
HITStatus <-
status <-
function (hit = NULL,
          hit.type = NULL,
          annotation = NULL,
          verbose = getOption('pyMTurkR.verbose', TRUE)){

    hitsearch <- SearchHITs(verbose = FALSE)
    HITs <- hitsearch$HITs
    if (is.null(HITs)) {
        return(HITs) # return if NULL
    if (!is.null(hit)) {
        if (is.factor(hit)) {
            hit <- as.character(hit)
        HITs <- HITs[grep(hit, HITs$HITId), ]
        toprint <- HITs[, c("HITId", "HITReviewStatus", "NumberOfAssignmentsPending",
                            "NumberOfAssignmentsAvailable", "NumberOfAssignmentsCompleted",
                            "Expiration", "RequesterAnnotation")]
        toprint$RequesterAnnotation <- ifelse(is.na(toprint$RequesterAnnotation), "", toprint$RequesterAnnotation)
        names(toprint) <- c("HITId", "ReviewStatus", "Pending",
                            "Available", "Completed", "Expiration", "Annotation")
    } else {
        if (!is.null(hit.type)) {
            if (is.factor(hit.type)) {
                hit <- as.character(hit.type)
            HITs <- HITs[HITs$HITTypeId %in% hit.type, ]
        } else if (!is.null(annotation)) {
            if (is.factor(annotation)) {
                hit <- as.character(annotation)
            HITs <- HITs[grepl(annotation, HITs$RequesterAnnotation), ]
        if (dim(HITs)[1] == 0) {
            warning("No HITs found!")
            toprint <- data.frame(HITId = character(),
                                  ReviewStatus = character(),
                                  Pending = character(),
                                  Available = character(),
                                  Completed = character(),
                                  Expiration = character(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        toprint <- HITs[,c("HITId","HITReviewStatus","NumberOfAssignmentsPending",
                           "NumberOfAssignmentsAvailable", "NumberOfAssignmentsCompleted",
                           "Expiration", "RequesterAnnotation")]
        toprint$RequesterAnnotation <- ifelse(is.na(toprint$RequesterAnnotation), "", toprint$RequesterAnnotation)
        if (dim(HITs)[1] > 1) {
            totals <- data.frame(HITId = c("------------------------------", "Totals"),
                                 HITReviewStatus = c("------------",""),
                                 NumberOfAssignmentsPending = c("-------",
                                 NumberOfAssignmentsAvailable = c("---------",
                                 NumberOfAssignmentsCompleted = c("---------",
                                 Expiration = c("--------------------",""),
                                 RequesterAnnotation = c("", ""))
            toprint <- rbind(toprint,totals)
        toprint <- stats::setNames(toprint, c("HIT", "ReviewStatus", "Pending", "Available",
                                       "Completed", "Expiration", "Annotation"))
    if (all(toprint$Annotation == "")) {
        toprint <- toprint[, -length(toprint)]


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pyMTurkR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:13 a.m.