
Defines functions `skeleton.TA` `newTA`

`newTA` <- function(FUN, preFUN, postFUN, on=NA, yrange=NULL,
                    legend.name, fdots=TRUE, cdots=TRUE, data.at=1, ...) {
  if(is.character(FUN)) {
    if(exists(FUN) && is.function(get(FUN))) {
      FUN.name <- FUN
      FUN <- get(FUN)
  } else
  if(is.function(FUN)) {
    FUN.name <- deparse(substitute(FUN))
  } else stop('FUN required to be a function object')

  # create a text string of the function for inclusion in .body
  funToFun <- function (x, fun.name, drop.arg = 1, dots=TRUE) 
      drop.arg <- if (any(drop.arg < 1)) {
      else -drop.arg
      fnames <- names(formals(x))
      if( !dots && ('...' %in% fnames) )
        fnames <- fnames[-which('...' == fnames)]

      fun.args <- paste(fnames, "=", 
          c('x',fnames[drop.arg]), sep = "")
      fun.args <- paste(gsub("=\\.\\.\\.", "", fun.args), collapse = ",")
      paste(fun.name, "(", fun.args, ")", 
          collapse = "", sep = "")

  .formals <- formals(FUN)[-data.at]
  .body <- deparse(body(skeleton.TA))
  gpars <- list(...)

  # add ability to customize legend.name, still retaining legend color/last value
  if(!missing(legend.name) && is.character(legend.name)) {
    .body[22] <- paste("legend.name <- gsub('^.*[(]',",paste('\'',legend.name,'(\''),

  # cdots: should the newTA object have a ... arg?
  # if the function uses, the call must too
  if(missing(fdots) && !('...' %in% .formals))
    fdots <- FALSE
  if(fdots) cdots <- TRUE
  if(!cdots) {
    .formals <- .formals[-which('...' == names(.formals))]
    .body[23] <- paste("gpars <-",list(gpars))
  } else {
    if(!'...' %in% names(.formals)) {
      .formals <- c(.formals,alist(...=))
    .body[23] <- paste('gpars <- c(list(...),', list(gpars),

  .formals <- eval(parse(text=paste('c(.formals,alist(on=',on,', legend="auto"))')))

  if(!missing(preFUN)) {
    if(is.character(preFUN)) {
      if(exists(preFUN) && is.function(get(preFUN))) {
        preFUN <- preFUN
    } else
    if(is.function(preFUN)) {
      preFUN <- deparse(substitute(preFUN))
    } else stop('preFUN required to be a function object')
    # add tranform Function to .body
    .body[4] <- paste("x <-",preFUN,"(x)",sep="")
  # if missing, assume no transform need to be done
  } else .body[4] <- 'preFUN <- ""'

  if(!missing(postFUN)) {
    if(is.character(postFUN)) {
      if(exists(postFUN) && is.function(get(postFUN))) {
        postFUN <- postFUN
    } else
    if(is.function(postFUN)) {
      postFUN <- deparse(substitute(postFUN))
    } else stop('postFUN required to be a function object')
    # add tranform Function to .body
    .body[6] <- paste("x <-",postFUN,"(x)",sep="")
  # if missing, assume no transform need to be done
  } else .body[6] <- 'postFUN <- ""'

  # allow for yrange to be set
  if(!is.null(yrange)) {
    .body[7] <- paste('yrange <-',deparse(yrange))

  # fdots: should the underlying function call use ...
  .body[5] <- paste("x <-",funToFun(FUN,FUN.name,data.at, dots=fdots))
  if(.body[6] == 'postFUN <- ""') .body[6] <- ''
  if(.body[4] == 'preFUN <- ""' ) .body[4] <- ''
              envir = asNamespace('quantmod'))

## Do not edit!  Some line numbers are referred to in newTA.
`skeleton.TA` <- function(on)
    lchob <- get.current.chob()
    x <- as.matrix(lchob@xdata)
    preFUN  <- ""
    FUN     <- ""
    postFUN <- ""
    yrange  <- NULL
    chobTA <- new("chobTA")
    if(NCOL(x) == 1) {
    chobTA@TA.values <- x[lchob@xsubset]
    } else chobTA@TA.values <- x[lchob@xsubset,]
    chobTA@name <- "chartTA"
    if(any(is.na(on))) {
    chobTA@new <- TRUE
    else {
      chobTA@new <- FALSE
      chobTA@on  <- on
    chobTA@call <- match.call()
    legend.name <- gsub('^add','',deparse(match.call()))
    gpars <- list()
    ## safe to edit from here down
    chobTA@params <- list(xrange = lchob@xrange, yrange=yrange, colors = lchob@colors, 
        color.vol = lchob@color.vol, multi.col = lchob@multi.col, 
        spacing = lchob@spacing, width = lchob@width, bp = lchob@bp, 
        x.labels = lchob@x.labels, time.scale = lchob@time.scale,
        isLogical=is.logical(x),legend = legend, legend.name = legend.name, pars = list(gpars)) 
    if (is.null(sys.call(-1))) {
        TA <- lchob@passed.args$TA
        lchob@passed.args$TA <- c(TA, chobTA)
        lchob@windows <- lchob@windows + ifelse(chobTA@new, 1, 
    else {

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quantmod documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:03 a.m.