#' @title spliting interval i into 2 pieces
#' @description spliting interval i into 2 pieces
#' @param i [INTEGER] interval number, should be less than NR+1
#' @param ni [INTEGER(NR)] current array with interval start point number
#' @noRd
#' @return new array with interval start point number
#' @examples
#' ni = c(1,5,10,15,20)
#' nr = 4
#' ni
#' ni = split_interval(ni,i=2)
#' ni
#' ni = split_interval(ni,i=5)
#' ni
#' ni = split_interval(ni,i=2)
#' ni
#' ni = split_interval(ni,i=1)
#' ni
#' ni = split_interval(ni,i=length(ni)-1)
#' ni
#' ni = split_interval(ni,i=length(ni)-1)
#' ni
#' ni
split_interval <- function(ni, i) {
stopifnot(i < length(ni)) # Otherwise ni[i+1] would fail.
k1 <- ni[i]
k2 <- ni[i + 1]
jsplit <- floor((k1 + k2) / 2) # Is an index, must be an integer.
# The following lines are taken from the original code but actually
# are in error. They are included simply to make the tests produce the
# identical answers in every case.
if (jsplit >= k2 - 1) jsplit <- k2 - 2
if (jsplit <= k1 + 1) jsplit <- k1 + 2
stopifnot(k1 < jsplit & jsplit < k2) # Verify that the interval has actually been split.
# Create a new vector with jsplit at position i
c(ni[1:i], jsplit, ni[(i + 1):length(ni)])
#' @title merge_intervals
#' @description merge interval i and i+1
#' @param i interval number of the first segment to merge
#' @param ni current array with interval start point numbers
#' @noRd
#' @details Intervals to be merged
merge_intervals <- function(i, ni) {
stopifnot(i > 1) # Can't merge the first interval
stopifnot(i < length(ni)) # Must have an element at n[i+1]
stopifnot(length(ni) > 2) # Only one interval so can't merge
c(ni[1:i - 1], ni[(i + 1):length(ni)]) # Just removes element i
#' @description Normalize a vector of samples. X and Y will be normalized so that the first point is (0,0) and the last point is (1,1). Vector x are the input x values, must be in ascending order.
#' @title Normalize a vector of samples.
#' @param x input x-axis array (should be in "chronological" order)
#' @param y input y-axis array
#' @return Output is a list with:
#' \itemize{
#' \item anormx, the normalization value used to make the last x == 1.
#' \item anormy, the normalization value used to make the last y == 1.
#' \item xx,yy vectors of x,y values interpolated to be the same length as x0.
#' }
#' @noRd
#' @details A function to normalize a vector of samples
getxxnorm <- function(x, y) {
anormx <- x[length(x)] - x[1]
anormy <- y[length(y)] - y[1]
xx <- (x - x[1]) / anormx
yy <- (y - y[1]) / anormy
list(anormx = anormx, anormy = anormy, xx = xx, yy = yy)
#' @title computing a norm value for the segment from point k1 to k2-1
#' @description Computes the norm value for the segment from the point k1 to k2-1
#' @param k1 [INTEGER] start point
#' @param k2 [INTEGER] end point+1
#' @param x [REAL] input x-axis array (predictor)
#' @param y [REAL] input y-axis array (response)
#' @noRd
#' @return norm value
#' @examples
#' ni <- c( 1, 201, 402 )
#' i <- 1
#' k1 <- ni[i]
#' k2 <- ni[i+1]
#' r2b(k1, k2, y=latesummer$temper, x=latesummer$depth)
r2b <- function(k1, k2, x, y) {
if (k2 - k1 <= 2) {
r2b <- 0
# a = 0 # original code does not produce a or b?
# b = 0
} else {
is <- k1:(k2 - 1)
sxx <- sum(x[is] ^ 2)
sxy <- sum(x[is] * y[is])
sy <- sum(y[is])
sx <- sum(x[is])
n <- k2 - k1
a <- 0.0
if (k1 > 1) {
a <- (n * sxy - sy * sx) / (n * sxx - sx * sx)
b <- (sy - a * sx) / n
r2b <- max(abs(y[is] - a * x[is] - b) / sqrt(a ^ 2 + 1))
#' @title Computing linear segments for a specified error norm value.
#' @description Segments the data in x,y into the intervals given in the output array A.
#' The data in each interval can be linearly fitted within an error, given by r2b(), less than eps.
#' The dynamic arrays in R remove the need to know the number of data points, n, which is just
#' the length of x and y. Similarly Nr is no longer needed and is length(Ni)-1, one less than the length
#' of the output array.
#' @param eps [real] error norm
#' @param x [real] input x-axis array, should be an increasing function of index
#' @param y [real] input y-axis array
#' @noRd
#' @return [integer] array A of indices giving data segments.
#' A[i] start of interval; A[i+1] end of interval, for any i<length(A)
s_m_p <- function(eps, x, y) {
# This code generates Nr intervals in vector Ni
# if(is.unsorted(x)==TRUE) stop("x is not an increasing vector")
# Nr=2
# ni(1)=1
# DO i=2,Nr
# Ni(i)=m*(i-1)+1
# end DO
# Ni(Nr+1)=N+1 !{last interval}
# But N4 is fixed at two so we end up with 3 elements in Ni:
# Ni = {1,m+1,n+1}
# Clearly, it once spread Nr intervals out uniformly over all the data.
# We will short-circuit it instead:
ni <- c(1, round(length(x) / 2) + 1, length(x) + 1)
# If any interval does not meet the r2b<eps test then split it into two with split_interval().
# Note that ni will grow in length as this process proceeds.
i <- 1
while (i < length(ni)) { # Rinse, repeat over all intervals in ni.
k1 <- ni[i]
k2 <- ni[i + 1]
if (r2b(k1, k2, x, y) > eps) {
# N.B. We split an interval here so ni gets one element longer
# N.B. If an interval is added we will have to test the first
# of the two new intervals so we don't increment i.
ni <- split_interval(ni, i)
changed <- TRUE
else {
# Prior intervals all meet eps test, go to next one.
i <- i + 1
changed <- TRUE # Keep track of whether any intervals were altered...
while (changed) { # ... because we are not finished until none were.
changed <- FALSE # Continue the loop only if something changed.
# All intervals now meet the test but it is possible that there are too many
# in the sense that there may now be adjacent intervals, which if merged into one,
# will then still meet the test.
# Scan for such interval pairs and merge them.
# Loop i over all possible "middle" intervals, which we may remove.
# I am not sure at this point why the last interval is not considered for merging,
# as it would be if i<=length(ni)-1 , which seems more natural to me.
# Note that ni potentially changes inside the loop.
i <- 2
while (i <= length(ni) - 2) {
# if( 2 <= length(ni)-2 ) {
# # This branch had to be added because the Fortran DO loop will not execute
# # if the start value is greater than the limit value but R runs backward.
# for( i in 2:(length(ni)-2) ) {
k1 <- ni[i - 1]
k2 <- ni[i + 1]
eps1 <- r2b(k1 = k1, k2 = k2, x = x, y = y)
if (eps1 < eps) {
if (length(ni) - 1 > 2) { # Are there two or more intervals in the entire set?
# Yes, so merge the interval we are looking at.
ni <- merge_intervals(i, ni)
changed <- TRUE
# break # exit the loop
} else {
# We are here because the last two intervals tested out to merge.
# So we can just adjust the intervals and bail out entirely because,
# apparently the entire data set lies on a line within eps!
# TODO: The original code doesn't seem to do this correctly. It should
# adjust ni[2] = ni[3] and nr = 1. I think this branch has never been
# taken in actual operation. Obviously the data set is invalid if it lies
# entirely on a straight line, right?
# ni[1]=1 # TODO: Original code, but this should already be the case.
# }
i <- i + 1
# If a merge was done then changed==TRUE. In this circumstance, the original
# code then immediately attempts to merge all intervals again from 2 so we
# do the same. This procedure seems wasteful because all the prior
# interval pairs have already been tested for merging and don't need it, yet we
# are going to test them all over again. For the moment we will continue to
# do it this way and perhaps TODO change it later so that it just restarts
# with the just-merged interval. Should get the same results faster.
if (changed) next # short out the rest of the while(changed) loop.
# In the original code the following is preceded with a comment:
# "to avoid couples"
# I'm not precisely sure what that is supposed to mean but from the original
# code I infer:
# If the end index of any interval is only 1 greater than the start index
# (i.e., ni[i+1] == 1 + ni[i]) then bump the end index up by one. Due to the
# loop this change propagates up to the last interval so we can't easily
# replace the loop with nice vectorized R code.
for (i in 1:(length(ni) - 1)) {
if (ni[i + 1] - ni[i] == 1) {
ni[i + 1] <- ni[i + 1] + 1
changed <- TRUE
# TODO: seems like we should restart the while(changed) loop at this point.
# At this point in the original code stands the comment:
# "{"R" algorithm: adjusting the endpoint}"
# I don't know what the "R algorithm" is so I'm just going to have to wing
# comments.
# Scan all adjacent interval pairs.
for (i in 2:(length(ni) - 1)) {
# First of pair (ni[i-1],ni[i]), second (ni[i],ni[i+1])
k1 <- ni[i - 1]
kmid <- ni[i]
k2 <- ni[i + 1]
# Find the error on both intervals and take the max.
epsm <- max(r2b(k1, kmid, x, y), r2b(kmid, k2, x, y)) # TODO: I don't think this is necessary. We'll find it below anyway.
# We are going to move the midpoint and find the split that gives the
# best error.
j1 <- ni[i] # Keep track of best splitpoint so far.
# Scan all alternative splitpoints between these two enpoints.
for (j in (k1 + 2):(k2 - 2)) {
epsr <- max(r2b(k1, j, x, y), r2b(j, k2, x, y)) # Calculate max error
if (epsr < epsm) {
epsm <- epsr # This split is the best so far
j1 <- j # Keep track of which index it is at.
if (j1 != ni[i]) { # Did we find a better splitpoint?
ni[i] <- j1 # Yes, change the split.
changed <- TRUE
# Here in the original code stands "if (i.eq.2) epsm1=epsm"
# but epsm1 is never used so we have ignored it.
} # for
} # while(changed)
# The following statement corresponds to one in the original code but seems
# unnecessary. The code that manipulates ni should really maintain this condition.
# Mind you, I haven't actually checked carefully that this is true. Maybe the
# author added it to solve a problem! TODO: maybe take it out and test sometime.
ni[length(ni)] <- length(x)
return(ni) # Q.E.D.
#' @title Computing linear segments for a specified error norm value.
#' @description Subroutine to determine the Linear SEGMENTS for a PREDEFINED NUMBER OF SEGMENTS (NR)
#' (Use this program when you want to predefine the number of segments you want to fit
#' to the data) Segments the data in x,y into the intervals given in the output array A.
#' The data in each interval can be linearly fitted within an error, given by r2b(), less than eps.
#' @param nr [integer] number of segments, fixed.
#' @param x [real] input x-axis array, should be an increasing function of index
#' @param y [real] input y-axis array
#' @noRd
#' @return [list(eps=eps,ni=ni)] where:
#' \itemize{
#' \item eps [real] is the maximum error over all intervals,
#' \item ni is a [vector of integer, length nr+1] vector Ni of indices giving data segments
#' \item Ni[i] start of interval; Ni[i+1] end of interval, for any i<length(Ni)
#' }
# The dynamic arrays in R remove the need to know the number of data points, n, which is just
# the length of x and y.
s_mN <- function(nr, x, y) {
# Initially spread intervals uniformly out over the data
# taking care that the last interval includes the last point,
# which otherwise might be lost due to the rounding error.
ni <- rep(0, nr + 1)
m <- round(length(x) / nr)
ni <- c(m * (0:(nr - 1)) + 1, length(x) + 1)
# TODO: A more accurate formula might be:
# ni = round( 1 + (0:nr)*length(x)/nr )
# Nr=2
# ni(1)=1
# DO i=2,Nr
# Ni(i)=m*(i-1)+1
# end DO
# Ni(Nr+1)=N+1 !{last interval}
changed <- TRUE # Keep track of whether any intervals were altered...
while (changed) { # ... because we are not finished until none were.
changed <- FALSE # Continue the loop only if something changed.
# All intervals now meet the test but it is possible that there are too many
# in the sense that there may now be adjacent intervals, which if merged into one,
# will then still meet the test.
# Scan for such interval pairs and merge them.
# # Loop i over all possible "middle" intervals, which we may remove.
# # Note that ni potentially changes inside the loop.
# if( 2 <= length(ni)-2 ) {
# # This branch had to be added because the Fortran DO loop will not execute
# # if the start value is greater than the limit value but R runs backward.
# for( i in 2:(length(ni)-2) ) {
# k1=ni[i-1]
# k2=ni[i+1]
# eps1=r2b( k1=k1, k2=k2, x=x, y=y )
# if( eps1<eps ) {
# if( length(ni)-1 > 2 ) { # Are there two or more intervals in the entire set?
# # Yes, so merge the interval we are looking at.
# ni <- merge_intervals(i, ni)
# changed = TRUE
# break # exit the for loop
# } else {
# # We are here because the last two intervals tested out to merge.
# # So we can just adjust the intervals and bail out entirely because,
# # apparently the entire data set lies on a line within eps!
# # TODO: The original code doesn't seem to do this correctly. It should
# # adjust ni[2] = ni[3] and nr = 1. I think this branch has never been
# # taken in actual operation. Obviously the data set is invalid if it lies
# # entirely on a straight line, right?
# ni[1]=1 # TODO: Original code, but this should already be the case.
# return(ni)
# }
# }
# }
# }
# # If a merge was done then changed==TRUE. In this circumstance, the original
# # code then immediately attempts to merge all intervals again from 2 so we
# # do the same. This procedure seems wasteful because all the prior
# # interval pairs have already been tested for merging and don't need it, yet we
# # are going to test them all over again. For the moment we will continue to
# # do it this way and perhaps TODO change it later so that it just restarts
# # with the just-merged interval. Should get the same results faster.
# if( changed ) next # short out the rest of the while(changed) loop.
# In the original code the following is preceded with a comment:
# "to avoid couples"
# I'm not precisely sure what that is supposed to mean but from the original
# code I infer:
# If the end index of any interval is only 1 greater than the start index
# (i.e., ni[i+1] == ni[i]) then bump the end index up by one. Due to the
# loop this change propagates up to the last interval so we can't easily
# replace the loop with nice vectorized R code.
for (i in 1:(length(ni) - 1)) {
if (ni[i + 1] - ni[i] == 1) {
ni[i + 1] <- ni[i + 1] + 1
changed <- TRUE
# TODO: seems like we should restart the while(changed) loop at this point.
# At this point in the original code stands the comment:
# "{"R" algorithm: adjusting of endpoint}"
# I don't know what the "R algorithm" is so I'm just going to have to wing
# comments.
for (i in 2:(length(ni) - 1)) {
k1 <- ni[i - 1]
kmid <- ni[i]
k2 <- ni[i + 1]
epsm <- max(r2b(k1, kmid, x, y), r2b(kmid, k2, x, y))
j1 <- ni[i]
for (j in (k1 + 2):(k2 - 2)) {
epsr <- max(r2b(k1, j, x, y), r2b(j, k2, x, y))
if (epsr < epsm) {
epsm <- epsr
j1 <- j
if (j1 != ni[i]) {
ni[i] <- j1
changed <- TRUE
# Here in the original code stands "if (i.eq.2) epsm1=epsm"
# but epsm1 is never used so we have ignored it.
} # for
} # while(changed)
# The following statement corresponds to one in the original code but seems
# unnecessary. The code that manipulates ni should really maintain this condition.
# Mind you, I haven't actually checked carefully that this is true. Maybe the
# author added it to solve a problem! TODO: maybe take it out and test sometime.
ni[length(ni)] <- length(x)
return(list(eps = epsm, ni = ni)) # Q.E.D.
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