

server <- function(input, output) {

  output$downloadData <- downloadHandler("rabi-IDs.csv",

    # This function should write data to a file given to it by
    # the argument 'file'.
    content = function(file) {
      # Write to a file specified by the 'file' argument
      write.table(ID_df, file, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)

#############Misc Server Stuff#################
  #makes a vector full of color names for randomizing
  rand.colors <- colors() %>% stringr::str_extract("[a-z]+") %>% unique() %>% unlist()
  rand.positions <- c("left leg", "right leg", "head", "thorax",
                      "abdomen", "tail", "right tibiotarsus", "forewing",
                      "4th toe on hindlimb", "1st digit", "3rd digit", "caudal fin")

  #calculate the number of IDs generated
  output$howmany <- renderText({
    num.positions <- as.integer(input$num.positions)
    num.robust <- as.integer(input$num.robust)
    num.colors <- as.integer(input$num.colors)

    paste0("With these parameters, you can get ", num.colors^(num.positions - num.robust), " unique IDs.")
########################Dynamic Input Boxes##################
  #make the input boxes for the different color names
  output$input_ui_colors <- renderUI({
    num.colors <- as.integer(input$num.colors)

    #if names is selected, give option for names
    if (input$colornamesYN == "names") {
      lapply(1:num.colors, function(i) {
        textInput(paste0("n_input_colors_", i), label = paste0("Marking name #", i, " (e.g. '", sample(rand.colors,1),"'):"), value = (i-1))

    #if numbers (default) is chosen, don't display anything
    } else if (input$colornamesYN == "numbers") {

    #if neither, what HAPPENED?
    } else {
      textInput("lawdy", label = "lawdylawdylawdy", value = "lawdy me")

  output$input_ui_positions <- renderUI({
    num.positions <- as.integer(input$num.positions)
    lapply(1:num.positions, function(i) {
      textInput(paste0("n_input_position_", i), label = paste0("Position name #", i, " (e.g. '", sample(rand.positions,1),"'):"), value = (i))  })

########################Data Table##################
  #makes the table of all your values
  output$table <- renderTable({

    num.positions <- as.integer(input$num.positions)
    num.robust <- as.integer(input$num.robust)
    num.colors <- as.integer(input$num.colors)

    #if color names are chosen, take the user input
    if (input$colornamesYN == "names") {
      color.names <- lapply(1:num.colors, function(i) {input[[paste0("n_input_colors_", i)]]}) %>% unlist()
    #else, it means numbers, so go from 0 to X-1
    } else {
      color.names <- as.character(0:(num.colors-1))

    ID_lists <- rabi::rs_IDs(num.positions, num.robust, num.colors, color.names)
    ID_lists %>% %>% t() %>% -> ID_df
    rownames(ID_df) <- NULL
    colnames(ID_df) <- lapply(1:dim(ID_df)[2], function(i) {input[[paste0("n_input_position_", i)]]}) %>% unlist()

    ##Making it a global variable so other functions can grab it
    ID_df <<- ID_df


##############Dynamically Adjust Selector Range##############
  output$position.selector <- renderUI({
    selectInput("num.positions", "Number of markable positions on animal:", choices = seq(2,input$num.colors,1))

  output$robust.selector <- renderUI({
    selectInput("num.robust", "Number of marked positions that can be erased before the ID loses guaranteed recoverability:", choices = seq(1,input$num.positions,1))


ui <- fluidPage(

  tags$title("'rabi' GUI"),

      h1("Graphical User Interface for rabi's ID scheme generator"),

        "Note: This example uses Reed-Solomon polynomial oversampling (",
        ") to generate the ID sequences. ",
        "Consequently, there are several stipulations that must be met:  ",
          tags$li("The number of unique markings used (e.g. the different colors you have at your disposal) must be a prime number. (Weird, but whatever.)"),
          tags$li("The number of positions to be marked on the animal can't be greater than the number of unique markings (see above). This number does NOT need to be prime though")

      radioButtons("colornamesYN", "You can choose to use numbers to refer to different markings or specify your own names.", list("Use numbers (default)" = "numbers","Replace with user-defined names (e.g. blue, indigo, striped, clipped toe, etc)" = "names"), selected = NULL),


      selectInput("num.colors", "Number of unique markings available (round down to the closest prime):", choices = c(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 ,17, 19), selected = 3),
      p(" "),
      p(" "),
      downloadButton('downloadData', 'Download as a CSV')
      h4("Name the locations that will be marked on the animal."),

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Try the rabi package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rabi documentation built on Dec. 10, 2019, 1:08 a.m.