
Defines functions max_abs_resid QICu.geeglm list.criterion which.min.na which.max.na bdist int.p.val apress adj.r.squared rmse r.squared

Documented in adj.r.squared apress bdist int.p.val list.criterion max_abs_resid QICu.geeglm rmse r.squared which.max.na which.min.na

#' @export

#' An rFSA Criterion Function.
#' @description  rFSA Criterion Function to compute R squared.
#' @param model lm or glm fit to be passed. 
#' @param name passed to print.FSA
#' @importFrom graphics par plot
#' @importFrom stats AIC anova as.formula cov fitted formula glm influence lm predict resid var
#' @importFrom utils capture.output tail
#' @export
r.squared <- function(model,name = "R Squared") {
  #R squared
    } else return(1.1)

#' An rFSA Criterion Function.
#' @description  rFSA Criterion Function to compute Root Mean Squared Error.
#' @param model lm or glm fit to be passed. 
#' @param name passed to print.FSA
#' @importFrom graphics par plot
#' @importFrom stats AIC anova as.formula cov fitted formula glm influence lm predict resid var
#' @importFrom utils capture.output tail
#' @export
rmse <- function(model,name = "RMSE") {
  #Root Mean Squared Error
  sqrt(mean(model$residuals ^ 2))

#' An rFSA Criterion Function.
#' @description  rFSA Criterion Function to compute Adjusted R-Squared.
#' @param model lm or glm fit to be passed. 
#' @param name passed to print.FSA
#' @importFrom graphics par plot
#' @importFrom stats AIC anova as.formula cov fitted formula glm influence lm predict resid var
#' @importFrom utils capture.output tail
#' @export
adj.r.squared <- function(model,name = "Adj R Squared") {
  #R squared
  } else return(1.1)

#' An rFSA Criterion Function.
#' @description  rFSA Criterion Function to Allen's Press Statistic.
#' @param model lm or glm fit to be passed. 
#' @param name passed to print.FSA
#' @importFrom graphics par plot
#' @importFrom stats AIC anova as.formula cov fitted formula glm influence lm predict resid var
#' @importFrom utils capture.output tail
#' @export
apress <- function(model, name = "PRESS") {
  #Allen's PRESS statistic
  presid <- resid(model)/(1 - influence(model)$hat)

#' An rFSA Criterion Function.
#' @description  rFSA Criterion Function to compute Liklihood Ratio Test Statistics p-value for the largest order interation term.
#' @param model lm or glm fit to be passed. 
#' @param name passed to print.FSA
#' @importFrom graphics par plot
#' @importFrom stats AIC anova as.formula cov fitted formula glm influence lm predict resid var
#' @importFrom utils capture.output tail
#' @export
int.p.val <- function(model,name = "Interaction P-Value") {
  if((is.null(model$call$family)|is.null(model$family[[1]])) & !(length(grep(pattern = ":",names(model$coefficients)))==0)){return(tail(anova(model,test="LRT")[,5],2)[1])
  }  else if((is.null(model$call$family)|is.null(model$family[[1]])) & (length(grep(pattern = ":",names(model$coefficients)))==0)){
  } else if((model$call$family=="binomial"|model$family[[1]]=="binomial") & !(length(grep(pattern = ":",names(model$coefficients)))==0)){
      return(tail(anova(model,test = "LRT")[,5],1))
  } else if(!(length(grep(pattern = ":",names(model$coefficients)))==0)) {
      return(max(summary(model)$coef[grep(pattern = ":",names(model$coefficients)),4]))
    } else return(0)

#' An rFSA Criterion Function.
#' @description  rFSA Criterion Function to compute the Bhattacharyya distance.
#' @param model lm or glm fit to be passed. 
#' @param name passed to print.FSA
#' @importFrom graphics par plot
#' @importFrom stats AIC anova as.formula cov fitted formula glm influence lm predict resid var
#' @importFrom utils capture.output tail
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #To use Bhattacharyya Distance and FSA the response must be binary, and you must
#' #be considering searching for two way continuous interactions. 
#' data(mtcars)
#' fit<-FSA(formula = "am~gear*hp",data = mtcars,
#' fitfunc = glm,family="binomial",m = 2,cores=1,
#' interactions = TRUE,criterion = bdist,minmax = "max")
bdist <- function(model,name = "B Distance") {
  if(length(grep(":",names(model$coefficients)))==0){return(0)} #no interaction in model to check
  if(model$family$link!="logit"){return(0)} #not logistic regression
  tmp_dat <- eval(model$model)
  y <- tmp_dat[,nam[1]]
  x1 <- tmp_dat[,nam[2]]
  x2 <- tmp_dat[,nam[3]]
  X <- cbind(x1,x2)
  a <- X[which(y == 0),]
  b <- X[which(y == 1),]
  mu11 <- mean(a[,1])
  mu12 <- mean(a[,2])
  mu21 <- mean(b[,1])
  mu22 <- mean(b[,2])
  var1_11 <- var(a[,1])
  var1_22 <- var(a[,2])
  var1_12 <- cov(a[,1],a[,2])
  var2_11 <- var(b[,1])
  var2_22 <- var(b[,2])
  var2_12 <- cov(b[,1],b[,2])
  mu1 <- c(mu11,mu12)
  mu2 <- c(mu21,mu22)
  sig1 <- matrix(c(var1_11,var1_12,var1_12,var1_22),ncol = 2)
  sig2 <- matrix(c(var2_11,var2_12,var2_12,var2_22),ncol = 2)
  sig <- (sig1 + sig2) / 2
  a <- sig[1,1]
  b <- sig[1,2]
  c <- sig[2,1]
  d <- sig[2,2]
  temp <- matrix(c(d,-c,-b,a),ncol = 2)
  sig.inv <- 1 / (a * d - b * c) * temp
  distance <-
    1 / 8 * (t(mu1 - mu2) %*% sig.inv %*% (mu1 - mu2)) + 1 / 2 * log(det(sig) /
                                                                       sqrt(det(sig1) * det(sig2)))

#' An rFSA Internal Function.
#' @description  rFSA function to compute the maximum value from a vector with NA's. 
#' @param vec Vector to be passed.
#' @importFrom graphics par plot
#' @importFrom stats AIC anova as.formula cov fitted formula glm influence lm predict resid var
#' @importFrom utils capture.output tail 
#' @export
which.max.na <- function(vec) {
  maxval <- max(vec,na.rm = T)
  which(vec == maxval)

#' An rFSA Internal Function.
#' @description  rFSA function to compute the minimum value from a vector with NA's. 
#' @param vec Vector to be passed. 
#' @importFrom graphics par plot
#' @importFrom stats AIC anova as.formula cov fitted formula glm influence lm predict resid var
#' @importFrom utils capture.output tail
#' @export
which.min.na <- function(vec) {
  minval <- min(vec,na.rm = T)
  which(vec == minval)

#' List all included Criteria function for lmFSA and glmFSA.
#' @return list of functions and whether lmFSA or glmFSA work with those functions.
#' @importFrom graphics par plot
#' @importFrom stats AIC anova as.formula cov fitted formula glm influence lm predict resid var
#' @importFrom utils capture.output tail
#' @importFrom methods show
#' @export
#' @examples
#' list.criterion()
  show("Accepted Criteria Functions for lmFSA and glmFSA")
  tab<-rbind(c("r.squared","lmFSA"),c("adj.r.squared","lmFSA"),c("AIC","lmFSA; glmFSA"),c("BIC","lmFSA; glmFSA"),
        c("rmse","lmFSA; glmFSA"),c("apress","lmFSA; glmFSA"),c("int.p.val","lmFSA; glmFSA"),
        c("bdist","glmFSA (only 2 way interactions)"))
  colnames(tab)<-c('Criterion',"Accepted in")
  show("You can write your own criterion function too! Or use other criterion functions from other packages. Just follow the standard format used in int.p.val or apress as an example.")

#' Return QICu for geepack::geeglm
#' @description Computes quasi-likelihood under the independence criterion (QICu)
#' @param gee.obj geeglm obj
#' @importFrom graphics par plot
#' @importFrom stats AIC anova as.formula cov fitted formula glm influence lm predict resid var
#' @importFrom utils capture.output tail
#' @export
QICu.geeglm = function(gee.obj){ 
  tryCatch(expr = {
    if(is.null(gee.obj) || is.na(gee.obj)){ return(NA) }
    Y.hat = gee.obj$fitted.values
    Y = gee.obj$y
    p = gee.obj$rank  # number of parameters
    fam = gee.obj$family$family  # family
    # quasi-Likelihood (calculation depends on family)
    qL = switch(fam,
                binomial = sum(Y * log(Y.hat / (1-Y.hat)) + log(1 - Y.hat)),
                gaussian = sum(-0.5 * (Y - Y.hat)**2),
                Gamma = sum(-Y/Y.hat - log(Y.hat)),
                inverse.gaussian = sum(-0.5 * (Y / (Y.hat**2)) + 1/Y.hat),
                poisson = sum(Y * log(Y.hat) - Y.hat), 
                NA)  # default action
    #qL = sum(Y * log(Y.hat / (1-Y.hat)) + log(1 - Y.hat))  # binomial quasi-Likelihood
    return(-2*qL + 2*p)  # QICu
  error = function(e){ print(e); return(NA) } )

#' Return maximum absolute residual from a model
#' @description Return maximum absolute residual from a model
#' @param model  model obj
#' @importFrom graphics par plot
#' @importFrom stats AIC anova as.formula cov fitted formula glm influence lm predict resid var
#' @importFrom utils capture.output tail 
#' @export
  return(min(abs(summary(object = model)$residuals)))

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