
Defines functions model_summary

Documented in model_summary

#' Model Summary for Regression Models
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")` \cr
#' The function will extract the relevant coefficients from the regression models (see below for supported model).
#' @param model an model object. The following model are tested for accuracy: `lm`, `glm`, `lme`, `lmer`, `glmer`. Other model object may work if it work with parameters::model_parameters()
#' @param digits number of digits to round to
#' @param streamline print streamlined output. Only print model estimate and performance.
#' @param return_result It set to `TRUE`, it return the model estimates data frame.
#' @param assumption_plot Generate an panel of plots that check major assumptions. It is usually recommended to inspect model assumption violation visually. In the background, it calls `performance::check_model()`.
#' @param quite suppress printing output
#' @param standardize The method used for standardizing the parameters. Can be NULL (default; no standardization), "refit" (for re-fitting the model on standardized data) or one of "basic", "posthoc", "smart", "pseudo". See 'Details' in parameters::standardize_parameters()
#' @param ci_method see options in the `Mixed model` section in ?parameters::model_parameters()
#' @references
#' Nakagawa, S., & Schielzeth, H. (2013). A general and simple method for obtaining R2 from generalized linear mixed-effects models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4(2), 133–142. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.2041-210x.2012.00261.x
#' @return a list of model estimate data frame, model performance data frame, and the assumption plot (an `ggplot` object)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # I am going to show the more generic usage of this function
#' # You can also use this package's built in function to fit the models
#' # I recommend using the integrated_multilevel_model_summary to get everything
#' # lme example
#' lme_fit <- lme4::lmer("popular ~ texp  + (1 | class)",
#'   data = popular
#' )
#' model_summary(lme_fit)
#' # lm example
#' lm_fit <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width,
#'   data = iris
#' )
#' model_summary(lm_fit)
model_summary <- function(model,
                          digits = 3,
                          assumption_plot = FALSE,
                          quite = FALSE,
                          streamline = TRUE,
                          return_result = FALSE,
                          standardize = NULL,
                          ci_method = 'satterthwaite') {
  ################################################ Linear Mixed Effect Model ################################################
  ## lme package
  if (inherits(model, 'lme')) {
    stop('Stop supporting nlme model temporaily. Please use lme4 instead')
    model_type <- "Linear Mixed Effect Model (fitted using nlme)"
    predict_var <- as.character(attributes(model$terms)$variables)
    DV <- predict_var[2]
    IV <- predict_var[c(3:length(predict_var))]
    IV <- paste0(IV, collapse = ", ")
    family <- NULL
    # Assumptions check
    convergence_check <- FALSE
    normality_check <- FALSE
    outlier_check <- FALSE
    autocorrelation_check <- FALSE
    heteroscedasticity_check <- TRUE
    collinearity_check <- TRUE
    singular_check <- TRUE
    if (all(unlist(lapply(
      c("lavaSearch2"), requireNamespace
      lme_param <- tryCatch(parameters::model_parameters(model,ci_method = ci_method))
    } else{
      "Please install.packages('lavaSearch2') to use nlme"
    model_summary_df <- lme_param %>%
      as.data.frame() %>%
      dplyr::rename(df = 'df_error') %>%
      dplyr::rename(ci.lower = 'CI_low') %>%
      dplyr::rename(ci.upper = 'CI_high') %>%
      dplyr::select(-"CI") %>%
      dplyr::select(-'p', dplyr::everything(), "p")
    ## lmer package
  } else if (inherits(model, 'lmerMod')) {
    model_type <-
      "Linear Mixed Effect Model (fitted using lme4 or lmerTest)"
    formula_attribute <-
    DV <- as.character(attributes(formula_attribute)$variables)[2]
    IV <- attributes(formula_attribute)$term.labels
    IV <- IV[!stringr::str_detect(IV, "\\+")]
    IV <- paste0(IV, collapse = ", ")
    family <- NULL
    # Assumptions check
    convergence_check <- TRUE
    normality_check <- TRUE
    outlier_check <- TRUE
    autocorrelation_check <- TRUE
    heteroscedasticity_check <- TRUE
    collinearity_check <- TRUE
    singular_check <- TRUE
    lme_param <-
      parameters::model_parameters(model, standardize = standardize,ci_method = ci_method)
    model_summary_df <- lme_param %>%
      as.data.frame() %>%
      dplyr::rename(df = 'df_error') %>%
      dplyr::rename(ci.lower = 'CI_low') %>%
      dplyr::rename(ci.upper = 'CI_high') %>%
      dplyr::select(-"CI") %>%
      dplyr::select(-'p', dplyr::everything(), "p")
    ################################################ Generalized Linear Mixed Effect Model ################################################
  } else if (inherits(model, 'glmerMod')) {
    model_type <- "Generalized Linear Mixed Effect Model"
    formula_attribute <- stats::terms(model@call$formula)
    DV <- as.character(attributes(formula_attribute)$variables)[2]
    IV <- attributes(formula_attribute)$term.labels
    IV <- IV[!stringr::str_detect(IV, "\\+")]
    IV <- paste0(IV, collapse = ", ")
    family <- model@call$family
    # Assumptions check
    convergence_check <- TRUE
    normality_check <- FALSE
    outlier_check <- FALSE
    autocorrelation_check <- TRUE
    heteroscedasticity_check <- TRUE
    collinearity_check <- TRUE
    singular_check <- TRUE
    glme_param <- parameters::parameters(model)
    model_summary_df <- glme_param %>%
      as.data.frame() %>%
      dplyr::rename(df = 'df_error') %>%
      dplyr::rename(ci.lower = 'CI_low') %>%
      dplyr::rename(ci.upper = 'CI_high') %>%
      dplyr::select(-"CI") %>%
      dplyr::select(-'p', dplyr::everything(), "p")
    ################################################ Generalized Linear Regression  ################################################
  } else if (inherits(model, "glm")) {
    model_type <- "Generazlied Linear regression"
    predict_var <- as.character(attributes(model$terms)$predvars)
    DV <- predict_var[2]
    IV <- predict_var[c(3:length(predict_var))]
    IV <- paste0(IV, collapse = ", ")
    family <- as.character(model$family)[1]
    convergence_check <- FALSE
    normality_check <- FALSE
    outlier_check <- FALSE
    autocorrelation_check <- TRUE
    heteroscedasticity_check <- TRUE
    collinearity_check <- TRUE
    singular_check <- FALSE
    glm_param <- parameters::parameters(model)
    model_summary_df <- glm_param %>%
      as.data.frame() %>%
      dplyr::rename(df = 'df_error') %>%
      dplyr::rename(ci.lower = 'CI_low') %>%
      dplyr::rename(ci.upper = 'CI_high') %>%
      dplyr::select(-"CI") %>%
      dplyr::select(-'p', dplyr::everything(), "p")
    ################################################ ANOVA ################################################
  } else if (inherits(model, 'aov')) {
    # Parameters for output table use
    model_type <- "ANOVA"
    predict_var <- as.character(attributes(model$terms)$predvars)
    DV <- predict_var[2]
    IV <- predict_var[c(3:length(predict_var))]
    IV <- paste0(IV, collapse = ", ")
    family <- NULL
    # Assumptions check
    convergence_check <- FALSE
    normality_check <- TRUE
    outlier_check <- TRUE
    autocorrelation_check <- TRUE
    heteroscedasticity_check <- TRUE
    collinearity_check <- TRUE
    singular_check <- FALSE
    aov_param <- parameters::parameters(model)
    model_summary_df <- aov_param %>%
      as.data.frame() %>%
      dplyr::select(-'p', dplyr::everything(), "p")
    ################################################ Linear Regression ################################################
  } else if (inherits(model, 'lm')) {
    # Parameters for output table use
    model_type <- "Linear regression"
    predict_var <- as.character(attributes(model$terms)$predvars)
    DV <- predict_var[2]
    IV <- predict_var[c(3:length(predict_var))]
    IV <- paste0(IV, collapse = ", ")
    family <- NULL
    # Assumptions check
    convergence_check <- FALSE
    normality_check <- TRUE
    outlier_check <- TRUE
    autocorrelation_check <- TRUE
    heteroscedasticity_check <- TRUE
    collinearity_check <- TRUE
    singular_check <- FALSE
    lm_param <- parameters::parameters(model)
    model_summary_df <- lm_param %>%
      as.data.frame() %>%
      dplyr::rename(df = 'df_error') %>%
      dplyr::rename(ci.lower = 'CI_low') %>%
      dplyr::rename(ci.upper = 'CI_high') %>%
      dplyr::select(-"CI") %>%
      dplyr::select(-'p', dplyr::everything(), "p")
    ################################################ Non-tested situations  ################################################
  } else {
    model_type <- "Unable to Determined for Unknown Model"
    DV <- "Unable to Determined for Unknown Model"
    IV <- "Unable to Determined for Unknown Model"
    convergence_check <- TRUE
    normality_check <- TRUE
    outlier_check <- TRUE
    autocorrelation_check <- TRUE
    heteroscedasticity_check <- TRUE
    collinearity_check <- TRUE
    singular_check <- TRUE
    other_param <- parameters::parameters(model)
    model_summary_df <- other_param %>%
      as.data.frame() %>%
      dplyr::rename(df = 'df_error') %>%
      dplyr::rename(ci.lower = 'CI_low') %>%
      dplyr::rename(ci.upper = 'CI_high') %>%
      "This model is not formally supported. Please proceed with cautious. The model is passed to parameters::parameters() to extract relevant parameters"
  performance_warning <-
    utils::capture.output(model_performance_df <-
  if (length(performance_warning) > 0) {
  colnames(model_performance_df) <-
      pattern = "R2",
      replacement = "R^2",
      string = colnames(model_performance_df)
  colnames(model_performance_df) <-
      pattern = "Sigma",
      replacement = "$sigma$",
      string = colnames(model_performance_df)
  ################################################  Output Table  ################################################
  if (quite == FALSE) {
    # check whether quite the entire output table
    cat("\n \n")
    super_print("underline|Model Summary")
    super_print("Model Type = {model_type}")
    super_print("Outcome = {DV}")
    super_print("Predictors = {IV}")
    if (!is.null(family)) {
      super_print("Family = {family}")
    # super_print model estimates table
    super_print("underline|Model Estimates")
    # super_print model performance table
    super_print("underline|Goodness of Fit")
    if (streamline == FALSE) {
      # Check assumption
      super_print("underline|Model Assumption Check")
      if (convergence_check == TRUE) {
          convergence_output <- performance::check_convergence(model)
          if (convergence_output[[1]] == TRUE) {
            super_print("green|OK: Model is converged")
          } else {
            gradient <- attributes(convergence_output)$gradient
            super_print("red|Warning: Model is not converged with gradient of {gradient}")
      if (singular_check == TRUE) {
          singular_output <- performance::check_singularity(model)
          if (singular_output == TRUE) {
            super_print("red|Warning: Singularity is detected. See ?lme4::isSingular()")
          } else {
            super_print("green|OK: No singularity is detected")
      if (autocorrelation_check == TRUE) {
        error = function(cond) {
          warning("Unable to check autocorrelation. Perhaps change na.action to na.omit")
      if (normality_check == TRUE) {
        # first check_normality, if failed, fallback to check_distribution, if failed, super_print failed message
          error = function(cond) {
              # fall back to check_distribution
              dist_prob <- performance::check_distribution(model)
              norm_dist_pos <-
                which(dist_prob$Distribution == "normal")
              residual_norm_prob <-
                round(dist_prob$p_Residuals[norm_dist_pos] * 100, 0)
              response_norm_prob <-
                round(dist_prob$p_Response[norm_dist_pos] * 100, 0)
              norm_prob <-
                c(residual_norm_prob, response_norm_prob)
              if (all(norm_prob >= 80)) {
                residual_norm_prob <- paste(norm_prob[1], "%", sep = "")
                response_norm_prob <-
                  paste(norm_prob[2], "%", sep = "")
                  "green|OK. No non-normality is detected. Normal distribution proability: residual ({residual_norm_prob}) and response ({response_norm_prob}). check_normality() failed use fallback"
              } else if (any(norm_prob < 80) &
                         all(norm_prob > 50)) {
                residual_norm_prob <- paste(norm_prob[1], "%", sep = "")
                response_norm_prob <-
                  paste(norm_prob[2], "%", sep = "")
                  "yellow|Cautious: Moderate non-normality is detected. Normal distribution proability: residual ({residual_norm_prob}) and  response ({response_norm_prob}). check_normality() failed use fallback"
              } else if (any(norm_prob <= 50)) {
                residual_norm_prob <- paste(norm_prob[1], "%", sep = "")
                response_norm_prob <-
                  paste(norm_prob[2], "%", sep = "")
                  "red|Warning: Severe non-normality is detected. Normal distribution proability: residual ({residual_norm_prob}) and  response ({response_norm_prob}). check_normality() failed use fallback"
            error = function(cond) {
              super_print("blue|Unable to check normality. All fallback failed.")
      if (outlier_check == TRUE) {
          error = function(cond) {
            super_print("blue|Unable to check autocorrelation. Try changing na.action to na.omit.")
      if (heteroscedasticity_check == TRUE) {
      if (collinearity_check == TRUE) {
          is_interaction = insight::find_interactions(model)
          if (is.null(is_interaction)) {
            collinearity_df <- performance::check_collinearity(model)
            if (all(collinearity_df$VIF < 5)) {
              super_print("green|OK: No multicolinearity detected (VIF < 5)")
            } else if (any(collinearity_df$VIF >= 5) &
                       all(collinearity_df$VIF < 10)) {
                "yellow|Cautious: Moderate multicolinearity detected  (5 < VIF < 10). Please inspect the following table to identify high correlation factors."
              super_print("underline|Multicollinearity Table ")
            } else if (any(collinearity_df$VIF > 10)) {
                "red|Warning: Severe multicolinearity detected (VIF > 10). Please inspect the following table to identify high correlation factors."
              super_print("underline|Multicollinearity Table ")
          } else{
              'Multicollinearity is not checked for models with interaction terms. You may check multicollinearity among predictors of a model without interaction terms'
  } # quite stop here
  # Check assumption plot
  if (assumption_plot == TRUE) {
    if (all(unlist(lapply(
      c("gridExtra", "qqplotr", "see"), requireNamespace
    )))) {
      assumption_plot <- tryCatch({
        assumption_plot <- suppressMessages(performance::check_model(model))
      error = function(cond) {
        warning("assumption_plot does not support this model type")
    } else {
        "Please install.packages(c('gridExtra','qqplotr','see')) to use assumption_plot"
  } else {
    assumption_plot <- NULL
  if (return_result == TRUE) {
    return_list <- list(
      model_summary = model_summary_df,
      model_performance_df = model_performance_df,
      assumption_plot = assumption_plot

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