
Defines functions redist.uncoarsen redist.identify.cores

Documented in redist.identify.cores redist.uncoarsen

#' Identify Cores of a District (Heuristic)
#' Creates a grouping ID to unite geographies and perform analysis on a smaller
#' set of precincts. It identifies all precincts more than \code{boundary} edges
#' of a district district boundary. Each contiguous group of precincts more than
#' \code{boundary} steps away from another district gets it own group. Some
#' districts may have multiple, disconnected components that make up the core,
#' but each of these is assigned a separate grouping id so that a call to
#' \code{sf::st_union()} would produce only connected pieces.
#' This is a loose interpretation of the
#' \href{https://www.ncsl.org/redistricting-and-census/redistricting-criteria}{NCSL's summary}
#' of redistricting criteria to preserve the cores of prior districts. Using the
#' adjacency graph for a given plan, it will locate the precincts on the
#' boundary of the district, within \code{boundary} steps of the edge. Each of
#' these  is given their own group. Each remaining entry that is not near the
#' boundary of the district is given an id that can be used to group the
#' remainder of the district by connected component. This portion is deemed the
#' core of the district.
#' @param adj zero indexed adjacency list.
#' @param plan An integer vector or matrix column of district assignments.
#' @param boundary Number of steps to check for. Defaults to 1.
#' @param focus Optional. Integer. A single district to focus on.
#' @param simplify Optional. Logical. Whether to return extra information or just grouping ID.
#' @return integer vector (if simplify is false). Otherwise it returns a tibble with the grouping
#' variable as \code{group_id} and additional information on connected components.
#' @importFrom dplyr row_number cur_group_id
#' @seealso [redist.plot.cores()] for a plotting function
#' @concept prepare
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(fl250)
#' fl250_map <- redist_map(fl250, ndists = 4, pop_tol = 0.01)
#' plan <- as.matrix(redist_smc(fl250_map, 20, silent = TRUE))
#' core <- redist.identify.cores(adj = fl250_map$adj, plan = plan)
#' redist.plot.cores(shp = fl250, plan = plan, core = core)
redist.identify.cores <- function(adj, plan, boundary = 1, focus = NULL,
                                  simplify = TRUE) {
    if (!is.list(adj)) cli_abort("{.arg adj} must be a list.")
    if (is.matrix(plan)) {
        plan <- plan[, 1]

    # init a nice empty list
    cd_within_k <- lapply(1:length(plan), FUN = function(x) {integer(0)})

    core <- cores(adj = adj, dm = plan, k = boundary, cd_within_k = cd_within_k)

    if (!is.null(focus)) {
        idx <- unlist(lapply(core$cd_within_k, FUN = function(x) {focus %in% x})) | plan == focus

        core$k <- ifelse(idx, core$k, 0)

        conncomp <- update_conncomp(dm  = core$dm, kvec = core$k, adj = adj)
        core$conncomp <- conncomp

    tb <- tibble(dm = plan, boundary = core$k, cc = core$conncomp) %>%
        group_by(.data$dm, boundary) %>%
        mutate(gid = row_number()) %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        mutate(gid = ifelse(boundary == 0, .data$cc, gid)) %>%
        mutate(gid = paste0(.data$dm, "-", boundary, "-", gid)) %>% group_by(gid) %>%
        mutate(group = cur_group_id()) %>% ungroup()

    gid <- tb$group

    if (simplify) {
    } else {
        core$group_id <- gid

#' Uncoarsen a District Matrix
#' After a cores analysis or other form of coarsening, sometimes you need
#' to be at the original geography level to be comparable. This takes in a
#' coarsened matrix and uncoarsens it to the original level
#' @param plans A coarsened matrix of plans.
#' @param group_index The index used to coarsen the shape.
#' @return matrix
#' @concept post
#' @export
redist.uncoarsen <- function(plans, group_index) {
    uncoarse <- matrix(nrow = length(group_index),
        ncol = ncol(plans))

    remain <- sort(unique(group_index))

    for (i in 1:length(group_index)) {
        uncoarse[i, ] <- plans[which(group_index[i] == remain), ]


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redist documentation built on June 24, 2024, 9:10 a.m.