
Defines functions adapt_message pspectrum_basic pspectrum.default pspectrum.spec pspectrum.matrix pspectrum.ts pspectrum

Documented in adapt_message pspectrum pspectrum_basic pspectrum.default pspectrum.matrix pspectrum.spec pspectrum.ts

#' Adaptive sine multitaper power spectral density estimation
#' @description
#' This is the primary function to be used in this package: it returns
#' power spectral density estimates of a timeseries, with
#' an optimal number of tapers at each frequency based on iterative
#' reweighted spectral derivatives. If the object given is a multicolumn
#' object, the cross spectrum (multivariate PSD) will be calculated using the same
#' iterative procedure.
#' @details
#' See the \strong{Adaptive estimation} section in the description of
#' the \code{\link{psd-package}} for details regarding adaptive estimation.
#' NEW as of version 2.0: use \code{\link{pspectrum}} to calculate the
#' cross spectrum if \code{x} is a multi-column array.
#' \code{\link{pspectrum_basic}} is a simplified implementation used mainly for
#' testing.
#' @name pspectrum
#' @export
#' @author A.J. Barbour adapted original by R.L. Parker
#' @seealso \code{\link{psdcore}}, \code{\link{pilot_spec}}, \code{\link{riedsid2}}, \code{\link{prewhiten}}
#' @param x vector; series to find PSD estimates for; if this is a multicolumn object, a cross spectrum will
#' be calculated.
#' @param x.frqsamp scalar; the sampling rate (e.g. Hz) of the series \code{x}; equivalent to \code{\link{frequency}}.
#' @param ntap.init scalar; the number of sine tapers to use in the pilot spectrum estimation; if \code{NULL} then the
#' default in \code{\link{pilot_spec}} is used.
#' @param niter scalar; the number of adaptive iterations to execute after the pilot spectrum is estimated.
#' @param output_column scalar integer; If the series contains multiple columns,  specify
#' which column contains the output.  
#' The default assumes the last column is the output and the others are all inputs.
#' @param AR logical; should the effects of an AR model be removed from the pilot spectrum?
#' @param Nyquist.normalize  logical; should the units be returned on Hz, rather than Nyquist?
#' @param verbose logical; Should messages be given?
#' @param no.history logical; Should the adaptive history \emph{not} be saved?
#' @param plot logical; Should the results be plotted?
#' @param ... Optional parameters passed to \code{\link{riedsid2}}
#' @param stage integer; the current adaptive stage (0 is pilot)
#' @param dvar numeric; the spectral variance; see also \code{\link{vardiff}} etc
#' @return Object with class 'spec', invisibly. It also assigns the object to
#' \code{"final_psd"} in the working environment.
#' @example inst/Examples/rdex_pspectrum.R
pspectrum <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("pspectrum")

#' @rdname pspectrum
#' @aliases pspectrum.ts
#' @export
pspectrum.ts <- function(x, output_column = NULL, ...){
  # Make sure the output column is the first column
  if (inherits(x, 'matrix')){
  # assume output is last column
    nc <- ncol(x)
    if (is.null(output_column)) {
      x <- x[, c(nc, 1:(nc-1))]
    } else {
      other_cols <- setdiff(1:nc, output_column)
      x <- x[, c(output_column, other_cols)]
  frq <- stats::frequency(x)
  args <- list(...)
  args[['x']] <- x
  args[['x.frqsamp']] <- frq
  do.call('pspectrum.default', args)

#' @rdname pspectrum
#' @aliases pspectrum.matrix
#' @export
pspectrum.matrix <- function(x, x.frqsamp, ...){
  frq <- if (missing(x.frqsamp)){
  } else {
  pspectrum(stats::ts(x, frequency=frq), ...)

#' @rdname pspectrum
#' @aliases pspectrum.spec
#' @export
pspectrum.spec <- function(x, ...){
  if (is.amt(x)){
    name <- getOption("psd.ops")[['names']]
    fft <- psd_envGet(name[['fft']])
    if (is.null(fft)){
      stop("cannot adapt  pspectrum  results without an fft in the psd environment. see ?pspectrum")
    } else {
      stop('updating  pspectrum  results is not (yet) implemented') 
  } else {
    # would be nice to have an 'update' method [ ]

#' @rdname pspectrum
#' @aliases pspectrum.default
#' @export
pspectrum.default <- function(x, 
                              output_column = NULL,
                              plot=FALSE, ...){
  # plotting and iterations
  if (is.null(niter)) stopifnot(niter>=0)
  plotpsd_ <- FALSE
  # iteration stages (0 is pilot)
  iter_stages <- seq.int(0L, niter)
  # retain history
  save_hist <- ifelse((niter < 10) & !no.history, TRUE, FALSE)
  # AR switch
  # [ ] add options to change 100
  ordAR <- ifelse(AR, 100, 0)

  for (stage in iter_stages){
    if (stage==0){
      if (verbose) adapt_message(stage)
      if (niter==0 & plot) plotpsd_ <- TRUE
      # --- setup the environment ---

      # --- pilot spec ---
      # ** normalization is here:
      Pspec <- psd::pilot_spec(x, x.frequency=x.frqsamp, ntap=ntap.init, 
                          remove.AR=ordAR, verbose=verbose, plot=plotpsd_, fast=TRUE)
      kopt <- Pspec[['taper']]
      # ensure series is in the environment
      psd_envAssign("original_pspectrum_series", x)
      # starting spec variance
      dvar.o <- varddiff(Pspec)
      # --- history ---
      if (save_hist){
        update_adapt_history(Pspec, stage)
      x <- 0 # to prevent passing orig data back/forth
    } else {
      # enforce silence in the subfunctions once the adapting gets going
      rverb <- ifelse(stage > 0, FALSE, TRUE)
      ## calculate optimal tapers
      kopt <- riedsid2(Pspec, verbose=rverb, fast = TRUE, ...)
      # get data back for plotting, etc.
      if (stage==niter){
        x <- psd_envGet("original_pspectrum_series")
        if (plot){
          plotpsd_ <- TRUE
      # update spectrum with new tapers
      # TODO: here's why preproc flags are wrong...
      Pspec <- psdcore(X.d=x, X.frq=x.frqsamp, ntaper=kopt, 
                       preproc=FALSE, plot=plotpsd_, verbose=rverb, fast = TRUE) 
      # show spectral variance reduction
      if (verbose) adapt_message(stage, varddiff(Pspec)/dvar.o)
      ## update history
      if (save_hist) update_adapt_history(Pspec, stage)
  if (Nyquist.normalize) Pspec <- normalize(Pspec, x.frqsamp, verbose=verbose)
  return(invisible(psd_envAssignGet("final_psd", Pspec)))

#' @rdname pspectrum
#' @export
pspectrum_basic <- function(x, ntap.init=7, niter=5, verbose=TRUE, ...){
  if (verbose) adapt_message(0)
  # Initial spectrum
  P <- psdcore(x, ntaper=ntap.init, preproc = FALSE, refresh=TRUE, fast = TRUE, ...)
  # Iterate and resample spectrum
  if (verbose & niter > 0) message("Iterative refinement of spectrum (", niter, " iterations)")
  for (iter in seq_len(niter)){
    if (verbose) adapt_message(iter)
    # find optimal tapers
    ko <- riedsid2(P[['spec']], ntaper=P[['taper']], verbose = FALSE, fast = TRUE)
    # update spectrum
    P  <- psdcore(x, ntaper=ko, preproc = FALSE, fast = TRUE)

#' @rdname pspectrum
#' @export
adapt_message <- function(stage, dvar=NULL){
  stopifnot(stage >= 0)
  stage <- if (stage == 0){
    paste(stage, "est. (pilot)")
  } else {
    if (!is.null(dvar)){
      paste(stage, sprintf("est. (Ave. S.V.R. %.01f dB)", dB(dvar)))
    } else {
  msg <- sprintf("Stage  %s ", stage)

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psd documentation built on Feb. 1, 2022, 1:06 a.m.