
Defines functions esest_nsig

### Function for estimation with p-uniform*
esest_nsig <- function(yi, vi, int, tau.int, ycv, method, con) 
  if (method == "ML")
    est.ci <- con$est.ci
    tau.ci <- con$tau.ci
    if(con$proc.ml == "prof")
      ### Starting values for optimization
      tau.est <- con$stval.tau
      int <- con$int
      tau.int <- con$tau.int
      tol <- con$tol
      maxit <- con$maxit
      verbose <- con$verbose
      stay <- TRUE # In order to stay in while loop
      est <- -999 # Unreasonable estimate to force procedure to use at least two iterations
      i <- 0 # Counter for number of iterations
      ### While loop for optimizing profile likelihood functions
      while(stay) {
        i <- i+1 # Counter for number of iterations
        ### For next iteration new estimate becomes old estimate
        old <- est
        tau.old <- tau.est
        ### Optimize profile likelihood function of delta 
        # (suppressWarnings() in order to be able to specify wide search intervals)
        est <- suppressWarnings(optimize(ml_est, int, tau.est, yi, vi, ycv, 
                                         maximum = TRUE)$maximum)
        ### Optimize profile likelihood function of tau
        # (suppressWarnings() in order to be able to specify wide search intervals)
        tau.est <- suppressWarnings(optimize(ml_tau, tau.int, est, yi, vi, ycv, 
                                             maximum = TRUE)$maximum)
        ### Print intermediate steps if requested
        if (verbose == TRUE)
          cat("est = ", est, "tau.est = ", tau.est, fill = TRUE)
        ### Stay in while loop till difference between previous and new estimates
        # is less than tol or maxit equals maximum number of iterations
        stay <- ifelse(abs(tau.est-tau.old) < tol & abs(est-old) < tol | 
                         i == maxit, FALSE, TRUE)
      if (i == maxit | any(round(est, 3) %in% int | round(tau.est, 3) %in% 
                           tau.int) & round(tau.est, 3) != 0) 
      { # If maximum number of iterations is reached or if estimates are equal to 
        # bounds of interval that was used for optimization return NA except if 
        # estimate of tau is equal to zero
        est <- NA
        tau.est <- NA
    } else
      ### Starting values
      par <- c(con$stval.d, con$stval.tau)
      ### Control arguments of optim(). -1 times con$fnscale to maximize the 
      # log-likelihood function
      control.optim <- list(fnscale = -1*con$fnscale, maxit = con$maxit)
      ### Optimize log likelihood function
      out <- optim(par = par, fn = ml_star, yi = yi, vi = vi, ycv = ycv, 
                   lower = c(-Inf, 0), method = "L-BFGS-B", 
                   verbose = con$verbose, control = control.optim)
      ### Store estimates
      est <- out$par[1]
      tau.est <- out$par[2]
      ### Return warning message if there are indications for non-convergence
      if (out$convergence != 0)
        warning("Convergence code is non-zero indicating convergence issues. Try changing the control parameters 'fnscale' and 'maxit' to reach convergence.")
    if (is.na(est) & is.na(tau.est))
      lb <- NA
      ub <- NA
      tau.lb <- NA
      tau.ub <- NA
    } else 
      ### Function to compute profile likelihood confidence intervals for the 
      # average effect size
      get_profile_ci_est <- function(d, tau, yi, vi, chi_cv, ll, con)
        ll0 <- optimize(f = ml_star_tau, interval = con$tau.int, d = d, yi = yi, vi = vi,
                        ycv = ycv, maximum = TRUE)$objective
      if(con$proc.ml == "prof")
      { # Get log-likelihood if optimization via the profile likelihoods was done
        ### Starting values
        par <- c(con$stval.d, con$stval.tau)
        ### Control arguments of optim(). -1 times con$fnscale to maximize the 
        # log-likelihood function
        control.optim <- list(fnscale = -1*con$fnscale, maxit = con$maxit)
        ### Optimize log likelihood function
        ll <- optim(par = par, fn = ml_star, yi = yi, vi = vi, ycv = ycv, 
                    lower = c(-Inf, 0), method = "L-BFGS-B", 
                    verbose = con$verbose, control = control.optim)$value
      } else
        ll <- out$value
      tmp.lb <- try(uniroot(f = get_profile_ci_est, interval = c(est-est.ci[1],est), 
                            tau = tau.est, yi = yi, vi = vi, 
                            chi_cv = qchisq(.95, df = 1), ll = ll, con = con)$root, 
                    silent = TRUE)
      ### Return NA if lower bound could not be estimated
      lb <- ifelse(inherits(tmp.lb, what = "try-error"), NA, tmp.lb)
      tmp.ub <- try(uniroot(f = get_profile_ci_est, interval = c(est,est+est.ci[2]), 
                            tau = tau.est, yi = yi, vi = vi, 
                            chi_cv = qchisq(.95, df = 1), ll = ll, con = con)$root, 
                    silent = TRUE)
      ### Return NA if lower bound could not be estimated
      ub <- ifelse(inherits(tmp.ub, what = "try-error"), NA, tmp.ub)
      ### Estimation of CI tau
      ### Function to compute profile likelihood confidence intervals for the 
      # average effect size
      get_profile_ci_tau <- function(tau, d, yi, vi, chi_cv, ll, con)
        ll0 <- optimize(f = ml_star_est, interval = con$int, tau = tau, yi = yi, 
                        vi = vi, ycv = ycv, maximum = TRUE)$objective
      if (get_profile_ci_tau(tau = 0, d = est, yi = yi, vi = vi, 
                             chi_cv = qchisq(.95, df = 1), ll = ll, con = con) < 0)
      { # Set lower bound to zero if it is smaller than 0
        tau.lb <- 0
      } else
        tmp.lb <- try(uniroot(f = get_profile_ci_tau, 
                              interval = c(max(c(0, tau.est-con$tau.ci[1])), tau.est), 
                              d = est, yi = yi, vi = vi, chi_cv = qchisq(.95, df = 1), 
                              ll = ll, con = con)$root, silent = TRUE)
        ### Return NA if lower bound could not be estimated
        tau.lb <- ifelse(inherits(tmp.lb, what = "try-error"), NA, tmp.lb)
      tmp.ub <- try(uniroot(f = get_profile_ci_tau, 
                            interval = c(tau.est, tau.est+con$tau.ci[2]), 
                            d = est, yi = yi, vi = vi, chi_cv = qchisq(.95, df = 1), 
                            ll = ll, con = con)$root, silent = TRUE)
      ### Return NA if lower bound could not be estimated
      tau.ub <- ifelse(inherits(tmp.ub, what = "try-error"), NA, tmp.ub)
  } else if (method == "P" | method == "LNP")
    ### Starting values for root-finding
    bounds.int <- con$bounds.int
    tau.int <- con$tau.int
    est.ci <- con$est.ci
    tau.ci <- con$tau.ci
    tol <- con$tol
    maxit <- con$maxit
    verbose <- con$verbose
    tau.est <- 0 # Use tau=0 for first step
    est <- 0 # Use est=0 for first step
    stay <- TRUE # In order to stay in while loop
    i <- 0 # Counter for number of iterations
    est.max <- taus.max <- numeric(10) # Empty objects to examine whether estimates oscilate
    ### While loop for estimating effect size and tau
      i <- i+1 # Counter for number of iterations
      if (i > maxit-99)
      { # Check if root finding is not oscillating between two values
        ### Compute difference between new and old estimates
        tau.dif.new <- round(abs(tau.est-tau.old), 2)
        if (tau.dif.new == tau.dif)
        { ### If root finding is oscillating, add one half of the difference between old
          # and new values to the estimates
          tau.est <- tau.est+(abs(tau.old-tau.est))/2
      if (i > maxit-100)
      { # Compute difference between new and old estimates
        tau.dif <- round(abs(tau.old-tau.est), 2)
      ### Compute the bounds for estimating effect size with P and LNP in such a way 
      # that the observed effect sizes are smaller (or larger) than the lower bound and 
      # upper bound for computing the conditional probabilities for estimating 
      # effect size and estimating tau
      int <- bounds_nsig(yi = yi, vi = vi, tau.est = tau.est, ycv = ycv, 
                         method = method, bounds.int = c(bounds.int[1], sort(yi), 
      ### For next iteration new estimate becomes old estimate
      old <- est
      tau.old <- tau.est
      ### Estimate effect size
      est <- try(uniroot(pdist_nsig, interval = c(int[1], int[2]), tau = tau.est, yi = yi,
                         vi = vi, param = "est", ycv = ycv, method = method, val = "es", 
                         cv_P = 0)$root, silent = TRUE)
      if (inherits(est, what = "try-error")) 
      { # If effect size could not be estimated return NAs and break out while loop
        est <- NA
        tau.est <- NA
      ### Check if tau is larger than zero and otherwise break out while loop
      if (i == 1) 
        tau0 <- round(pdist_nsig(est = est, tau = 0, yi = yi, vi = vi, param = "tau", 
                                 ycv = ycv, method = method, val = "es", cv_P = 0), 3)
        if (method == "P" & tau0 <= 0 | method == "LNP" & tau0 >= 0) 
          tau.est <- 0
          est <- try(uniroot(pdist_nsig, interval = c(int[1], int[2]), tau = tau.est, yi = yi,
                             vi = vi, param = "est", ycv = ycv, method = method, val = "es", 
                             cv_P = 0)$root, silent = TRUE)
          if (inherits(est, what = "try-error")) 
          { # If effect size could not be estimated return NAs
            est <- NA
            tau.est <- NA
      ### Estimate tau
      tau.est <- try(uniroot(pdist_nsig, interval = c(tau.int[1], tau.int[2]), est = est, yi = yi,
                             vi = vi, param = "tau", ycv = ycv, method = method, val = "es", 
                             cv_P = 0)$root, silent = TRUE)
      if (inherits(tau.est, what = "try-error")) 
      { # If effect size could not be estimated return NAs and break out while loop
        est <- NA
        tau.est <- NA
      ### Print intermediate steps if requested
      if (con$verbose == TRUE) 
        cat("est = ", est, "tau.est = ", tau.est, fill = TRUE) 
      if (i > maxit-10)
      { # Store last ten estimates of effect size and tau before maximum number 
        # of iterations is reached
        est.max[i-maxit+10] <- est
        taus.max[i-maxit+10] <- tau.est
      if (i == maxit)
      { # If maximum number of iterations is reached
        if(mean(abs(diff(est.max))) < 0.1)
        { # If algorithm is oscilating, compute mean of last ten estimates of tau and 
          # use this value for tau for estimating est
          tau.est <- mean(taus.max)
          ### Compute the bounds for estimating effect size with P and LNP
          int <- bounds_nsig(yi = yi, vi = vi, ycv = ycv, method = method, tau.est = tau.est, 
                             bounds.int = c(bounds.int[1], sort(yi), bounds.int[2]))
          ### Estimate effect size
          est <- try(uniroot(pdist_nsig, interval = c(int[1], int[2]), tau = tau.est, yi = yi,
                             vi = vi, param = "est", method = method, val = "es")$root, silent = TRUE)
          if (inherits(est, what = "try-error")) 
          { # If effect size could not be estimated return NAs and break out while loop
            est <- NA
            tau.est <- NA
        } else
        { # If maximum number of iterations is reached return NA
          est <- NA
          tau.est <- NA
      ### Stay in while loop till difference between previous and new estimates
      # is less than tol or maxit equals maximum number of iterations
      stay <- ifelse(abs(tau.est-tau.old) < tol & abs(est-old) < tol | i == maxit, 
                     FALSE, TRUE)
    ### If estimates are equal to bounds of interval that was used for optimization
    # return NA except if estimate of tau is equal to zero
    if (any(round(est, 3) %in% int | round(tau.est, 3) %in% tau.int) & round(tau.est, 3) != 0) 
      tau.est <- NA
      est <- NA
    if (is.na(est) == TRUE & is.na(tau.est) == TRUE)
    { # If effect size and tau could not be estimated return NAs for CIs
      lb <- NA
      ub <- NA
      tau.lb <- NA
      tau.ub <- NA
    } else 
      ### Estimate CI of est ###
      lb <- suppressWarnings(try(uniroot(pdist_nsig, interval = c(est-con$est.ci[1], est),  
                                         tau = tau.est, yi = yi, vi = vi, param = "est", 
                                         ycv = ycv, method = method, val = "ci.lb", 
                                         get_cv_P(length(yi)))$root, silent = TRUE))
      if (inherits(lb, what = "try-error")) 
      { # Check if lower bound could be estimated
        lb <- NA
      ub <- suppressWarnings(try(uniroot(pdist_nsig, interval = c(est, est+con$est.ci[2]),  
                                         tau = tau.est, yi = yi, vi = vi, param = "est", 
                                         ycv = ycv, method = method, val = "ci.ub", 
                                         get_cv_P(length(yi)))$root, silent = TRUE))
      if (inherits(ub, what = "try-error")) 
      { # Check if upper bound could be estimated
        ub <- NA
      ### Estimate CI of tau ###
      if (method == "P")
        if (pdist_nsig(est = est, tau = 0, yi = yi, vi = vi, param = "tau", ycv = ycv, 
                       method = method, val = "ci.ub", cv_P = get_cv_P(length(yi))) < 0)
        { # Return 0 (null set) if lower and upper bound are negative
          tau.lb <- tau.ub <- 0 
        } else if (pdist_nsig(est = est, tau = 0, yi = yi, vi = vi, param = "tau", ycv = ycv, 
                              method = method, val = "ci.lb", cv_P = get_cv_P(length(yi))) < 0) 
        { # Truncate lower bound to zero if it is negative
          tau.lb <- 0 
          tau.ub <- suppressWarnings(try(uniroot(pdist_nsig, interval = c(0, tau.est+con$tau.ci[1]), 
                                                 est = est, yi = yi, vi = vi, param = "tau", ycv = ycv, 
                                                 method = method, val = "ci.ub", cv_P = get_cv_P(length(yi)))$root, 
                                         silent = TRUE))
          if (inherits(tau.ub, what = "try-error")) 
          { # Check if upper bound could be estimated
            tau.ub <- NA
        } else 
        { # Estimate lower and upper bound
          tau.lb <- suppressWarnings(try(uniroot(pdist_nsig, interval = c(max(0, tau.est-con$tau.ci[2]), tau.est), 
                                                 est = est, yi = yi, vi = vi, param = "tau", ycv = ycv, 
                                                 method = method, val = "ci.lb", cv_P = get_cv_P(length(yi)))$root, 
                                         silent = TRUE))  
          if (inherits(tau.lb, what = "try-error")) 
          { # Check if lower bound could be estimated
            tau.lb <- NA
          tau.ub <- suppressWarnings(try(uniroot(pdist_nsig, interval = c(0, tau.est+con$tau.ci[1]), 
                                                 est = est, yi = yi, vi = vi, param = "tau", ycv = ycv, 
                                                 method = method, val = "ci.ub", cv_P = get_cv_P(length(yi)))$root, 
                                         silent = TRUE))
          if (inherits(tau.ub, what = "try-error")) 
          { # Check if upper bound could be estimated
            tau.ub <- NA
      } else if (method == "LNP")
        if (pdist_nsig(est = est, tau = 0, yi = yi, vi = vi, param = "tau", ycv = ycv, 
                       method = method, val = "ci.ub", cv_P = get_cv_P(length(yi))) > 0)
        { # Return 0 (null set) if lower and upper bound are negative
          tau.lb <- tau.ub <- 0
        } else if (pdist_nsig(est = est, tau = 0, yi = yi, vi = vi, param = "tau", ycv = ycv, 
                              method = method, val = "ci.lb", cv_P = get_cv_P(length(yi))) > 0) 
          tau.lb <- 0 # Truncate lower bound to zero if it is negative
          tau.ub <- suppressWarnings(try(uniroot(pdist_nsig, interval = c(0, tau.est+con$tau.ci[1]), 
                                                 est = est, yi = yi, vi = vi, param = "tau", ycv = ycv, 
                                                 method = method, val = "ci.ub", cv_P = get_cv_P(length(yi)))$root, 
                                         silent = TRUE))
          if (inherits(tau.ub, what = "try-error")) 
          { # Check if upper bound could be estimated
            tau.ub <- NA
        } else 
        { # Estimate lower and upper bound
          if (con$tau.ci[2] == 0)
          { # If user did not specify a value for search interval, search from 0 to tau.est
            tau.lb <- suppressWarnings(try(uniroot(pdist_nsig, interval = c(0, tau.est), est = est, 
                                                   yi = yi, vi = vi, param = "tau", ycv = ycv, 
                                                   method = method, val = "ci.lb", cv_P = get_cv_P(length(yi)))$root, 
                                           silent = TRUE))  
          } else 
          { # Estimate lower and upper bound
            tau.lb <- suppressWarnings(try(uniroot(pdist_nsig, interval = c(max(0, tau.est-con$tau.ci[2]), tau.est), 
                                                   est = est, yi = yi, vi = vi, param = "tau", ycv = ycv, 
                                                   method = method, val = "ci.lb", cv_P = get_cv_P(length(yi)))$root, 
                                           silent = TRUE))  
          if (inherits(tau.lb, what = "try-error")) 
          { # Check if lower bound could be estimated
            tau.lb <- NA
          tau.ub <- suppressWarnings(try(uniroot(pdist_nsig, interval = c(0, tau.est+con$tau.ci[1]), 
                                                 est = est, yi = yi, vi = vi, param = "tau", ycv = ycv, 
                                                 method = method, val = "ci.ub", cv_P = get_cv_P(length(yi)))$root, 
                                         silent = TRUE))
          if (inherits(tau.ub, what = "try-error")) 
          { # Check if upper bound could be estimated
            tau.ub <- NA
  return(data.frame(est = est, tau.est = tau.est, lb = lb, ub = ub, tau.lb = tau.lb, 
                    tau.ub = tau.ub))

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