#' @title Add "rasterly" trace to a Plotly visualization
#' @name add_rasterly
#' @description Add trace to a Plotly visualization.
#' @param p A \code{plotly} object
#' @param x Numeric vector or expression. The x variable, to be passed on to \code{aes()}.
#' @param y Numeric or expression. The y variable, to be passed on to \code{aes()}.
#' @param z Numeric. A numeric matrix (optional), to be processed with \code{add_heatmap}.
#' @param data A data.frame or \link[crosstalk]{SharedData} object (optional).
#' @param inherit Logical. Inherit attributes from \link[plotly]{plotly}?
#' @param on Numeric vector or expression. Provides the data on which to reduce, to be passed on to \code{aes()}.
#' @param size Numeric vector or expression. Pixel size for each observation, to be passed on to \code{aes()}.
#' @param scaling Character string or function. The scaling method to be used for the trace.
#' @param ... Arguments (i.e., attributes) passed along to the trace type or \code{rasterly}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'if(requireNamespace("plotly") && requireNamespace("data.table") &&
#' requireNamespace("lubridate")) {
#' # Load data
#' url1 <- ""
#' ridesRaw_1 <- url1 %>%
#' data.table::fread(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' url2 <- ""
#' ridesRaw_2 <- url2 %>%
#' data.table::fread(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' url3 <- ""
#' ridesRaw_3 <- url3 %>%
#' data.table::fread(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' ridesDf <- list(ridesRaw_1, ridesRaw_2, ridesRaw_3) %>%
#' data.table::rbindlist()
#' time <- lubridate::ymd_hms(ridesDf$`Date/Time`)
#' ridesDf <- ridesDf[, 'Date/Time':=NULL][, list(Lat,
#' Lon,
#' hour = lubridate::hour(time),
#' month = lubridate::month(time),
#' day = lubridate::day(time))]
#' ############################# add_rasterly_heatmap #############################
#' #### quick start
#' p <- plot_ly(data = ridesDf) %>%
#' add_rasterly_heatmap(x = ~Lat, y = ~Lon)
#' p
#' #### set artificial scaling function
#' zeroOneTransform <- function(z) {
#' minz <- min(z)
#' maxz <- max(z)
#' M <- matrix((z - minz)/(maxz - minz), nrow = dim(z)[1])
#' return(M)
#' }
#' plot_ly(data = ridesDf) %>%
#' add_rasterly_heatmap(x = ~Lat,
#' y = ~Lon,
#' on = ~-Lat,
#' reduction_func = "max",
#' scaling = zeroOneTransform) %>%
#' plotly::layout(
#' xaxis = list(
#' title = "x"
#' ),
#' yaxis = list(
#' title = "y"
#' )
#' )
#' ############################# add_rasterly_image #############################
#' p <- plot_ly(data = ridesDf) %>%
#' add_rasterly_image(x = ~Lat, y = ~Lon, color = ~hour,
#' # even `color_map` is deprecated,
#' # it is still a good way to specify the color mapping
#' color_map = hourColors_map,
#' plot_width = 400, plot_height = 400)
#' p
#' }
#' }
add_rasterly_heatmap <- function(p,
x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL, ...,
data = NULL, inherit = TRUE,
on = NULL, size = NULL,
scaling = NULL) {
if (inherit) {
x <- x %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["x"]]
y <- y %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["y"]]
z <- z %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["z"]]
args <- list(...)
rasterly_args <- c(
union(methods::formalArgs(rasterly), methods::formalArgs(rasterly_points)),
args[rasterly_args] <- NULL
if (is.null(z)) {
# produce z by rasterly
### set vars
data <- data %||% p$x$visdat[[1]]()
on <- on %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["on"]]
size <- size %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["size"]]
### set mappings
mapping_names <- c("x", "y", "on", "size")
names(mapping_names) <- mapping_names
mapping <- aes()
expressions <- stats::setNames(
list(x, y, on, size),
for(i in 1:length(mapping_names)) {
exp <- expressions[[i]]
if(is.null(exp)) {
mapping_names[i] <- NA
} else {
if(rlang::is_formula(exp)) {
the_parse <- sub("~", "", rlang::expr_text(exp)) %>%
mapping[[i]] <- rlang::quo(!!the_parse)
} else if(is.numeric(exp)) {
data[[mapping_names[i]]] <- exp
mapping[[i]] <- rlang::quo(!!rlang::parse_expr(mapping_names[i]))
} else {
stop("'size' ,'on' are neither `quote` nor a numerical value.", call. = FALSE)
mapping <- Filter(Negate(is.null), mapping)
names(mapping) <- stats::na.omit(mapping_names)
data %>%
rasterly(mapping = mapping,
show_raster = FALSE,
...) %>%
rasterly_points() %>%
rasterly_build() -> rastObj
data <- NULL
if(sum(lengths(rastObj$agg)) > 1)
message("More than one aggregation matrix was detected.")
z <- rastObj$agg[[1]][[1]]
dimZ <- dim(z)
y <- seq(rastObj$y_range[1], rastObj$y_range[2], length.out = dimZ[1])
x <- seq(rastObj$x_range[1], rastObj$x_range[2], length.out = dimZ[2])
scaling <- scaling %||% {
message("The default scaling is 'log'.")
if(is.function(scaling)) {
z <-,
list(z = z))
} else {
if(!is.character(scaling)) stop("'scaling' must either be an R function or a character string.")
"log" = {
z <- matrix(log(z + 1), nrow = dimZ[1])
"origin" = NULL)
} else message("If z is provided, `plotly::add_heatmap` will be implemented.")
p = p,
class = "plotly_heatmap",
z = z,
x = x,
y = y,
type = "heatmap",
data = data,
inherit = inherit
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