
context("Declarations: Complete Random Assignments")

test_declaration <- function(declaration, esum, eprob, conditions) {
  Z <- conduct_ra(declaration)
  if (!is.null(declaration$N))
    expect_length(Z, declaration$N)
  prob <-
    obtain_condition_probabilities(declaration = declaration, assignment = conditions)
  if (!is.na(esum))
    expect_equal(sum(Z), esum)
  if (!is.na(eprob))
    expect_true(all(prob == eprob))
  if (is.vector(declaration$clusters)) {
      Z, declaration$clusters
    ) != 0) == 1))

# Complete Random Assignments ----------------------------------------------
test_that("default", {
  declaration <- declare_ra(N = 100)
  test_declaration(declaration, 50, .5, 0:1)

test_that("N=101, prob=.34", {
  declaration <- declare_ra(N = 100, prob = .34)
  test_declaration(declaration, 34, .34, 1)

test_that("N=100, m=50", {
  declaration <- declare_ra(N = 100, m = 50)
  test_declaration(declaration, 50, .5, 0:1)

test_that("N=100, m_each", {
  declaration <- declare_ra(
    N = 100,
    m_each = c(30, 70),
    conditions = c("control", "treatment")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .3, "control")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .7, "treatment")

# Multi-arm Designs
test_that("m_each=c(30, 30, 40)", {
  declaration <- declare_ra(N = 100, m_each = c(30, 30, 40))
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .3, "T1")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .3, "T2")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .4, "T3")

test_that("named conditions m_Each", {
  declaration <- declare_ra(
    N = 100,
    m_each = c(30, 30, 40),
    conditions = c("control", "placebo", "treatment")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .3, "control")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .3, "placebo")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .4, "treatment")

test_that("names", {
  declaration <-
    declare_ra(N = 100,
               conditions = c("control", "placebo", "treatment"))
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, 1 / 3, "control")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, 1 / 3, "placebo")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, 1 / 3, "treatment")

test_that("num_arms", {
  declaration <- declare_ra(N = 100, num_arms = 3)
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, 1 / 3, "T1")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, 1 / 3, "T2")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, 1 / 3, "T3")

test_that("simple + m fails", {
  expect_error(declare_ra(N = 101, m = 34, simple = TRUE))

context("Declarations: Simple Random Assignments")

# Simple Random Assignmetn ------------------------------------------------
test_that("simple", {
  declaration <- declare_ra(N = 100, simple = TRUE)
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .5, 0)

test_that("simple p = .4", {
  declaration <- declare_ra(N = 100, prob = .4, simple = TRUE)
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .4, 1)

test_that("simple named prob each", {
  declaration <- declare_ra(
    N = 100,
    prob_each = c(0.3, 0.7),
    conditions = c("control", "treatment"),
    simple = TRUE
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .3, "control")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .7, "treatment")

test_that("simple num_arms = 3", {
  declaration <- declare_ra(N = 100,
                            num_arms = 3,
                            simple = TRUE)
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, 1 / 3, "T1")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, 1 / 3, "T2")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, 1 / 3, "T3")

test_that("simple 3 armed prob each", {
  declaration <-
    declare_ra(N = 100,
               prob_each = c(0.3, 0.3, 0.4),
               simple = TRUE)
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .3, "T1")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .3, "T2")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .4, "T3")

test_that("simple 3 arm prob each named", {
  declaration <- declare_ra(
    N = 100,
    prob_each = c(0.3, 0.3, 0.4),
    conditions = c("control", "placebo", "treatment"),
    simple = TRUE
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .3, "control")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .3, "placebo")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .4, "treatment")

test_that("simple names 3 armed", {
  declaration <-
      N = 100,
      conditions = c("control", "placebo", "treatment"),
      simple = TRUE
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, 1 / 3, "control")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, 1 / 3, "placebo")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, 1 / 3, "treatment")

context("Declarations: Block Random Assignments")
# Blocked Designs ---------------------------------------------------------

test_that("Blocks default", {
  blocks <- rep(c("A", "B", "C"), times = c(50, 100, 200))
  declaration <- declare_ra(blocks = blocks)
  test_declaration(declaration, 175, .5, 1)

test_that("Blocks default w/ factor", {
  blocks <- gl(3, 100)
  declaration <- declare_ra(blocks = blocks)
  test_declaration(declaration, 150, .5, 1)

test_that("blocks m_each", {
  blocks <- rep(c("A", "B", "C"), times = c(50, 100, 200))
  block_m_each <- rbind(c(25, 25),
                        c(50, 50),
                        c(100, 100))
  declaration <-
    declare_ra(blocks = blocks, block_m_each = block_m_each)
  test_declaration(declaration, 175, .5, 1)

test_that("block_m_each different", {
  blocks <- rep(c("A", "B", "C"), times = c(50, 100, 200))
  block_m_each <- rbind(c(10, 40),
                        c(30, 70),
                        c(50, 150))
  declaration <-
    declare_ra(blocks = blocks, block_m_each = block_m_each)
  test_declaration(declaration, 260, NA, "A")
    obtain_condition_probabilities(declaration = declaration, assignment = 1)[c(1, 88, 175)],
    c(.8, .7, .75)

test_that("block_m_eahc named", {
  blocks <- rep(c("A", "B", "C"), times = c(50, 100, 200))
  block_m_each <- rbind(c(10, 40),
                        c(30, 70),
                        c(50, 150))
  declaration <-
      blocks = blocks,
      block_m_each = block_m_each,
      conditions = c("control", "treatment")
    obtain_condition_probabilities(declaration = declaration,
                                   assignment = "treatment")[c(1, 88, 175)],
    c(.8, .7, .75)

# Multi-arm Designs
test_that("Three arm block_m_each", {
  blocks <- rep(c("A", "B", "C"), times = c(50, 100, 200))
  block_m_each <- rbind(c(10, 20, 20),
                        c(30, 50, 20),
                        c(50, 75, 75))
  declaration <-
    declare_ra(blocks = blocks, block_m_each = block_m_each)
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, NA, "T1")
    obtain_condition_probabilities(declaration = declaration,
                                   assignment = "T1")[c(1, 88, 175)],
    c(.2, .3, .25)

test_that("blocks num_arms = 3 ", {
  blocks <- rep(c("A", "B", "C"), times = c(50, 100, 200))
  declaration <- declare_ra(blocks = blocks, num_arms = 3)
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, 1 / 3, "T1")
  expect_true(all(table(conduct_ra(declaration), blocks) > 10))

test_that("block_m_each named", {
  blocks <- rep(c("A", "B", "C"), times = c(50, 100, 200))
  block_m_each <- rbind(c(10, 20, 20),
                        c(30, 50, 20),
                        c(50, 75, 75))
  declaration <-
      blocks = blocks,
      block_m_each = block_m_each,
      conditions = c("control", "placebo", "treatment")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, NA, "treatment")

test_that("blocks prob_each", {
  blocks <- rep(c("A", "B", "C"), times = c(50, 100, 200))
  declaration <-
    declare_ra(blocks = blocks, prob_each = c(.1, .1, .8))
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .1, "T1")

context("Declarations: Cluster Random Assignments")

# Cluster Random Assignments ----------------------------------------------

clusters <- rep(letters, times = 1:26)

# Two Group Designs
test_that("Two Group clusters", {
  declaration <- declare_ra(clusters = clusters)
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .5, 1)

test_that("clusters, m=13", {
  declaration <- declare_ra(clusters = clusters, m = 13)
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .5, 1)

test_that("cluster m_each", {
  declaration <- declare_ra(
    clusters = clusters,
    m_each = c(10, 16),
    conditions = c("control", "treatment")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, 16 / 26, "treatment")

test_that("Multi-arm Designs", {
  declaration <- declare_ra(clusters = clusters, num_arms = 3)
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, 1 / 3, "T1")

test_that("clusters m_each three arms", {
  declaration <- declare_ra(clusters = clusters, m_each = c(7, 7, 12))
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, 7 / 26, "T1")

test_that("clusters m_each three arms named", {
  declaration <- declare_ra(
    clusters = clusters,
    m_each = c(7, 7, 12),
    conditions = c("control", "placebo", "treatment")
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, 7 / 26, "placebo")

test_that("clusters three conditons", {
  declaration <- declare_ra(clusters = clusters,
                            conditions = c("control", "placebo", "treatment"))
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, 1 / 3, "placebo")

test_that("cluster prob_each three arm", {
  declaration <-
    declare_ra(clusters = clusters, prob_each = c(.1, .2, .7))
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .2, "T2")

context("Declarations: Blocked and Cluster Random Assignments")
# Blocked and cluster -----------------------------------------------------

clusters <- rep(letters, times = 1:26)
blocks <- rep(NA, length(clusters))
blocks[clusters %in% letters[1:5]] <- "block_1"
blocks[clusters %in% letters[6:10]] <- "block_2"
blocks[clusters %in% letters[11:15]] <- "block_3"
blocks[clusters %in% letters[16:20]] <- "block_4"
blocks[clusters %in% letters[21:26]] <- "block_5"

test_that("blocks, clusters", {
  declaration <- declare_ra(clusters = clusters, blocks = blocks)
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .5, 1)

test_that("blocks, clusters numarm=3", {
  declaration <-
    declare_ra(clusters = clusters,
               blocks = blocks,
               num_arms = 3)
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, 1 / 3, "T1")

test_that("blocks clusters probeach three arm", {
  declaration <-
      clusters = clusters,
      blocks = blocks,
      prob_each = c(.2, .5, .3)
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, .2, "T1")

test_that("block clusters block_m_each", {
  block_m_each <- rbind(c(2, 3),
                        c(1, 4),
                        c(3, 2),
                        c(2, 3),
                        c(5, 1))
  declaration <-
    declare_ra(clusters = clusters,
               blocks = blocks,
               block_m_each = block_m_each)
  test_declaration(declaration, NA, NA, "T1")
    obtain_condition_probabilities(declaration = declaration,
                                   assignment = 1)[c(1, 23, 56, 122)],
    c(.6, .8, .4, .6)

test_that("big permutation matrix", {
  pm <- obtain_permutation_matrix(declare_ra(N = 12))
  expect_equal(ncol(unique(pm, MARGIN = 2))   , ncol(pm))

test_that("check errors", {
  expect_error(declare_ra(clusters = c(1, 1, 1, 1), blocks = c(1, 2, 1, 2)))
  expect_error(declare_ra(N = 9, blocks = c(1, 1, 2, 2)))
  expect_error(declare_ra(prob = .2))
    N = 4,
    prob = .2,
    prob_each = .3

test_that("check deprecations", {
  # TODO remove when below are also removed, this is just for test coverage
  d <- declare_ra(N = 10, n = 4)

test_that("conduct_ra auto-declare", {
  expect_equal(conduct_ra(N = 1, prob = 1), 1)

test_that("obtain_condition_probabilities auto-declare", {
  expect_equal(obtain_condition_probabilities(assignment = 1), .5)

test_that("print and summary", {
  d <- declare_ra(N = 10, n = 4)

  blocks <- rep(c("A", "B", "C"), times = c(50, 100, 200))
  d <- declare_ra(blocks = blocks, prob_unit = rep(c(.1, .2, .3), c(50, 100, 200)))
  expect_equal(table(blocks, conduct_ra(d)),
                 c(45L, 80L, 140L, 5L, 20L, 60L),
                 .Dim = 3:2,
                 .Dimnames = list(blocks = c("A", "B", "C"), c("0", "1")),
                 class = "table"
  expect_error(declare_ra(blocks = blocks, prob_unit = rep(c(.1, .2, .3), c(200, 100, 50))))

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randomizr documentation built on Aug. 10, 2023, 9:07 a.m.