
Defines functions qmap plot.qmap print.qmap get_basemap

Documented in get_basemap plot.qmap print.qmap qmap

#' Build qmap object
#' This function builds the qmap object that forms the basis for the rest of 
#' the \code{\link{quickmapr}} package.
#' @param ... Spatial objects to map.  Maybe passed as objects, a list of 
#'            spatial objects, or a \code{\link{qmap}} object
#' @param extent A \code{\link{sp}} or \code{\link[raster]{raster}} object to 
#'               use as the initial extent of the map.  Defaults to the maximum
#'               extent of all input object
#' @param order draw order of the spatial object. Defaults to order in mapdata
#' @param colors line colors. Defaults to 1:length(mapdata)  
#' @param fill Logical to determine if polygons should be filled (using colors)
#'             or just the border colored.
#' @param prj Logical to check projections of input spatial objects.  
#'            Transformation, if needed, should be done prior to mapping with 
#'            \code{sp::spTransform()}.
#' @param basemap a basemap generated from \code{\link{get_basemap}}
#' @param resolution Specifies the width in pixels of the retrieved basemap.
#'                    Larger values result in higher resolution images but since
#'                    the images are downloaded for each zoom level can result
#'                    in delays.  Default is 300, while ~600 is a decent 
#'                    compromise for performance and image quality.
#' @return Function displays a map from the input \code{mapdata} parameter and 
#'         returns a recorded plot.
#' @import sp
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(lake)
#' mymap<-list(elev,lake,buffer,length,samples)
#' qm<-qmap(mymap)
#' #change draw order and which data is displayed
#' qmap(qm,order=c(2,3,5))
#' #add a basemap
#' qm<-qmap(qm,basemap="1m_aerial", resolution = 800)
#' }
qmap <- function(..., extent = NULL, order = 1:length(mapdata), 
                 colors = 1:length(mapdata), fill = FALSE, prj = TRUE, 
                 basemap = c("none","1m_aerial","topo"),resolution = 300) {
    if (length(list(...)) == 0) {
        stop("No data passed to qmap")
    basemap <- match.arg(basemap)
    if(basemap == "none") {basemap <- NULL}
    mapdata <- build_map_data(...)
    # Test Projections
    if (prj) {
        prjs <- lapply(mapdata, sp::proj4string)
        if (length(unique(prjs)) > 1) {
            warning("Projections do not exactly match.\n\nDouble check you projuection and re-project to common projection instead.", 
                call. = FALSE)
        } else if (any(is.na(prjs))) {
            warning("No projection info.  Use prj=FALSE to override projection check.", 
                call. = FALSE)

    if (length(mapdata) > 1) {
        # Sets Extent to all entered extents or a specific one.
        if (is.null(extent)) {
            bbx <- sp::bbox(mapdata[[1]])
            for (i in 1:length(mapdata)) {
                bbx[1, 1] <- min(c(bbx[1, 1], sp::bbox(mapdata[[i]])[1, 1]))
                bbx[1, 2] <- max(c(bbx[1, 2], sp::bbox(mapdata[[i]])[1, 2]))
                bbx[2, 1] <- min(c(bbx[2, 1], sp::bbox(mapdata[[i]])[2, 1]))
                bbx[2, 2] <- max(c(bbx[2, 2], sp::bbox(mapdata[[i]])[2, 2]))
    if (!exists("bbx") & is.null(extent)) {
        bbx <- bbox(mapdata[[1]])
    } else if (!is.null(extent)) {
        # if(is.character(extent)) { bbx <- bbox(mapdata[[extent]]) } else {
        bbx <- bbox(extent)
        # }
    bbx <- data.frame(bbx)
    # match colors to length of mapdata
    if(length(colors) != length(mapdata)){
      message("number of specified colors does not match number of data layers and some colors are repeated.")
      colors <- rep(colors, length(mapdata))[1:length(mapdata)]
    qmap_obj <- list(map_data = mapdata, map_extent = bbx, orig_extent = bbx, 
                     draw_order = order, 
                     colors = colors, fill = fill, 
                     basemap = basemap, resolution = resolution)
    class(qmap_obj) <- "qmap"

#' Default plotting of a qmap object
#' Plots the qmap class and uses the order, colors, extent, and fill option 
#' from \code{qmap}.
#' @param x input qmap class to plotS
#' @param ... options passed to image or plot
#' @method plot qmap
#' @importFrom grDevices recordPlot
#' @importFrom graphics image text
#' @importFrom raster plotRGB extent
#' @export
plot.qmap <- function(x, ...) {
    order <- x$draw_order
    mapdata <- x$map_data
    fill <- x$fill
    colors <- x$colors
    bbx <- x$map_extent
    basemap <- x$basemap
    resolution <- x$resolution
    # Creates the plot
    first <- TRUE
    if (!is.null(basemap)) {
        plotRGB(bm, ext = extent(c(as.numeric(bbx[1, ]),
                                        as.numeric(bbx[2, ]))),
        first <- FALSE
    for (i in 1:length(order)) {
        if (first) {
            if (get_sp_type(mapdata[[order[i]]]) == "grid") {
              plot(mapdata[[order[i]]],ext=as.matrix(bbx), axes = TRUE, 
              #plot(mapdata[[order[i]]], xlim = as.numeric(bbx[1, ]), 
              #     ylim = as.numeric(bbx[2,]), axes = TRUE, 
              #     ...)
                first <- FALSE
            } else if (get_sp_type(mapdata[[order[i]]]) == "polygon") {
                if (fill) {
                  plot(mapdata[[order[i]]], xlim = as.numeric(bbx[1, ]), 
                       ylim = as.numeric(bbx[2,]), axes = TRUE, col = colors[i], 
                } else {
                  plot(mapdata[[order[i]]], xlim = as.numeric(bbx[1, ]), 
                       ylim = as.numeric(bbx[2,]), axes = TRUE, 
                       border = colors[i], ...)
                first <- FALSE
            } else if (!get_sp_type(mapdata[[order[i]]]) == "polygon") {
                plot(mapdata[[order[i]]], xlim = as.numeric(bbx[1, ]), 
                     ylim = as.numeric(bbx[2,]), axes = TRUE, col = colors[i])
                first <- FALSE
        } else {
            if (get_sp_type(mapdata[[order[i]]]) == "grid") {
                  plot(mapdata[[order[i]]],ext=as.matrix(bbx), add = TRUE, ...)
                  #plot(mapdata[[order[i]]], add = TRUE, ...)
            } else if (get_sp_type(mapdata[[order[i]]]) == "polygon") {
                if (fill) {
                  plot(mapdata[[order[i]]], col = colors[i], add = TRUE)
                } else {
                  plot(mapdata[[order[i]]], border = colors[i], add = TRUE)
            } else if (!get_sp_type(mapdata[[order[i]]]) == "polygon") {
                plot(mapdata[[order[i]]], col = colors[i], add = TRUE)
    if ("label" %in% names(x)) {
        text(x = x$label$x, y = x$label$y, labels = x$label$labs)

#' Default plotting of a qmap object 
#' Plots a qmap object
#' @param x input qmap class to print
#' @param ... options passed to plot
#' @method print qmap
#' @export
print.qmap <- function(x, ...) {
    plot.qmap(x, ...)

#' Get a basemap from USGS National Map
#' Uses the National Map Aerial Image REST API to return an aerial image to be
#' used as a basemap.  May add functionality for 1m or 1ft images.  May also add
#' topo-map.
#' @param qmap_obj A valid \code{qmap()} object
#' @param base A character indicating basemap to get (1m aerial or topo)
#' @param width Width, in pixels of image exported from The National Map web 
#'              service. Height is determined by width:height ratio of the 
#'              extent of the qmap object.
#' @param outfile an output file to save the resultant jpg.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Can be run alone to get jpg, but best if run through qmap()
#' data(lake)
#' x<-qmap(lake,buffer)
#' x_base<-get_basemap(x,'1m_aerial',width=1000)
#' x<-qmap(x_base)
#' }
#' @importFrom httr GET
#' @importFrom raster stack
#' @keywords internal
get_basemap <- function(qmap_obj = NULL, base = c("1m_aerial", "topo"), 
                        width = 300, outfile = tempfile()) {
    base <- match.arg(base)
    if (is.null(qmap_obj)) {
        stop("A qmap_obj is required to fetch a basemap")
    } else if (class(qmap_obj) != "qmap") {
        stop("Requires a valid qmap_obj.")
    } else {
        bbx <- qmap_obj$map_extent
        p4s <- proj4string(qmap_obj$map_data[[1]])
    if (base == "1m_aerial") {
        warning("The service this basemap was served from has been sunset and the aerials are no longer supported.  A topo is returned instead.")
        server_url <- "http://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/USA_Topo_Maps/MapServer/export?"
    } else if (base == "topo") {
        server_url <- "http://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/USA_Topo_Maps/MapServer/export?"
    xdiff <- abs(bbx[1, 1] - bbx[1, 2])
    ydiff <- abs(bbx[2, 1] - bbx[2, 2])
    big_bbx <- matrix(c(bbx[1, 1] - (xdiff * 0.25), bbx[2, 1] - (ydiff * 0.25), 
                        bbx[1,  2] + (xdiff * 0.25), 
                        bbx[2, 2] + (ydiff * 0.25)), 2, 2)
    ratio <- xdiff/ydiff
    bbx_url <- paste("bbox=", big_bbx[1, 1], ",", big_bbx[2, 1], ",", big_bbx[1, 
        2], ",", big_bbx[2, 2], sep = "")
    format_url <- "&format=jpg"
    pixel_url <- "&pixelType=U8&noDataInterpretation=esriNoDataMatchAny&interpolation=+RSP_BilinearInterpolation"
    file_url <- "&f=image"
    bbx_sr_url <- paste("&bboxSR={'wkt':'", rgdal::showWKT(p4s), "'}", sep = "")
    image_sr_url <- paste("&imageSR={'wkt':'", rgdal::showWKT(p4s), "'}", 
                          sep = "")
    size_url <- paste("&size=", width, ",", width/ratio, sep = "")
    request_url <- paste0(server_url, bbx_url, bbx_sr_url, image_sr_url, 
        format_url, pixel_url, file_url)
    tmp <- outfile
    tmp_jpg <- paste0(tmp, ".jpg")
    tmp_jpgw <- paste0(tmp, ".jpgw")
    r<-GET(request_url, httr::write_disk(tmp_jpg,overwrite=T))
    make_jpw(tmp_jpgw, big_bbx, width)
    img <- stack(tmp_jpg) #some goofiness with zooming and plotRGB

Try the quickmapr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

quickmapr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:29 p.m.