
Defines functions .onAttach .onLoad template.loc add.resizer

Documented in add.resizer

#' Configure toolbar settings for the page
#' Set options for the inclusion of sizing toolbar in documents
#' @param theme.color theme color for resizer and table e.g. black or #000000
#' @param position position of the resize toolbar e.g. top or bottom
#' @param font.size size of the page font in px e.g. 14px
#' @param font.color color of the page font in e.g. darkblue or #006699
#' @param tables boolean. TRUE or FALSE, to add resize toobar to tables
#' @param images boolean. TRUE or FALSE, to add resize toobar to images
#' @param line.color color of the resizer track e.g. red or #f5f5f5
#' @param thumb.width width of the resizer thumb e.g. 25
#' @param thumb.height height of the resizer thumb e.g. 25
#' @param line.width width of the resizer track e.g. 200
#' @param line.height height of the resizer track e.g. 10
#' @param dim.units unit for the height and width of the track or thumb
#' @param default.image.width default width of all images on the page e.g. 100
#' @section Examples for r2resize:
#' More examples and demo pages for this function are located at this link -
#' \url{https://r2resize.obi.obianom.com}.
#' @return Inclusion of mini toolbar for images and tables within a page
#' @examples
#' # default settings
#' r2resize::add.resizer()
#' # add resizer to only images
#' r2resize::add.resizer(
#'   tables = FALSE,
#'   images = TRUE
#'  )
#' # add resizer to only tables
#' r2resize::add.resizer(
#'   tables = TRUE,
#'   images = FALSE
#'  )
#' # add resizer to both images
#' r2resize::add.resizer(
#'   tables = TRUE,
#'   images = TRUE
#'  )
#' # set position of the resize toolbar
#' r2resize::add.resizer(
#'   position = "top" #this is the default, another is 'bottom'
#'  )
#' # set resizer line color, height and width
#' r2resize::add.resizer(
#'   line.color = "green",
#'   line.width = 150,
#'   line.height = 5
#'  )
#' #declare more arguments including default image size
#' r2resize::add.resizer(
#'   theme.color = "blue",
#'   position = "top",
#'   font.size = "12px",
#'   font.color = "brown",
#'   tables = TRUE,
#'   images = TRUE,
#'   line.color = "green",
#'   line.width = 150,
#'   line.height = 5,
#'   default.image.width = "40%"
#' ) # customized settings
#' @export

add.resizer <- function(theme.color = NULL,
                        position = c("top", "bottom"),
                        font.size = NULL,
                        font.color = NULL,
                        tables = TRUE,
                        images = TRUE,
                        line.color = NULL,
                        thumb.width = NULL,
                        thumb.height = NULL,
                        line.width = NULL,
                        line.height = NULL,
                        dim.units = "px",
                        default.image.width = NULL) {
  # fetch selected position
  position <- match.arg(position)

  # set initial content
  con <- ""

  # get thumb properties
  thumb.2width <- ifelse(is.null(thumb.width), "26px", paste0(as.numeric(thumb.width) + 6, dim.units))
  thumb.2height <- ifelse(is.null(thumb.height), "26px", paste0(as.numeric(thumb.height) + 6, dim.units))
  thumb.width <- ifelse(is.null(thumb.width), "20px", paste0(thumb.width, dim.units))
  thumb.height <- ifelse(is.null(thumb.height), "20px", paste0(thumb.height, dim.units))
  line.width <- ifelse(is.null(line.width), "170px", paste0(line.width, dim.units))
  line.height <- ifelse(is.null(line.height), "7px", paste0(line.height, dim.units))

  # extract template
  theme.01 <- "default"

  # fetch css
  theme.02.css <- paste0(template.loc(), "/", theme.01, ".css")
  if (file.exists(theme.02.css)) {
    con <- c(con, "<style>", readLines(theme.02.css), "</style>")

  # fetch js
  theme.02.js <- paste0(template.loc(), "/", theme.01, "_", position, ".js")
  if (file.exists(theme.02.js)) {
    con <- c(con, "<script>", readLines(theme.02.js), "</script>")
    con <- gsub("listgroupixon", "xxxxx", con)
    if (!is.null(default.image.width)) {
      con <- gsub("'pre3e2423'", paste0("'", default.image.width, "'"), con)

  # font size
  if (!is.null(font.size)) {
    con <- gsub("fontsizedefault", font.size, con)

  # font color
  if (!is.null(font.color)) {
    con <- gsub("fontcolordefault", font.color, con)

  # add resize to image or/and tables
  if (!tables) {
    con <- gsub("table", "rm12table", con)
  if (!images) {
    con <- gsub("img", "rm12img", con)

  # sub other properties
  if (!is.null(theme.color)) {
    con <- gsub("gray", theme.color, con)
  if (!is.null(line.color)) {
    con <- gsub("#cfae7c", line.color, con)
  if (!is.null(font.color)) {
    con <- gsub("fontcolorplaceholder", font.color, con)

  # sub properties in content
  con <- gsub("thumb.width", thumb.width, con)
  con <- gsub("thumb.height", thumb.height, con)
  con <- gsub("thumb.2width", thumb.2width, con)
  con <- gsub("thumb.2height", thumb.2height, con)
  con <- gsub("line.width", line.width, con)
  con <- gsub("line.height", line.height, con)

  # combine and collapse content
  con <- paste(con, collapse = "")

  # set to html
  attr(con, "html") <- TRUE
  class(con) <- c("html", "character")

  # return content

template.loc <- function(template = "themes") {
  file.path(find.package(package = .packageName), template)

#' @import utils
#' @import DT

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  # hooks for future enhancements

.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  # hooks for future enhancements

Try the r2resize package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

r2resize documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:55 a.m.