
Defines functions nts.indexxy nts.makebbox nts.widthandoffset250 nts.widthandoffsetseries nts.mapsperseries nts.tileseriesy nts.tileseriesx nts.tileseries nts.bboxseries nts.validtileseries nts.idseries nts.tileseriesbyid nts.tileseriesfromtile250 nts.tile250y nts.tile250x nts.tile250 nts.bbox250 nts.id250 nts.tile250byid nts.tile50byid nts.tile50y nts.tile50x nts.tile50 nts.bbox50 nts.id50 nts.bybboxgeneric nts.bybbox nts.idat nts.bbox

Documented in nts.bbox nts.bybbox nts.idat

#nts tiles, translated from Java

nts.MAP_SERIES_N_OF_80 <- matrix(c("910", "780", "560", "340", "120", 
                               NA, "781", "561", "341", "121"), ncol=5, byrow=TRUE)

nts.MAP_250K <- matrix(c("D", "C", "B", "A", 
                     "E", "F", "G", "H", 
                     "L", "K", "J", "I",
                     "M", "N", "O", "P"), ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)

nts.MAP_250K_N_OF_68 <- matrix(c("B", "A", "C", "D", "F", "E", "G", "H"), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)

nts.MAP_50K <- matrix(c("04", "03", "02", "01", 
                    "05", "06", "07", "08",
                    "12", "11", "10", "09",
                    "13", "14", "15", "16"), ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)

nts.indexxy <- function(value, map) {
  which(map==value, arr.ind=TRUE)

nts.makebbox <- function(n, e, s, w) {
#   min max
#   x -66 -64
#   y  45  46
  matrix(c(w, s, e, n), byrow=FALSE, ncol=2, dimnames=list(c("x", "y"), c("min", "max")))

nts.widthandoffset250 <- function(lat) {
  if(lat >= 80.0) {
    c(8.0, 8.0)
  } else if(lat >= 68.0) {
    c(4.0, 0.0)
  } else {
    c(2.0, 0.0)

nts.widthandoffsetseries <- function(lat) {
  if(lat >= 80) {
    c(16.0, 8.0)
  } else {
    c(8.0, 0.0)

nts.mapsperseries <- function(tile250ky) {
  if(tile250ky >= 28) {
  } else {

nts.tileseriesy <- function(lat) {
  as.integer(floor((lat-40.0) / 4.0))

nts.tileseriesx <- function(lon, lat) {
  wo <- nts.widthandoffsetseries(lat)

nts.tileseries <- function(lon, lat) {
  c(nts.tileseriesx(lon, lat), nts.tileseriesy(lat))

nts.bboxseries <- function(tile) {
  minlat <- tile[2] * 4.0 + 40.0
  wo <- nts.widthandoffsetseries(minlat)
  minlon <- -144 + tile[1] * wo[1] + wo[2]
  nts.makebbox(minlat+4.0, minlon+wo[1], minlat, minlon) #n, e, s, w

nts.validtileseries <- function(tile) {
  if(tile[2] == 0) {
    if(7 <= tile[1] && tile[1] <= 11) {
  } else if(tile[2] == 1) {
    if(6 <= tile[1] && tile[1] <= 11 || tile[1] == 1 || tile[1] == 2) {
  } else if(2 <= tile[2] && tile[2] <= 4) {
    if(0 <= tile[1] && tile[1] <= 11) {
  } else if(5 <= tile[2] && tile[2] <= 8) {
    if(0 <= tile[1] && tile[1] <= 10) {
  } else if(tile[2] == 9) {
    if(0 <= tile[1] && tile[1] <= 9) {
  } else if(tile[2] == 10) {
    if(0 <= tile[1] && tile[1] <= 4) {
  } else if(tile[2] == 11) {
    if(1 <= tile[1] && tile[1] <= 4) {

nts.idseries <- function(tile) {
  if(!nts.validtileseries(tile)) return(NA)
  if(tile[2]>=10) {
    return(nts.MAP_SERIES_N_OF_80[tile[2]-10+1, tile[1]+1])
  } else {
    seriesrow <- as.character(tile[2])
    seriescol <- as.character(11-tile[1])
    if(nchar(seriescol) == 1) {
      seriescol <- paste0("0", seriescol)
    paste0(seriescol, seriesrow)

nts.tileseriesbyid <- function(series) {
  if(nchar(series) >= 2) {
    result <- nts.indexxy(series, nts.MAP_SERIES_N_OF_80) #row, col returned
    if(length(result) > 0) {
      return(c(result[2]-1, result[1]+10-1))
    } else {
      seriesy <- as.integer(substr(series, nchar(series), nchar(series))) #last character
      seriesx <- 11- as.integer(substr(series, 1, nchar(series)-1))
      return(c(seriesx, seriesy))
  } else {

nts.tileseriesfromtile250 <- function(tile250) {
  mapsperseries <- nts.mapsperseries(tile250[2])
  tilex <- as.integer(floor(tile250[1] / mapsperseries))
  tiley <- as.integer(floor(tile250[2] / 4))
  c(tilex, tiley)

nts.tile250y <- function(lat) {

nts.tile250x <- function(lon, lat) {
  wo <- nts.widthandoffset250(lat)

nts.tile250 <- function(lon, lat) {
  c(nts.tile250x(lon, lat), nts.tile250y(lat))

nts.bbox250 <- function(tile) {
  minlat <- tile[2] + 40
  wo <- nts.widthandoffset250(minlat)
  minlon <- -144 + wo[2] + (tile[1]*wo[1])
  maxlat <- minlat + 1
  maxlon <- minlon + wo[1]
  nts.makebbox(maxlat, maxlon, minlat, minlon)

nts.id250 <- function(tile250) {
  tileS <- nts.tileseriesfromtile250(tile250)
  seriesid <- nts.idseries(tileS)
  if(is.na(seriesid)) return(NA)
  seriesMinYTile <- tileS[2]*4
  yTileInSeries <- tile250[2]-seriesMinYTile
  mapsPerSeries <- nts.mapsperseries(tile250[2])
  seriesMinXTile <- tileS[1] * mapsPerSeries
  xTileInSeries <- tile250[1]-seriesMinXTile
  arealetter <- NULL
  if(tileS[2] >= 7) {
    arealetter <- nts.MAP_250K_N_OF_68[yTileInSeries+1, xTileInSeries+1]
  } else {
    arealetter <- nts.MAP_250K[yTileInSeries+1, xTileInSeries+1]
  c(seriesid, arealetter)

nts.tile250byid <- function(ntsid) {
  if(length(ntsid) < 2) stop("Invalid NTS id in nts.tile250byid(): ", ntsid)
  seriesT <- nts.tileseriesbyid(ntsid[1])
  if(is.null(seriesT)) stop("Invalid NTS id in nts.tile250byid(): ", ntsid)
  if(seriesT[2]>=7) {
    map <- nts.MAP_250K_N_OF_68
  } else {
    map <- nts.MAP_250K
  result <- nts.indexxy(ntsid[2], map)
  if(length(result)==0) stop("Invalid NTS id in nts.tile250byid() ", ntsid)
  tiley <- seriesT[2] * 4 + result[1] - 1
  mapsperseries <- nts.mapsperseries(tiley)
  tilex <- seriesT[1] * mapsperseries + result[2] - 1
  c(tilex, tiley)

nts.tile50byid <- function(ntsid) {
  tile250 <- nts.tile250byid(ntsid)
  if(length(ntsid) < 3) stop("Invalid NTS for 50k tile: ", ntsid)
  result <- nts.indexxy(ntsid[3], nts.MAP_50K)
  if(length(result)==0) stop("Invalid NTS: ", ntsid, " (", ntsid[3], ")")
  tiley <- tile250[2]*4+result[1]-1
  tilex <- tile250[1]*4+result[2]-1
  c(tilex, tiley)

nts.tile50y <- function(lat) {

nts.tile50x <- function(lon, lat) {
  tile250x <- nts.tile250x(lon, lat)
  wo <- nts.widthandoffset250(lat)
  londiff <- lon - (-144.0+wo[2]+(tile250x*wo[1]))
  plustilesx <- as.integer(floor(4.0*londiff/wo[1]))

nts.tile50 <- function(lon, lat) {
  c(nts.tile50x(lon, lat), nts.tile50y(lat))

nts.bbox50 <- function(tile50) {
  minlat <- 40+tile50[2]*0.25
  wo <- nts.widthandoffset250(minlat)
  wd <- wo[1] / 4.0
  minlon <- -144.0 + wo[2] + tile50[1]*wd
  nts.makebbox(minlat+0.25, minlon+wd, minlat, minlon)

nts.id50 <- function(tile50) {
  tile250 <- as.integer(floor(tile50/4.0))
  id250 <- nts.id250(tile250)
  if(is.na(id250[1])) return(NA)
  mintiles <- tile250 * 4
  plustiles <- tile50 - mintiles
  sheet <- nts.MAP_50K[plustiles[2]+1, plustiles[1]+1]
  c(id250, sheet)

nts.bybboxgeneric <-function(bbox, tilefuncx, tilefuncy, idfunc) {
  minx <- max(bbox[1,1], -144.0)
  miny <- max(bbox[2,1], 40.0)
  maxx <- min(bbox[1,2], -48.0)
  maxy <- min(bbox[2,2], 88.0)
  if((maxx < minx) || (maxy < miny)) stop("Bounds provided may be outside the NTS grid")
  containsabove80 <- maxy > 80.0
  containsabove68 <- containsabove80 || (miny >= 68.0) || (maxy>68.0)
  containsbelow68 <- miny < 68.0
  containsbelow80 <- miny < 80.0
  idlist <- list()
  ld <- function(n=maxy, e=maxx, s=miny, w=minx) {
    mint <- c(tilefuncx(w, s), tilefuncy(s))
    maxt <- c(tilefuncx(e, n), tilefuncy(n))
    listind <- length(idlist)+1
    for(x in mint[1]:maxt[1]) {
      for(y in mint[2]:maxt[2]) {
        tileid <- idfunc(c(x,y))
        if(!is.na(tileid[1])) {
          idlist[[listind]] <<- tileid
        listind <- listind+1
  if(containsabove80) {
    if(containsbelow80) {
    } else {
  tempn <- maxy
  temps <- miny
  if(containsabove68) {
    if(containsabove80) {
      tempn <- 79.99
    if(containsbelow68) {
      temps <- 68.0
    ld(s=temps, n=tempn)
  if(containsbelow68) {
    tempn <-maxy
    if(containsabove68) {
      tempn <- 67.99

# User friendly functions ----

#' A contstant denoting NTS Series scale (0)
#' @export

#'  A constant denoting NTS Map Area (1:250k) scale (1)
#'  @export
nts.SCALE250K <- 1

#'  A constant denoting NTS Map Sheet (1:50k) scale (2)
#'  @export
nts.SCALE50K <- 2

#' Get NTS References by Bounding Box
#' Retreive a list of NTS references at a given scale by bounding box.
#' Bounding box is in the form returned by \code{sp::bbox()}. NTS References
#' all have a valid series component (e.g. "021"), but map area (e.g. "H")
#' and map sheet (e.g. "01") are not checked to make sure they exist.
#' @param bbox A bounding box of lat/lon values in the form returned by \code{sp::bbox()}.
#' @param atscale One of \code{nts.SCALESERIES}, \code{nts.SCALE250K}, or \code{nts.SCALE50K}
#' @return A \code{list} object containing zero or more NTS References.
#' @seealso \link{nts}
#' @export
nts.bybbox <- function(bbox, atscale) {
  if(atscale == nts.SCALESERIES) {
    tilexfunc <- nts.tileseriesx
    tileyfunc <- nts.tileseriesy
    idfunc <- nts.idseries
  } else if(atscale == nts.SCALE250K) {
    tilexfunc <- nts.tile250x
    tileyfunc <- nts.tile250y
    idfunc <- nts.id250
  } else if(atscale == nts.SCALE50K) {
    tilexfunc <- nts.tile50x
    tileyfunc <- nts.tile50y
    idfunc <- nts.id50
  } else {
    stop("Invalid value for atscale: ", atscale)
  nts.bybboxgeneric(bbox, tilexfunc, tileyfunc, idfunc)

#' Get NTS Reference At A Location
#' Get NTS Reference(s) based on location at a given scale.
#' @param lat A scalar or vector of latitude values
#' @param lon A scalar or vector of longitude values of same length as \code{lat}
#' @param atscale One of \code{nts.SCALESERIES}, \code{nts.SCALE250K}, 
#' or \code{nts.SCALE50K}
#' @return A \code{list} of NTS References
#' @seealso \link{nts}
#' @export
nts.idat <- function(lat, lon, atscale) {
  if(length(lat) != length(lon)) stop("Length of lat and lon arguments must be the same in nts.idat")
  if(atscale == nts.SCALESERIES) {
    tilefunc <- nts.tileseries
    idfunc <- nts.idseries
  } else if(atscale == nts.SCALE250K) {
    tilefunc <- nts.tile250
    idfunc <- nts.id250
  } else if(atscale == nts.SCALE50K) {
    tilefunc <- nts.tile50
    idfunc <- nts.id50
  } else {
    stop("Invalid value for atscale: ", atscale)
  out <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(lat)) {
    out[[i]] <- idfunc(tilefunc(lon[i],lat[i]))


#' Get Bounding Box of an NTS Reference
#' Calculates the bounding box in latitude/longitude described by
#' a particular NTS Reference.
#' @param ntsid One or more NTS References as generated by \code{nts()}
#' @return A bbox like that returned by \code{sp::bbox()}, or a list of
#' such objects.
#' @examples nts.bbox(nts('21h'))
#' @export
nts.bbox <- function(ntsid) {
  if(class(ntsid)=="list") {
    out <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(ntsid)) {
      out[[i]] <- nts.bbox(ntsid[[i]])
  } else {
    if(length(ntsid)>=3) {
      fun <- nts.bbox50
      tilef <- nts.tile50byid
    } else if(length(ntsid)==2) {
      fun <- nts.bbox250
      tilef <- nts.tile250byid
    } else if(length(ntsid)==1) {
      fun <- nts.bboxseries
      tilef <- nts.tileseriesbyid
    } else {
      stop("Invalid NTS: ", ntsid)
    tile <- tilef(ntsid)

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