
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
library(rdecision) # nolint

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# nodes
d1 <- DecisionNode$new("d1")
d2 <- DecisionNode$new("d2")
d3 <- DecisionNode$new("d3")
c1 <- ChanceNode$new("c1")
c2 <- ChanceNode$new("c2")
c3 <- ChanceNode$new("c3")
c4 <- ChanceNode$new("c4")
t1 <- LeafNode$new("t1")
t2 <- LeafNode$new("t2")
t3 <- LeafNode$new("t3")
t4 <- LeafNode$new("t4")
t5 <- LeafNode$new("t5")
t6 <- LeafNode$new("t6")
t7 <- LeafNode$new("t7")
t8 <- LeafNode$new("t8")
t9 <- LeafNode$new("t9")
# probabilities
p.sens <- 0.9
p.spec <- 0.7
p.gas <- 0.7
p.nogas <- 1.0 - p.gas
p.ptest <- p.sens * p.gas + (1.0 - p.spec) * p.nogas
p.ntest <- (1.0 - p.sens) * p.gas + p.spec * p.nogas
p.gas.ptest <- p.sens * p.gas / p.ptest
p.gas.ntest <- (1.0 - p.sens) * p.gas / p.ntest
# edges
E <- list(
  Action$new(d1, t1, "sell", benefit = 800.0),
  Action$new(d1, c1, "dig", cost = 300.0),
  Reaction$new(c1, t2, p = p.gas, benefit = 2500.0, label = "gas"),
  Reaction$new(c1, t3, p = p.nogas, label = "no gas"),
  Action$new(d1, c2, "test", cost = 50.0),
  Reaction$new(c2, d2, p = p.ntest, label = "negative"),
  Action$new(d2, t4, "sell", benefit = 600.0),
  Action$new(d2, c3, "dig", cost = 300.0),
  Reaction$new(c3, t5, p = p.gas.ntest, benefit = 2500.0, label = "gas"),
  Reaction$new(c3, t6, p = (1.0 - p.gas.ntest), label = "no gas"),
  Reaction$new(c2, d3, p = p.ptest, label = "positive"),
  Action$new(d3, t7, "sell", benefit = 1000.0),
  Action$new(d3, c4, "dig", cost = 300.0),
  Reaction$new(c4, t8, p = p.gas.ptest, benefit = 2500.0, label = "gas"),
  Reaction$new(c4, t9, p = (1.0 - p.gas.ptest), label = "no gas")
# tree
V <- list(d1, d2, d3,  c1, c2, c3, c4,  t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9)
DT <- DecisionTree$new(V, E)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# find optimal strategies
RES <- DT$evaluate()
RES[, "Payoff"] <- RES[, "Benefit"] - RES[, "Cost"]

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RES[, "Run"] <- NULL
RES[, "Probability"] <- NULL
RES[, "Utility"] <- NULL
knitr::kable(RES, row.names = FALSE)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
imax <- which.max(RES[, "Payoff"])
popt <- paste(
  RES[[imax, "d1"]], RES[[imax, "d2"]], RES[[imax, "d3"]],
  sep = ";"
popt <- 42

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rdecision documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:02 a.m.