test_that("test wordscores on LBG data", {
ws <- textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample, c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA))
pr <- predict(ws, newdata = data_dfm_lbgexample[6, ], interval = "none")
expect_equal(unclass(pr), c(V1 = -.45), tolerance = .01)
pr2 <- predict(ws, data_dfm_lbgexample, interval = "none")
expect_is(pr2, "numeric")
expect_equal(names(pr2), docnames(data_dfm_lbgexample))
expect_equal(pr2["V1"], c(V1 = -.45), tolerance = .01)
pr3 <- predict(ws, data_dfm_lbgexample, = TRUE, interval = "none")
expect_is(pr3, "list")
expect_equal(names(pr3), c("fit", ""))
expect_equal(pr3$[6], 0.01, tolerance = .01)
test_that("a warning occurs for mv with multiple ref scores", {
ws <- textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample, c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA))
expect_warning(predict(ws, rescaling = "mv"),
"More than two reference scores found with MV rescaling; using only min, max values")
test_that("test wordscores on LBG data, MV rescaling", {
ws <- textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample, c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA))
pr <- suppressWarnings(predict(ws, data_dfm_lbgexample, rescaling = "mv", interval = "none"))
expect_equal(pr["V1"], c(V1 = -.51), tolerance = .001)
test_that("test wordscores on LBG data, LBG rescaling", {
ws <- textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample, c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA))
pr <- predict(ws, data_dfm_lbgexample, rescaling = "lbg", interval = "none")
expect_equal(pr["V1"], c(V1 = -.53), tolerance = .01)
test_that("test wordscores fitted and predicted", {
y <- c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA)
ws <- textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample, y)
expect_equal(ws$x, as.dfm(data_dfm_lbgexample))
expect_equal(ws$y, y)
expect_equal("textmodel_wordscores.dfm", as.character(ws$call)[1])
test_that("coef works for wordscores fitted", {
ws <- textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample, c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA))
expect_equal(coef(ws), ws$wordscores)
expect_equal(coef(ws), coefficients(ws))
test_that("predict.textmodel_wordscores with rescaling works with additional reference texts (#1251)", {
refscores <- rep(NA, ndoc(data_dfm_lbgexample))
refscores[docnames(data_dfm_lbgexample) == "R1"] <- -1
refscores[docnames(data_dfm_lbgexample) == "R5"] <- 1
ws1999 <- textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample, refscores,
scale = "linear", smooth = 1)
unclass(predict(ws1999, rescaling = "mv"))[c("R1", "R5")],
c(R1 = -1, R5 = 1)
# test_that("test wordscores predict is same for virgin texts with and without ref texts", {
# y <- c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA)
# ws <- textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample, y)
# expect_equal(
# predict(ws)["V1"],
# predict(ws, data_dfm_lbgexample)["V1"]
# )
# expect_equal(
# suppressWarnings(predict(ws, include_reftexts = FALSE, rescaling = "mv")["V1"]),
# suppressWarnings(predict(ws, include_reftexts = TRUE, rescaling = "mv")["V1"])
# )
# expect_equal(
# suppressWarnings(predict(ws, include_reftexts = FALSE, rescaling = "lbg")["V1"]),
# suppressWarnings(predict(ws, include_reftexts = TRUE, rescaling = "lbg")["V1"])
# )
# expect_equal(
# predict(ws, include_reftexts = FALSE, = TRUE)["V1"],
# predict(ws, include_reftexts = TRUE, = TRUE)["V1"]
# )
# expect_equal(
# predict(ws, include_reftexts = FALSE, interval = "confidence", = TRUE)$fit["V1", , drop = FALSE],
# predict(ws, include_reftexts = TRUE, interval = "confidence", = TRUE)$fit["V1", , drop = FALSE]
# )
# expect_equal(
# predict(ws, include_reftexts = FALSE, interval = "confidence",
# = TRUE)$,
# predict(ws, include_reftexts = TRUE, interval = "confidence",
# = TRUE)$[which(docnames(ws) == "V1")]
# )
# expect_equal(
# predict(ws, include_reftexts = FALSE, interval = "confidence",
# rescaling = "lbg", = TRUE)$,
# predict(ws, include_reftexts = TRUE, interval = "confidence",
# rescaling = "lbg", = TRUE)$[which(docnames(ws) == "V1")]
# )
# })
# test_that("coef works for wordscores predicted, rescaling = none", {
# ws <- textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample, c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA))
# pr <- predict(ws, rescaling = "none")
# expect_equal(coef(pr)$coef_feature, ws@Sw)
# expect_true(is.null(coef(ws)$coef_feature_se))
# expect_equal(coef(pr)$coef_document, pr@textscores$textscore_raw)
# expect_equal(coef(pr)$coef_document_se, pr@textscores$textscore_raw_se)
# })
# test_that("coef works for wordscores predicted, rescaling = mv", {
# pr <- suppressWarnings(
# predict(textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample,
# c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA)),
# rescaling = "mv")
# )
# expect_equal(coef(pr)$coef_document, pr@textscores$textscore_mv)
# expect_equal(
# coef(pr)$coef_document_se,
# (pr@textscores$textscore_mv - pr@textscores$textscore_mv_lo) / 1.96,
# tolerance = .001
# )
# })
# test_that("coef works for wordscores predicted, rescaling = lbg", {
# pr <- predict(textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample, c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA)),
# rescaling = "lbg")
# expect_equal(coef(pr)$coef_document, pr@textscores$textscore_lbg)
# expect_equal(
# coef(pr)$coef_document_se,
# (pr@textscores$textscore_lbg - pr@textscores$textscore_lbg_lo) / 1.96,
# tolerance = .001
# )
# })
test_that("coef and coefficients are the same", {
ws <- textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample, c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA))
pr <- predict(ws, interval = "none")
expect_equal(coef(ws), coefficients(ws))
# expect_equal(coef(pr), coefficients(pr))
test_that("confidence intervals all work", {
ws <- textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample, c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA))
pr <- predict(ws, = TRUE, interval = "confidence", rescaling = "none")
expect_equal(names(pr), c("fit", ""))
expect_equal(colnames(pr$fit), c("fit", "lwr", "upr"))
expect_is(pr$fit, "matrix")
pr_lbg <- predict(ws, = TRUE, interval = "confidence", rescaling = "lbg")
expect_equal(names(pr_lbg), c("fit", ""))
expect_equal(colnames(pr_lbg$fit), c("fit", "lwr", "upr"))
expect_is(pr_lbg$fit, "matrix")
pr_mv <- suppressWarnings(
predict(ws, = TRUE, interval = "confidence", rescaling = "mv")
expect_equal(names(pr_mv), c("fit", ""))
expect_equal(colnames(pr_mv$fit), c("fit", "lwr", "upr"))
expect_is(pr_mv$fit, "matrix")
expect_equal(pr_mv$fit[c(1, 5), "fit"], c(R1 = -1.5, R5 = 1.5))
test_that("textmodel_wordscores print methods work", {
ws <- textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample, c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA))
"^\\nCall:\\ntextmodel_wordscores\\.dfm\\(.*Scale: linear;.*37 scored features\\.$"
sws <- summary(ws)
"^\\nCall:\\ntextmodel_wordscores\\.dfm\\(.*Reference Document Statistics:.*Wordscores:\\n"
test_that("additional quanteda methods", {
ws <- textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample, c(-1.5, NA, NA, NA, .75, NA))
expect_equal(ndoc(ws), 6)
expect_equal(nfeat(ws), 37)
expect_equal(docnames(ws), docnames(data_dfm_lbgexample))
test_that("Works with newdata with different features from the model (#1329)", {
mt1 <- dfm(tokens(c(text1 = "a b c", text2 = "d e f")))
mt2 <- dfm(tokens(c(text3 = "a b c", text4 = "e f g")))
ws <- textmodel_wordscores(mt1, 1:2)
expect_silent(predict(ws, newdata = mt1, force = TRUE))
expect_warning(predict(ws, newdata = mt2, force = TRUE),
"1 feature in newdata not used in prediction\\.")
expect_error(predict(ws, newdata = mt2, force = FALSE),
"newdata's feature set is not conformant to model terms\\.")
test_that("raise warning of unused dots", {
ws <- textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample, c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA))
expect_warning(predict(ws, something = TRUE),
"something argument is not used")
expect_warning(predict(ws, something = TRUE, whatever = TRUE),
"something, whatever arguments are not used")
test_that("textmodel_wordscores does not use NA wordscores scores", {
thedfm <- data_dfm_lbgexample[, c("A", "B", "S", "ZJ", "ZK")]
thedfm["V1", "ZJ"] <- 1
thedfm <- as.dfm(thedfm)
ws <- textmodel_wordscores(thedfm, c(-1, NA, NA, NA, 1, NA))
expect_identical(ws$wordscores, c(A = -1, B = -1, ZJ = 1, ZK = 1))
pws <- suppressWarnings(predict(ws))
class(pws) <- class(pws)[-1]
c(R1 = -1, R2 = 0, R3 = 0, R4 = 0, R5 = 1, V1 = 1)
"1 feature in newdata not used in prediction\\."
test_that("raises error when dfm is empty (#1419)", {
mx <- dfm_trim(data_dfm_lbgexample, 1000)
expect_error(textmodel_wordscores(mx, y = c(-1, NA, NA, NA, 1, NA)),
test_that("works with different predicted object in different shapes (#1440)", {
ws <- textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample, c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA))
expect_silent(quanteda.textplots::textplot_scale1d(predict(ws, = TRUE)))
expect_silent(quanteda.textplots::textplot_scale1d(predict(ws, interval = "confidence")))
expect_silent(quanteda.textplots::textplot_scale1d(predict(ws, = TRUE, interval = "confidence")))
test_that("textmodel_wordscores correctly implements smoothing (#1476)", {
ws_nosmooth <- textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample, smooth = 0,
c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA), scale = "linear")
ws_smooth1 <- textmodel_wordscores(dfm_smooth(data_dfm_lbgexample, smoothing = 1),
c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA), scale = "linear")
ws_smooth1a <- textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample + 1,
c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA), scale = "linear")
expect_identical(coef(ws_smooth1), coef(ws_smooth1a))
expect_true(!any(coef(ws_nosmooth) == coef(ws_smooth1)))
ws_smooth2 <- textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample, smooth = 0.5,
c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA), scale = "linear")
ws_smooth2a <- textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample + 0.5,
c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA), scale = "linear")
expect_identical(coef(ws_smooth2), coef(ws_smooth2a))
test_that("predict.textmodel_wordscores correctly implements smoothing (#1476)", {
ws_nosmooth <- textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample, smooth = 0,
c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA), scale = "linear")
ws_smooth1 <- textmodel_wordscores(data_dfm_lbgexample, smooth = 1,
c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA), scale = "linear")
ws_smooth1a <- textmodel_wordscores(dfm_smooth(data_dfm_lbgexample, smoothing = 1),
c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA), scale = "linear")
predict(ws_smooth1, newdata = data_dfm_lbgexample)
predict(ws_smooth1, newdata = dfm_smooth(data_dfm_lbgexample, smoothing = 1))
test_that("textmodel_wordscores() work with weighted dfm", {
dfmat <- dfm_tfidf(data_dfm_lbgexample)
tmod <- textmodel_wordscores(dfmat, y = c(-1, -1, NA, 1, 1, NA))
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