
Defines functions make_shadow

Documented in make_shadow

#'@title make_shadow
#'@description Makes the base below the 3D elevation map.
#'@param heightmap A two-dimensional matrix, where each entry in the matrix is the elevation at that point. All points are assumed to be evenly spaced.
#'@param basedepth Default `grey20`.
#'@param shadowwidth Default `50`. Shadow width.
#'@keywords internal
make_shadow = function(heightmap, basedepth, shadowwidth, color, shadowcolor,
                       offset = c(0,0)) {
  rows = nrow(heightmap)
  cols = ncol(heightmap)
  colors = col2rgb(color)
  shadowcolors = col2rgb(shadowcolor)
  basedepthmat = matrix(basedepth,nrow = rows+shadowwidth*2, ncol = cols+shadowwidth*2)
  na_depth = matrix(FALSE,nrow = rows+shadowwidth*2, ncol = cols+shadowwidth*2)
  na_depth[(shadowwidth+1):(rows+shadowwidth),(shadowwidth+1):(cols+shadowwidth)] = is.na(heightmap)
  rmat = matrix(colors[1]/255,nrow=rows+shadowwidth*2, ncol = cols+shadowwidth*2)
  gmat = matrix(colors[2]/255,nrow=rows+shadowwidth*2, ncol = cols+shadowwidth*2)
  bmat = matrix(colors[3]/255,nrow=rows+shadowwidth*2, ncol = cols+shadowwidth*2)
  rmat[(shadowwidth+1):(rows+shadowwidth),(shadowwidth+1):(cols+shadowwidth)] = shadowcolors[1]/255
  gmat[(shadowwidth+1):(rows+shadowwidth),(shadowwidth+1):(cols+shadowwidth)] = shadowcolors[2]/255
  bmat[(shadowwidth+1):(rows+shadowwidth),(shadowwidth+1):(cols+shadowwidth)] = shadowcolors[3]/255
  rmat[fliplr(na_depth)] = colors[1]/255
  gmat[fliplr(na_depth)] = colors[2]/255
  bmat[fliplr(na_depth)] = colors[3]/255
  shadowarray = array(1,dim = c(cols+shadowwidth*2,rows+shadowwidth*2,3))
  shadowarray[,,1] = t(rmat)
  shadowarray[,,2] = t(gmat)
  shadowarray[,,3] = t(bmat)
  temppreblur = tempfile(fileext = ".png")
  tempmap = tempfile(fileext = ".png")
  png::writePNG(shadowarray, temppreblur)
  has_rayimage = length(find.package("rayimage", quiet = TRUE)) > 0
  has_magick = length(find.package("magick", quiet = TRUE)) > 0
  if(has_magick) {
    magick::image_read(temppreblur) %>%
      magick::image_blur(sigma =  shadowwidth/4, radius=shadowwidth/2) %>%
      (function(x) as.double(x[[1]])) %>%
  } else if (has_rayimage) {
    rayimage::render_convolution_fft(shadowarray, filename = tempmap, kernel = rayimage::generate_2d_gaussian(dim=c(shadowwidth/2,shadowwidth/2)))
  } else {
    warning("`magick` or `rayimage` package required for smooth shadow--using basic shadow instead.")
  rowmin = min((-shadowwidth+1):(rows+shadowwidth) - rows/2) + offset[1]
  rowmax = max((-shadowwidth+1):(rows+shadowwidth) - rows/2) + offset[1]
  colmin = min(-(-shadowwidth+1):-(cols+shadowwidth) + cols/2+1) + offset[2]
  colmax = max(-(-shadowwidth+1):-(cols+shadowwidth) + cols/2+1) + offset[2]
  tri1 = matrix(c(rowmax,rowmax,rowmin,basedepth,basedepth,basedepth,colmax,colmin,colmin), nrow=3,ncol=3)
  tri2 = matrix(c(rowmin,rowmax,rowmin,basedepth,basedepth,basedepth,colmax,colmax,colmin), nrow=3,ncol=3)
                   texcoords = matrix(c(1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,0),nrow=6,ncol=2),
                   texture=tempmap, color = "white",
                   lit=FALSE,back="culled",tag = "shadow")

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rayshader documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:03 a.m.