
Defines functions path_remove_spaces set_git_ignore_files setup_with_git setup_project

Documented in setup_project setup_with_git

#' Setup a standardized folder and file structure for a research analysis project.
#' This starts the project by setting up a common folder and file infrastructure,
#' as well as adding some useful files to start the project.
#' @param path A path to a new directory.
#' @return Project setup with folders and files necessary for a standard research project.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Use a temporary location
#' new_proj_name <- fs::path_temp("DiabetesCancer")
#' setup_project(new_proj_name)
#' # After the new project opens up, add Git with:
#' setup_with_git()
#' }
setup_project <-
    function(path) {
        proj_path <- fs::path_abs(path)
        proj_name <- fs::path_file(proj_path)

        if (grepl(" ", basename(proj_path))) {
            rlang::warn("Project name has a space in it, replacing with a dash (-).")
            proj_path <- path_remove_spaces(proj_path)

        if (fs::dir_exists(proj_path)) {
            cli::cli_abort(c("The {.val {proj_path}} folder already exists, so project creation is canceled.",
                         "i" = "Delete the folder or use another name (not {.val {proj_name}}) for your project."))
        proj_template <- find_template("projects", "basic-analysis")
        fs::dir_copy(proj_template, new_path = proj_path)

            new = proj_path,
            code = {
                update_template("DESCRIPTION", data = list(ProjectName = proj_name))
                update_template("template-Rproj", paste0(proj_name, ".Rproj"))
                update_template("README.md", data = list(ProjectName = proj_name))

# Git setup functions -------------------------------------------

#' Setup Git to the project.
#' Takes a lot of inspiration from the usethis `use_git()` function, except
#' it only adds Git and nothing more (doesn't commit, doesn't restart RStudio
#' automatically). Must run this function inside the project you created from
#' [setup_project()]
#' @return Adds Git and `.gitignore` file to the project.
#' @export
#' @seealso [setup_project()] for starting the project.
setup_with_git <- function() {
    if (!requireNamespace("gert", quietly = TRUE)) {
            c("This function relies on the gert package, please install it and then run the function again.",
              "i" = "Install with: {.code install.packages('gert')}")

    if (!is_rproj_folder())
        cli::cli_abort(c("The folder does not contain an {.val .Rproj} file.",
                         "i" = "Please use this function while in the project created from {.code prodigenr::setup_project().}"))

    if (has_git()) {
        rlang::abort("The project already has Git added.")

    cli::cli_alert_info("You'll need to restart RStudio to see the Git pane.")

# Utilities -----------------------------------------------------

set_git_ignore_files <- function() {
    base::writeLines(c(".Rhistory", ".RData", ".Rproj.user"),

path_remove_spaces <- function(path) {
    path_as_vector <- fs::path_split(path)[[1]]
    last_dir <- length(path_as_vector)
    path_as_vector[last_dir] <- gsub(" +", "-", path_as_vector[last_dir])

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prodigenr documentation built on Aug. 30, 2022, 1:11 a.m.