
Defines functions blockattime timeofblock txstats blockstats bkfee txfee utxoage utxotype utxovalue txinids txids intRangePeriod intRangeDay intMaxDay intMinDay date2int int2date

Documented in bkfee blockattime blockstats date2int int2date intMaxDay intMinDay intRangeDay intRangePeriod timeofblock txfee txids txinids txstats utxoage utxotype utxovalue

#' Convert time stamp to POSIX
#' This function returns the associated \code{POSIXct} time
#' to the time stamp integer in a block header.
#' @param x \code{integer}, the block header time stamp
#' @return An object of class \code{POSIXct, POSIXt}
#' @family UtilityFuncs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Block_timestamp}
#' @name int2date
#' @rdname int2date
#' @examples
#' ts <- 1532954868
#' int2date(ts)
#' @export
int2date <- function(x){
    x <- abs(as.integer(x))
    ans <- as.POSIXct(x,
                      tz = "GMT",
                      origin = "1970-01-01 00:00:00",
                      format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
#' Convert date/time to integer
#' This function returns the associated \code{integer} time
#' for a given date/time object (coercible as \code{POSIXct} object.
#' @param x \code{POSIXct}, date/time object.
#' @return \code{integer}
#' @family UtilityFuncs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @name date2int
#' @rdname date2int
#' @examples
#' d <- "2017-03-15"
#' date2int(d)
#' @export
date2int <- function(x){
    x <- as.POSIXct(x, tz = "GMT", origin = "1970-01-01")
#' Integer representation of a day-begin
#' This function returns the associated \code{integer} time
#' for the start of a specific day (\emph{i.e.}, \code{00:00:00} time).
#' @param x \code{POSIXct}, date/time object.
#' @return \code{integer}
#' @family UtilityFuncs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @name intMinDay
#' @rdname intMinDay
#' @examples
#' d1 <- "2017-03-15"
#' d1 <- intMinDay(d1)
#' d2 <- "2017-03-15 00:00:00"
#' d2 <- intMinDay(d2)
#' identical(d1,d2)
#' @export
intMinDay <- function(x){
    d <- as.Date(x)
    s <- as.POSIXct(paste0(d, "00:00:00"),
                    tz = "GMT",
                    origin = "1970-01-01")
#' Integer representation of a day-end
#' This function returns the associated \code{integer} time
#' for the end of a specific day (\emph{i.e.}, \code{23:59:59} time).
#' @param x \code{POSIXct}, date/time object.
#' @return \code{integer}
#' @family UtilityFuncs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @name intMaxDay
#' @rdname intMaxDay
#' @examples
#' d1 <- "2017-03-15"
#' d1 <- intMaxDay(d1)
#' d2 <- "2017-03-15 23:59:59"
#' d2 <- intMaxDay(d2)
#' identical(d1,d2)
#' @export
intMaxDay <- function(x){
    d <- as.Date(x)
    e <- as.POSIXct(paste0(d, "23:59:59"),
                    tz = "GMT",
                    origin = "1970-01-01")
#' Integer range within a day
#' This function returns the associated \code{integer} times
#' for the start and end of a specific day.
#' @param x \code{POSIXct}, date/time object.
#' @return \code{integer}
#' @family UtilityFuncs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @name intRangeDay
#' @rdname intRangeDay
#' @examples
#' d1 <- "2017-03-15"
#' intRangeDay(d1)
#' intMinDay(d1)
#' intMaxDay(d1)
#' @export
intRangeDay <- function(x){
    d <- as.Date(x)
    c(first = intMinDay(d), last = intMaxDay(d))
#' Integer range between two dates
#' This function returns the associated \code{integer} times
#' for the start of date \code{d1} and the end of date \code{d2}.
#' @param d1 \code{POSIXct}, date/time object.
#' @param d2 \code{POSIXct}, date/time object.
#' @return \code{integer}
#' @family UtilityFuncs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @name intRangePeriod
#' @rdname intRangePeriod
#' @examples
#' d1 <- "2017-03-15"
#' d2 <- "2017-04-15"
#' intRangePeriod(d1, d2)
#' intMinDay(d1)
#' intMaxDay(d2)
#' @export
intRangePeriod <- function(d1, d2){
    d1 <- as.Date(d1)
    d2 <- as.Date(d2)
    if (d1 <= d2){
        ans <- c(first = intMinDay(d1), last = intMaxDay(d2))
    } else {
        ans <- c(first = intMinDay(d2), last = intMaxDay(d1))
#' Retrieve TX Ids in block
#' This function retrieves the transaction IDs in a block.
#' @param con \code{CONRPC}, configuration object.
#' @param height \code{integer}, the block's height.
#' @param excoinbase \code{logical}, whether coinbase transaction
#' should be excluded (default is \code{TRUE}).
#' @return \code{character}
#' @family UtilityFuncs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @name txids
#' @rdname txids
#' @export
txids <- function(con, height, excoinbase = TRUE){
    height <- as.integer(abs(height))
    bc <- unlist(slot(getblockcount(con),
    if (height > bc) {
        stop("'height' exceeds max height in local chain.\n")
    h <- slot(getblockhash(con, height),
    b <- slot(getblock(con, h),
    ans <- unlist(b[["tx"]])
    if (excoinbase){
        ans <- ans[-1]
    if (length(ans) < 1) {
        warning("No transactions in block.\n")
#' Retrieving the input transaction IDs
#' This function returns the transaction IDs of the inputs for
#' a given transaction.
#' @param con \code{CONRPC}, configuration object.
#' @param txid \code{character}, the id of the transaction.
#' @return \code{data.frame}, the transaction ID(s) and
#' the position(s) of the previous UTXO(s).
#' @family UtilityFuncs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @name txinids
#' @rdname txinids
#' @export
txinids <- function(con, txid){
    txraw <- slot(getrawtransaction(con, txid),
    txdec <- slot(decoderawtransaction(con, txraw),
    vin <- txdec[["vin"]]
    txinids <- unlist(lapply(vin, function(x) x[["txid"]]))
    txinpos <- unlist(lapply(vin, function(x) x[["vout"]]))  + 1
    ans <- data.frame(txinids, txinpos,
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' Retrieving values of UTXOs
#' This function returns the values of UTXO(s) in a transaction.
#' @param con \code{CONRPC}, configuration object.
#' @param txid \code{character}, the id of the transaction.
#' @return \code{numeric}
#' @family UtilityFuncs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @name utxovalue
#' @rdname utxovalue
#' @export
utxovalue <- function(con, txid){
    txraw <- slot(getrawtransaction(con, txid),
    txdec <- slot(decoderawtransaction(con, txraw),
    vout <- txdec[["vout"]]
    ans <- unlist(
        lapply(vout, function(x) x[["value"]])
#' Retrieving types of UTXOs
#' This function returns the types of the UTXO(s) in a transaction.
#' @param con \code{CONRPC}, configuration object.
#' @param txid \code{character}, the id of the transaction.
#' @return \code{character}
#' @family UtilityFuncs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @name utxotype
#' @rdname utxotype
#' @export
utxotype <- function(con, txid){
    txraw <- slot(getrawtransaction(con, txid),
    txdec <- slot(decoderawtransaction(con, txraw),
    vout <- txdec[["vout"]]
    ans <- unlist(
        lapply(vout, function(x){
#' Age of UTXOs
#' This function returns a \code{difftime} object measuring the elapsed time(s)
#' between the UTXO(s) in a transaction and its input(s) (previous UTXO(s)).
#' @param con \code{CONRPC}, configuration object.
#' @param txid \code{character}, the id of the transaction.
#' @param units \code{character}, the time difference units;
#' passed to \code{difftime()}.
#' @return \code{difftime}
#' @family UtilityFuncs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @name utxoage
#' @rdname utxoage
#' @export
utxoage <- function(con, txid,
                    units = c("auto", "secs", "mins",
                              "hours", "days", "weeks")){
    txraw <- slot(getrawtransaction(con, txid, verbose = TRUE),
    txotime <- int2date(txraw[["time"]])
    txins <- unlist(lapply(txraw[["vin"]],
                           function(x) x[["txid"]])
    n <- length(txins)
    txitime <- integer(n)
    for (i in 1:n){
        txraw <- slot(getrawtransaction(con, txins[i], verbose = TRUE),
        txitime[i] <- txraw[["time"]]
    ans <- difftime(txotime, int2date(txitime), units = units)
    list("TimeUtxo" = txraw[["time"]],
         "AgeInput" = ans)
#' Compute fee of a transaction
#' This function returns the implicit fee of a transaction,
#' by computing the difference between the sum of its inputs
#' and the sum of its outputs.
#' @param con \code{CONRPC}, configuration object.
#' @param txid \code{character}, the id of the transaction.
#' @return \code{numeric}
#' @family UtilityFuncs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @name txfee
#' @rdname txfee
#' @export
txfee <- function(con, txid){
    valo <- sum(utxovalue(con, txid))
    txin <- txinids(con, txid)
    n <- nrow(txin)
    vali <- 0
    for (i in 1:n) {
        val <- utxovalue(con, txin[i, 1])[txin[i, 2]]
        vali <- vali + val
    ans <- vali - valo
#' Compute fee in a block
#' This function returns the fee of the coinbase transaction.
#' Hereby, the mining reward has been deducted.
#' Initially, the mining reward was 50 BCH and is halved every
#' 210,000 blocks.
#' @param con \code{CONRPC}, configuration object.
#' @param height \code{integer}, the height of the block.
#' @return \code{numeric}
#' @family UtilityFuncs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @name bkfee
#' @rdname bkfee
#' @export
bkfee <- function(con, height){
    height <- as.integer(abs(height))
    cb <- txids(con, height, excoinbase = FALSE)[1]
    mtot <- sum(utxovalue(con, cb))  
    hf <- ceiling(height / 209999) - 1
    hf <- 2 ^ hf
    mrwd <- 50 / hf
    ans <- mtot - mrwd
#' Obtaining statistics of a block
#' This function returns key statistics of a block's content,
#' such as the time, the count of transactions,
#' and summary statistics of the UTXOs.
#' @param con \code{CONRPC}, configuration object.
#' @param height \code{integer}, the block's height.
#' @param excoinbase \code{logical}, whether coinbase transaction
#' should be excluded (default is \code{TRUE}).
#' @return An object of class \code{data.frame}
#' @family UtilityFuncs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @name blockstats
#' @rdname blockstats
#' @export
blockstats <- function(con, height, excoinbase = TRUE){
    height <- as.integer(abs(height))
    bc <- slot(getblockcount(con),
    if (height > bc){
        stop("'height' exceeds max height in local chain.\n")
    h <- slot(getblockhash(con, height),
    b <- slot(getblock(con, h),
    ## to be filled
    btime <- b[["time"]]
    txids <- unlist(b[["tx"]])
    n <- length(txids)
    if (excoinbase){
        txids <- txids[-1]
    n <- length(txids)
    if (n < 1) {
        warning("No transactions in block.\n")
        umax <- NA
        umin <- NA
        uavg <- NA
        umed <- NA
        usum <- NA
    } else {
        usum <- 0
        uvals <- c()
        for (i in 1:n){
            uval <- utxovalue(con, txids[i])
            usum <- usum + sum(uval)
            uvals <- c(uvals, uval)
        ## Summary statistics of uvals
        umax <- max(uvals)
        umin <- min(uvals)
        uavg <- mean(uvals)
        umed <- stats::median(uvals)
    ans <- data.frame("Height" = height,
                      "Time" = btime,
                      "TxCount" = n,
                      "UtxoMax" = umax,
                      "UtxoMin" = umin,
                      "UtxoMean" = uavg,
                      "UtxoMedian" = umed,
                      "UtxoVolume" = usum
#' Statistics of a transaction
#' This function returns key statistics/characteristics of
#' a transaction.
#' @param con \code{CONRPC}, configuration object.
#' @param txid \code{character}, the id of the transaction.
#' @return \code{data.frame}
#' @family UtilityFuncs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @name txstats
#' @rdname txstats
#' @export
txstats <- function(con, txid){
    txraw <- slot(getrawtransaction(con, txid, verbose = TRUE),
    uvals <- utxovalue(con, txid)
    fee <- txfee(con, txid)
    ans <- data.frame("CountTxInIds" = length(txraw[["vin"]]),
                      "CountTxOutIds" = length(txraw[["vout"]]),
                      "SumOfUtxo" = sum(uvals),
                      "Fee" = fee,
                      "Size" = txraw[["size"]],
                      "Time" = txraw[["blocktime"]],
                      "BlockHash" = txraw[["blockhash"]],
                      "Confirmations" = txraw[["confirmations"]],
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' Time of a block
#' This function returns the time of a block in GMT.
#' @param con \code{CONRPC}, configuration object.
#' @param height \code{integer}, the height of the block.
#' @return \code{POSIXct}
#' @family UtilityFuncs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @name timeofblock
#' @rdname timeofblock
#' @export
timeofblock <- function(con, height){
    height <- as.integer(abs(height))
    h <- slot(getblockhash(con, height),
    b <- slot(getblock(con, h),
    ans <- int2date(b[["time"]])
#' Block height at time
#' This function returns the block heights closest to
#' a provided date/time (time zone is GMT).
#' @param con \code{CONRPC}, configuration object.
#' @param targetdate \code{POSIXct}, the date/time of closest block heights.
#' @return \code{data.frame}: the heights, the times and
#' the time differences (in minutes) to the provided date/time.
#' @family UtilityFuncs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @name blockattime
#' @rdname blockattime
#' @export
blockattime <- function(con, targetdate){
    dt <- as.POSIXct(targetdate, tz = "GMT")
    bh <- slot(getbestblockhash(con),
    lastblock <- slot(getblock(con, bh),
    lastheight <- lastblock[["height"]]
    lasttime <- int2date(lastblock[["time"]])
    if (dt > lasttime) {
        stop("Required block time is greater than last block in local chain.\n")
    deltatime <- difftime(lasttime, dt, units = "mins")
    deltaheight <- ceiling(as.numeric(deltatime / 10))
    approxh1 <- lastheight - deltaheight
    ht <- timeofblock(con, approxh1)
    signtimedelta <- searchdir <- sign(as.numeric(dt - ht))
    while (identical(signtimedelta, searchdir)) {
        approxh1 <- approxh1 + searchdir
        ht <- timeofblock(con, approxh1)
        ## big step, if current delta time is more than 100 mins
        curdelta <- as.numeric(abs(
        difftime(dt, ht, units = "mins")))
        if (curdelta > 100){
            approxh1 <- approxh1 + searchdir * floor(curdelta / 10)
            ht <- timeofblock(con, approxh1)
            searchdir <- sign(as.numeric(dt - ht))
        signtimedelta <- sign(as.numeric(dt - ht))
    approxt1 <- timeofblock(con, approxh1)
    approxh2 <- approxh1 - searchdir
    approxt2 <- timeofblock(con, approxh2)
    Times <- c(approxt1, approxt2)
    attr(Times, "tzone") <- "GMT"
    ans <- data.frame("Height" = c(approxh1, approxh2),
                  "Time" = Times,
                  "DateQuery" = dt,
                  "DeltaMinutes" = difftime(dt,
                                          c(approxt1, approxt2),
                                          units = "mins")
    ans <- ans[order(ans[, 1]), ]

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