#'@title Render Tree
#'@description Adds a 3D representation of trees to an existing 3D scene generated with rayshader.
#'Users can specify the trees' geographical positions using latitude and longitude or the same coordinate reference system as `extent`.
#'Different types of tree models can be used, including a basic and a cone-shaped tree. Users can also use their own custom tree model in
#'OBJ format. The function allows customization of various aspects of the tree, including the color of the crown and the trunk,
#'the size of the crown (the leafy part of the tree) and the trunk, the overall scale of the tree, and the rotation angle around the x, y, and z axes.
#'Users can also specify the minimum and maximum height of the trees to be rendered.
#'@param long Vector of longitudes (or other coordinate in the same coordinate reference system as extent).
#'@param lat Vector of latitudes (or other coordinate in the same coordinate reference system as extent).
#'@param type Default `"basic"`. Type of tree. Other built-in option: `"cone"`.
#'@param custom_obj_tree Default `NULL`. Instead of using the built-in types, users can also load a custom tree
#'model in OBJ format. This function loads and manipulates the model, assuming the tree model's trunk begins
#'at the origin. Color and specific trunk/crown proportions will be fixed to the model specified, although the overall
#'scale can be changed per-tree via `crown_height`.
#'@param custom_obj_crown Default `NULL`. Instead of using the built-in types, users can also load a custom crown
#'model in OBJ format. This function loads a crown model and allows you to control the crown and trunk proportions separately.
#'@param custom_obj_trunk Default `NULL`. Instead of using the built-in types, users can also load a custom trunk
#'model in OBJ format. This function loads a trunk model and allows you to control the crown and trunk proportions separately.
#'@param crown_color Default `"darkgreen"`. Color(s) of the crown.
#'@param trunk_color Default `"#964B00"` (brown). Color(s) of the trunk,
#'@param absolute_height Default `FALSE`. Default is specifying the tree height directly, relative to the
#'underlying height map. If `TRUE`, `crown_height` will specified by the actual altitude of the top of the tree.
#'Total tree height will be `crown_height + trunk_height`.
#'@param tree_height Default `NULL`. Height of the tree, automatically set to `10` if not specified. If `absolute_height = TRUE`, then this is interpreted as
#'the altitude of the top of the tree in the coordinate reference system used. If `absolute_height = FALSE`, then
#'this is interpreted as the height of the tree relative to the underlying heightmap.
#'@param trunk_height_ratio Default `NULL`. The ratio of the height of the trunk to the total height of the tree.
#'Default is 1/3rd the crown height if `type = "basic"`, and 1/6th the crown height if `type = "cone"`.
#'@param crown_width_ratio Default `NULL`. Ratio of the crown width to the crown height. A value of `1` is spherical.
#'@param crown_width Default `NULL`. As an alternative to specifying the ratio, you can use this argument to
#'specify the crown width directly.
#'@param trunk_radius Default `NULL`, automatically computed.
#'Default is 1/5rd the trunk height if `type = "basic"`, and 1/10th the trunk height if `type = "cone"`.
#'@param tree_zscale Default `TRUE`. Whether to scale the size of the tree by zscale to have it match
#'the size of the map. If zscale is very big, this will make the trees very small.
#'@param min_height Default `NULL`. Minimum height of a tree. Set to a positive number to filter out trees
#'below that height.
#'@param max_height Default `NA`. Maximum height of a tree. Set to a positive number to filter out trees
#'above that height.
#'@param angle Default `c(0,0,0)`. Angle of rotation around the x, y, and z axes. If this is a matrix or list,
#'each row (or list entry) specifies the rotation of the nth tree specified (number of rows/length of list must
#'equal the length of `lat`/`long`).
#'@param extent Either an object representing the spatial extent of the 3D scene
#' (either from the `raster`, `terra`, `sf`, or `sp` packages),
#' a length-4 numeric vector specifying `c("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax")`, or the spatial object (from
#' the previously aforementioned packages) which will be automatically converted to an extent object.
#'@param baseshape Default `rectangle`. Shape of the base. Options are `c("rectangle","circle","hex")`.
#'@param zscale Default `1`. The ratio between the x and y spacing (which are assumed to be equal) and the z axis in the original heightmap.
#'@param heightmap Default `NULL`. Automatically extracted from the rgl window--only use if auto-extraction
#'of matrix extent isn't working. A two-dimensional matrix, where each entry in the matrix is the elevation at that point.
#' All points are assumed to be evenly spaced.
#'@param lit Default `TRUE`. Whether to apply lighting to the tree.
#'@param clear_previous Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, it will clear all existing trees.
#'@param ... Additional arguments to pass to `rgl::triangles3d()`.
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'#Let's first start by drawing some trees in a circle around Monterey Bay
#'#We won't scale these to a realistic size (yet)
#'moss_landing_coord = c(36.806807, -121.793332)
#'montereybay %>%
#' sphere_shade() %>%
#' plot_3d(montereybay,zscale=50,water=TRUE,
#' shadowcolor="#40310a", background = "tan",
#' theta=210, phi=22, zoom=0.20, fov=55)
#'t = seq(0,2*pi,length.out=20)
#'circle_coords_lat = moss_landing_coord[1] + 0.3 * sin(t)
#'circle_coords_long = moss_landing_coord[2] + 0.3 * cos(t)
#'render_tree(extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), heightmap = montereybay,
#' tree_zscale = FALSE, tree_height = 30, lit = TRUE,
#' lat = unlist(circle_coords_lat), long = unlist(circle_coords_long), zscale=50)
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'#Change the crown width ratio (compared to the height)
#'render_tree(extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), heightmap = montereybay,
#' tree_zscale = FALSE, tree_height = 60, crown_width_ratio = 0.5,
#' clear_previous = TRUE,
#' lat = unlist(circle_coords_lat), long = unlist(circle_coords_long), zscale=50)
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'#Change the trunk height and width
#'render_tree(extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), heightmap = montereybay,
#' tree_zscale = FALSE, tree_height = 40, crown_width_ratio = 2,
#' clear_previous = TRUE, trunk_height_ratio=1/2, trunk_radius = 1.5,
#' lat = unlist(circle_coords_lat), long = unlist(circle_coords_long), zscale=50)
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'#Change the tree type
#'render_tree(extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), heightmap = montereybay,
#' tree_zscale = FALSE, tree_height = 30,
#' clear_previous = TRUE, type = "cone",trunk_height_ratio = 1/6,
#' lat = unlist(circle_coords_lat), long = unlist(circle_coords_long), zscale=50)
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'#Change the crown color:
#'render_camera(theta = 150, phi = 38, zoom = 0.4, fov = 55)
#'render_tree(extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), heightmap = montereybay,
#' tree_zscale = FALSE, tree_height = 30, crown_width_ratio = 0.5 + runif(20),
#' crown_color = rainbow(20), clear_previous = TRUE,
#' lat = unlist(circle_coords_lat), long = unlist(circle_coords_long), zscale=50)
#'#We will use the lidR package to generate a DEM and detect the crown tops of trees, and
#'#then use rayshader to render 3D tree models scaled to those heights on the map.
#'run_example = length(find.package("lidR", quiet = TRUE)) > 0 &&
#' length(find.package("sf", quiet = TRUE)) > 0 &&
#' length(find.package("terra", quiet = TRUE)) > 0 &&
#' run_documentation()
#'if (run_example) {
#'#Load the example data from the lidR package
#'LASfile = system.file("extdata", "Topography.laz", package="lidR")
#'las = lidR::readLAS(LASfile, filter = "-inside 273450 5274350 273550 5274450")
#'#Convert the lidar point data to a DEM and detect the location of trees from the same data
#'dem = lidR::rasterize_terrain(las, algorithm = lidR::tin())
#'tree_top_data = lidR::locate_trees(las, lidR::lmf(ws = 5))
#'tree_locations = sf::st_coordinates(tree_top_data)
#'#Convert DEM to a matrix and extract the extent of the scene
#'dem_matrix = raster_to_matrix(dem)
#'dem_extent = terra::ext(dem)
#'extent_values = dem_extent@ptr$vector
#'#Plot the ground
#'dem_matrix |>
#' height_shade() |>
#' add_shadow(texture_shade(dem_matrix),0.2) |>
#' add_shadow(lamb_shade(dem_matrix),0) |>
#' plot_3d(dem_matrix)
#'if (run_example) {
#'#The tree locations are given as an absolute height (as opposed to relative to the surface)
#'#so we set `absolute_height = TRUE`.
#'render_tree(lat = tree_locations[,2],
#' long = tree_locations[,1],
#' crown_width_ratio = 0.5,
#' absolute_height = TRUE,
#' tree_height = tree_locations[,3],
#' trunk_height_ratio = 0.2 + 0.1*runif(nrow(tree_locations)),
#' crown_color = "#00aa00",
#' extent = raster::extent(extent_values),
#' heightmap = dem_matrix,
#' clear_previous = TRUE)
#'#Remove existing lights and add our own with rgl
#'rgl::light3d(phi=35,theta=90, viewpoint.rel=F, diffuse="#ffffff", specular="#000000")
#'rgl::light3d(phi=-45,theta=-40, viewpoint.rel=F, diffuse="#aaaaaa", specular="#000000")
#'if (run_example) {
#'#Render tree also works with `render_highquality()`
#' lightcolor=c("dodgerblue","orange"),
#' min_variance = 0, sample_method="sobol_blue", clamp_value=10)
render_tree = function(lat = NULL,
long = NULL,
extent = NULL,
type = "basic",
custom_obj_tree = NULL,
custom_obj_crown = NULL,
custom_obj_trunk = NULL,
crown_color = "#22aa22",
trunk_color = "#964B00",
absolute_height = FALSE,
tree_height = NULL,
trunk_height_ratio = NULL,
crown_width_ratio = NULL,
crown_width = NULL,
trunk_radius = NULL,
tree_zscale = TRUE,
min_height = 0,
max_height = Inf,
lit = TRUE,
heightmap = NULL,
baseshape = "rectangle",
clear_previous = FALSE,
...) {
# If clear_previous is TRUE, remove previous tree object
if(clear_previous) {
rgl::pop3d(tag = "objtree")
if(missing(lat) || missing(long)) {
# Check if custom tree models exist
has_custom_tree = !is.null(custom_obj_tree) && file.exists(custom_obj_tree)
has_custom_crown = !is.null(custom_obj_crown) && file.exists(custom_obj_crown)
has_custom_trunk = !is.null(custom_obj_trunk) && file.exists(custom_obj_trunk)
if((has_custom_trunk && !has_custom_crown) || (!has_custom_trunk && has_custom_crown)) {
stop("If specifying either one of `custom_obj_crown` or `custom_obj_trunk`, both must be specified.")
# Check if the tree is fully custom or partially custom
fully_custom_tree = has_custom_trunk && has_custom_crown
custom_tree = any(c(has_custom_tree, has_custom_crown, has_custom_trunk))
# Handling case where both full tree and parts are specified
if(custom_tree && has_custom_tree && (has_custom_crown || has_custom_trunk)) {
warning("Using `custom_obj_tree` over models specied in `custom_obj_crown` and `custom_obj_trunk`")
has_custom_crown = FALSE
has_custom_trunk = FALSE
use_default_crown_height = FALSE
use_default_trunk_height = FALSE
use_default_trunk_radius = FALSE
use_absolute_widths = FALSE
if(is.null(tree_height)) {
tree_height = 10
if(is.null(trunk_height_ratio)) {
use_default_crown_height = TRUE
use_default_trunk_height = TRUE
if(!custom_tree) {
if(type == "cone") {
trunk_height_ratio = 1/6
if(type == "basic") {
trunk_height_ratio = 1/3
} else {
trunk_height_ratio = 1/3
} else {
stopifnot(all(trunk_height_ratio < 1 & trunk_height_ratio >= 0))
if(!absolute_height) {
crown_height = (1 - trunk_height_ratio) * tree_height
trunk_height = (trunk_height_ratio) * tree_height
if(is.null(crown_width_ratio)) {
if(type == "cone") {
crown_width_ratio = 1/2
if(type == "basic") {
crown_width_ratio = 1
if(is.null(trunk_radius)) {
use_default_trunk_radius = TRUE
if(!is.null(crown_width)) {
use_absolute_widths = TRUE
# If absolute height is specified, calculate offset in heightmap coordinates
if(absolute_height && length(tree_height) == length(lat)) {
xyz_tree = transform_into_heightmap_coords(extent = extent,
heightmap = heightmap,
lat = lat,
long = long,
altitude = NULL,
offset = 0,
zscale = 1)
z_tree = xyz_tree[,2]
filter_nan =
if(all(filter_nan)) {
z_tree = z_tree[!filter_nan]
lat = lat[!filter_nan]
long = long[!filter_nan]
if(length(tree_height) == nrow(xyz_tree)) {
tree_height = tree_height[!filter_nan]
if(length(trunk_height_ratio) == nrow(xyz_tree)) {
trunk_height_ratio = trunk_height_ratio[!filter_nan]
if(length(trunk_color) == nrow(xyz_tree)) {
trunk_color = trunk_color[!filter_nan]
if(length(trunk_radius) == nrow(xyz_tree)) {
trunk_radius = trunk_radius[!filter_nan]
if(length(crown_width_ratio) == nrow(xyz_tree)) {
crown_width_ratio = crown_width_ratio[!filter_nan]
if(use_absolute_widths && length(crown_width) == nrow(xyz_tree)) {
crown_width = crown_width[!filter_nan]
tree_height = tree_height - z_tree
if(!is.infinite(max_height) || min_height > 0) {
filter_height = tree_height >= max_height | tree_height <= min_height
if(length(long) > 1) {
long = long[!filter_height]
if(length(lat) > 1) {
lat = lat[!filter_height]
if(length(trunk_color) > 1) {
trunk_color = trunk_color[!filter_height]
if(length(trunk_height_ratio) > 1) {
trunk_height_ratio = trunk_height_ratio[!filter_height]
if(length(trunk_radius) > 1) {
trunk_radius = trunk_radius[!filter_height]
if(length(crown_width_ratio) > 1) {
crown_width_ratio = crown_width_ratio[!filter_height]
if(use_absolute_widths) {
if(length(crown_width) > 1) {
crown_width = crown_width[!filter_height]
if(length(tree_height) > 1) {
tree_height = tree_height[!filter_height]
crown_height = (1 - trunk_height_ratio) * tree_height
trunk_height = trunk_height_ratio * tree_height
if(length(long) == 0) {
# Determine default trunk height and radius based on tree type
# The basic trunk included has a radius of 0.6 units and a height of 1.0 units,
# with the bottom of the trunk located at 0.0 (midpoint at 0.5).
# The basic spherical crown is centered at zero with a radius of 5.0 units
# The basic conical crown has a radius of 5.0 units and a height of 10 units, with the base at 0.0
if(!custom_tree) {
# Calculate crown radius
crown_radius = crown_height * crown_width_ratio / 2
if(is.null(crown_radius)) {
crown_radius = crown_height/4
# Scaling tree dimensions if tree_zscale is TRUE
if(tree_zscale) {
crown_radius = crown_radius/zscale
trunk_radius = trunk_radius/zscale
#This just ensures the aspect ratio is correct
if(type == "cone") {
crown_radius = crown_radius*2
crown_width = crown_radius
} else {
if(!fully_custom_tree) {
if(is.null(crown_height)) {
crown_height = 1
if(!is.null(trunk_height) || !is.null(trunk_radius)) {
warning("When specifying single `crown_obj_tree` file (instead of separate ",
"crown and trunk OBJs), `crown_height` controls the overall scale of ",
"the tree and trunk settings cannot be changed.")
trunk_height = 1
trunk_radius = 1
if(!is.null(crown_width_ratio)) {
crown_radius = crown_height * crown_width_ratio / 2
} else {
crown_radius = 1
} else {
if(is.null(trunk_height)) {
trunk_height = 1
if(!use_absolute_widths) {
if(!is.null(crown_width_ratio)) {
crown_width = crown_height * crown_width_ratio
} else {
crown_width = crown_height
# Scaling tree dimensions if tree_zscale is TRUE
if(tree_zscale) {
crown_width = crown_width/zscale
trunk_radius = trunk_radius/zscale
if(use_default_trunk_radius) {
trunk_radius = crown_width / 6
if(type == "cone") {
trunk_radius = trunk_radius / 2
stopifnot(length(lat) == length(long))
height_zscale = 1
# Expand scalar dimensions to vectors if needed
if(length(crown_height) == 1) {
crown_height = rep(crown_height,length(lat))
if(length(crown_width) == 1) {
crown_width = rep(crown_width,length(lat))
if(length(trunk_radius) == 1) {
trunk_radius = rep(trunk_radius,length(lat))
if(length(trunk_height) == 1) {
trunk_height = rep(trunk_height,length(lat))
if(!custom_tree) {
if(tree_zscale) {
tree_scale = matrix(c(crown_width/5,crown_height/10/zscale,crown_width/5),
trunk_scale = matrix(c(trunk_radius/0.3,(trunk_height + crown_height/3)/zscale,trunk_radius/0.3),
} else {
tree_scale = matrix(c(crown_width/5,crown_height/10,crown_width/5),
trunk_scale = matrix(c(trunk_radius/0.3,(trunk_height + crown_height/3),trunk_radius/0.3),
height_zscale = zscale
} else {
#Scale the custom trees
if(fully_custom_tree) {
# For this version, we can control all proportions.
# This assumes the tree trunk/crown has a radius of 1 and a height of 1.
if(tree_zscale) {
tree_scale = matrix(c(crown_width,crown_height/zscale,crown_width),
trunk_scale = matrix(c(trunk_radius,trunk_height/zscale,trunk_radius),
} else {
tree_scale = matrix(c(crown_width,crown_height,crown_width),
trunk_scale = matrix(c(trunk_radius,trunk_height,trunk_radius),
height_zscale = zscale
} else {
if(tree_zscale) {
tree_scale = matrix(c(crown_width,crown_height/zscale,crown_width),
trunk_scale = matrix(c(trunk_radius,trunk_height/zscale,trunk_radius),
} else {
tree_scale = matrix(c(crown_width,crown_height,crown_width),
height_zscale = zscale
if(fully_custom_tree) {
# If a fully custom tree is specified, render the custom crown and trunk
render_obj(custom_obj_crown, color = crown_color,
lat = lat, long = long, extent = extent, zscale = zscale,
offset = trunk_height*height_zscale,
heightmap = heightmap, angle = angle, scale = tree_scale,
baseshape = baseshape,
lit = lit,
clear_previous = FALSE, rgl_tag = "tree",
render_obj(custom_obj_trunk, color = trunk_color,
lat = lat, long = long, extent = extent, zscale = zscale, offset = 0,
baseshape = baseshape,
lit = lit,
heightmap = heightmap, angle = angle, scale = trunk_scale, rgl_tag = "tree",
} else if(custom_tree) {
# If a custom tree is specified (but not fully custom), render the custom tree
load_material = TRUE,
lat = lat,
long = long,
extent = extent,
zscale = zscale,
offset = 0,
heightmap = heightmap,
angle = angle,
scale = tree_scale,
baseshape = baseshape,
clear_previous = FALSE,
rgl_tag = "tree",
lit = lit,
} else if(type == "basic") {
# If a basic type is specified, render the basic tree's crown and trunk
render_obj(tree_basic_center_obj(), color = crown_color,
lat = lat, long = long, extent = extent, zscale = zscale,
offset = (trunk_height + crown_height/3)*height_zscale,
heightmap = heightmap, angle = angle, scale = tree_scale,
baseshape = baseshape,
lit = lit,
clear_previous = FALSE, rgl_tag = "tree",
render_obj(tree_trunk_obj(), color = trunk_color,
lat = lat, long = long, extent = extent, zscale = zscale, offset = 0,
baseshape = baseshape,
lit = lit,
heightmap = heightmap, angle = angle, scale = trunk_scale, rgl_tag = "tree",
} else if (type == "cone") {
# If a cone type is specified, render the cone tree's crown and trunk
render_obj(tree_cone_center_obj(), color = crown_color,
lat = lat, long = long, extent = extent, zscale = zscale,
offset = trunk_height*height_zscale,
baseshape = baseshape,
lit = lit,
heightmap = heightmap, angle = angle, scale = tree_scale, clear_previous = FALSE,
rgl_tag = "tree",
render_obj(tree_trunk_obj(), color = trunk_color,
lat = lat, long = long, extent = extent, zscale = zscale, offset = 0,
baseshape = baseshape,
lit = lit,
heightmap = heightmap, angle = angle, scale = trunk_scale, rgl_tag = "tree",
} else {
stop(sprintf("%s not recognized as built-in type of tree", type))
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