
#' @include internal.R

#' Connectivity matrix
#' Create a matrix showing the connectivity between planning units. Connectivity
#' is calculated as the average conductance of two planning units multiplied
#' by the amount of shared boundary between the two planning units. Thus
#' planning units that each have higher a conductance and share a greater
#' boundary are associated with greater connectivity.
#' @param x [terra::rast()] or [sf::sf()] object representing planning units.
#' @param y [terra::rast()] object showing the conductance
#'   of different areas across the study area, or a `character` object
#'   denoting a column name in the attribute table of `x` that contains
#'   the conductance values. Note that argument to `y` can only be a
#'   `character` object if the argument to `x` is a [sf::sf()] object.
#'   Also, note that if the argument to `x` is a
#'   [terra::rast()] object then
#'   argument to `y` must have the same spatial properties as it
#'   (i.e., coordinate system, extent, resolution).
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to [fast_extract()] for
#'   extracting and calculating the conductance values for each planning unit.
#'   These arguments are only used if argument to `x` is a
#'   [sf::sf()] object and argument to `y` is a [terra::rast()] object.
#' @details Shared boundary calculations are performed using
#'   [boundary_matrix()].
#' @return
#' A [`dsCMatrix-class`] symmetric sparse matrix object.
#' Each row and column represents a planning unit.
#' Cells values indicate the connectivity between different pairs of planning
#' units.
#' To reduce computational burden, cells among the matrix diagonal are
#' set to zero. Furthermore, if the argument to `x` is a
#' [terra::rast()] object, then cells with missing (`NA`)
#' values are set to zero too.
#' @name connectivity_matrix
#' @rdname connectivity_matrix
#' @seealso
#' Connectivity matrix data might need rescaling to improve optimization
#' performance, see [rescale_matrix()] to perform these calculations.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load data
#' sim_pu_raster <- get_sim_pu_raster()
#' sim_pu_polygons <- get_sim_pu_polygons()
#' sim_features <- get_sim_features()
#' # create connectivity matrix using raster planning unit data using
#' # the raster cost values to represent conductance
#' ## extract 9 planning units
#' r <- terra::crop(sim_pu_raster, terra::ext(c(0, 0.3, 0, 0.3)))
#' ## extract conductance data for the 9 planning units
#' cd <- terra::crop(sim_features, r)
#' ## make connectivity matrix using the habitat suitability data for the
#' ## second feature to represent the planning unit conductance data
#' cm_raster <- connectivity_matrix(r, cd[[2]])
#' ## plot data and matrix
#' plot(r, main = "planning units (raster)", axes = FALSE)
#' plot(cd[[2]], main = "conductivity", axes = FALSE)
#' Matrix::image(cm_raster,  main = "connectivity matrix")
#' # create connectivity matrix using polygon planning unit data using
#' # the habitat suitability data for the second feature to represent
#' # planning unit conductances
#' ## subset data to 9 polygons
#' ply <- sim_pu_polygons[c(1:3, 11:13, 20:22), ]
#' ## make connectivity matrix
#' cm_ply <- connectivity_matrix(ply, sim_features[[2]])
#' ## plot data and matrix
#' plot(sf::st_geometry(ply), main = "planning units (polygons)")
#' plot(terra::crop(sim_features[[2]], ply), main = "connectivity")
#' Matrix::image(cm_ply, main = "connectivity matrix")
#' # create connectivity matrix using habitat suitability data for each feature,
#' # this could be useful if prioritizations should spatially clump
#' # together adjacent planning units that have suitable habitat
#' # for the same species (e.g., to maintain functional connectivity)
#' ## let's use the raster data for this example, and we can generate the
#' ## connectivity matrix that we would use in the prioritization by
#' ## (1) generating a connectivity matrix for each feature separately, and
#' ## and then (2) summing the values together
#' cm_sum <- lapply(as.list(cd), connectivity_matrix, x = r) # make matrices
#' cm_sum <- Reduce("+", cm_sum) # sum matrices together
#' ## plot data and matrix
#' plot(r, main = "planning units (raster)", axes = FALSE)
#' Matrix::image(cm_sum, main = "connectivity matrix")
#' ## we could take this example one step further, and use weights to indicate
#' ## relative importance of maintaining functional connectivity
#' ## for each feature (i.e., use the weighted sum instead of the sum)
#' ## let's pretend that the first feature is 20 times more important
#' ## than all the other species
#' weights <- c(20, 1, 1, 1, 1)
#' ## calculate connectivity matrix using weighted sum
#' cm_wsum <- lapply(as.list(cd), connectivity_matrix, x = r) # make matrices
#' cm_wsum <- Map("*", cm_wsum, weights) # multiply by weights
#' cm_wsum <- Reduce("+", cm_wsum) # sum matrices together
#' ## plot data and matrix
#' plot(r, main = "planning units (raster)", axes = FALSE)
#' Matrix::image(cm_wsum, main = "connectivity matrix")
#' ## since the statistical distribution of the connectivity values
#' ## for each feature (e.g., the mean and standard deviation of the
#' ## connectivity values) are different, it might make sense -- depending
#' ## on the goal of the conservation planning exercise and the underlying
#' ## data -- to first normalize the conductance values before applying the
#' ## weights and summing the data for feature together
#' ### calculate functional connectivity matrix using the weighted sum of
#' ### connectivity values that have been normalized by linearly re-scaling
#' ### values
#' cm_lwsum <- lapply(as.list(cd), connectivity_matrix, x = r) # make matrices
#' cm_lwsum <- lapply(cm_lwsum, rescale_matrix, max = 1) # rescale matrices
#' cm_lwsum <- Map("*", cm_lwsum, weights) # multiply by weights
#' cm_lwsum <- Reduce("+", cm_lwsum) # sum matrices together
#' ## plot data and matrix
#' plot(r, main = "planning units (raster)", axes = FALSE)
#' Matrix::image(cm_lwsum, main = "connectivity matrix")
#' ## another approach for normalizing the data could be using z-scores
#' ## note that after normalizing the data we would need to add a constant
#' ## value so that none of the connectivity values are negative
#' ### define helper functions
#' zscore <- function(x) {x@x <- (x@x - mean(x@x)) / sd(x@x); x}
#' min_non_zero_value <- function(x) min(x@x)
#' add_non_zero_value <- function(x, y) {x@x <- x@x + y; x}
#' ### calculate functional connectivity matrix using the weighted sum of
#' ### connectivity values that have been normalized using z-scores,
#' ### and transformed to account for negative values
#' cm_zwsum <- lapply(as.list(cd), connectivity_matrix, x = r) # make matrices
#' cm_zwsum <- lapply(cm_zwsum, zscore) # normalize using z-scores
#' min_value <- min(sapply(cm_zwsum, min_non_zero_value)) # find min value
#' min_value <- abs(min_value) + 0.01 # prepare constant for adding to matrices
#' cm_zwsum <- lapply(cm_zwsum, add_non_zero_value, min_value) # add constant
#' cm_zwsum <- Map("*", cm_zwsum, weights) # multiply by weights
#' cm_zwsum <- Reduce("+", cm_zwsum) # sum matrices together
#' ## plot data and matrix
#' plot(r, main = "planning units (raster)", axes = FALSE)
#' Matrix::image(cm_zwsum, main = "connectivity matrix")
#' }
#' @aliases connectivity_matrix,Spatial,character-method connectivity_matrix,Spatial,Raster-method connectivity_matrix,Raster,Raster-method connectivity_matrix,sf,character-method connectivity_matrix,sf,Raster-method connectivity_matrix,sf,SpatRaster-method connectivity_matrix,SpatRaster,SpatRaster-method
#' @export
  signature = methods::signature("x", "y"),
  function(x, y, ...) {
      is_inherits(y, c("character", "sf", "SpatRaster", "Spatial", "Raster"))

#' @name connectivity_matrix
#' @usage \S4method{connectivity_matrix}{Spatial,Raster}(x, y, ...)
#' @rdname connectivity_matrix
  signature(x = "Spatial", y = "Raster"),
  function(x, y, ...) {
    connectivity_matrix(sf::st_as_sf(x), terra::rast(y), ...)

#' @name connectivity_matrix
#' @usage \S4method{connectivity_matrix}{Spatial,character}(x, y, ...)
#' @rdname connectivity_matrix
  signature(x = "Spatial", y = "character"),
  function(x, y, ...) {
    assert(inherits(x, "Spatial"))
    connectivity_matrix(sf::st_as_sf(x), y, ...)

#' @name connectivity_matrix
#' @usage \S4method{connectivity_matrix}{sf,character}(x, y, ...)
#' @rdname connectivity_matrix
  signature(x = "sf", y = "character"),
  function(x, y, ...) {
    # validate that arguments are valid
      inherits(x, "sf"),
      assertthat::has_name(x, y),
    # generate connectivity data for each pair of connected units
    bd <- matrix_to_triplet_dataframe(boundary_matrix(x))
    bd <- bd[bd[[1]] != bd[[2]], , drop = FALSE]
    bd$x <- bd$x * ( (x[[y]][bd$i] + x[[y]][bd$j]) * 0.5)
    bd <- bd[which(bd$x > 0), ]
    # generate connectivity matrix
      i = bd$i,
      j = bd$j,
      x = bd$x,
      symmetric = TRUE,
      dims = rep(nrow(x), 2)

#' @name connectivity_matrix
#' @usage \S4method{connectivity_matrix}{sf,Raster}(x, y, ...)
#' @rdname connectivity_matrix
  signature(x = "sf", y = "Raster"),
  function(x, y, ...) {
    assert(inherits(x, "sf"))
    connectivity_matrix(x, terra::rast(y), ...)

#' @name connectivity_matrix
#' @usage \S4method{connectivity_matrix}{sf,SpatRaster}(x, y, ...)
#' @rdname connectivity_matrix
  signature(x = "sf", y = "SpatRaster"),
  function(x, y, ...) {
    # assert that arguments are valid
      inherits(x, "sf"),
      inherits(y, "SpatRaster"),
      terra::nlyr(y) == 1,
      is_same_crs(x, y),
      is_spatial_extents_overlap(x, y),
    # extract conductance values
    cv <- fast_extract(y, x, ...)
    # generate connectivity data for each pair of connected units
    bd <- matrix_to_triplet_dataframe(boundary_matrix(x))
    bd <- bd[bd[[1]] != bd[[2]], ]
    bd$x <- bd$x * ( (cv[bd$i] + cv[bd$j]) * 0.5)
    bd <- bd[which(bd$x > 0), ]
    # connectivity matrix
      i = bd$i,
      j = bd$j,
      x = bd$x,
      symmetric = TRUE,
      dims = rep(nrow(x), 2)

#' @name connectivity_matrix
#' @usage \S4method{connectivity_matrix}{Raster,Raster}(x, y, ...)
#' @rdname connectivity_matrix
  signature(x = "Raster", y = "Raster"),
  function(x, y, ...) {
    connectivity_matrix(terra::rast(x), terra::rast(y), ...)

#' @name connectivity_matrix
#' @usage \S4method{connectivity_matrix}{SpatRaster,SpatRaster}(x, y, ...)
#' @rdname connectivity_matrix
  signature(x = "SpatRaster", y = "SpatRaster"),
  function(x, y, ...) {
    # validate that arguments are valid
      inherits(x, "SpatRaster"),
      inherits(y, "SpatRaster"),
      terra::nlyr(x) == 1,
      terra::nlyr(y) == 1,
      is_comparable_raster(x, y)
    # extract data from first bands in x and y
    x <- x[[1]]
    y <- y[[1]]
    # generate connectivity data for each pair of connected units
    bd <- matrix_to_triplet_dataframe(boundary_matrix(x))
    bd <- bd[bd[[1]] != bd[[2]], , drop = TRUE]
    bd$x <- bd$x * ( (y[bd$i][[1]] + y[bd$j][[1]]) * 0.5)
    bd <- bd[which(bd$x > 0), ]
    # connectivity matrix
      i = bd$i,
      j = bd$j,
      x = bd$x,
      symmetric = TRUE,
      dims = rep(terra::ncell(x), 2)

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