
Defines functions serve_pprof_impl show_url browse_port random_port serve_pprof serve_rprof pprof test_pprof

Documented in pprof random_port serve_pprof serve_rprof test_pprof

#' @title Test `pprof()`
#' @export
#' @seealso [pprof()]
#' @description Do a test run of `pprof()` to verify that the
#'   system dependencies like `pprof` work as expected.
#' @details See <https://github.com/r-prof/proffer#installation>
#'   for setup instructions.
#' @inheritParams pprof
#' @examples
#' if (identical(Sys.getenv("PROFFER_EXAMPLES"), "true")) {
#' test_pprof()
#' }
test_pprof <- function(
  host = "localhost",
  port = proffer::random_port(),
  browse = interactive(),
  verbose = TRUE
) {
  slow_function <- function() {
    n <- 1e3
    x <- data.frame(x = sample.int(n), y = sample.int(n))
    for (i in seq_len(n)) {
      x[i, ] <- x[i, ] + 1
    host = host,
    port = port,
    browse = browse,
    verbose = verbose

#' @title Profile R code and visualize with pprof.
#' @export
#' @description Run R code and display profiling results
#'   in a local interactive pprof server.
#'   Results are collected with [record_pprof()].
#' @return A `processx::process$new()` handle. Use this handle
#'   to take down the server with `$kill()`.
#' @inheritParams serve_pprof
#' @param expr R code to run and profile.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed on to [Rprof()]
#'   via [record_pprof()].
#' @examples
#' if (identical(Sys.getenv("PROFFER_EXAMPLES"), "true")) {
#' # Start a pprof virtual server in the background.
#' px <- pprof(replicate(1e2, sample.int(1e4)))
#' # Terminate the server.
#' px$kill()
#' }
pprof <- function(
  host = "localhost",
  port = proffer::random_port(),
  browse = interactive(),
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  pprof <- record_pprof(expr, ...)
    pprof = pprof,
    host = host,
    port = port,
    browse = browse,
    verbose = verbose

#' @title Visualize Rprof() output with pprof.
#' @export
#' @description Use pprof to visualize profiling data
#'   produced by `Rprof()` or [record_rprof()].
#' @details Uses a local interactive server.
#'   Navigate a browser to a URL in the message.
#'   The server starts in a background process
#' @return A `processx::process$new()` handle. Use this handle
#'   to take down the server with `$kill()`.
#' @inheritParams serve_pprof
#' @param rprof Path to profiling samples generated
#'   by `Rprof()` or [record_rprof()].
#' @examples
#' if (identical(Sys.getenv("PROFFER_EXAMPLES"), "true")) {
#' rprof <- record_rprof(replicate(1e2, sample.int(1e4)))
#' # Start a pprof virtual server in the background.
#' px <- serve_rprof(rprof)
#' # Terminate the server.
#' px$kill()
#' }
serve_rprof <- function(
  host = "localhost",
  port = proffer::random_port(),
  browse = interactive(),
  verbose = TRUE
) {
  pprof <- to_pprof(rprof)
    pprof = pprof,
    host = host,
    port = port,
    browse = browse,
    verbose = verbose

#' @title Visualize profiling data with pprof.
#' @export
#' @description Visualize profiling data with pprof.
#' @details Uses a local interactive server.
#'   Navigate a browser to a URL in the message.
#'   The server starts in a background process
#' @return A `processx::process$new()` handle. Use this handle
#'   to take down the server with `$kill()`.
#' @param pprof Path to pprof samples.
#' @param host Host name. Set to `"localhost"` to view locally
#'   or `""` to view from another machine. If you view
#'   from another machine, the printed out URL will not be valid.
#'   For example, if `pprof()` or `serve_pprof()` prints
#'   "", then you need to replace
#'   with your computer's name or IP address, e.g.
#'   "http://my_computer.com:8080".
#' @param port Port number for hosting the local pprof server.
#'   Chosen randomly by default.
#' @param browse Logical, whether to open a browser to view
#'   the pprof server.
#' @param verbose Logical, whether to print console messages
#'   such as the URL of the local `pprof` server.
#' @examples
#' if (identical(Sys.getenv("PROFFER_EXAMPLES"), "true")) {
#' pprof <- record_pprof(replicate(1e2, sample.int(1e4)))
#' # Start a pprof virtual server in the background.
#' px <- serve_pprof(pprof)
#' # Terminate the server.
#' px$kill()
#' }
serve_pprof <- function(
  host = "localhost",
  port = proffer::random_port(),
  browse = interactive(),
  verbose = TRUE
) {
  server <- sprintf("%s:%s", host, port)
  args <- c("-http", server, "-no_browser", pprof)
  process <- serve_pprof_impl(args)
  if (browse) {
    browse_port(host, port, process, verbose)
  if (verbose) {
    show_url(host, port)

#' @title Choose a random free TCP port.
#' @export
#' @description Choose a random free TCP port.
#' @details This function is a simple wrapper around
#'   `parallelly::freePort()` with the default port range
#'   covering ephemeral ports only.
#' @return Port number, positive integer of length 1.
#' @param lower Integer of length 1, lower bound of the port number.
#' @param upper Integer of length 1, upper bound of the port number.
#' @examples
#' random_port()
random_port <- function(lower = 49152L, upper = 65535L) {
  parallelly::freePort(ports = seq.int(from = lower, to = upper, by = 1L))

browse_port <- function(host, port, process, verbose) {
  spinner <- cli::make_spinner()
  if_any(verbose, spinner$spin(), NULL)
  while (!pingr::is_up(destination = host, port = port)) {
    if_any(process$is_alive(), Sys.sleep(0.01), stop0(process$read_all_error()))
    if_any(verbose, spinner$spin(), NULL)
  url <- paste0("http://", host, ":", port, "/ui/flamegraph")

show_url <- function(host, port) {
  cli::cli_li("url: {.path http://{host}:{port}/ui/flamegraph}")
  cli::cli_li("host: {.path {host}}")
  cli::cli_li("port: {.path {as.character(port)}}")

serve_pprof_impl <- function(args) {
      command = pprof_path(),
      args = args,
      stdout = "|",
      stderr = "|",
      supervise = TRUE

Try the proffer package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

proffer documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 7:07 p.m.