
Defines functions predict.quint

Documented in predict.quint

#' Predictions for new data with a QUINT object
#' Predicts for (new) subjects the treatment subgroups (P1, P2 or P3) based on a fitted
#'   \code{quint} object. The meaning of the subgroups are based on the two treatment categories
#'   used to fit the \code{quint} object.
#' @param object an object of the class \dQuote{quint}.
#' @param newdata a data frame with data on new subjects for whom predictions should be made.
#'   The data frame should contain at least the variables used in the splits of the fitted tree.
#'   It is not necessary to include the treatment variable.
#' @param type character string denoting the type of predicted object to be returned. The default is
#'   set to \code{type="class"}: a vector with predicted treatment subgroup classes per subject
#'   is returned. If set to \code{"matrix"}, a matrix is returned with the leaf and
#'   corresponding node of the tree to which a subject is assigned.
#' @param \dots optional additional arguments.
#' @return One of the following objects is returned depending on output type specified
#'   in the function:
#'   If \code{type="class"}:
#'   vector of predicted treatment classes for every individual in the data set. Returns NA
#'   for subjects with missing values on one or more of the splitting variables.
#'   If \code{type="matrix"}:
#'   a matrix with predicted locations of subjects within the fitted tree. The leaf numbers are
#'   in the first column and the corresponding node numbers in the second column. Returns NA
#'   for subjects with missing values on one or more of the splitting variables.
#' @seealso \code{\link{quint}}, \code{\link{prune.quint}}
#' @examples data(bcrp)
#' formula1<- I(cesdt1-cesdt3)~cond | nationality+marital+wcht1+age+
#'   trext+comorbid+disopt1+uncomt1+negsoct1
#' set.seed(10)
#' control1<-quint.control(maxl=5,B=2)
#' quint1<-quint(formula1, data= subset(bcrp,cond<3),control=control1) #Grow a QUINT tree
#' prquint1<-prune(quint1) #Prune QUINT tree to optimal size
#' #Predict for the same data set the treatment classes for patients individually:
#' predquint1<-predict(prquint1, newdata=subset(bcrp,cond<3), type='class')
#' predquint1
#' @importFrom stats as.formula model.frame
#' @importFrom Formula Formula
#' @export

    form<-as.formula(paste(names(object$data)[1],"~",paste(names(object$data)[-1],collapse="+" )))
    ytxna <- model.frame(form, data=newdata, na.action=NULL)
    #check number of missings
    index <- c(1:dim(ytxna)[1])
    if(nmis!= 0){
      naindex <- which(is.na(ytxna)) # which subjects have NA on required variables

    if(type=="matrix") {
      nodemat <- matrix(0, nrow=dim(newdata)[1], ncol=2)
      nodemat[,1] <- rep(1,dim(newdata)[1])
      nodemat[,2] <- rep(1,dim(newdata)[1])

      if(nmis!= 0){
        nodemat[naindex,c(1:2)] <- NA
      colnames(nodemat) <- c("Leaf", "Node")

      classmat <- numeric(dim(newdata)[1])
      classmat <- rep(object$li[,10],length(classmat))
      if(nmis!= 0){
        classmat[naindex] <- NA
      names(classmat) <- 1:dim(newdata)[1]

    form<-as.formula(paste(names(object$data)[1],"~",paste(c(object$si[1:nsplit,3]),collapse="+" )))
    ytxna <- model.frame(form, data=newdata, na.action=NULL)
    ytx<-model.frame(form,data=newdata) # NA omitted data frame required for procedure
    # Gmat<-makeGchmat(root,ytx[,object$si[1,3]],object$si[1,4])
      Gmat <- makeGchmat(gm=root, varx=ytx[,object$si[1,3]], splitpoint=object$si[1,4])
      possibleSplits <- determineSplits(x=ytx[,object$si[1,3]], gm=root)
      assigMatrix <- makeCatmat(x=ytx[,object$si[1,3]], gm=root, z=possibleSplits[[1]], splits=possibleSplits[[2]])
      Gmat <- makeGchmatcat(gm=root, splitpoint=object$si[1,4], assigMatrix=assigMatrix)  }

    if (nsplit>1){
      for (i in 2:nsplit){
          Gmatch <- makeGchmat(gm=Gmat[,o], varx=ytx[,object$si[i,3]], splitpoint=object$si[i,4])
          possibleSplits <- determineSplits2(x=object$data[,object$si[i,3]]) #new
          assigMatrix <- makeCatmat(x=ytx[,object$si[i,3]], gm=Gmat[,o], z=possibleSplits[[1]], splits=possibleSplits[[2]])
          Gmatch <- makeGchmatcat(gm=Gmat[,o], splitpoint=object$si[i,4], assigMatrix=assigMatrix)

    #check number of missings
    index <- c(1:dim(ytxna)[1])
    if(nmis!= 0){
      naindex <- which(is.na(ytxna)) # which subjects have NA on required variables
      index <- c(1:dim(ytxna)[1])[-naindex] # which subjects have no NA on required variables

    if(type=="matrix") {
      nodemat <- matrix(0, nrow=dim(newdata)[1], ncol=2)
      for(i in 1:length(nnum)){
        nodemat[index[which(Gmat[,i]==1)],1] <- which(object$li[,1]==nnum[i])
        nodemat[index[which(Gmat[,i]==1)],2] <- nnum[i]
      if(nmis!= 0){
        nodemat[naindex,c(1:2)] <- NA
      colnames(nodemat) <- c("Leaf", "Node")
      #rownames(nodemat) <- as.numeric(rownames(ytxna)) # give subjects numbers of original dataset

      classmat <- numeric(dim(newdata)[1])
      for(i in 1:length(nnum)) {
        classmat[index[which(Gmat[,i]==1)]] <- object$li[which(nnum[i]==object$li[,1]),10]
      if(nmis!= 0){
        classmat[naindex] <- NA
      names(classmat) <- 1:dim(newdata)[1]
      #names(classmat) <- as.numeric(rownames(ytxna)) # give subjects numbers of original dataset (alternative to 1:dim(newdat)[1])

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quint documentation built on July 2, 2022, 1:07 a.m.