
Defines functions resetTextviews setTextviewContents addTextview setTextview getTextviewContent textviewSeparator appendTextview resetTextview getTextview allTextviews

# Gnome R Data Miner: GNOME interface to R for Data Mining
# Time-stamp: <2014-09-07 05:23:16 gjw>
# Textview widget support
# Copyright (c) 2009 Togaware Pty Ltd
# This files is part of Rattle.
# Rattle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Rattle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Rattle. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#	We are in the middle of migrating from using a string to
#	identify the widget, and assuming theWidget will get the
#	actual widget (which only works for the main crv$rattleGUI
#	window) to passing the actual widget itself, which is much
#	more general. For now, allow both, through the use of
#	getTextview.
#       071128 New version of R (since about 6.2.0) have a default
#       value for useFancyFonts that does not work with textviews in
#       RGtk2 (and probably other things in RGtk2). This affects only
#       MSWindows. A quick fix, which has been done for setTextview,
#       but not the rest yet, is to wrap textview displays with:
#         oldopt <- options(useFancyQuotes="utf8")
#         ...
#         options(oldopt)

allTextviews <- function()
  # 100407 The log_textview is not included here. This is probably
  # because we don't want to reset it anytime, so that it is a
  # copmlete log. But then it's font is not being set to monospace
  # like all the rest. So that needs a special initialisation.
  return(c("summary_textview", "interactive_textview",
           "prcomp_textview", "test_textview", "kmeans_textview",
           "hclust_textview", "associate_textview", "rpart_textview",
           "glm_textview", "ada_textview", "rf_textview",
           "esvm_textview", "ksvm_textview", "nnet_textview",
           "confusion_textview", "risk_textview", "roc_textview"))

getTextview <- function(tv)
  # From either a string or the actual object, return the textview
  # object. This is usful internally in this file whilst we migrate
  # to not using the string to name the textview, but passing the
  # object itself.
  wid <- FALSE
  if (inherits(tv, "GtkTextView"))
    wid <- tv
  else if (inherits(tv, "character"))
    wid <- theWidget(tv)

resetTextview <- function(tv, ..., sep="", tvsep=TRUE)
  # We call this if we simply want to blank the textview, and
  # optionally, add new text to the textview. We use a default
  # separator of nothing, rather than a single space, since this
  # suits the usual list of strings being passed into the textview,
  # where I have a string introducing what follows, then there is the
  # output of some command. By default we also add a Rattle separator
  # line, as the usual usage of resetTexview will be to clear the
  # textview and add a message, in one go. There are times when we
  # don't want the separator though.
  if (is.null(wid <- getTextview(tv)))
    errorDialog("E138: Should not be here.",
                "The textview object supplied to resetTextview",
                "is neither a GtkTextView nor a string.",
                "We found a", class(tv)[1], crv$support.msg)
  if (! isJapanese()) wid$modifyFont(RGtk2::pangoFontDescriptionFromString(crv$textview.font))
  msg <- paste(sep=sep, ...)
  if (length(msg) > 0)
    if (tvsep) appendTextview(tv)


appendTextview <- function(tv, ..., sep="", tvsep=TRUE)
  # Append a message to the given textview. Optionally add a Rattle
  # separator to the textview. By default, paste the strings of the
  # message together without a speartor.
  if (is.null(wid <- getTextview(tv)))
    errorDialog("E140: Should not be here.",
                "The textview object supplied to appendTextview",
                "is neither a GtkTextView nor a string.",
                "We found a", class(tv)[1], crv$support.msg)
  msg <- paste(sep=sep, ...)
  if (tvsep) msg <- paste(msg, textviewSeparator(), sep="")
  buf <- wid$getBuffer()
  location <- buf$getEndIter()$iter
  buf$insert(location, msg)

textviewSeparator <- function()
               if (not.null(crv$show.timestamp) && crv$show.timestamp)
                 sprintf("%s %s %s %s\n", crv$appname, Rtxt("timestamp:"), Sys.time(),
               paste(rep("=", 70), collapse=""), "\n", sep=""))

getTextviewContent <- function(TV)
  # Extract text contents of specified textview and return
  # it. Designed for use in saveProject.
  log.buf <- theWidget(TV)$getBuffer()
  start <- log.buf$getStartIter()$iter
  end <- log.buf$getEndIter()$iter
  return(log.buf$getText(start, end))


setTextview <- function(tv, ..., sep="")
  # Stop using this - use resetTextview instead

  if (is.null(wid <- getTextview(tv)))
    errorDialog("E137: Should not be here.",
                "The textview object supplied to setTextview",
                "is neither a GtkTextView nor a string.",
                "We found a", class(tv)[1], crv$support.msg)
  oldopt <- options(useFancyQuotes="utf8") # Bug fix for MSWindows [071128]
  msg <- paste(sep=sep, ...)
  if (length(msg) == 0) msg <-""
  options(oldopt) # Bug fix for MSWindows [071128]

addTextview <- function(tv, ..., sep="")
  if (is.null(wid <- getTextview(tv)))
    errorDialog("E139: Should not be here.",
                "The textview object supplied to addTextview",
                "is neither a GtkTextView nor a string.",
                "We found a", class(tv)[1], crv$support.msg)
  msg <- paste(sep=sep, ...)
  if (length(msg) == 0) msg <-""
  tv.buf <- wid$getBuffer()
  loc <- tv.buf$getEndIter()$iter
  tv.buf$insert(loc, msg)
setTextviewContents <- function(TV, text)
  # Set the text contents of the specified textview to the supplied
  # text. Designed for use in loadProject.

  if (is.null(text))

resetTextviews <- function(tv=NULL)
  # 090202 Reset all text views to default content, as when Rattle
  # starts up or the user has selected New Project, or has loaded a
  # new dataset. The text for the texviews come from textviews.xml.
  # 090214 I probably actually just want to go through a clear each of
  # the textviews first, and then populate with the text from
  # textviews.xml if there is one and XML package is available!

  if (is.null(tv))
    sapply(allTextviews(), resetTextview)
  if (! packageIsAvailable("XML", "load textview texts"))
    warning("The XML package is not available. Textview texts will not be available.")

  result <- try(etc <- file.path(path.package(package="rattle")[1], "etc"),
  if (inherits(result, "try-error"))
    doc <- XML::xmlTreeParse("textviews.xml", useInternalNodes=TRUE)
    doc <- XML::xmlTreeParse(file.path(etc, "textviews.xml"), useInternalNodes=TRUE)

  if (is.null(tv))
    sapply(XML::getNodeSet(doc, "//textview"),
             wd <- XML::xmlGetAttr(tt, 'widget')
             resetTextview(wd, Rtxt(XML::xmlValue(tt)), tvsep=FALSE)
    sapply(XML::getNodeSet(doc, "//textview"),
             wd <- XML::xmlGetAttr(tt, 'widget')
             if (wd %in% tv) resetTextview(wd, Rtxt(XML::xmlValue(tt)), tvsep=FALSE)

Try the rattle package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rattle documentation built on March 21, 2022, 5:06 p.m.