summary-rateReg-method: Summarizing a Fitted Model

summary,rateReg-methodR Documentation

Summarizing a Fitted Model


Summary of estimated coefficients of covariates, rate function bases, and estimated rate parameter of frailty random variable, etc.


## S4 method for signature 'rateReg'
summary(object, showCall = TRUE, showKnots = TRUE, ...)



A rateReg object.


A logic value with dafault TRUE, indicating whether function show prints out the original call information of rateReg. It may be helpful for a more concise printout.


A logic value with default TRUE, indicating whether function show prints out the internal and boundary knots. Similar to argument showCall, It may be helpful for a more concise printout.


Other arguments for future usage.


summary,rateReg-method returns a summary.rateReg object, whose slots include

  • covarCoef: Estimated covariate coefficients.

  • frailtyPar: Estimated rate parameter of gamma frailty.

  • baseRateCoef: Estimated coeffcients of baseline rate function.

For the meaning of other slots, see rateReg.


summary.rateReg object

See Also

rateReg for model fitting; coef,rateReg-method for point estimates of covariate coefficients; confint,rateReg-method for confidence intervals of covariate coeffcients; baseRate,rateReg-method for coefficients of baseline rate function.


## See examples given in function rateReg.

reda documentation built on July 9, 2022, 1:06 a.m.