
Defines functions paRao

Documented in paRao

paRao <- function(x, area=NULL, field=NULL, dist_m="euclidean", window=9, alpha=1, method="classic", rasterOut=TRUE, lambda=0, na.tolerance=1.0, rescale=FALSE, diag=TRUE, simplify=1, np=1, cluster.type="SOCK", debugging=FALSE)
# Define function to check if a number is an integer
is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) abs(x - round(x)) < tol
# Warning on numeric "simplification" and multimensional Rao's
message(paste0("Warning: simplify=", simplify,". You're rounding data to ",simplify," decimal place."))
if( method=="multidimension" ) {warning("Multidimension Rao's index is experimental. Use with caution!")}
# Initial checks on type of input data
if( !(is(x,"matrix") | is(x,"SpatialGridDataFrame") | is (x,"RasterLayer") | is(x,"list") | is(x,"RasterStack")) ) { 
	stop("\nNot a valid xobject.") 
if( is(x,"SpatialGridDataFrame") ) {
	rasterm <- list (raster(x)) 
	} else if( is(x,"matrix") | is(x,"RasterLayer") ){ 
		rasterm <- list(x) 
		} else if( is(x,"list") | is(x,"RasterStack") & method=="multidimension" ) { 
			rasterm <- x 
			} else if( is(x,"list") & method=="classic" ) { 
				stop ("If x is a list then method should be *multidimension*?") 
				} else stop ("Please provide a valid raster input object.") 
				if( na.tolerance>1.0 | na.tolerance<0.0 ) { 
					stop("na.tolerance must be in the [0-1] interval.") 
# Area check
if( !is.null(area) ) {
	if( !is(area,"SpatialPolygonsDataFrame") ) {stop("area must be SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.")}
	if( !field%in%names(area) ) {stop("field must be a valid variable name of `area`.")}
	if( np>1 ) {stop("Parallell Area-based Rao's index not implemented yet.")}
	message("Area-based Rao's index")
# Alpha's check
if ( any(!is.numeric(alpha)) ){
	stop("alpha must be a numeric vector.")
if ( any( alpha<0 ) ){
	stop("alphas must be only positive numbers.")
# Deal with matrix and RasterLayer in different ways
# If data are raster layers
if( is.null(area) ){
	if( any(sapply(rasterm, is,"RasterLayer")) ) {
		isfloat <- FALSE
		israst <- TRUE
# If data are float numbers, transform them to integers. This allows for a shorter computation time on big datasets.
if( any(sapply(rasterm,function(x) !all(as.matrix(x)==as.integer(as.matrix(x)),na.rm=TRUE))) ){
	message("Input data are float numbers. Converting data to integer matrices...")
	isfloat <- TRUE
	mfactor <- 100^simplify
	rasterm <- lapply(rasterm, function(z) {
		if(rescale) {
			message("Centering and scaling data...")
			z <- as.matrix(raster::scale(z,center=TRUE,scale=TRUE))
		y <- as.matrix(z) * mfactor
		storage.mode(y) <- "integer"
# If data are integers, just be sure that the storage mode is integer
	nr <- sapply(rasterm,nrow); nc <- sapply(rasterm,ncol)
	rasterm <- lapply(rasterm, function(z) 
		if(rescale) {
			message("Centring and scaling data...")
			z <- as.matrix(raster::scale(z,center=TRUE,scale=TRUE))
			mfactor <- 100^simplify
			y <- z * mfactor
			storage.mode(y) <- "integer"
			} else{
				y <- type.convert(matrix(getValues(z),ncol=nc,nrow=nr,byrow=TRUE), as.is= TRUE)
message("Numerical matrix ready: \nParametric Rao output will be returned")
# If data are in a matrix or a list
}else if( any(sapply(rasterm, is,"matrix")) ) {
	isfloat <- FALSE
	israst <- FALSE
# If data are float numbers, transform them in integer
if( any(sapply(rasterm, function(x) !all(x == as.integer(x)))) ){
	message("Input data are float numbers. Converting data to integer matrices...")
	isfloat <- TRUE
	mfactor <- 100^simplify
	nr <- sapply(rasterm,nrow); nc <- sapply(rasterm,ncol)
	rasterm <- lapply(rasterm, function(z) {
		if(rescale) {
			message("Centring and scaling data...")
			z <- (z-mean(z))/sd(z)
		y <- z * mfactor
		storage.mode(y) <- "integer"
# If data are integers, just be sure that the storage mode is integer
	rasterm <- lapply(rasterm, function(z) {
		if(rescale) {
			message("Centring and scaling data...")
			z <- (z-mean(z))/sd(z)
			mfactor <- 100^simplify
			y <- z * mfactor
			storage.mode(y) <- "integer"
		type.convert(as.matrix(z), as.is=TRUE)
message("Numerical matrix ready: \nParametric Rao output will be returned")
} else ("The class of x is not recognized. Exiting...") 
# Derive operational moving window
if( all(window%%2==1) ){
	w <- (window-1)/2
	} else {
		stop("The size of the moving window must be an odd number. Exiting...")
# Run functions and save outputs
if( np==1 ) {
	if( method=="classic" ) {
		if( !is.null(area) ) {
			if( debugging ){ cat("#check: Inside classic area clause.") }
			split_layers <- split(area, area[[field]])
			out <- lapply(X=split_layers, function(are){
				lapply(X=alpha, area=are, FUN=paRaoAreaS, rasterm=rasterm[[1]], simplify=simplify)
			} else {
				out <- lapply(X=w, function(win){
					lapply(X=alpha, FUN=paRaoS, rasterm=rasterm[[1]], w=win, dist_m=dist_m,na.tolerance=na.tolerance, diag=diag, debugging=debugging, isfloat=isfloat, mfactor=mfactor)
				} else if( method=="multidimension" ) {
					if( !is.null(area) ) {
						if( debugging ){ cat("#check: Inside multi area clause.") }
						split_layers <- split(area, area[[field]])
						out <- lapply(X=split_layers, function(are){
							lapply(X=alpha, area=are, FUN=mpaRaoAreaS, dist_m=dist_m, rasterm=rasterm, simplify=simplify)
						} else {
							out <- lapply(X=w, function(win){
								lapply(X=alpha, FUN=mpaRaoS, x=rasterm, w=win, dist_m=dist_m, na.tolerance=na.tolerance, rescale=rescale, lambda=lambda, diag=diag, debugging=debugging, isfloat=isfloat, mfactor=mfactor)
					} else if( np>1 ) {
						message("\n##################### Starting parallel calculation #######################")
						if( debugging ){cat("#check: Before parallel function.")}     
# Opening the cluster
if( cluster.type=="SOCK" || cluster.type=="FORK" ) {
	cls <- invisible(parallel::makeCluster(np,type=cluster.type, outfile= ' '))
else if( cluster.type=="MPI" ) {
	cls <- invisible(makeCluster(np,outfile="",useXDR=FALSE,methods=FALSE,output=""))
else {
	message("Wrong definition for 'cluster.type'. Exiting...")
# Close clusters on exit
if( method=="classic" ) {
	out <- lapply(X=w, function(win){
		lapply(X=alpha, FUN=paRaoP, rasterm=rasterm[[1]], w=win, dist_m=dist_m, na.tolerance=na.tolerance, diag=diag, debugging=debugging, isfloat=isfloat, mfactor=mfactor, np = np)
	} else if(method=="multidimension") {
		out <- lapply(X=w, function(win){
			lapply(X=alpha, FUN=mpaRaoP, x=rasterm, w=win, dist_m=dist_m,na.tolerance=na.tolerance, diag=diag, debugging=debugging, isfloat=isfloat, mfactor=mfactor, rescale=rescale,np = np)
# Check if it's an area or moving window based RaoQ
if( !is.null(area) ) {
	y <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, lapply(out, function(x) rbind(x)))
	if(nrow(y)>1) y <- as.data.frame(sapply(y,unlist))
	names(y) <- paste("alpha.",alpha, sep="")
	area@data <- cbind.data.frame(area@data,y)
# Check if the output is a raster or a matrix
	if( rasterOut & israst ) {
		outR <- lapply(out, function(insm) {
			y <- lapply(insm,raster,template=x[[1]])
			names(y) <- paste("alpha.",alpha, sep="")
		names(outR) <- paste("window.",window, sep="")
			outM <- lapply(out, function(insm) {
				names(insm) <- paste("alpha.",alpha, sep="")
			names(outM) <- paste("window.",window, sep="")

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rasterdiv documentation built on Nov. 24, 2022, 9:07 a.m.