
Defines functions .densKNearestNeighbour.x

.densKNearestNeighbour.x <- function(x, k, hx, npts)
  output <- .C(C_RdensKNearestNeighbourX,
    n = as.integer(length(x)),
    x = as.double(x),
    y = double(length(x)),
    k = as.integer(k),
    hx = as.double(hx),
    error = integer(1),
    PACKAGE = "rebmix")

  if (output$error == 1) {
    stop("in RdensKNearestNeighbourX!", call. = FALSE); return(NA)

  i <- !duplicated(output$x)

  output$x <- output$x[i]
  output$y <- output$y[i]

  n <- length(output$y)

  if (n > npts) {
    i <- sample.int(n, npts, replace = FALSE, prob = NULL)

    output$x <- output$x[i]
    output$y <- output$y[i]

  rm(list = ls()[!(ls() %in% c("output"))])

} ## .densKNearestNeighbour.x

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rebmix documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:32 p.m.