
Defines functions blip find_blip comb_path isSingleString alphanumeric illegal check_data

Documented in blip

cache <- new.env()

#' Bayesian Learning Package - Main function.
#' Used by most of the functions in the r.blip binding, provides access to the included jar file. 
#' The arguments vector is formatted in a system call to the included jar file. 
#' Should not be called directly by the user, unless you know exactly what you are doing. 
#' In that case, call directly the blip jar. 
#' @param args Vector of arguments to be passed to the jar

blip <- function(args){

    if (!exists('blip_path', envir=cache)){
        assign('blip_path', find_blip(), envir=cache)
    # print( find_blip())
    # print(args)

    system2("java", c("-jar", get('blip_path', envir=cache), args), wait=T)


find_blip <- function(){

    for (l in .libPaths()) {
        if(grepl('r.blip$', l)) {
            return (comb_path(l))
        path <- file.path(l, "r.blip")
        if (dir.exists(path)) {
            return (comb_path(path))

comb_path <- function(path) {

    path <- file.path(path, "java")
    path <- file.path(path, "blip.jar")

isSingleString <- function(input) {
    is.character(input) & length(input) == 1

alphanumeric <- function(x) {
 if (!isSingleString(x))
 return(grepl("^[A-Za-z0-9 -;]+$", x, perl=T))

illegal <- function(x) {
 if (!isSingleString(x))
 return(grepl("[,]", x, perl=T))

check_data <- function(x) {

    stop("The argument is required to be a data.frame.")

if(nrow(x) == 0)
    stop("The argument data frame is empty.")   
    x[] <- lapply(x, factor)      

f <- sapply(colnames(x), illegal)
 if (any(f == T))  
    stop("One of the col names of the given data frame contains illegal characters (usually a comma). ") 
 for(xr in sapply(x, levels)) {
    f <- sapply(xr, illegal)
 if (any(f == T))  
    stop("One of the value of the given data frame contains illegal characters (usually a comma). ") 
 f <- sapply(x, is.infinite)
 if (any(f == T))  
    stop("No 'Inf' values are allowed in the argument data frame.")         
#f <- sapply(colnames(x), alphanumeric)
# if (any(f == F))  
#    stop("Only alphanumerical characters are allowed in the row names of the argument data frame.") 

# f <- apply(x, c(1, 2), alphanumeric)
# if (any(f == F))  
#    stop("Only alphanumerical characters are allowed in the values of the argument data frame.")       

# f <- sapply(x, is.numeric)
# if (any(f == T))  
#    stop("No numeric columns are allowed in the argument data frame.")    
# f <- sapply(x, is.na)
# if (any(f == T))  
#    stop("No missing data are allowed in the argument data frame.")   


check_arg <- function (x, vals) {

 if(!(x %in% vals)) 
    stop("No valid value for the given argument.")


check_int <- function (x, min, max) {
 if (!is.numeric(x))
    stop("The given argument is not a number.")

 if (x%%1!=0)
    stop("The given argument is not an integer.")
 if (x < min || x > max)
    stop("No valid value for the given argument.")


check_float <- function (x, min, max) {
 if (!is.numeric(x))
    stop("The given argument is not a number.")
 if (x < min || x > max)
    stop("No valid value for the given argument.")


Try the r.blip package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

r.blip documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:01 a.m.