Recur-class: An S4 Class Representing Formula Response for Recurrent Event...

Recur-classR Documentation

An S4 Class Representing Formula Response for Recurrent Event Data


The class Recur is an S4 that represents a formula response for recurrent event data model. The function Recur produces objects of this class. See “Slots” for details.



A numeric matrix that consists of the following columns:

  • time1: the beginning of time segements;

  • time2: the end of time segements;

  • id: Identificators of subjects;

  • event: Event indicators;

  • : terminal: Indicators of terminal events.


A function call producing the object.


A character vector for unique original identificators of subjects.


An integer vector for increasingly ordering data by id, time2, and - event. Sorting is often done in the model-fitting steps, where the indices stored in this slot can be used directly.


An integer vector for reverting the ordering of the sorted data (by ord) to its original ordering. This slot is provided to easily revert the sorting.


An integer vector indicating the first record of each subject in the sorted matrix. It helps in the data checking produce and may be helpful in model-fitting step, such as getting the origin time.


An integer vector indicating the last record of each subject in the sorted data. Similar to first_idx, it helps in the data checking produce and may be helpful in the model-fitting step, such as locating the terminal events.


A character string indicating how the data checking is performed. It just records the option that users specified on data checking.


A character vector preserving the class(es) of input times.

See Also


reda documentation built on July 9, 2022, 1:06 a.m.