
rankhazardplot <- function(...) UseMethod("rankhazardplot")

rankhazardplot.default <- function(
  x, coefs = NULL, xp = NULL, refvalues = NULL, 
  refpoints = NULL, confinterval = NULL, select = 1, 
  legendtext = NULL, axistext = NULL, legendlocation = "top", 
  axistextposition = -0.1, reftick = TRUE, refline = FALSE, 
  col.refline = 1, lwd.refline = 1, lty.refline = 2, 
  ylab = NULL, ylim = NULL, yticks = NULL, yvalues = NULL,
  xtext =TRUE,  plottype = "hazard",axes = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE,
  col = NULL, lwd = 1, lty = 1, pch = NULL, cex = 1, 
  bg = "transparent", pt.lwd = 1, draw.confint = NULL,
  col.CI = col, lty.CI = lty +1, lwd.CI = lwd, add = FALSE, 
  graphsbefore = 0, args.legend = NULL, ...)				
  if (!identical(plottype, "hazard") && !identical(plottype, "loghazard")) 		
    stop("'plottype' must be  'hazard' or 'loghazard'.")
  if (!is.numeric(graphsbefore) || graphsbefore < 0) warning("'graphsbefore' must be a non-negative integer.")
  if (add && graphsbefore == 0) 
    warning("When 'add = TRUE' the amount of already drawn graphs must be given by 'graphsbefore'.") 
  if(!is.null(draw.confint)) warning("'draw.confint' can't be used without model object.")
    x <- confinterval$x
    if (na.rm) x <- na.omit(x)
    x <- confinterval$x[select]
    xp <- confinterval$xp
    if (na.rm) xp <- na.omit(xp)
    xp <- confinterval$xp[select]
    refvalues <- confinterval$refvalues[select]

  if (!is.data.frame(x)) stop("'x' must be a data frame.") 
  if (na.rm) x <- na.omit(x)
  n <- dim(x)[1]	# number of observations
  m <- dim(x)[2]	# number of covariates
  if (!is.null(coefs) && m != length(coefs)) 
    stop ("The length of the vector 'coefs' must be the same as the number of columns in 'x'.")
  if (!is.null(refpoints) && !is.null(refvalues)) 
    stop("Only one of the arguments 'refpoints' and 'refvalues' can be in use at the same time.")
  if (!is.null(xp)){
    if (!is.null(coefs)) stop("Only one of the arguments 'coefs' and 'xp' can be in use at the same time.")
    if (!is.data.frame(xp)) stop("'xp' must be a data frame.") 
    if (is.null(refvalues)) stop("When 'xp' is given, also 'refvalues' are required.")	
    if (na.rm) xp <- na.omit(xp)  
    if (!identical(dim(xp),dim(x))) stop("The dimensions of 'xp' and 'x' must be the same.") 
    if (m != length(refvalues)) stop("The length of the vector 'refvalues' must be the same as the number of columns in 'xp'.")
    if (is.null(coefs)) stop("Either 'coefs' or 'xp' must be provided.")
    if (!is.null(refvalues)) stop("'refvalues' can only be used with 'xp'.")
    xp <- as.data.frame(t(coefs * t(x))) 

    if (is.null(refpoints)) refpoints <- apply(x, 2, median, na.rm = TRUE)	
    if (m != length(refpoints)) stop("The length of the vector 'refpoints' must be the same as the number of columns in 'x'.")
    refvalues <- coefs*refpoints

  if (!is.numeric(lwd) || lwd < 0) warning("'lwd' must be a positive number.")
  lwd <- rep(lwd, length.out = m)
  lty <- rep(lty, length.out = m)
  cex <- rep(cex, length.out = m)
  bg <- rep(bg, length.out = m)
  if (!is.numeric(pt.lwd)|| pt.lwd < 0) warning("'pt.lwd' must be a positive number.")
  pt.lwd <- rep(pt.lwd, length.out = m)
  if (!add && graphsbefore != 0)  warning("'graphsbefore' is not zero even though a new plot is drawn.")

  if (is.null(pch)){pch <- seq(0, m - 1) + graphsbefore} 		
  else{pch <- rep(pch, length.out = m)}							
  if (is.null(col)) {col <- 1:m + graphsbefore }				
  else{ col <- rep(col, length.out = m)	}	
  if(is.null(col.CI)) col.CI <- col
  if (is.null(legendtext) && !is.null(axistext)) 
    legendtext <- axistext	
  if (!is.null(legendtext) && is.null(axistext)) 
    axistext	<- legendtext	 
  if (is.null(legendtext) && is.null(axistext) && !is.null(names(xp))) 
    legendtext <- names(xp)			
  if (is.null(legendtext) && is.null(axistext) && !is.null(names(coefs))) 
    legendtext <- names(coefs)
  if (is.null(axistext) && !is.null(colnames(x))) 
    axistext <- colnames(x)			
  if (is.null(axistext)) 
    axistext <- legendtext
  if (length(axistext) != m) warning("The length of the vector 'axistext' differs from the number of covariates to be drawn.")
  if (length(legendtext) != m) warning("The length of the vector 'legendtext' differs from the number of covariates to be drawn.")
  ones <- matrix(1, nrow = n, ncol = 1)	
  y <- xp - ones %*% refvalues

    upp_ci <- confinterval$upp - ones %*% confinterval$upprefvalues
    upp_ci <- upp_ci[select]
    low_ci <- confinterval$low - ones %*% confinterval$lowrefvalues
    low_ci <- low_ci[select]

  if (identical(plottype, "hazard")){
    y <- exp(y)
    if (!is.null(confinterval)){
      low_ci <- exp(low_ci) 
      upp_ci <- exp(upp_ci)  

  yrange <- y    # makes sure that confidence intervals fit to the screen
    yrange <- as.data.frame(c(y, low_ci, upp_ci))	 
  if (length(ylim)!= 2){ 
    if (!is.null(ylim)) warning("The length of 'ylim' differs from two, and the default is used.")
    maxy <- max(yrange, na.rm = TRUE)
    miny <- min(yrange, na.rm = TRUE) 
    maxy <- ylim[2]
    miny <- ylim[1]

  if (identical(plottype, "hazard")) {	
    if(is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "relative hazard"					
    if (is.null(yticks))
      yticks <- c(pretty(c(miny, 1)), pretty(c(1, maxy)))	
    reftickvalue <- 1
    logvar = "y"
  if (identical(plottype, "loghazard")) {
    if(is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "logarithm of the relative hazard"										
    if (is.null(yticks))
      yticks <- c(pretty(c(miny, 0)), pretty(c(0, maxy)))
      reftickvalue <- 0	
      logvar = ""

  if (is.null(yvalues)) yvalues <- yticks
  quantiles <- c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)	
  orders <- apply(x, 2, order) 
  scaleranks <- x
  y_ord <- y
  rank_quantile <- matrix(ncol=m, nrow=5)
  y_points <- matrix(ncol=m, nrow=5)
  na_sum <- colSums(is.na(x))
  for(i in 1:m){
    scaleranks[i] <- c(seq(0, 1, length = n - na_sum[i]), rep(NA, na_sum[i]))
    y_ord[i] <- y[orders[,i],i]
    rank_quantile[,i] <-quantile(1:(n - na_sum[i]), probs = quantiles)
    y_points[,i] <- y_ord[,i][rank_quantile[,i]]
  if (!add){
    matplot(1, 1, log=logvar, ylim=c(miny, maxy), xlim=c(0,1), ylab=ylab, xlab="", xaxt="n", yaxt = "n",type = "n",  axes = axes, ...)
    if (refline){# draws the reference line
      if (!is.numeric(lwd.refline)) warning("'lwd.refline' must be numeric.")
      abline(h = reftickvalue,  col = col.refline,  lty = lty.refline, lwd = lwd.refline)
  matplot(x = scaleranks, y = y_ord, type = 'l', col=col, lty=lty, lwd=lwd, add = TRUE, ylab="", xlab="", xaxt="n", yaxt = "n", ...)
  matpoints(quantiles, y_points, pch=pch, col=col, cex=cex, bg=bg, lwd=pt.lwd)
  if (!is.null(confinterval)){
    low_ci_ord <- low_ci
    upp_ci_ord <- upp_ci
    low_ci_points <- matrix(ncol=m, nrow=5)
    upp_ci_points <- matrix(ncol=m, nrow=5)
    for(i in 1:m){
      low_ci_ord[i] <- low_ci[orders[ , i], i]
      upp_ci_ord[i] <- upp_ci[orders[ , i], i]
      low_ci_points[ , i] <- low_ci_ord[ , i][rank_quantile[ , i]]
      upp_ci_points[ , i] <- upp_ci_ord[ , i][rank_quantile[ , i]]
    if (!is.numeric(lwd.CI) || lwd.CI < 0) warning("'lwd.CI' must be a positive number.")
    matlines(x = scaleranks, y = low_ci_ord, type = "l", col = col.CI, lty = lty.CI, lwd = lwd.CI, ...) 
    matlines(x = scaleranks, y = upp_ci_ord, type = "l", col = col.CI, lty = lty.CI, lwd = lwd.CI, ...) 
    matpoints(quantiles, low_ci_points, pch = pch, col = col.CI, cex = cex, bg = bg, lwd = pt.lwd)
    matpoints(quantiles, upp_ci_points, pch = pch, col = col.CI, cex = cex, bg = bg, lwd = pt.lwd)
  if (xtext)
    for(i in 1:m){
      xlabels <- x[orders[rank_quantile[,i],i], i]    # quantiles for covariate i
      if (is.numeric(xlabels)) xlabels <- signif(xlabels, 3) #rounds numeric labels
        mtext(side = 1, at = c(axistextposition, quantiles),    
              adj = c(1,rep(0.5, length(quantiles))), text = c(axistext[i], as.character(xlabels)), line = i + graphsbefore)
  if (!add){
    if (axes){
      axis(1, at = quantiles, labels = FALSE)    # marks ticks on x-axis
      axis(2, at = yticks, labels = FALSE)    # marks ticks on y-axis
      axis(2, at = yvalues, labels = as.character(yvalues))    # marks values on y-axis
      if (reftick)    # eboldens the reference tick
        axis(2, at = reftickvalue, labels = FALSE, lwd.ticks = 2)

    if (is.null(args.legend)){
      legend(x = legendlocation, legend = legendtext, col = col, lwd = lwd, 
             pch = pch, lty = lty, bty = "n", pt.cex = cex, pt.lwd = pt.lwd, pt.bg = bg)
    else {
      args.legend1 <- list(x = legendlocation, legend = legendtext, col = col, lwd = lwd, 
                           pch = pch, lty = lty, bty = "n", pt.cex = cex, pt.lwd = pt.lwd, pt.bg = bg)
      if (!identical(class(args.legend), "list")) warning("The class of 'args.legend' should be list.")
      args.legend1[names(args.legend)] <- args.legend
      do.call("legend", args.legend1)

  ### Output to console ####
  quantile_na.rm <- function(...) quantile(..., na.rm = TRUE, probs = quantiles)
  rankhazard_quantiles <- t(apply(y, 2, quantile_na.rm))
  colnames(rankhazard_quantiles) <- c("Min.", "1st Qu.", "Median" , "3rd Qu.", "Max.")
  rownames(rankhazard_quantiles) <- legendtext[1:m]

  cat("Y-axis range: ", signif(c(miny, maxy), 3), "\n", "\n")
  if (identical(plottype, "hazard")) cat("Relative hazards for each covarite:", "\n")
  if (identical(plottype, "loghazard")) cat("Logarithm of the relative hazards for each covarite:", "\n")
  print(signif(rankhazard_quantiles, 3))

  if (!is.null(confinterval)){
    if (identical(plottype, "hazard")) 
      cat("Relative hazards for the confidence intervals of each covariate:", "\n")
    if (identical(plottype, "loghazard")) 
      cat("Logarithm of the relative hazards for the confidence intervals of each covariate:", "\n")
    rankhazard_CI_quantiles <- matrix(0, 2 * m, 5)
    colnames(rankhazard_CI_quantiles) <- c("Min.", "1st Qu.", "Median" , "3rd Qu.", "Max.")
    low_legend <- paste("Low", legendtext, sep = "_")
    upp_legend <- paste("Upp", legendtext, sep = "_")
    rownames(rankhazard_CI_quantiles)[2 * 1:m] <- upp_legend
    rownames(rankhazard_CI_quantiles)[2 * 1:m - 1] <- low_legend

    rankhazard_CI_quantiles[2 * 1:m - 1, ] <- t(apply(low_ci, 2, quantile_na.rm))
    rankhazard_CI_quantiles[2 * 1:m, ] <- t(apply(upp_ci, 2, quantile_na.rm))
    print(signif(rankhazard_CI_quantiles, 3))

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rankhazard documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:36 a.m.