
Defines functions interpolate_array

Documented in interpolate_array

#'@title Matrix/Array Interpolation
#'@description Given a series of X and Y coordinates and an array/matrix, interpolates the Z coordinate
#'using bilinear interpolation.
#'@param image Image filename, a matrix, or a 3-layer RGB array.
#'@param x X indices (or fractional index) to interpolate.
#'@param y Y indices (or fractional index) to interpolate.
#'@return Either a vector of values (if image is a matrix) or a list of interpolated values
#'from each layer.
#'#Interpolate a matrix
#'#Interpolate a 3-layer array (returns list for each channel)
interpolate_array = function(image, x, y) {
  imagetype = get_file_type(image)
  xy = matrix(c(x,y),nrow=length(x),ncol=2)

  if(imagetype == "matrix") {
    return(apply(xy,1,(function(x) rayinterp2(image, x[1],x[2]))))
  #Load and rotate images if png
  image = ray_read_image(image) #Always output RGBA array

  output = list()
  output$r = apply(xy,1,(function(x) rayinterp2(image[,,1], x[1],x[2])))
  output$g = apply(xy,1,(function(x) rayinterp2(image[,,2], x[1],x[2])))
  output$b = apply(xy,1,(function(x) rayinterp2(image[,,3], x[1],x[2])))
  output$a = apply(xy,1,(function(x) rayinterp2(image[,,3], x[1],x[2])))


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rayimage documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:13 p.m.