
Defines functions plot_RA_5bm

Documented in plot_RA_5bm

# plot priors for tau and marginal posteriors for mu, tau, theta_new
plot_RA_5bm <- function(df, tau.prior=list(), type="pri.tau", 
                        improper.prior = NULL, show.sigma.i = FALSE,
                        xlim, ylim,
                        m_J=NA, M_J=NA, upper.J=3, digits.J=2,
                        m_inf=NA, M_inf=NA, rlmc0=0.0001, rlmc1=0.9999,
                        legend=FALSE, pos.legend="topright", legend.tau.prior=c(), 
                        xlab = NULL, bty = "o",
                        mu.mean=0, mu.sd=4){
  # inputs:
  # fits: list of 6, 7, 8 or 9 (or 5 if no additional actual prior for tau is specified) bayesmeta fits
  # order: list(fit.SGC.m_inf, fit.SIGC.M_J, fit.SGC.m_J, fit.SIGC.M_inf, 
  #             fit.j, fit.main), where fit.j is the fit under Jeffreys' prior and 
  #             fit.main the fit under the actual prior for tau
  #         and 
  # type: specifies the parameter of interest and 
  #       if the prior or marg. posterior should be plotted
  # available options: "pri.tau", "post.mu", "post.tau", "post.theta.new"
  # legend: if TRUE, a legend will be added to the plot
  # pos.legend: legend position in the plot
  # legend.tau.prior: legend entry for the actual prior for tau in fit.main (may be NA)
  # xlim, ylim: determines the range of x-values/y-values shown
  # output:
  # plot of the prior densities for tau (of type=="pri.tau") or marg. posterior densities of mu/tau/theta_new
  # under different priors for tau (including 4 benchmark priors and Jeffreys' prior)
    m_inf <- m_inf_sgc(rlmc=rlmc0)
    M_inf <- M_inf_sigc(rlmc=rlmc1, df=df)
      m_J <- m_j_sgc(df=df, upper=upper.J, digits=digits.J, mu.mean=mu.mean, mu.sd=mu.sd)
      M_J <- M_j_sigc(df=df, upper=upper.J, digits=digits.J, mu.mean=mu.mean, mu.sd=mu.sd)

  thres <- 5*10^6
  if(m_inf > thres)
    warning(paste0("m_inf=", round(m_inf,0), 
                   ">5e+06. This may cause numerical problems in the bayesmeta() function.", sep=""))
  if(M_inf > thres)
    warning(paste0("M_inf=", round(M_inf,0), 
                   ">5e+06. This may cause numerical problems in the bayesmeta() function.", sep=""))
  if(m_J > thres)
    warning(paste0("m_J=", round(m_J,0), 
                   ">5e+06. This may cause numerical problems in the bayesmeta() function.", sep=""))
  if(M_J > thres)
    warning(paste0("M_J=", round(M_J,0), 
                   ">5e+06. This may cause numerical problems in the bayesmeta() function.", sep=""))
  # default xlab depends on the parameter to show specified in argument "type"
    xlab <- switch(type, 
                   pri.tau = expression("heterogeneity "*tau),
                   post.mu = expression("effect "*mu),
                   post.tau = expression("heterogeneity "*tau),
                   post.theta.new = expression("effect "*theta[new])
  fits <- fit_models_RA_5bm(df=df, tau.prior=tau.prior,
                            m_J=m_J, M_J=M_J, upper.J=upper.J, digits.J=digits.J,
                            m_inf=m_inf, M_inf=M_inf, rlmc0=rlmc0, rlmc1=rlmc1,
                            mu.mean=mu.mean, mu.sd=mu.sd)[[1]]
  n <- length(fits)
  y <- list()
    x <- c(seq(from=0, to=0.2, length=1000), seq(from=0.2, to=xlim[2], length=5000))
    # xlab <- expression("heterogeneity "*tau)
    ylab <- "prior density"
    for(i in 1:n){
      y[[i]] <- fits[[i]]$tau.prior(x)
    x <- seq(from=xlim[1], to=xlim[2], length=2000)
    # xlab <- expression("effect "*mu)
    ylab <- "posterior density"
    for(i in 1:n){
      y[[i]] <- fits[[i]]$dposterior(mu=x)
    x <- c(seq(from=0, to=0.2, length=4000), seq(from=0.2, to=xlim[2], length=5000))
    # xlab <- expression("heterogeneity "*tau)
    ylab <- "posterior density"
    for(i in 1:n){
      y[[i]] <- fits[[i]]$dposterior(tau=x)
    x <- seq(from=xlim[1], to=xlim[2], length=2000)
    # xlab <- expression("effect "*theta[new])
    ylab <- "posterior density"
    for(i in 1:n){
      y[[i]] <- fits[[i]]$dposterior(mu=x, predict=TRUE)
  lwd <- 2
  mycol <- c(5,1,"blue","darkgray","orange","red", "lightpink3", "darkgreen", "green", "violetred")
  mylty <- c(rep(1, times=5), 2, 2, 2, 2)
  plot(x, y[[2]], type="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
  # plot fits under the 4 benchmark priors
  for(i in 1:4){
      lines(x, y[[i]] , type="l", lty=mylty[i], lwd=lwd, col=mycol[i])
  # add fit under Jeffreys prior except for prior plot
      lines(x, y[[5]] , type="l", lty=mylty[5], lwd=lwd, col=mycol[5])
  # add fits under specified prior(s) for tau if available
    for(i in 6:n)
      if(type != "tau.prior")
        lines(x, y[[i]], type="l", lty=mylty[i], lwd=lwd, col=mycol[i])
        if(!((i-5) %in% improper.prior))
         lines(x, y[[i]], type = "l", lty = mylty[i], 
               lwd = lwd, col = mycol[i])
  # add sigma_i values to plot of prior for tau if show.sigma.i == TRUE
    if(show.sigma.i == TRUE){
    # extract the number of studies in the data set
    k <- fits[[1]]$k
    points(x=fits[[1]]$sigma, y=rep(0, times=k), pch=3, cex=0.5)
  cex.legend <- 1.0
  # cex.legend <- 0.8
  # add a legend if legend==TRUE
  if(legend==TRUE && type=="pri.tau"){
      legend(pos.legend, c(expression(SGC(m[infinity])), expression(SIGC(M[J])), 
                           expression(SGC(m[J])), expression(SIGC(M[infinity]))),
             col=mycol[1:4], lwd=2, lty=mylty[1:4], bg="white", bty=bty,
    if(length(legend.tau.prior)>0 && n>5){
      # ind.act <- seq(from=n, to=6, by=-1)
      ind.act <- 6:n
      ind <- c(ind.act, 1:4)
      legend(pos.legend, c(legend.tau.prior,  expression(SGC(m[infinity])), expression(SIGC(M[J])), 
                           expression(SGC(m[J])), expression(SIGC(M[infinity]))),
             col=mycol[ind], lwd=2, lty=mylty[ind], bg="white", bty=bty,
  if(legend==TRUE && type!="pri.tau"){
      legend(pos.legend, c(expression(SGC(m[infinity])), expression(SIGC(M[J])),
                           "Jeffreys", expression(SGC(m[J])), expression(SIGC(M[infinity]))),
             col=mycol[c(1:2,5,3:4)], lwd=2, lty=mylty[c(1:2,5,3:4)], bg="white", bty=bty,
    if(length(legend.tau.prior)>0 && n>5){
      ind.act <- 6:n
      ind <- c(ind.act, 1:2,5,3:4)
      legend(pos.legend, c(legend.tau.prior, expression(SGC(m[infinity])), expression(SIGC(M[J])),
                           "Jeffreys", expression(SGC(m[J])), expression(SIGC(M[infinity]))),
             col=mycol[ind], lwd=2, lty=mylty[ind], bg="white", bty=bty,

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ra4bayesmeta documentation built on Oct. 7, 2023, 1:07 a.m.