
Defines functions format_currency

Documented in format_currency

#' Make numeric currency values human readable
#' @name format_currency
#' @usage format_currency(amount, symbol, digits)
#' @param amount Price or vector of prices (character, numeric, or integer)
#' @param symbol Symbol to prepend to amount (e.g. $) see: currency_characters()
#' @param digits The number of decimal places. Set equal to 2 to include cents (defaults to 0 i.e. whole major currency units)
#' @return A character vector
#' @import dplyr stringr
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # format_currency("2423562534234", "$")
#' # "$2,423,562,534,234"
#' # format_currency("2423562534234.876", "$", 0)
#' # "$2,423,562,534,234"
#' # format_currency("2423562534234.876", "$", 2)
#' # "$2,423,562,534,234.88"
#' # format_currency("2423562534234", "¥", 2)
#' # "¥2,423,562,534,234.00"
#' # format_currency() is vectorized and can accept vector arguments
#' format_currency(c("2423562534234", "20"), c("¥", "$"), c(1, 2))
#' # "¥2,423,562,534,234.0" "$20.00"

format_currency <- function(amount, symbol, digits) {

  if(missing(digits)) { digits <- 0 }

  single_format <- function(amount, symbol, digits) {

    # From: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14836754/is-there-an-r-function-to-escape-a-string-for-regex-characters
    symbol_regex <- gsub("([.|()\\^{}+$*?]|\\[|\\])", "\\\\\\1", symbol)

    formatted <- amount %>%
      gsub(",", "", .) %>%
      as.numeric %>%
      round(., digits) %>%
      formatC(format="f", digits=digits, big.mark=",", small.mark = digits) %>%
      trimws %>%
      paste0(symbol, .)


  formatted_vector <- mapply(single_format, amount, symbol, digits, SIMPLIFY = TRUE) %>%


#' Make numeric currency values human readable
#' @name format_dollars
#' @usage format_dollars(amount, digits)
#' @param amount Price or vector of prices (character, numeric, or integer)
#' @param digits The number of decimal places. Set equal to 2 to include cents (defaults to 0 i.e. whole dollars)
#' @return A character vector
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # format_dollars("2423562534234")
#' # "$2,423,562,534,234"
#' # format_dollars("2423562534234.876", 0)
#' # "$2,423,562,534,234"
#' # format_dollars("2423562534234.876", 2)
#' # "$2,423,562,534,234.88"
#' # format_dollars("2423562534234", 2)
#' # "$2,423,562,534,234.00"

format_dollars <- function(amount, digits) {

  format_currency(amount, "$", digits)


#' Provide currency characters
#' @name currency_characters
#' @usage currency_characters()
#' @return A character vector of currency symbols
#' @import stringi
#' @export
#' @examples
#' currency_characters()

currency_characters <- function() {

  c("\\u0024", "\\u00a4", "\\u00a3", "\\u20ac", "\\u00a2", "\\u00a5", "\\u20a7",
    "\\u0192") %>% stringi::stri_unescape_unicode()


#' Convert human readable currencies into numeric data
#' @name currency_to_numeric
#' @usage currency_to_numeric(currency_text)
#' @param currency_text Price or vector of prices
#' @return A numeric vector
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' c("$134,345.05", "£22", "¥30000") %>% currency_to_numeric()
#' # [1] 134345     22  30000

currency_to_numeric <- function(currency_text) {

  currency_symbols <- currency_characters()

  currency_symbols_regex <- currency_symbols %>% gsub("\\$", "\\\\$", .)

  currency_text %>%
    { gsub(paste0(currency_symbols_regex, collapse="|"), "", .) } %>%
    gsub(",", "", .) %>%


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priceR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7 p.m.