
Defines functions launcher lin_launcher mac_launcher win_launcher radiant_url radiant_viewer radiant_window radiant

Documented in launcher lin_launcher mac_launcher radiant radiant_url radiant_viewer radiant_window win_launcher

#' Launch radiant in the default browser
#' @description Launch radiant in the default web browser
#' @details See \url{https://radiant-rstats.github.io/docs/} for documentation and tutorials
#' @param state Path to state file to load
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to shiny::runApp (e.g, port = 8080)
#' @importFrom radiant.data launch
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' radiant()
#' radiant("https://github.com/radiant-rstats/docs/raw/gh-pages/examples/demo-dvd-rnd.state.rda")
#' }
#' @export
radiant <- function(state, ...) radiant.data::launch(package = "radiant", run = "browser", state, ...)

#' Launch radiant in an Rstudio window
#' @param state Path to state file to load
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to shiny::runApp (e.g, port = 8080)
#' @details See \url{https://radiant-rstats.github.io/docs/} for documentation and tutorials
#' @importFrom radiant.data launch
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' radiant_window()
#' }
#' @export
radiant_window <- function(state, ...) radiant.data::launch(package = "radiant", run = "window", state, ...)

#' Launch radiant in the Rstudio viewer
#' @details See \url{https://radiant-rstats.github.io/docs/} for documentation and tutorials
#' @param state Path to state file to load
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to shiny::runApp (e.g, port = 8080)
#' @importFrom radiant.data launch
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' radiant_viewer()
#' }
#' @export
radiant_viewer <- function(state, ...) radiant.data::launch(package = "radiant", run = "viewer", state, ...)

#' Start radiant but do not open a browser
#' @param state Path to statefile to load
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to shiny::runApp (e.g, port = 8080)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' radiant_url()
#' }
#' @export
radiant_url <- function(state, ...) radiant.data::launch(package = "radiant", run = FALSE, state, ...)

#' Create a launcher and updater for Windows (.bat)
#' @details On Windows a file named 'radiant.bat' and one named 'update_radiant.bat' will be put on the desktop. Double-click the file to launch the specified Radiant app or update Radiant to the latest version
#' @param app App to run when the desktop icon is double-clicked ("radiant", "radiant.data", etc.). Default is "radiant"
#' @param port Port to use for shiny::runApp (e.g, port = 4444)
#' @param pdir Project directory to use. Default is Sys.getenv("HOME")
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' radiant::win_launcher()
#' }
#' @export
win_launcher <- function(app = c("radiant", "radiant.data", "radiant.design", "radiant.basics", "radiant.model", "radiant.multivariate"), port = 4444, pdir = Sys.getenv("HOME")) {
  if (!interactive()) stop("This function can only be used in an interactive R session")

  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] != "Windows") {
    return(message("This function is for Windows only. For Mac use the mac_launcher() function"))

  answ <- readline("Do you want to create shortcuts for Radiant on your Desktop? (y/n) ")
  if (substr(answ, 1, 1) %in% c("y", "Y")) {
    local_dir <- Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER")
    if (!file.exists(local_dir)) dir.create(local_dir, recursive = TRUE)

    pt <- file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "Desktop")
    if (!file.exists(pt)) {
      pt <- file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"), "Desktop", fsep = "\\")

    if (!file.exists(pt)) {
      pt <- Sys.getenv("HOME")
      message(paste0("The launcher function was unable to find your Desktop. The launcher and update files/icons will be put in the directory: ", pt))

    pt <- normalizePath(pt, winslash = "/")

    if (rmarkdown::pandoc_available()) {
      rsp <- Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_PANDOC")
      rsp <- paste0("Sys.setenv(RSTUDIO_PANDOC='", rsp, "');")
    } else {
      rsp <- ""

    fn1 <- file.path(pt, "radiant.bat")
    launch_string <- paste0("\"", Sys.which("R"), "\" -e \"setwd('", normalizePath(pdir, winslash = "/"), "'); options(radiant.launch_dir = normalizePath(getwd())); if (!require(radiant)) { install.packages('radiant', repos = 'https://radiant-rstats.github.io/minicran/', type = 'binary') }; ", rsp, "library(radiant); shiny::runApp(system.file('app', package='", app[1], "'), port = ", port, ", launch.browser = TRUE)\"")
    cat(launch_string, file = fn1, sep = "\n")
    Sys.chmod(fn1, mode = "0755")

    fn2 <- file.path(pt, "update_radiant.bat")
    launch_string <- paste0("\"", Sys.which("R"), "\" -e \"unlink('~/.radiant.sessions/*.rds', force = TRUE); install.packages('radiant', repos = 'https://radiant-rstats.github.io/minicran/', type = 'binary'); suppressWarnings(update.packages(lib.loc = .libPaths()[1], repos = 'https://radiant-rstats.github.io/minicran', ask = FALSE, type = 'binary'))\"\npause(1000)")
    cat(launch_string, file = fn2, sep = "\n")
    Sys.chmod(fn2, mode = "0755")

    if (file.exists(fn1) && file.exists(fn2)) {
      message("Done! Look for a file named radiant.bat on your desktop. Double-click it to start Radiant in your default browser. There is also a file called update_radiant.bat you can double click to update the version of Radiant on your computer.\n")
    } else {
      message("Something went wrong. No shortcuts were created.")
  } else {
    message("No shortcuts were created.\n")

#' Create a launcher and updater for Mac (.command)
#' @details On Mac a file named 'radiant.command' and one named 'update_radiant.command' will be put on the desktop. Double-click the file to launch the specified Radiant app or update Radiant to the latest version
#' @param app App to run when the desktop icon is double-clicked ("radiant", "radiant.data", etc.). Default is "radiant"
#' @param port Port to use for shiny::runApp (e.g, port = 4444)
#' @param pdir Project directory to use. Default is Sys.getenv("HOME")
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' radiant::mac_launcher()
#' }
#' @export
mac_launcher <- function(app = c("radiant", "radiant.data", "radiant.design", "radiant.basics", "radiant.model", "radiant.multivariate"), port = 4444, pdir = Sys.getenv("HOME")) {
  if (!interactive()) stop("This function can only be used in an interactive R session")

  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] != "Darwin") {
    return(message("This function is for Mac only. For windows use the win_launcher() function"))

  answ <- readline("Do you want to create shortcuts for Radiant on your Desktop? (y/n) ")
  if (substr(answ, 1, 1) %in% c("y", "Y")) {
    local_dir <- Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER")
    if (!file.exists(local_dir)) dir.create(local_dir, recursive = TRUE)

    if (rmarkdown::pandoc_available()) {
      rsp <- Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_PANDOC")
      rsp <- paste0("Sys.setenv(RSTUDIO_PANDOC='", rsp, "');")
    } else {
      rsp <- ""

    fn1 <- paste0("/Users/", Sys.getenv("USER"), "/Desktop/radiant.command")
    launch_string <- paste0("#!/usr/bin/env Rscript\nsetwd('", pdir, "')\noptions(radiant.launch_dir = normalizePath(getwd()))\nif (!require(radiant)) {\n  install.packages('radiant', repos = 'https://radiant-rstats.github.io/minicran/', type = 'binary')\n}\n", rsp, "\nlibrary(radiant)\nshiny::runApp(system.file('app', package='", app[1], "'), port = ", port, ", launch.browser = TRUE)\n")
    cat(launch_string, file = fn1, sep = "\n")
    Sys.chmod(fn1, mode = "0755")

    fn2 <- paste0("/Users/", Sys.getenv("USER"), "/Desktop/update_radiant.command")
    launch_string <- paste0("#!/usr/bin/env Rscript\nunlink('~/.radiant.sessions/*.rds', force = TRUE)\ninstall.packages('radiant', repos = 'https://radiant-rstats.github.io/minicran/', type = 'binary')\nsuppressWarnings(update.packages(lib.loc = .libPaths()[1], repos = 'https://radiant-rstats.github.io/minicran', ask = FALSE, type = 'binary'))\nSys.sleep(1000)")
    cat(launch_string, file = fn2, sep = "\n")
    Sys.chmod(fn2, mode = "0755")

    if (file.exists(fn1) && file.exists(fn2)) {
      message("Done! Look for a file named radiant.command  on your desktop. Double-click it to start Radiant in your default browser. There is also a file called update_radiant.command you can double click to update the version of Radiant on your computer.\n")
    } else {
      message("Something went wrong. No shortcuts were created.")
  } else {
    message("No shortcuts were created.\n")

#' Create a launcher and updater for Linux (.sh)
#' @details On Linux a file named 'radiant.sh' and one named 'update_radiant.sh' will be put on the desktop. Double-click the file to launch the specified Radiant app or update Radiant to the latest version
#' @param app App to run when the desktop icon is double-clicked ("radiant", "radiant.data", etc.). Default is "radiant"
#' @param port Port to use for shiny::runApp (e.g, port = 4444)
#' @param pdir Project directory to use. Default is Sys.getenv("HOME")
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' radiant::lin_launcher("radiant")
#' }
#' @export
lin_launcher <- function(app = c("radiant", "radiant.data", "radiant.design", "radiant.basics", "radiant.model", "radiant.multivariate"), port = 4444, pdir = Sys.getenv("HOME")) {
  if (!interactive()) stop("This function can only be used in an interactive R session")

  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] != "Linux") {
    return(message("This function is for Linux only. For windows use the win_launcher() function and for mac use the mac_launcher() function"))

  answ <- readline("Do you want to create shortcuts for Radiant on your Desktop? (y/n) ")
  if (substr(answ, 1, 1) %in% c("y", "Y")) {
    local_dir <- Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER")
    if (!file.exists(local_dir)) dir.create(local_dir, recursive = TRUE)

    if (rmarkdown::pandoc_available()) {
      rsp <- Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_PANDOC")
      rsp <- paste0("Sys.setenv(RSTUDIO_PANDOC='", rsp, "');")
    } else {
      rsp <- ""

    fn1 <- paste0("/Users/", Sys.getenv("USER"), "/Desktop/radiant.sh")
    launch_string <- paste0("#!/usr/bin/env Rscript\nsetwd('", pdir, "')\noptions(radiant.launch_dir = normalizePath(getwd()))\nif (!require(radiant)) {\n  install.packages('radiant', repos = 'https://https://packagemanager.posit.co/all/__linux__/focal/latest')\n}\n", rsp, "\nlibrary(radiant)\nshiny::runApp(system.file('app', package='", app[1], "'), port = ", port, ", launch.browser = TRUE)\n")
    cat(launch_string, file = fn1, sep = "\n")
    Sys.chmod(fn1, mode = "0755")

    fn2 <- paste0(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "/Desktop/update_radiant.sh")
    launch_string <- paste0("#!/usr/bin/env Rscript\nunlink('~/.radiant.sessions/*.rds', force = TRUE)\ninstall.packages('radiant', repos = 'https://radiant-rstats.github.io/minicran/')\nsuppressWarnings(update.packages(lib.loc = .libPaths()[1], repos = 'https://radiant-rstats.github.io/minicran', ask = FALSE))\nSys.sleep(1000)")
    cat(launch_string, file = fn2, sep = "\n")
    Sys.chmod(fn2, mode = "0755")

    if (file.exists(fn1) && file.exists(fn2)) {
      message("Done! Look for a file named radiant.sh on your desktop. Double-click it to start Radiant in your default browser. There is also a file called update_radiant.sh you can double click to update the version of Radiant on your computer.\n\nIf the .sh files are opened in a text editor when you double-click them go to File Manager > Edit > Preferences > Behavior and click 'Run executable text files when they are opened'.")
    } else {
      message("Something went wrong. No shortcuts were created.")
  } else {
    message("No shortcuts were created.\n")

#' Create a launcher on the desktop for Windows (.bat), Mac (.command), or Linux (.sh)
#' @details On Windows/Mac/Linux a file named radiant.bat/radiant.command/radiant.sh will be put on the desktop. Double-click the file to launch the specified Radiant app
#' @seealso \code{\link{win_launcher}} to create a shortcut on Windows
#' @seealso \code{\link{mac_launcher}} to create a shortcut on Mac
#' @seealso \code{\link{lin_launcher}} to create a shortcut on Linux
#' @param app App to run when the desktop icon is double-clicked ("analytics", "marketing", "quant", or "base"). Default is "analytics"
#' @param port Port to use for shiny::runApp (e.g, port = 4444)
#' @param pdir Project directory to use. Default is Sys.getenv("HOME")
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' radiant::launcher("radiant.model")
#' }
#' @export
launcher <- function(app = c("radiant", "radiant.data", "radiant.design", "radiant.basics", "radiant.model", "radiant.multivariate"), port = 4444, pdir = Sys.getenv("HOME")) {
  os <- Sys.info()["sysname"]
  if (os == "Darwin") {
    mac_launcher(app[1], port = port, pdir = pdir)
  } else if (os == "Windows") {
    win_launcher(app[1], port = port, pdir = pdir)
  } else if (os == "Linux") {
    lin_launcher(app[1], port = port, pdir = pdir)
  } else {
    return(message("This function is not available for your platform."))

Try the radiant package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

radiant documentation built on Sept. 11, 2023, 5:10 p.m.