
"print_psych.vss" <-
function(x,digits=2,all=FALSE,cut=NULL,sort=FALSE,...)  {
if(!is.null(x$cfit.1)) {
 if(x$title!="Very Simple Structure") {
 cat("\nVery Simple Structure of ", x$title,"\n") } else {cat("\nVery Simple Structure\n")} 
 cat("Call: ")
 vss.max <- round(max(x$cfit.1) ,digits)
 wh.max <- which.max(x$cfit.1)
# if(wh.max !=first.max(x$vss.stats$cfit.1)) {cat("Although the VSS complexity 1 shows ",wh.max," factors, it is probably more reasonable to think about ",first.max(x$vss.stats$cfit.1), " factors\n")
#   } else {
 cat("VSS complexity 1 achieves a maximimum of ")
 cat(vss.max," with " ,first.max(x$cfit.1), " factors\n")
 # }

 cat("VSS complexity 2 achieves a maximimum of ")
  vss.max <- round(max(x$cfit.2) ,digits) 
 cat(vss.max," with " ,first.max(x$cfit.2), " factors\n") 
 cat("\nThe Velicer MAP achieves a minimum of ")
 vss.map <- round(min(x$map,na.rm=TRUE) ,digits) 
 cat(vss.map," with " ,which.min(x$map), " factors ") 
 bic.min <- round(min(x$vss.stats[,"BIC"],na.rm=TRUE),digits)
 cat("\nBIC achieves a minimum of ", bic.min," with ", which.min(x$vss.stats[,"BIC"])," factors\n")
 sabic.min <- round(min(x$vss.stats[,"SABIC"],na.rm=TRUE),digits)
 cat("Sample Size adjusted BIC achieves a minimum of ", sabic.min," with ", which.min(x$vss.stats[,"SABIC"])," factors\n")
 # cat("\nVelicer MAP\n")
  #    print(round(x$map,digits))
  #     cat("\nVery Simple Structure Complexity 1\n")
  #     print(round(x$cfit.1,digits))
  #     cat("\nVery Simple Structure Complexity 2\n")
  #     print(round(x$cfit.2,digits))
 temp <- data.frame(vss1=x$cfit.1,vss2=x$cfit.2,map=x$map,x$vss.stats[,1:13])
 cat("\nStatistics by number of factors \n")
 print(temp,digits=digits) } else { if(x$title!="Number of Factors") {
 cat("\nNumber of factors of ", x$title,"\n") } else {cat("\nNumber of factors\n")} 
 cat("Call: ")
 cat("VSS complexity 1 achieves a maximimum of ")
 vss.max <- round(max(x$vss.stats$cfit.1,na.rm=TRUE) ,digits) 
 wh.max <- which.max(x$vss.stats$cfit.1)
 if(wh.max !=first.max(x$vss.stats$cfit.1)) {cat("Although the vss.max shows ",wh.max," factors, it is probably more reasonable to think about ",first.max(x$vss.stats$cfit.1), " factors\n")} else {
 cat(vss.max," with " ,wh.max, " factors\n") }

 cat("VSS complexity 2 achieves a maximimum of ")
  vss.max <- round(max(x$vss.stats$cfit.2,na.rm=TRUE) ,digits) 
 cat(vss.max," with " ,first.max(x$vss.stats$cfit.2), " factors\n") 
 cat("The Velicer MAP achieves a minimum of ")
 vss.map <- round(min(x$map,na.rm=TRUE) ,digits) 
 cat(vss.map," with " ,which.min(x$map), " factors ") 
 bic.min <- round(min(x$vss.stats[["eBIC"]],na.rm=TRUE),digits)
 cat("\nEmpirical BIC achieves a minimum of ", bic.min," with ", which.min(x$vss.stats[["eBIC"]])," factors\n")
 sabic.min <- round(min(x$vss.stats[["SABIC"]],na.rm=TRUE),digits)
 cat("Sample Size adjusted BIC achieves a minimum of ", sabic.min," with ", which.min(x$vss.stats[["SABIC"]])," factors\n")
 # cat("\nVelicer MAP\n")
  #    print(round(x$map,digits))
  #     cat("\nVery Simple Structure Complexity 1\n")
  #     print(round(x$cfit.1,digits))
  #     cat("\nVery Simple Structure Complexity 2\n")
  #     print(round(x$cfit.2,digits))
 temp <- data.frame(vss1=x$vss.stats$cfit.1,vss2=x$vss.stats$cfit.2,map=x$map,x$vss.stats[,1:13])
 cat("\nStatistics by number of factors \n")
   }  #end print.psych.vss
"first.max" <- function(x) {
fuzz <- .0000001
 nx <- length(x) -1
 first <- which.max(x)
 for(i in 1:nx) {if(x[i] + fuzz  > x[i+1]){first <- i
    break } } 

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psych documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:07 p.m.