
Defines functions interpolate_nms_matrix identify_intersection

# Utility Functions for the pricesensitivitymeter package that are *not* exported

# Internal Helper Function: Identify Intersection Point
# (with possibility to specify method in case there are multiple intersection points)

identify_intersection <- function(data, var1, var2, method) {
  first_intersection_pos <- which(data[, var1] >= data[, var2])[1]

  if (is.na(first_intersection_pos)) { # if no intersection: return NA
  } else { # otherwise, run the actual function
    all_intersections_pos <- which(data[, var1] == data[first_intersection_pos, var1] &
                                     data[, var2] == data[first_intersection_pos, var2])

    all_intersections_prices <- data[all_intersections_pos, "price"]

           min = {min(all_intersections_prices)},
           max = {max(all_intersections_prices)},
           mean = {mean(all_intersections_prices)},
           median = {median(all_intersections_prices)}

# Newton Miller Smith Extension: Interpolating the matrix with purchase probabilities

interpolate_nms_matrix <- function(nms_matrix) {

for (i in seq_len(nrow(nms_matrix))) {
  interpolate_prob <- NA

  # try linear interpolation between three pairs of values
  interpolate_prob <- try(c(
    # linear interpolation between first pair of values (usually: "too cheap" and "cheap")
    seq.int(from = nms_matrix[i, which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ]))[1]],
            to = nms_matrix[i, which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ]))[2]],
            length.out = which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ]))[2] - which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ]))[1] + 1),
    # linear interpolation between second pair of values (usually: "cheap" to "expensive")
    seq.int(from = nms_matrix[i, which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ]))[2]],
            to = nms_matrix[i, which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ]))[3]],
            length.out = which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ]))[3] - which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ]))[2] + 1)[-1],
    # linear interpolation between third pair of values (usually: "expensive" to "too expensive")
    seq.int(from = nms_matrix[i, which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ]))[3]],
            to = nms_matrix[i, which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ]))[4]],
            length.out = which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ]))[4] - which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ]))[3] + 1)[-1]),
    silent = TRUE)

  # if try() function throws a silent error, perform interpolation between two pairs of values instead
  if(inherits(interpolate_prob, "try-error")) {
    # linear interpolation between first pair of values (usually: "too cheap"/"cheap" OR "cheap"/"expensive")
    interpolate_prob <- c(
      seq.int(from = nms_matrix[i, which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ]))[1]],
              to = nms_matrix[i, which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ]))[2]],
              length.out = which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ]))[2] - which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ]))[1] + 1),
      # linear interpolation between second pair of values (usually: "cheap"/"expensive" OR "expensive"/"too expensive")
      seq.int(from = nms_matrix[i, which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ]))[2]],
              to = nms_matrix[i, which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ]))[3]],
              length.out = which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ]))[3] - which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ]))[2] + 1)[-1])

  # write vector with interpolated values to matrix
  nms_matrix[i, min(which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ]))):max(which(!is.na(nms_matrix[i, ])))] <- interpolate_prob

  # purchase probabilities outside of the individual's personal price range must be set to zero
  nms_matrix[is.na(nms_matrix)] <- 0


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pricesensitivitymeter documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:03 a.m.