } else if(!is.null(x$PR_dist)) {
    } else if(!is.null(x$flex_calibrationplot)) {
    } else{
      cat("No plots to print; re-run pred_validate with plotting options")
  } else {
    for (m in 1:x$M) {
      if(!is.null(x[[m]]$PR_dist) & !is.null(x[[m]]$flex_calibrationplot)) {
                                nrow = 1,
                                ncol = 2))
      } else if(!is.null(x[[m]]$PR_dist)) {
      } else if(!is.null(x[[m]]$flex_calibrationplot)) {
      } else{
        cat("No plots to print; re-run pred_validate with plotting options")


predvalidatesummary.fnc <- function(object, model_type) {
  if(model_type == "logistic") {

    cat("Calibration Measures \n",
        "--------------------------------- \n", sep = "")
    results <- matrix(NA, ncol = 3, nrow = 3)
    colnames(results) <- c("Estimate",
                           paste("Lower ",
                                 "% Confidence Interval", sep = ""),
                           paste("Upper ",
                                 "% Confidence Interval", sep = ""))
    rownames(results) <- c("Observed:Expected Ratio",
                           "Calibration Intercept",
                           "Calibration Slope")
    results[1,] <- c(round(object$OE_ratio, 4),
                     round(object$OE_ratio_lower, 4),
                     round(object$OE_ratio_upper, 4))
    results[2,] <- c(round(object$CalInt, 4),
                     round(object$CalInt_lower, 4),
                     round(object$CalInt_upper, 4))
    results[3,] <- c(round(object$CalSlope, 4),
                     round(object$CalSlope_lower, 4),
                     round(object$CalSlope_upper, 4))
    cat("\n Also examine the calibration plot, if produced. \n")
    cat("\nDiscrimination Measures \n",
        "--------------------------------- \n", sep = "")
    results <- matrix(NA, ncol = 3, nrow = 1)
    colnames(results) <- c("Estimate",
                           paste("Lower ",
                                 "% Confidence Interval", sep = ""),
                           paste("Upper ",
                                 "% Confidence Interval", sep = ""))
    rownames(results) <- c("AUC")
    results[1,] <- c(round(object$AUC, 4),
                     round(object$AUC_lower, 4),
                     round(object$AUC_upper, 4))
    cat("\nOverall Performance Measures \n",
        "--------------------------------- \n", sep = "")
    cat("Cox-Snell R-squared: ", round(object$R2_CoxSnell, 4), "\n", sep = "")
    cat("Nagelkerke R-squared: ", round(object$R2_Nagelkerke, 4), "\n", sep = "")
    cat("Brier Score (CI): ",
        round(object$BrierScore, 4),
        " (",
        round(object$Brier_lower, 4),
        ", ",
        round(object$Brier_upper, 4),
        ")", "\n", sep = "")

    cat("\n Also examine the distribution plot of predicted risks. \n")

  } else if(model_type == "survival"){

    cat("Calibration Measures \n",
        "--------------------------------- \n", sep = "")
    results <- matrix(NA, ncol = 3, nrow = 2)
    colnames(results) <- c("Estimate",
                           paste("Lower ",
                                 "% Confidence Interval", sep = ""),
                           paste("Upper ",
                                 "% Confidence Interval", sep = ""))
    rownames(results) <- c("Observed:Expected Ratio",
                           "Calibration Slope")
    results[1,] <- c(round(object$OE_ratio, 4),
                     round(object$OE_ratio_lower, 4),
                     round(object$OE_ratio_upper, 4))
    results[2,] <- c(round(object$CalSlope, 4),
                     round(object$CalSlope_lower, 4),
                     round(object$CalSlope_upper, 4))
    cat("\n Also examine the calibration plot, if produced. \n")
    cat("\nDiscrimination Measures \n",
        "--------------------------------- \n", sep = "")
    results <- matrix(NA, ncol = 3, nrow = 1)
    colnames(results) <- c("Estimate",
                           paste("Lower ",
                                 "% Confidence Interval", sep = ""),
                           paste("Upper ",
                                 "% Confidence Interval", sep = ""))
    rownames(results) <- c("Harrell C")
    results[1,] <- c(round(object$harrell_C, 4),
                     round(object$harrell_C_lower, 4),
                     round(object$harrell_C_upper, 4))

    cat("\n Also examine the distribution plot of predicted risks. \n")


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predRupdate documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:34 p.m.