
Defines functions amOptions

Documented in amOptions

#' @title amOptions
#' @description amOptions sets the most common options for chart customization.
#' You can set other properties with the method \link{setProperties}.
#' See details for exception.
#' @param chart \linkS4class{AmChart}.
#' @param legend \code{logical}, default \code{FALSE}. TRUE to add a legend to the chart.
#' @param legendPosition \code{character}, possible values are : "left", "right", "top" or "bottom", 
#' default set to "right".
#' @param legendAlign \code{character}, controls the legend alignement. Possible values are : 
#' "left","right" or "center", default set to "left". Only used if \code{legend = TRUE}.
#' @param export \code{logical}, default set to  FALSE. TRUE to display export feature.
#' @param exportFormat \code{character}, desired export format. Possible values are : "JPG",
#'  "PNG" ,"SVG", "CSV", "JSON", "PDF", "XLSX", "PRINT". 
#' @param creditsPosition \code{character}, controsl credits position. Possible values are : 
#' "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left" or "bottom-right", default set to "top-left".
#' @param theme \code{character}, possible values are : "none", "light", "dark", "patterns",
#' "chalk", default set to "none".
#' @param main \code{character}, chart's title.
#' @param mainColor \code{character}, main color (in hexadecimal), default set to "#000000".
#' @param mainSize \code{numeric}, main size, default set to 15.
#' @param zoom \code{logical}, TRUE to add a chart cursor, default set to FALSE.
#' @param scrollbar \code{logical}, default \code{FALSE}, TRUE to display scrollbar.
#' @param valuescrollbar \code{logical}, default \code{FALSE}, TRUE to display valuescrollbar.
#' @param scrollbarHeight \code{numeric}, height in pixels, must be > 0.
#' @param valuescrollbarHeight \code{numeric}, height in pixels, must be > 0.
#' @param labelRotation \code{numeric}, rotation angle of a label. Only horizontal axis' values 
#' can be rotated. Value must be between -90 and 90.
#' @param ... Other properties added to the chart using \code{setProperties}.
#' @details
#' \strong{Exception:} 
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{It's not possible to export a gauge chart data as CSV.}
#'  }
#' @import pipeR
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(pipeR)
#' data(data_pie) 
#' # Export                 
#' amPie(data = data_pie) %>>%
#'   amOptions(export = TRUE)
#' # Legend
#' amPie(data = data_pie) %>>%
#'   amOptions(legend = TRUE)
#' # Legend position
#' amPie(data = data_pie) %>>%
#'   amOptions(legend = TRUE, legendPosition = "bottom")
#' # Credits position
#' amPie(data = data_pie) %>>%
#'   amOptions(creditsPosition = "bottom-right")
#' # Theme
#' amPie(data = data_pie) %>>%
#'   amOptions(theme = "chalk")
#' # Title
#' amPie(data = data_pie) %>>%
#'   amOptions(main = "Social network", mainColor = "#FFFFFF", mainSize = 40, theme = "chalk")
#' # Custom exemple
#' amPie(data = data_pie) %>>%
#'   amOptions(main = "Social network", mainColor = "#FFFFFF", mainSize = 40,
#'             theme = "dark", legend = TRUE, legendPosition = "bottom",
#'             creditsPosition = "bottom-right" )
#' }
#' @rdname amOptions
#' @seealso \link{amOptions}, \link{amBarplot}, \link{amBoxplot}, \link{amHist}, \link{amPie},
#' \link{amPlot}, \link{amTimeSeries}, \link{amStockMultiSet}, \link{amBullet}, \link{amRadar}, 
#' \link{amWind}, \link{amFunnel}, \link{amAngularGauge}, \link{amSolidGauge}, \link{amMekko},
#' \link{amCandlestick}, \link{amFloatingBar}, \link{amOHLC}, \link{amWaterfall}
#' @export
#' @references See online documentation \url{https://datastorm-open.github.io/introduction_ramcharts/}
#' and \link{amChartsAPI}
amOptions <- function(chart, theme = c("none", "light", "dark", "patterns", "chalk"),
                      legend = FALSE, legendPosition = "right",
                      legendAlign = "left", export = FALSE, exportFormat = character(),
                      creditsPosition = "top-left", main = character(), mainColor = "#000000",
                      mainSize = 15, zoom = FALSE, scrollbar = FALSE, scrollbarHeight = 20,
                      valuescrollbar = FALSE, valuescrollbarHeight = 20,
                      labelRotation = 0, ...)
  # Control parameters
    # legend
    .testLogicalLength1(logi = legend)
    # legendPosition
    .testCharacter(char = legendPosition)
    .testIn(vect = legendPosition, control = c("left", "right", "top", "bottom"))
    # legendAlign
    .testCharacterLength1(char = legendAlign)
    .testIn(vect = legendAlign, control = c("left", "rigth", "center"))
    # export
    .testLogicalLength1(logi = export)
    # ExportFormat
    if (length(exportFormat))
      .testIn(vect = exportFormat, control = c("JPG", "PNG" ,"SVG", "CSV" ,"JSON", "PDF", "XLSX", "PRINT"))
    # creditsPosition
    .testIn(vect = creditsPosition, control = c("top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-right"))
    # theme
    theme <- match.arg(theme)
    # main
    if (length(main)) .testCharacterLength1(char = main)
    # mainColor
    .testCharacterLength1(char = mainColor)
    # mainsize
    .testNumericLength1(num = mainSize)
    # zoom
    .testLogicalLength1(logi = zoom)
    # scrollbar
    .testLogicalLength1(logi = scrollbar)
    # valuescrollbar
    .testLogicalLength1(logi = valuescrollbar)
    # scrollbarHeight
    .testNumericLength1(num = scrollbarHeight)
    .testInterval(num = scrollbarHeight, binf = 0)
    # valuescrollbarHeight
    .testNumericLength1(num = valuescrollbarHeight)
    .testInterval(num = valuescrollbarHeight, binf = 0)
    # labelRotation
    .testNumericLength1(num = labelRotation)
    .testInterval(num = labelRotation,binf = -90, bsup = 90)
  # Set legend to graph, usage of useGraphSettings argument depend of graph type
  if (legend) {
    if (chart@type == "gauge") {
      message("Impossible to a legend on a gauge chart")
    } else {
      if (length(chart@otherProperties$RType_) > 0) {
        if (chart@otherProperties$RType_ %in% c("candlestick", "waterfall",
                                                "boxplot", "histogram"))
          message("You cannot add a legend this kind of chart")
        if (chart@otherProperties$RType_ %in% c("barplot", "wind"))
          if(length(chart@graphs) == 1)
            legend <- chart@dataProvider
            if(length(unique(unlist(legend)[names(unlist(legend)) == "color"])) > 1)
              lapply(1:length(legend), function(X){
                names(legend[[X]])[names(legend[[X]]) == chart@categoryField] <<- "title"
            } else{
              legend <- list(list(title = chart@categoryField,
                                  color = unique(unlist(legend)[names(unlist(legend)) == "color"])))
            chart <- setLegend(.Object = chart, position = legendPosition, data = legend)
          } else {
            chart <- setLegend(.Object = chart, position = legendPosition,
                               useGraphSettings = TRUE, align = legendAlign)
      } else {
        if (chart@type %in% c("radar", "serial", "xy")) {
          chart <- setLegend(.Object = chart, position = legendPosition,
                             useGraphSettings = TRUE, align = legendAlign)
        } else {
          chart <- setLegend(.Object = chart, position = legendPosition, align = legendAlign)
  ## Set export
  if (export || length(exportFormat)) {
    if (!length(exportFormat)) {
      chart <- setExport(.Object = chart)
    } else {
      # text compatibility of formats
      if ("CSV" %in% exportFormat && chart@type == "gauge") {
        message("Export 'CSV' impossible for type gauge")
        exportFormat <- setdiff(x = exportFormat, y = "CSV")
      # test if there are some other formats
      if (length(exportFormat)) {  
        exportMenu <- lapply(exportFormat, function(format) {
          list(format = format, label = paste("Download as", format), title = format)
        chart <- setExport(.Object = chart, enabled = TRUE,
                           menu = list(list(class = "export-main", menu = exportMenu)))
  ## Set creditsPosition
  if (creditsPosition != "top-left")
    chart <- setCreditsPosition(.Object = chart, creditsPosition = creditsPosition)
  ## Change theme
  if (theme != "none")
    chart <- setTheme(.Object = chart, theme =  theme)
  ## Set main (title)
  if (length(main)) 
    chart <- addTitle(.Object = chart, text =  main, size = mainSize, color = mainColor)
  ## Set zoom cursor
  if (zoom)
    if(length(chart@otherProperties$RType_) > 0)
      if(chart@otherProperties$RType_ == "gantt")
        chart <- setChartCursor(.Object = chart,
                                valueZoomable = TRUE,
                                valueLineEnabled = TRUE,
                                zoomable = FALSE,
                                valueLineBalloonEnabled = TRUE,
                                valueBalloonsEnabled = FALSE)
        chart <- setChartCursor(.Object = chart)
      chart <- setChartCursor(.Object = chart)
    slot(object = chart, name = "chartCursor", check = TRUE) <- list()
  ## Set scroll bar
  if (scrollbar)
    chart <- setChartScrollbar(.Object = chart, enabled = scrollbar, scrollbarHeight = scrollbarHeight)
    slot(object = chart, name = "chartScrollbar", check = TRUE) <- list()
  ## Set value scroll bar
  if (valuescrollbar)
    if (chart@type %in% c("serial", "gantt"))
    chart <- setValueScrollbar(.Object = chart,
                               valueScrollbar = chartScrollbar(enabled = valuescrollbar,
                                                               scrollbarHeight = valuescrollbarHeight))
  ## Rotate label
  if (labelRotation !=0) {
    if (!chart@type == "radar")
      # chart <- setCategoryAxis(.Object = chart, labelRotation = labelRotation)
      chart@categoryAxis$labelRotation <- labelRotation # to not erase previously setters
      message("Impossible to rotate label for a radar chart !")
  setProperties(chart, ...)

Try the rAmCharts package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rAmCharts documentation built on Sept. 30, 2022, 5:06 p.m.