#' Create QualificationType
#' Create a QualificationType. This creates a QualificationType, but does not
#' assign it to any workers. All characteristics of the QualificationType
#' (except name and keywords) can be changed later with
#' \code{\link{UpdateQualificationType}}.
#' A function to create a QualificationType. Active QualificationTypes are
#' visible to workers and to other requesters. All characteristics of the
#' QualificationType, other than the name and keywords, can later be modified
#' by \code{\link{UpdateQualificationType}}. Qualifications can then be used to
#' assign Qualifications to workers with \code{\link{AssignQualification}} and
#' invoked as QualificationRequirements in \code{\link{RegisterHITType}} and/or
#' \code{\link{CreateHIT}} operations.
#' \code{createqual()} is an alias.
#' @aliases CreateQualificationType createqual
#' @param name A name for the QualificationType. This is visible to workers. It
#' cannot be modified by \code{\link{UpdateQualificationType}}.
#' @param description A longer description of the QualificationType. This is
#' visible to workers. Maximum of 2000 characters.
#' @param status A character vector of \dQuote{Active} or \dQuote{Inactive},
#' indicating whether the QualificationType should be active and visible.
#' @param keywords An optional character string containing a comma-separated
#' set of keywords by which workers can search for the QualificationType.
#' Maximum 1000 characters. These cannot be modified by
#' \code{\link{UpdateQualificationType}}.
#' @param retry.delay An optional time (in seconds) indicating how long workers
#' have to wait before requesting the QualificationType after an initial
#' rejection. If not specified, retries are disabled and Workers can request a
#' Qualification of this type only once, even if the Worker has not been
#' granted the Qualification.
#' @param test An optional character string consisting of a QuestionForm data
#' structure, used as a test a worker must complete before the
#' QualificationType is granted to them.
#' @param answerkey An optional character string consisting of an AnswerKey
#' data structure, used to automatically score the test
#' @param test.duration An optional time (in seconds) indicating how long
#' workers have to complete the test.
#' @param auto A logical indicating whether the Qualification is automatically
#' granted to workers who request it. Default is \code{NULL} meaning
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @param auto.value An optional parameter specifying the value that is
#' automatically assigned to workers when they request it (if the Qualification
#' is automatically granted).
#' @param verbose Optionally print the results of the API request to the
#' standard output. Default is taken from \code{getOption('pyMTurkR.verbose',
#' TRUE)}.
#' @return A data frame containing the QualificationTypeId and other details of
#' the newly created QualificationType.
#' @author Tyler Burleigh, Thomas J. Leeper
#' @references
#' \href{}{API
#' Reference}
#' @keywords Qualifications
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Create a Qualification Type
#' qual1 <- CreateQualificationType(name="Worked for me before",
#' description="This qualification is for people who have worked for me before",
#' status = "Active",
#' keywords = "Worked for me before")
#' DisposeQualificationType(qual1$QualificationTypeId)
#' # Create a Qualification Type with a Qualification Test
#' f <- system.file("templates/qualificationtest1.xml", package = "pyMTurkR")
#' QuestionForm <- paste0(readLines(f, warn = FALSE), collapse = "")
#' qual2 <- CreateQualificationType(name = "Qual0001",
#' description = "This is a qualification",
#' status = "Active",
#' test = QuestionForm,
#' test.duration = 30)
#' DisposeQualificationType(qual2$QualificationTypeId)
#' # Create a Qualification Type with a Qualification Test and Answer Key
#' f <- system.file("templates/qualificationtest1.xml", package = "pyMTurkR")
#' QuestionForm <- paste0(readLines(f, warn = FALSE), collapse = "")
#' f <- system.file("templates/answerkey1.xml", package = "pyMTurkR")
#' AnswerKey <- paste0(readLines(f, warn = FALSE), collapse = "")
#' qual3 <- CreateQualificationType(name = "Qual0001",
#' description = "This is a qualification",
#' status = "Active",
#' test = QuestionForm,
#' test.duration = 30,
#' answerkey = AnswerKey)
#' DisposeQualificationType(qual3$QualificationTypeId)
#' }
#' @export CreateQualificationType
#' @export createqual
CreateQualificationType <-
createqual <-
function (name,
keywords = NULL,
retry.delay = NULL,
test = NULL,
answerkey = NULL,
test.duration = NULL,
auto = NULL,
auto.value = NULL,
verbose = getOption('pyMTurkR.verbose', TRUE)) {
GetClient() # Boto3 client
# Check status is valid
if(!status %in% c("Active", "Inactive"))
stop("QualificationTypeStatus must be Active or Inactive")
# List to store arguments
args <- list()
# Set the function to use later
fun <- pyMTurkR$Client$create_qualification_type
# Add required arguments
args <- c(args, list(Name = name,
Description = description,
QualificationTypeStatus = status))
# Add optional fields
args <- c(args, list(Keywords = keywords))
if(!is.null(test) & is.null(test.duration)){
stop("If test is specified then test.duration must be too")
} else if(is.null(test) & !is.null(test.duration)){
stop("If test.duration is specified then test must be too")
} else if(!is.null(test) & !is.null(test.duration)){
args <- c(args, list(TestDurationInSeconds = as.integer(test.duration),
Test = test))
if(is.null(test) & !is.null(answerkey)){
stop("If answerkey is specified then test must be too")
} else if(!is.null(test) & !is.null(answerkey)){
args <- c(args, list(AnswerKey = answerkey))
stop("auto must be TRUE or FALSE")
args <- c(args, list(AutoGranted = as.logical(auto)))
stop("auto.value must be an integer")
args <- c(args, list(AutoGrantedValue = as.integer(auto.value)))
if( | as.integer(retry.delay) < 0){
stop("retry.delay must be a positive integer")
args <- c(args, list(RetryDelayInSeconds = as.integer(retry.delay)))
# Execute the API call
response <- try('fun', args), silent = !verbose
# Update Qualification with any other parameters,
# but only if we've just created it
if (inherits(response, "try-error")) {
stop("Unable to create qualification")
} else {
qualid <- response$QualificationType$QualificationTypeId
info <- emptydf(0, 13, c("QualificationTypeId", "CreationTime", "Name", "Description", "Keywords",
"QualificationTypeStatus", "AutoGranted", "AutoGrantedValue", "IsRequestable",
"RetryDelayInSeconds", "TestDurationInSeconds", "Test", "AnswerKey"))
info[1,]$QualificationTypeId <- response$QualificationType$QualificationTypeId
info[1,]$CreationTime <- reticulate::py_to_r(response$QualificationType$CreationTime)
info[1,]$Name <- response$QualificationType$Name
info[1,]$Description <- response$QualificationType$Description
info[1,]$Keywords <- keywords
info[1,]$QualificationTypeStatus <- response$QualificationType$QualificationTypeStatus
info[1,]$AutoGranted <- response$QualificationType$AutoGranted
info[1,]$AutoGrantedValue <- auto.value
info[1,]$IsRequestable <- response$QualificationType$IsRequestable
info[1,]$RetryDelayInSeconds <- retry.delay
info[1,]$Test <- test
info[1,]$AnswerKey <- answerkey
info[1,]$TestDurationInSeconds <- test.duration
message("QualificationType Created: ", response$QualificationType$QualificationTypeId)
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