
#' Retrieve records from the Symbiota portals
#' @param taxon character string specifying the taxon name (e.g., species name, family name or higher taxon)
#' @param db portal name, for an overview see \code{\link{portals}}
#' @param country character string specifying country, e.g., "USA"
#' @param state character string specifying state, e.g., "Massachusetts"
#' @param county character string specifying county, e.g., "Worcester"
#' @param locality character string specifying locality, e.g., "Harvard Forest"
#' @param elevation_from character string, meter, e.g., "1000"
#' @param elevation_to character string, meter
#' @param host character string specifying host species, e.g., "Betula alba"
#' @param taxon_type integer, one of 1 to 5 representing "Family or Scientific Name", "Scientific Name only", "Family Only", "Higher Taxonomy", Common Name"
#' @param north_lat character string, coordinate e.g., "45"
#' @param south_lat character string, coordinate
#' @param west_lon character string, coordinate, e.g., "-72"
#' @param east_lon character string, coordinate
#' @param point_lat character string, coordinate
#' @param point_lon character string, coordinate
#' @param radius character string, km, e.g., "50"
#' @param collector character string specifying collector name
#' @param collector_num character string specifying collector number
#' @param coll_date1 character string specifying collection data from, e.g., "19 August 1926"
#' @param coll_date2 character string specifying collection data from, e.g., "19 August 2018"
#' @param syns logical, if TRUE synonyms from MycoBank and IndexFungorum are searched
#' @param port default is 4445L
#' @param remoteServerAddr default is "localhost
#' @param verbose logical
#' @param screenshot logical, whether screenshot of results should be displayed in Viewer
#' @param browserName character string specifying the browser to use, recommended: "chrome"
#' @param wait numberic specifying the seconds to wait for website to load, recommended 2 for good internet connections;
#' higher otherwise. It would be good to first look up the number of pages for a species and to compare it with the function output to see whether loading times are sufficient.
#' @param max_attempts maximum number of tries in case of internet instability or lost connection
#' @return x an object of class \code{records} with the following components:
#' \item{nr.records}{A numeric giving the number of records retrieved}
#' \item{citation}{A character string with the recommended citation from the website}
#' \item{query}{A list of the user arguments used}
#' \item{records}{A data.frame with the query records results (accessible via 'at' symbol)}
#' \item{db}{A character string specifying the database}
#' @details Interface to the web databases of the Symbiota portals.
#' Symbiota is an open source content management system for curating specimen- and observation-based biodiversity data.
#' Currently ca. 40 portals are avaiable:
#' Consortium of North American Lichen Herbaria, Arctic Lichen Flora, Consortium of North American Bryophyte Herbaria, Frullania Collaborative Research Network, Macroalgal Consortium Herbarium Portal, MyCoPortal, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Portal (STRI), Aquatic Invasives, Aquatic Invasives, Aquatic Invasives, Consortium of Midwest Herbaria, SEINet, Intermountain Region Herbaria Network (IRHN), SouthEast Regional Network of Expertise and Collections (SERNEC), North American Network of Small Herbaria, Northern Great Plains Herbaria, Consortium of Northeastern Herbaria (CNH), Madrean Archipelago Biodiversity Assessment (MABA), Madrean Archipelago Biodiversity Assessment (MABA) - Fauna, Herbario Virtual Austral Americano, CoTRAM – Cooperative Taxonomic Resource for Amer. Myrtaceae, InvertEBase Data Portal, Symbiota Collections of Arthropods Network (SCAN), Lepidoptera of North America Network (LepNet), Neotropical Entomology, Neotropical Flora, Monarch (California Academy of Sciences), The Lundell Plant Diversity Portal, Virtual Flora of Wisconsin, Red de Herbarios del Noroeste de México, University of Colorado Herbarium, The Open Herbarium, Consortium of Pacific Herbaria, Minnesota Biodiversity Atlas, Documenting Ethnobiology in Mexico and Central America, OpenZooMuseum, Mid-Atlantic Herbaria Consortium, Channel Islands Biodiversity Information System, Consortium of Small Vertebrate Collections (CSVColl), The University of New Hampshire Collection of Insects and Other Arthropods.
#' For an overview and URLs see \code{\link{portals}}. The function currently searches all collections, because the package is meant for large-scale access.
#' @references \url{http://symbiota.org/docs/}
#' @references Gries, C., Gilbert, E. E., and Franz, N. M. (2014). Symbiota–a virtual platform for creating voucher-based biodiversity information communities. Biodiversity Data Journal, (2).
#' @import RSelenium httr RCurl
#' @importFrom XML htmlParse xpathApply xmlValue
#' @importFrom crayon red
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @author Franz-Sebastian Krah
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Download Amanita muscaria observations and plot visualize data
#' spec.dist <- symbiota(taxon = "Helvella", db = "mycoportal", wait = 3)
#' # for all available portals and examples see vignette
#' ## increase wait if your internet is slow (in general fast internet is recommended)
#' # This is how the records table can be accessed:
#' recordsTable(spec.dist)
#' ## However, for the other functions of the package, the output of 'symbiota'
#' ## can be directly forwarded, for example:
#' plot_distmap(x = spec.dist, mapdatabase = "world", interactive = FALSE,
#' gazetter = TRUE)
#' plot_distmap(x = spec.dist, mapdatabase = "usa", interactive = FALSE)
#' plot_distmap(x = spec.dist, mapdatabase = "world", interactive = TRUE)
#' plot_datamap(x = spec.dist, mapdatabase = "state", index = "rec")
#' plot_recordstreemap(x = spec.dist, log = FALSE)
#' }
#' @export

# taxon = "Amanita muscaria"
# db = "mycoportal"

# taxon = "Parmelia cunninghamii"
# db = "lichen"
# taxon_type = 1
# syns = TRUE
# verbose = FALSE
# screenshot = FALSE
# port = 4445L
# browserName = "chrome"
# remoteServerAddr = "localhost"
# wait = 2
# library(rSymbiota)
# library(stringr)
# library(sys)
# library(rvest)
# library(XML)
# library(xml2)
# library(RSelenium)
# source("R/is_table_button.R")
# source("R/start_stop_docker.R")
# source("R/nr_pages.R")

symbiota <- function(taxon = "Amanita muscaria",
                     db = "mycoportal",
                     country = "",
                     state = "",
                     county = "",
                     locality = "",
                     elevation_from = "",
                     elevation_to = "",
                     host = "",
                     taxon_type = 1,
                     north_lat = "",
                     south_lat = "",
                     west_lon = "",
                     east_lon = "",
                     point_lat = "",
                     point_lon = "",
                     radius = "",
                     collector = "",
                     collector_num = "",
                     coll_date1 = "",
                     coll_date2 = "",
                     syns = TRUE,
                     verbose = FALSE,
                     screenshot = FALSE,
                     port = 4445L,
                     browserName = "chrome",
                     remoteServerAddr = "localhost",
                     wait = 4,
                     max_attempts = 5) {

  if(length(grep(db, "The Lundell Plant Diversity Portal"))>0)
    stop("This portal is currently not supported!")

  # test internet conectivity
  if(!url.exists("r-project.org") == TRUE)
    stop( "Not connected to the internet. Please create a stable connection and try again." )

  ## Look up portal website
  ports <- portal(db)

    rownames(ports) <- NULL
    message("More than 1 portal found, please specify the number\n")
    print(ports[,1, drop = FALSE])
    message("Please enter a row number:")
    ent <- scan(file = "", what = "", nmax = 1)
    ports <- ports[ent,]

  portal.url <- ports$collection_url
  portal.name <- trimws(ports$Portal.Name)

    stop(paste(" Database is not available :", portal.url))

    stop("At least a species name has to be specified")

  if(length(grep("_", taxon))>0)
    taxon <- gsub("_", " ", taxon)

  ## Test if Docker is running
  out <- exec_internal("docker", args = c("ps", "-q"), error = FALSE)
  if(out$status != 0)
    stop("Docker not available. Please start Docker! https://www.docker.com")

  ## Wait should not be smaller than 2 seconds
  wait <- ifelse(wait<=2, 2, wait)

  # Initialize session -----------------------------------------------------
    message("Initialize server\n")

  start_docker_try(verbose = verbose, max_attempts = 5, wait = wait)

  ## Set up remote
  dr <- remoteDriver(remoteServerAddr = "localhost",
                     port = port,
                     browserName = browserName)

  ## Open connection; run server
  out <- capture.output(dr$open(silent = FALSE))


      message(dr$getStatus()$message[1], "\n")
    stop("Remote server is not running \n Please check if Docker is installed!")

  # Open Website -----------------------------------------------------------
    message(ifelse(verbose, "Open website\n", ""))
  ## Navigate to website

  ## proceed directly to parameters website:
  url <- gsub("index.php", "harvestparams.php", portal.url)

  ## Enter user query parameters ------------------------------------------------------
  message(ifelse(verbose, "Send user query to website:\n", ""))

  # store query for class
  argg <- do.call(c, as.list(match.call()))
  query <- argg <- argg[-1]
  argg <- do.call(c, argg)

  ## Fill elements: user defined query input

  ## Checkbox: Show results in table view
  # [test if wesite has a table button or a tick box for table view]

    button <- dr$findElement('xpath', "//*[@id='showtable']")

  ## Checkbox: Include Synonyms from Taxonomic Thesaurus
  # [default is ticked]
    button <- dr$findElement('xpath', "//*[@id='harvestparams']/div[3]/span/input")

  ## Taxon type
  webElem <- dr$findElement(using = 'xpath', paste0("//*[@id='taxontype']/option[", taxon_type ,"]"))

  ## Taxon
  webElem <- dr$findElement('id', "taxa")

  ## Country
  if(country != ""){
    webElem <- dr$findElement('id', "country")

  ## State
  if(state != ""){
    webElem <- dr$findElement('id', "state")

  ## County
  if(county != ""){
    webElem <- dr$findElement('id', "county")
  ## Locality
  if(locality != ""){
    webElem <- dr$findElement('id', "locality")

  ## Elevation lower border
  if(elevation_from != ""){
    webElem <- dr$findElement('id', "elevlow")

  ## Elevation upper border
  if(elevation_to != ""){
    webElem <- dr$findElement('id', "elevhigh")

  ## Host (Plant species name)
  if(host != ""){
    webElem <- dr$findElement('id', "assochost")

  ##### Latitude and Longitude
  ## North latitude border
  if(north_lat != ""){
    webElem <- dr$findElement('id', "upperlat")
  ## South latitude border
  if(south_lat != ""){
    webElem <- dr$findElement('id', "bottomlat")
  ## West longitude border
  if(west_lon != ""){
    webElem <- dr$findElement('id', "leftlong")
  ## East longitude border
  if(state != ""){
    webElem <- dr$findElement('id', "rightlong")

  ##### Point-Radius Search
  ## Latitude of point
  if(point_lat != ""){
    webElem <- dr$findElement('id', "pointlat")

  ## Longitude of point
  if(point_lon != ""){
    webElem <- dr$findElement('id', "pointlong")

  ## Radius in km
  if(radius != ""){
    webElem <- dr$findElement('id', "radiustemp")

  ##### Collector Criteria
  ## Collector name
  if(collector != ""){
    webElem <- dr$findElement('id', "collector")

  ## Collector numbner
  if(collector_num != ""){
    webElem <- dr$findElement('id', "collnum")
  ## Date record was found (from)
  if(coll_date1 != ""){
    webElem <- dr$findElement('id', "eventdate1")

  ## Date record was found (to)
  if(coll_date2 != ""){
    webElem <- dr$findElement('id', "eventdate2")

  # Press Enter -----------------------------------------------------

    button <- dr$findElement('xpath', "//*[@id='harvestparams']/div[2]/div[2]/button")
    webElem$sendKeysToElement(list(key = "enter"))

    dr$screenshot(display = TRUE, useViewer = TRUE)

  # Test whether results were found --------------------------------
  res <- htmlParse(dr$getPageSource()[[1]])
  res <- xpathApply(res, "//div", xmlValue)
  res <- grep("No records found matching the query", res)

    # close server

    ## stop docker
    message(ifelse(verbose, "Stop Docker\n", ""))
      "docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)",
      ignore.stdout = TRUE,
      ignore.stderr = TRUE
    message(red(paste0(paste(rep("#", 43), collapse = ""),
                    "\n### No records for this query ###\n",
                    paste(rep("#", 43), collapse = ""))))
    opt <- options(show.error.messages=FALSE)
    return(records(nr.records = 0,
                    citation = "Not applicable",
                    query = query,
                    records = data.frame(NULL),
                    db = "MyCoPortal"))

  # Download tables -------------------------------------------------
  nr.p <- nr_pages(dr)
  message(paste("Downloading", nr.p, "pages\n"))
  message("Make sure you have a stable internet connection!\n")

    warning("It seems the page did not load. Try to increase waiting time.")

  ## Download tables in page-wise batches
  # tabs <- list()
  # for (i in 0:(nr.p-1)) {
  #   tabs[[i + 1]] <- retry_next_page_download(
  #       z = i,
  #       remdriver = dr,
  #       verbose = verbose,
  #       max_attempts = 5,
  #       wait_seconds = wait,
  #       portal.name = portal.name
  #     )
  #   Sys.sleep(1)
  # }

  ## new
  if(nr.p == 1){
    tabs <- remote_table_retry(remdriver = dr, wait, max_attempts = max_attempts)
    message("... done")
    tabs <- download(
      remdriver = dr,
      max_attempts = max_attempts,
      wait = wait,
      portal.name = portal.name,
      nr_pages = nr.p

  ## Rbind all tables
    message(nrow(tabs), " records were downloaded \n")

  colnames(tabs) <- gsub(" ", "\\.", colnames(tabs))
  colnames(tabs) <- gsub("/", "\\.", colnames(tabs))

  ## Add coordinates as lon lat column
  tabs$coord <- stringr::str_extract(tabs$Locality, "-?\\d*\\.\\d*\\s\\-?\\d*\\.\\d*")
    coords <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, strsplit(tabs$coord , " ")))
    names(coords) <- c("lat", "lon")
    coords <- suppressWarnings(apply(coords, 2, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))))
    tabs <- data.frame(tabs, coords)

  ## Extract only species name (linnean)
  tabs$species <- gsub("\\s\\s", " ", tabs$Scientific.Name)
  tabs$species <- gsub("\\bFr\\.\\b", "", tabs$species)
  tabs$species <- gsub("\\(|\\)", "", tabs$species)
  tabs$species <- gsub("\\s[A-Z].*", "", tabs$species)
  tabs$species <- word(tabs$species, 1,2)

  # Close Website and Server ------------------------------------------------
  message(ifelse(verbose, "Close website and quit server\n", ""))

  ## Close Website

  ## Stop docker

  ## Return downloaded query results as data.frame

  cit <-
      "Biodiversity occurrence data published by: <",
      "all collections",
      ">; (Accessed through: ",
      " (", portal.url, "); Date: ",

    nr.records = nrow(tabs),
    citation = cit,
    query = query,
    records = tabs,
    db = portal.name

Try the rSymbiota package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rSymbiota documentation built on July 7, 2019, 5:02 p.m.