#' Convenience function to read spreadsheet-like files
#' Currently reads spreadsheets from Google Sheets or from `xlsx`, `csv`,
#' or `sav` files. Normally, you don't use this, but instead you
#' use [preregr::form_fromSpreadsheet()].
#' @param x The URL or path to a file.
#' @param sheet Optionally, the name(s) of the worksheet(s) to select.
#' @param columnDictionary Optionally, a dictionary with column names to
#' check for presence. A named list of vectors.
#' @param localBackup If not `NULL`, a valid filename to write a local
#' backup to.
#' @param exportGoogleSheet If `x` is a URL to a Google Sheet, instead of using
#' thr `googlesheets4` package to download the data, by passing
#' `exportGoogleSheet=TRUE`, an export link will be produced and the data
#' will be downloaded as Excel spreadsheet.
#' @param flattenSingleDf Whether to return the result as a data frame if
#' only one data frame is returned as a result.
#' @param xlsxPkg Which package to use to work with Excel spreadsheets.
#' @param failQuietly Whether to give an error when `x` is not a valid URL
#' or existing file, or just return `NULL` invisibly.
#' @param silent Whether to be silent or chatty.
#' @return A list of dataframes, or, if only one data frame was loaded and
#' `flattenSingleDf` is `TRUE`, a data frame.
#' @export
#' @examples \donttest{
#' ### Note that this example requires an internet connection!
#' read_spreadsheet(
#' paste0(
#' "",
#' "spreadsheets/d/",
#' "1bHDzpCu4CwEa5_3_q_9vH2691XPhCS3e4Aj_HLhw_U8"
#' )
#' );
#' }
read_spreadsheet <- function(x,
sheet = NULL,
columnDictionary = NULL,
localBackup = NULL,
exportGoogleSheet = FALSE,
flattenSingleDf = FALSE,
xlsxPkg = c("rw_xl", "openxlsx", "XLConnect"),
failQuietly = FALSE,
silent = preregr::opts$get("silent")) {
xlsxPkgLabels <-
c(rw_xl = "readxl and writexl",
openxlsx = "openxlsx",
XLConnect = "XLConnect");
gSheetId_extractionRegex <- preregr::opts$get("gSheetId_extractionRegex");
gSheetId_to_exportLink <- preregr::opts$get("gSheetId_to_exportLink");
if (!is.character(x)) {
stop("As `x`, you must pass a character value (i.e. a single string). ",
"Instead, you passed something with class ", vecTxtQ(class(x)), ".");
if (!(length(x) == 1)) {
stop("As `x`, you must pass a character value (i.e. a single string). ",
"Instead, you passed a character vector with ", length(x),
" elements.");
x <- trimws(x);
xlsxPkg <- xlsxPkg[1];
### Download file or data, if necessary
if (grepl(gSheetId_extractionRegex, x)) {
msg("The value you passed as `x` (", x,
") matched the regular expression for extracting a Google Sheet ",
"identifier (", gSheetId_extractionRegex,
"), so proceeding to extract that.\n",
gSheetId <-
if (exportGoogleSheet) {
gSheet_exportLink <-
sprintf(gSheetId_to_exportLink, gSheetId);
fileToRead <- tempfile(fileext=".xlsx");
msg("You set `exportGoogleSheet=TRUE`, so I will export the ",
"spreadsheet as an xlsx file which I will store as a temporary ",
"file and then import.\n",
downloadResult <-
url = gSheet_exportLink,
destfile = fileToRead,
quiet = silent,
mode = "wb"
if (!(downloadResult == 0)) {
stop("Could not download the google sheet as xlsx file from ",
gSheet_exportLink, " and save it to a local temporary file.");
} else {
downloaded <- TRUE;
extension <- tools::file_ext(fileToRead);
msg("Succesfully downloaded the file.\n",
} else {
if (requireNamespace("googlesheets4", quietly = TRUE)) {
msg("You set `exportGoogleSheet=FALSE`, so I will download the data ",
"through the Google Sheets API.\n",
### Indicate we want to use the Google Sheets API without authenticating
sheetNames <- googlesheets4::sheet_names(x);
res <-
ss = x
names(res) <- sheetNames;
downloaded <- TRUE;
fileToRead <- NULL;
msg("Succesfully downloaded the data.\n",
} else {
stop("To read Google Sheets URLs, the {googlesheets4} package ",
"has to be installed. You can install it with:\n\n",
" install.packages('googlesheets4');\n");
} else if (grepl("^http", x)) {
msg("The value you passed as `x` (", x,
") did not match the regular expression for extracting a ",
"Google Sheet identifier (", gSheetId_extractionRegex,
"), but did start with http(s), so attempting to download.\n",
extension <- tools::file_ext(x);
fileToRead <- tempfile(fileext = extension);
downloadResult <- utils::download.file(x,
quiet = silent,
mode = "wb");
if (!(downloadResult == 0)) {
stop("Could not download the google sheet as xlsx file from ",
x, " and save it to a local temporary file.");
} else {
downloaded <- TRUE;
extension <- tools::file_ext(fileToRead);
msg("Succesfully downloaded the file.\n",
} else if (file.exists(x)) {
msg("The value you passed as `x` (", x,
") refers to a file that exists on your hard drive. ",
"Proceeding to import the data from that file.\n",
fileToRead <- x;
extension <- tools::file_ext(x);
downloaded <- FALSE;
} else {
if (failQuietly) {
} else {
stop("In `x`, I couldn't recognize a Google Sheets URL, an URL to a file ",
"hosted on a website, or a path to an existing file.");
### Read file from disk, if necessary
if (!is.null(fileToRead)) {
extension <- trimws(tolower(extension));
if (extension == "xlsx") {
msg("The extension of the file is `xlsx`, and you specified {",
"} as the package to use to read Excel files, so ",
"starting to read the data with those parameters.\n",
if (xlsxPkg == "rw_xl") {
if (requireNamespace("readxl", quietly = TRUE)) {
sheetNames <- readxl::excel_sheets(fileToRead);
res <-
path = fileToRead,
col_types = "text"
names(res) <- sheetNames;
} else {
stop("To read Excel spreadsheets (`.xlsx`), the {readxl} package ",
"has to be installed. You can install it with:\n\n",
" install.packages('readxl');\n");
} else if (xlsxPkg == "openxlsx") {
if (requireNamespace("openxlsx", quietly = TRUE)) {
wb <- openxlsx::loadWorkbook(fileToRead);
sheetNames <- names(wb);
res <-
xlsxFile = wb
names(res) <- sheetNames;
} else {
stop("To read Excel spreadsheets (`.xlsx`), the {openxlsx} package ",
"has to be installed. You can install it with:\n\n",
" install.packages('openxlsx');\n");
} else if (xlsxPkg == "XLConnect") {
if (requireNamespace("XLConnect", quietly = TRUE)) {
wb <- XLConnect::loadWorkbook(fileToRead);
sheetNames <- XLConnect::getSheets(wb);
res <-
xlsxFile = wb
names(res) <- sheetNames;
} else {
stop("To read Excel spreadsheets (`.xlsx`), the {XLConnect} package ",
"has to be installed. You can install it with:\n\n",
" install.packages('XLConnect');\n");
msg("Succesfully imported spreadsheet.\n",
} else if (extension == "sav") {
if (requireNamespace("haven", quietly = TRUE)) {
msg("Starting to import spreadsheet from SPSS file.\n",
res <- haven::read_sav(fileToRead);
msg("Succesfully imported spreadsheet.\n",
} else {
stop("To read SPSS files (`.sav`), the {haven} package ",
"has to be installed. You can install it with:\n\n",
" install.packages('haven');\n");
} else if (extension == "csv") {
msg("Starting to import spreadsheet from comma separated values file.\n",
res <- utils::read.csv(x);
msg("Succesfully imported spreadsheet.\n",
} else {
stop("Sorry, but I can't (yet) read files with the extension of the ",
"file you provided me with (", extension, ").");
### Select desired sheet
if (!is.null(sheet)) {
msg("You specified a value for the `sheet` argument: selecting that ",
"spreadsheet (or those spreadsheets).\n",
if (all(sheet %in% names(res))) {
res <- res[sheet];
msg("Selected sheet(s) ", vecTxtQ(sheet), "!\n",
silent = silent);
} else {
msg("Sheet(s) ", vecTxtQ(sheet),
" not (all) found in the imported data, so not ",
"selecting anything.\n",
silent = silent);
} else {
if ( {
res <- list(res);
### Convert everything to a data frame
resNames <- names(res);
res <- lapply(res,;
names(res) <- resNames;
### Note, at this point we have the results as a list of dataframes
### Optionally write backup
if (downloaded && (!is.null(localBackup))) {
msg("You passed a value for `localBackup` (", localBackup,
"), so attempting to save a local backup.\n",
silent = silent);
if (!is.null(downloadResult) && (downloadResult == 0)) {
msg("A file was downloaded, so just copying that file as local backup.\n",
silent = silent);
file.copy(fileToRead, localBackup, overwrite = TRUE);
} else {
msg("The data were read directly, so storing the local backup ",
"in an Excel spreadsheet.\n",
silent = silent);
if (xlsxPkg == "rw_xl") {
if (requireNamespace("writexl", quietly = TRUE)) {
x = res,
path = localBackup
} else {
stop("To write Excel spreadsheets (`.xlsx`), the {writexl} package ",
"has to be installed. You can install it with:\n\n",
" install.packages('writexl');\n");
} else if (xlsxPkg == "openxlsx") {
if (requireNamespace("openxlsx", quietly = TRUE)) {
x = res,
file = localBackup,
overwrite = TRUE
} else {
stop("To write Excel spreadsheets (`.xlsx`), the {openxlsx} package ",
"has to be installed. You can install it with:\n\n",
" install.packages('openxlsx');\n");
} else if (xlsxPkg == "XLConnect") {
if (requireNamespace("XLConnect", quietly = TRUE)) {
file = localBackup,
data = res,
sheet = names(res)
} else {
stop("To write Excel spreadsheets (`.xlsx`), the {XLConnect} package ",
"has to be installed. You can install it with:\n\n",
" install.packages('XLConnect');\n");
msg("Local backup stored successfully.\n",
silent = silent);
if ((length(res) == 1) && flattenSingleDf) {
res <- res[[1]];
### Return result
msg("Returning result.\n",
silent = silent);
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