
Defines functions summarize `[.summary.corpus` print.summary.corpus summary.corpus

Documented in print.summary.corpus summary.corpus

#' Summarize a corpus
#' Displays information about a corpus, including attributes and metadata such
#' as date of number of texts, creation and source.
#' @param object corpus to be summarized
#' @param n maximum number of texts to describe, default=100
#' @param showmeta set to `TRUE` to include document-level
#'   meta-data
#' @param tolower convert texts to lower case before counting types
#' @param ... additional arguments passed through to [tokens()]
#' @export
#' @method summary corpus
#' @keywords internal corpus
#' @examples
#' summary(data_corpus_inaugural)
#' summary(data_corpus_inaugural, n = 10)
#' corp <- corpus(data_char_ukimmig2010,
#'                docvars = data.frame(party=names(data_char_ukimmig2010)))
#' summary(corp, showmeta = TRUE) # show the meta-data
#' sumcorp <- summary(corp) # (quietly) assign the results
#' sumcorp$Types / sumcorp$Tokens # crude type-token ratio
summary.corpus <- function(object, n = 100, tolower = FALSE, showmeta = TRUE, ...) {
    object <- as.corpus(object)
    ndoc_all <- ndoc(object)
    object <- head(object, n)
    ndoc_show <- ndoc(object)
    result <- summarize(as.corpus(object), tolower = tolower, ...)
    result <- result[,c("document", "types", "tokens", "sents")]
    names(result) <- c("Text", "Types", "Tokens", "Sentences")
    if (showmeta)
        result <- cbind(result, docvars(object))
    attr(result, "ndoc_all") <- ndoc_all
    attr(result, "ndoc_show") <- ndoc_show
    class(result) <- c("summary.corpus", "data.frame")

#' @export
#' @rdname corpus-class
#' @method print summary.corpus
print.summary.corpus <- function(x, ...) {
    ndoc_all <- attr(x, "ndoc_all")
    ndoc_show <- attr(x, "ndoc_show")

    cat("Corpus consisting of ", ndoc_all, " document", if (ndoc_all > 1) "s" else "", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(ndoc_show))
        cat(", showing ", ndoc_show, " document", if (ndoc_show > 1) "s" else "", sep = "")
    print.data.frame(x, row.names = FALSE)

#' @noRd
#' @export
#' @method [ summary.corpus
`[.summary.corpus` <- function(x, i, j, ...) {
    class(x) <- "data.frame"
    row.names(x) <- NULL

summarize <- function(x, tolower = FALSE, ...) {
    patterns <- removals_regex(punct = TRUE, symbols = TRUE,
                               numbers = TRUE, url = TRUE)
    patterns[["tag"]] <-
        list("username" = paste0("^", quanteda_options("pattern_username"), "$"),
             "hashtag" = paste0("^", quanteda_options("pattern_hashtag"), "$"))
    patterns[["emoji"]] <- "^\\p{Emoji_Presentation}+$"
    dict <- dictionary(patterns)

    y <- dfm(tokens(x, ...), tolower = tolower)
    temp <- convert(
        quanteda::dfm_lookup(y, dictionary = dict, valuetype = "regex", levels = 1),
        docid_field = "document"
    result <- data.frame(
        "document" = docnames(y),
        "chars" = NA,
        "sents" = NA,
        "tokens" = ntoken(y),
        "types" = ntype(y),
        "puncts" = as.integer(temp$punct),
        "numbers" = as.integer(temp$numbers),
        "symbols" = as.integer(temp$symbols),
        "urls" = as.integer(temp$url),
        "tags" = as.integer(temp$tag),
        "emojis" = as.integer(temp$emoji),
        row.names = seq_len(ndoc(y)),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    if (is.corpus(x)) {
        result$chars <- stringi::stri_length(x)
        result$sents <- ntoken(tokens(x, what = "sentence"))


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quanteda documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10 a.m.