
Defines functions dminit dminfo dodminfo dmdims dmseries dmlist format.dmhierarchicaldimvalue format.dmdimvalue format.dmdimvalues format.dmdimension format.dmdataset print.dmhierarchicaldimvalue print.dmdimvalue print.dmdimvalues print.dmdimension print.dmdataset print.dmerror dmCurlOptions getUserAgent dmCurlHandle

Documented in dmCurlOptions dmdims dminfo dminit dmlist dmseries


api_base <- "http://datamarket.com"
path_info <- "/api/v1/info.json"
path_series <- "/api/v1/series.csv"
path_list <- "/api/v1/list.csv"
short_url_services <- c(

#' Initialize DataMarket client with an API key
#' An API key is required to access locked and non-public data. Access
#' to public datasets does not require an API key, for now at least.
#' @param api.key a DataMarket API key, found in
#'   \href{http://datamarket.com/accounts/profile/}{your account profile},
#'   or NULL to forget the previously entered API key.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dminit("1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef")
#' dminit(NULL)
dminit <- function(api.key) {
  if (!missing(api.key)) {
    .rdatamarketEnv$api.key <- api.key

#' Fetch information about a DataMarket dataset.
#' This function makes an \code{info} API call to fetch metadata (including
#' dimension structure) of a DataMarket dataset.
#' @param ds a dataset ID, DS string, URL query-string, or whole URL. The DS
#'           string to send is extracted from the URL as needed, and short URLs
#'           at data.is, bit.ly, is.gd, t.co and url.is are expanded.
#' @param .params extra GET parameters to pass along in the API request.
#' @return a structure of named lists representing the dataset metadata.
#'         If the resolved DS string is a multiple-dataset DS string (that is,
#'         contains / forward-slash characters), then the returned value is a
#'         named list of such structures, with `strsplit(ds, '/')` as names.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dminfo("17tm")
#' dminfo("17tm!kqc=a")
#' dminfo("ds=17tm")
#' dminfo("ds=17tm!kqc=a")
#' dminfo("foo=bar&ds=17tm&baz=xyzzy")
#' dminfo("http://datamarket.com/api/v1/series.json?foo=bar&ds=17tm&baz=xyzzy")
#' dminfo("http://datamarket.com/data/set/17tm/#ds=17tm")
#' dminfo("http://datamarket.com/data/set/12r9/male-population-thousands")
dminfo <- function(ds, .params=list()) {
  return(dodminfo(ds, .params))

dodminfo <- function(ds, .params=list(), .curl=dmCurlHandle()) {
  origds <- ifelse(!is.na(ds) && grep("^https?:", ds), ds, NA)
  ctx <- interpret_ds(ds, .curl=.curl)
  if ("infos" %in% names(ctx)) {
  curlopts = list()
  if (!is.na(origds)) {
    curlopts$Referer <- origds
  infojson <- getForm(
    paste(ctx$base, path_info, sep=""),
    .params=c(ctx$qs, callback="", .params=.params)
  if (is.raw(infojson)) {
    infojson <- rawToChar(infojson)
  infolist <- fromJSON(infojson, simplify=FALSE)
  names(infolist) <- lapply(infolist, FUN=function(i) i$ds)
  for (name in names(infolist)) {
    if (infolist[[name]]$status != "success") {
      class(infolist[[name]]) <- c('list', 'dmerror')
    names(infolist[[name]]$dimensions) <- lapply(infolist[[name]]$dimensions,
      FUN=function(dim) dim$id
    for (dimname in names(infolist[[name]]$dimensions)) {
      class(infolist[[name]]$dimensions[[dimname]]) <- c("list", "dmdimension");
    for (dimid in names(infolist[[name]]$dimensions)) {
      names(infolist[[name]]$dimensions[[dimid]]$values) <- lapply(
        FUN=function(dimvalue) dimvalue[['id']]
      class(infolist[[name]]$dimensions[[dimid]]$values) <- c("list",
      hier <- infolist[[name]]$dimension[[dimid]]$type == "hierarchical"
      if (hier) {
        depth <- list()
        for (dimvalueid in names(infolist[[name]]$dimensions[[dimid]]$values)) {
          class(infolist[[name]]$dimensions[[dimid]]$values[[dimvalueid]]) <-
            c("list", "dmhierarchicaldimvalue", "dmdimvalue")
          pid <- infolist[[name]]$dimensions[[dimid]]$values[[
          thisdepth <- ifelse(is.null(pid), 0, depth[[pid]] + 1);
          depth[[dimvalueid]] <- thisdepth
               'depth') <- thisdepth
      } else {
        for (dimvalueid in names(infolist[[name]]$dimensions[[dimid]]$values)) {
          class(infolist[[name]]$dimensions[[dimid]]$values[[dimvalueid]]) <-
            c("list", "dmdimvalue")
    class(infolist[[name]]) <- c('list', 'dmdataset')
  if (length(infolist) == 1) {
    infolist <- infolist[[1]];

#' Fetch dimensions of a DataMarket dataset.
#' Get a list of dataset dimension objects for the given dataset.
#' @param ds a dataset ID, DS string, URL query-string, or whole URL. The DS
#'           string to send is extracted from the URL as needed, and short URLs
#'           at data.is, bit.ly, is.gd, t.co and url.is are expanded.
#'           If the DS string contains dimension filter specifications (the
#'           stuff after the ! character, so it's not just a dataset ID), these
#'           are preserved in the request to the API, but for normal DataMarket
#'           datasets they do not affect the response.
#' @param .params extra GET parameters to pass along in the API request.
#' @return named list of dataset dimension information. Each name is a dataset
#'         ID and each element is a named list of dimensions of that dataset.
#'         Each dimension is named for its dimension ID in that list, and is
#'         itself a named list of the four properties \code{id, title, type,
#'         values}. The first three of these properties are character strings,
#'         while \code{values} is a named list of dimension values. Each of
#'         these is a list of two properties \code{id, title}, and the \code{id}
#'         is also the name of the dimension value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dmdims("17tm")
#' dmdims("17tm!kqc=a")
#' dmdims("ds=17tm")
#' dmdims("ds=17tm!kqc=a")
#' dmdims("foo=bar&ds=17tm&baz=xyzzy")
#' dmdims("http://datamarket.com/api/v1/series.json?foo=bar&ds=17tm&baz=xyzzy")
#' dmdims("http://datamarket.com/data/set/17tm/#ds=17tm")
dmdims <- function(ds, .params=list()) {
  infolist <- dminfo(ds, .params=.params)
  if ("dmdataset" %in% class(infolist)) {
  } else {
    return(lapply(infolist, FUN=function(info) info$dimensions))

#' Fetch timeseries from a DataMarket dataset.
#' This performs a \code{series} API request at DataMarket.com, fetching the
#' requested data and wrapping it in a \code{zoo} object.
#' @param ds a dataset ID, DS string, URL query-string, or whole URL. The DS
#'           string to send is extracted from the URL as needed, and short URLs
#'           at data.is, bit.ly, is.gd, t.co and url.is are expanded.
#' @param .params extra GET parameters to pass along in the API request.
#' @param ... named parameters whose names are dimension titles or IDs, and
#'            whose values are titles or IDs of values of those dimensions.
#'            E.g. if dataset \code{17tm} has a dimension named Country, then
#'            \code{dmseries("17tm", Country="Algeria")} filters on that
#'            dimension. If the dimension name includes spaces, it needs to be
#'            quoted: \code{dmlist("12rb", "Country or Area"="Afghanistan")}
#' @return a zoo object representing the fetched timeseries.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dmseries("17tm")
#' dmseries("17tm!kqc=a")
#' dmseries("ds=17tm")
#' dmseries("ds=17tm!kqc=a")
#' dmseries("foo=bar&ds=17tm&baz=xyzzy")
#' dmseries("http://datamarket.com/api/v1/series.json?foo=bar&ds=17tm&baz=xyzzy")
#' dmseries("http://datamarket.com/data/set/17tm/#ds=17tm")
#' dmseries("17tm", Country="Algeria")
#' dmseries("17tm", Country=c("Algeria", "Angola"))
dmseries <- function(ds, .params=list(), ...) {
  origds <- ifelse(!is.na(ds) && grep("^https?:", ds), ds, NA)
  curl <- dmCurlHandle()
  ctx <- interpret_ds(ds, .curl=curl)
  if (!(identical(c(...), c()))) {
    infos <- dodminfo(ds, .curl=curl)
    ctx$qs$ds <- dimfilter(ctx$qs$ds, infos, ...)
  csv <- get.datamarket.csv(ctx, path_series, curl, .params, origds)
  for (name in names(csv)) {
    if (all(is.na(csv[[name]]))) {
      csv[[name]] <- NULL
  timecolname <- NULL
  for (name in c("Date", "Year.and.week", "Year.and.month", "Year.and.quarter", "Year")) {
    if (name %in% names(csv)) {
      timecolname <- name
  if (is.null(timecolname)) {
    stop(paste("No time column found in timeseries response. Columns are:",
  zindex <- switch(timecolname,

  csv[[timecolname]] <- NULL
  zoo(csv, order.by=zindex)

#' Fetch data in long form as a data.frame from a DataMarket dataset.
#' This performs a \code{list} API request at DataMarket.com, fetching the
#' requested data and wrapping it in a \code{data.frame} object.
#' @param ds a dataset ID, DS string, URL query-string, or whole URL. The DS
#'           string to send is extracted from the URL as needed, and short URLs
#'           at data.is, bit.ly, is.gd, t.co and url.is are expanded.
#' @param .params extra GET parameters to pass along in the API request.
#' @param ... named parameters whose names are dimension titles or IDs, and
#'            whose values are titles or IDs of values of those dimensions.
#'            E.g. if dataset \code{17tm} has a dimension named Country, then
#'            \code{dmlist("17tm", Country="Algeria")} filters on that
#'            dimension. If the dimension name includes spaces, it needs to be
#'            quoted: \code{dmlist("12rb", "Country or Area"="Afghanistan")}
#' @return a data frame representing the fetched data. The data frame has one
#'         column for each of the dataset's dimensions, containing a factor
#'         whose levels are values of that dimension, and a `Value` column
#'         holding a numerical value for each combination of dimension values.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dmlist("17tm")
#' dmlist("17tm!kqc=a")
#' dmlist("ds=17tm")
#' dmlist("ds=17tm!kqc=a")
#' dmlist("foo=bar&ds=17tm&baz=xyzzy")
#' dmlist("http://datamarket.com/api/v1/series.json?foo=bar&ds=17tm&baz=xyzzy")
#' dmlist("http://datamarket.com/data/set/17tm/#ds=17tm")
#' dmlist("17tm", Country="Algeria")
#' dmlist("17tm", Country=c("Algeria", "Angola"))
#' dmlist("12rb", "Country or Area"="Afghanistan")
dmlist <- function(ds, .params=list(), ...) {
  origds <- ifelse(!is.na(ds) && grep("^https?:", ds), ds, NA)
  curl <- dmCurlHandle()
  ctx <- interpret_ds(ds, .curl=curl)
  if (!(identical(c(...), c()))) {
    infos <- dodminfo(ds, .curl=curl)
    ctx$qs$ds <- dimfilter(ctx$qs$ds, infos, ...)
  get.datamarket.csv(ctx, path_list, curl, .params, origds)

#' @S3method [ dmdimvalues
`[.dmdimvalues` <- function (x, i)  {
  y <- unclass(x)[i]
  class(y) <- class(x)
  return (y)

#' @S3method format dmhierarchicaldimvalue
format.dmhierarchicaldimvalue <- function(x, ...) {
          paste(rep("-> ", attr(x, "depth")), collapse=""),

#' @S3method format dmdimvalue
format.dmdimvalue <- function(x, ...) {
  sprintf('"%s"', x[["title"]])

#' @S3method format dmdimvalues
format.dmdimvalues <- function(x, ...) {
        FUN=function(x) sprintf('%3s  %s', x[["id"]], format(x))

#' @S3method format dmdimension
format.dmdimension <- function(x, ...) {
  N <- length(x$values);
  sprintf('"%s" (%d values):\n    %s%s',
    paste(lapply(as.list(x$values)[1:min(5,N)], FUN=format), collapse="\n    "),
    ifelse(N > 5, "\n    [...]", "")

#' @S3method format dmdataset
format.dmdataset <- function(x, ...) {
  sprintf("Title: \"%s\"\nProvider: \"%s\"%s\nDimensions:\n  %s",
    ifelse(!is.null(x$meta$source_source) && x$meta$source_source != "",
           sprintf(" (citing \"%s\")", x$meta$source_source),
    paste(lapply(x$dimensions, FUN=format), collapse="\n  ")

#' @S3method print dmhierarchicaldimvalue
print.dmhierarchicaldimvalue <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(format(x, ...), "\n");

#' @S3method print dmdimvalue
print.dmdimvalue <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(format(x, ...), "\n");

#' @S3method print dmdimvalues
print.dmdimvalues <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(format(x, ...), "\n");

#' @S3method print dmdimension
print.dmdimension <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(format(x), "\n");

#' @S3method print dmdataset
print.dmdataset <- function(x, quote=FALSE, ...) {
  cat(format(x), "\n");

#' @S3method print dmerror
print.dmerror <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(sprintf("%s: %s\n", x$status, x$message))

#' Set extra RCurl options for full HTTP control.
#' Use this to control the options with which RCurl connections are created, see
#' \href{http://www.omegahat.org/RCurl/installed/RCurl/html/curlOptions.html}{RCurl::curlOptions}.
#' A common use is setting a proxy to work with your company's firewall setup,
#' see example below.
#' @param ... name-value pairs specifying curl options. See full list of options
#'            with `names(getCurlOptionsConstants())`, their types with
#'            `getCurlOptionTypes()`, and full documentation in
#'            \href{http://curl.haxx.se/docs/manpage.html}{the curl manpage}.
#' @param .opts a named list of options, or a previously created `CURLOptions`
#'              object. These are merged with the options specified in `...`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{dmCurlOptions(proxy='http://outproxy.mycompany.com')}
dmCurlOptions <- function(..., .opts=list()) {
  .rdatamarketEnv$curlopts <- curlOptions(.opts=.opts, ...)

getUserAgent <- function() {
  if (is.null(.rdatamarketEnv$user.agent)) {
    rdmv <- tryCatch(sessionInfo('rdatamarket')$otherPkgs$rdatamarket$Version,
      warning=function(cond) '(devtools)')
    si <- sessionInfo("RCurl")
    .rdatamarketEnv$user.agent <- paste(
      "rdatamarket ",
      "; ",
      "; RCurl ",
      "; platform ",

dmCurlHandle <- function() {

Try the rdatamarket package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rdatamarket documentation built on May 29, 2017, 11 p.m.