
Defines functions create_num_ptable create_cnt_ptable create_ptable

Documented in create_cnt_ptable create_num_ptable create_ptable

#' @rdname ptable_pkg
#' @md
#' @title Noise Probability Generator for the Cell-Key Method (CKM)
#' @description
#' [ptable](https://github.com/sdcTools/ptable) makes it easy to create 
#' perturbation tables that can be used for applying noise to statistical 
#' tables with any cell-key method approach - among others either the 
#' [cellKey()](https://github.com/sdcTools/cellKey)-package
#' or the standalone tool [TauArgus](https://github.com/sdcTools/tauargus).
#' The package
#' provides four main functions to create the perturbation tables:
#' * `create_ptable()`: generic function that creates a ptable, either for 
#' frequency count or magnitude tables with a various set of options.
#' * `create_cnt_ptable()`: creates a ptable suitable for frequency count
#' tables.
#' * `create_num_ptable()`: creates a ptable suitable for magnitude tables
#' (i.e. with numerical variables).
#' * [modify_cnt_ptable()]: modifies the ptable for a higher level of protection
#' @details The perturbation probabilities are constructed given the following
#' constraints:
#' - Maximum noise
#' - Zero mean (unbiased noise)
#' - Fixed noise variance
#' - Transition probabilities are between zero and one and the sum up to 1
#' - Perturbations will not produce negative cell values or positive cell values
#' equal to or less than a specific threshold value
#' @param D perturbation parameter for maximum noise (scalar integer)
#' @param V perturbation parameter for variance (scalar double)
#' @param js threshold value for blocking of small frequencies 
#' (i.e. the perturbation will not produce positive cell values that are equal 
#' to or smaller than the threshold value). (scalar integer)
#' @param pstay optional parameter to set the probability (0 < p < 1) of
#' an original frequency to remain unperturbed: NA (default) no preset
#' probability (i.e. produces the maximum entropy solution)
#' @param optim optimization parameter: `1` standard approach (default) with
#' regular constraints, `4` alternative approach with simplified constraints 
#' (may work if constraints using the standard approach are violated)
#' @param mono (logical) vector specifying optimization parameter for
#' monotony condition
#' @param label (character) label of the Output
#' @param step (integer) number of steps for the noise (between two integer
#' values). Whereas the cell-key approach
#' for frequency count tables only allows to have noise values that are 
#' integers (\code{step = 1})
#' \deqn{-D, 1-D, 2-D, ..., -1, 0, 1, ..., D-2, D-1, D} 
#' the noise distribution for magnitude values does not have 
#' to be integer valued: 
#' \deqn{-D, (1/step)-D, (2/step)-D, ..., 0, ..., D-(2/step), D-(1/step), D} 
#' The reciprocal of step (='step width') is computed and used internally 
#'  for the perturbation table.
#' @param icat (integer) categorized original frequencies i
#' @param table (character) type of the table: frequency count (\code{cnts}) 
#' or magnitude table (\code{nums})
#' @param type (character) type indicator for the extra column 'type' used for
#' magnitude tables: \code{'even'}, \code{'odd'} or \code{'all'} (default)
#' @param monitoring (logical) output monitoring on/off
#' @param debugging (logical) debug monitoring on/off
#' @param create (logical) scalar specifying to create just the
#' input parameters of class [ptable_params-class] (\code{FALSE}) or also to 
#' create the perturbation table object of class [ptable-class] 
#' (default: \code{TRUE})
#' @param params object of class [ptable_params-class] can be used as input 
#' instead of the remaining parameters
#' @seealso
#' * [plot()] to analyze the created perturbation table visually
#' * [pt_export()] to export the perturbation table for external sdcTools
#' like [TauArgus](https://github.com/sdcTools/tauargus) or SAS.
#' @return Returns [ptable-class] object including the 
#' created perturbation table by default. If the argument `create = FALSE`,
#' a [ptable_params-class] object is returned.
#' @examples
#' # create ptable for frequency count tables
#' create_cnt_ptable(D = 3, V = 1.08, js = 1, label = "ptable_frequency_tab")
#' # create ptable for magnitude tables
#' create_num_ptable(D = 5, V = 2, step = 4, icat = c(1, 3, 5))
#' \donttest{
#' # create ptable for frequency or magnitude tables
#' create_ptable(D = 3, V = 1.08, js = 1, table="cnts")
#' create_ptable(D = 5, V = 2, step = 4, icat = c(1, 4, 5), table="nums")
#' }
#' @export
create_ptable <- function(D,
                          js = 0,
                          pstay = NULL,
                          optim = 1,
                          mono = TRUE,
                          step = 1,
                          icat = NULL,
                          table = "cnts",
                          type = "all",
                          label = paste0("D", D, "V", V * 100),
                          monitoring = FALSE,
                          debugging = FALSE,
                          create = TRUE,
                          params = NULL) {

  out <- NULL

  if (is.null(params)) {
    params <-   pt_create_pParams(
      table = table,
      D = D,
      V = V,
      js = js,
      pstay = pstay,
      optim = optim,
      mono = mono,
      type = type,
      step = step,
      icat = icat,
      label = label
  } else {
    stopifnot(class(params) == "ptable_params")

  if (create) {
    ptab <- pt_create_pTable(params = params,
                             monitoring = monitoring,
                             debugging = debugging)

    out <- ptab

  } else {
    out <- params

#' @rdname ptable_pkg
#' @export
create_cnt_ptable <- function(D,
                              js = 0,
                              pstay = NULL,
                              optim = 1,
                              mono = TRUE,
                              label = paste0("D", D, "V", V * 100),
                              monitoring = FALSE,
                              create = TRUE) {
    D = D,
    V = V,
    js = js,
    pstay = pstay,
    optim = optim,
    mono = mono,
    step = 1,
    icat = NULL,
    table = "cnts",
    type = "all",
    label = label,
    monitoring = monitoring,
    debugging = FALSE,
    create = create
#' @rdname ptable_pkg
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
create_cnts_ptable <- create_cnt_ptable
#' @rdname ptable_pkg
#' @export
create_num_ptable <- function(D,
                              pstay = NULL,
                              optim = 1,
                              mono = TRUE,
                              step = 2,
                              icat = NULL,
                              type = "all",
                              label = paste0("D", D, "V", V * 100),
                              monitoring = FALSE,
                              create = TRUE) {
    D = D,
    V = V,
    js = 0,
    pstay = pstay,
    optim = optim,
    mono = mono,
    step = step,
    icat = icat,
    table = "nums",
    type = type,
    label = label,
    monitoring = monitoring,
    debugging = FALSE,
    create = create
#' @rdname ptable_pkg
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
create_nums_ptable <- create_num_ptable

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ptable documentation built on March 7, 2023, 7:30 p.m.