
Defines functions prec_cooccurrence prec_assignment last_plan county_splits competitiveness partisan_metrics segregation_index group_frac distr_compactness plan_parity avg_by_prec tally_var check_tidy_types number_by match_numbers find_numbering pullback add_reference make_cores merge_by is_const_rel is_nonprop is_prop is_contiguous cur_plans cur_map get_cur_df

Documented in add_reference avg_by_prec competitiveness county_splits distr_compactness group_frac is_contiguous last_plan make_cores match_numbers merge_by number_by partisan_metrics plan_parity prec_assignment prec_cooccurrence pullback segregation_index tally_var

## Author: Cory McCartan
## Institution: Harvard University
## Date Created: 2021/01/28
## Purpose: redist functions for a tidy workflow

# tidy accessor/helper functions ----

#' Helper function to get current plans/map objects
#' Traverses call stack to find plans object passed to dplyr verbs
#' @noRd
get_cur_df <- function(dplyr_funcs) {
    calls <- sys.calls()
    frames <- sys.frames()
    for (i in rev(seq_along(calls))) {
        call <- calls[[i]]
        frame <- frames[[i]]
        if (is.null(rlang::call_name(call))) next
        if (any(vapply(dplyr_funcs,
            function(x) identical(x, rlang::frame_fn(frame)),
            logical(1)))) {
            return(rlang::env_get(frame, ".data"))

#' Helper function to get current map object
#' @noRd
cur_map <- function(verbs = c("mutate", "summarize", "merge_by",
                        "filter", "arrange", "transmute")) {
    get_cur_df(list(mutate = mutate.redist_map,
        transmute = transmute.redist_map,
        summarize = summarise.redist_map,
        merge_by = merge_by,
        filter = filter.redist_map,
        arrange = arrange.redist_map)[verbs])

#' Helper function to get current plans object
#' @noRd
cur_plans <- function(verbs = c("mutate", "summarize", "filter",
                          "arrange", "transmute")) {
    get_cur_df(list(mutate = mutate.redist_plans,
        transmute = transmute.redist_plans,
        summarize = summarise.redist_plans,
        filter = filter.redist_plans,
        arrange = arrange.redist_plans)[verbs])

# redist_map functions ----

#' Check that a \code{redist_map} object is contiguous
#' @param x the object
#' @return \code{TRUE} if contiguous.
#' @concept prepare
#' @export
is_contiguous <- function(x) {
    if (!inherits(x, "redist_map")) cli_abort("{.arg x} must be a {.cls redist_map}")
    all(contiguity(get_adj(x), rep(1, nrow(x))) == 1)

## merge helpers
# checks if is a proportion/pct
is_prop <- function(x) is.double(x) && min(x, na.rm = TRUE) >= 0 && max(x, na.rm = TRUE) <= 1
# checks if is not a  proportion/pct
is_nonprop <- function(x) is.numeric(x) && (min(x, na.rm = TRUE) < 0 || max(x, na.rm = TRUE) > 1)
# checks if x is constant within levels of rel
is_const_rel <- function(rel) {
    function(x) {
        !is.numeric(x) && all(tapply(x, rel, FUN = function(y) length(unique(y))) == 1)

#' Merge map units
#' In performing a county-level or cores-based analysis it is often necessary to
#' merge several units together into a larger unit.  This function performs this
#' operation, modifying the adjacency graph as needed and attempting to properly
#' aggregate other data columns.
#' @param .data a \code{\link{redist_map}} object
#' @param ... \code{\link[dplyr:dplyr_tidy_select]{<tidy-select>}} the column(s) to merge by
#' @param by_existing if an existing assignment is present, whether to also group by it
#' @param drop_geom whether to drop the geometry column. Recommended, as
#' otherwise a costly geometric merge is required.
#' @param collapse_chr if \code{TRUE}, preserve character columns by collapsing
#' their values. For example, a county name column in Iowa might be merged and
#' have entries such as "Cedar~Clinton~Des Moines". Set to \code{FALSE} to
#' drop character columns instead.
#' @returns A merged \code{\link{redist_map}} object
#' @concept prepare
#' @export
merge_by <- function(.data, ..., by_existing = TRUE, drop_geom = TRUE, collapse_chr = TRUE) {
    .data <- as_redist_map(.data)

    dots <- rlang::enquos(...)
    key_val <- rlang::eval_tidy(dots[[1]], .data)
    pop_col <- attr(.data, "pop_col")

    if (drop_geom && inherits(.data, "sf"))
        .data <- sf::st_drop_geometry(.data)

    col <- attr(.data, "existing_col")
    unique_chr <- function(x) paste(unique(x), collapse = "~")
    is_col_chr <- if (collapse_chr) is.character else (function(x) FALSE)
    if (!is.null(col) && by_existing) {
        dplyr::group_by(.data, dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(col)), !!!dots) %>%
                ~ weighted.mean(., w = .data[[pop_col]], na.rm = TRUE)),
            dplyr::across(where(is.numeric), sum, na.rm = TRUE),
            dplyr::across(where(is_const_rel(key_val)), ~ .[1]),
            dplyr::across(where(is_col_chr), unique_chr),
            .groups = "drop")
    } else {
        dplyr::group_by(.data, !!!dots) %>%
                ~ weighted.mean(., w = .data[[pop_col]], na.rm = TRUE)),
            dplyr::across(where(is.numeric), sum, na.rm = TRUE),
            dplyr::across(where(is_const_rel(key_val)), ~ .[1]),
            dplyr::across(where(is_col_chr), unique_chr),
            .groups = "drop") %>%
            `attr<-`("existing_col", NULL)

#' @rdname redist.identify.cores
#' @order 1
#' @param .data a \code{\link{redist_map}} object
#' @param boundary the core is defined to be at least this number of steps within
#' district boundaries
#' @concept prepare
#' @export
make_cores <- function(.data = cur_map(), boundary = 1, focus = NULL) {
    if (is.null(.data))
        cli_abort("Must provide {.arg .data} if not called within a {.pkg dplyr} verb")
    if (!inherits(.data, "redist_map")) cli_abort("{.arg .data} must be a {.cls redist_map}")

    existing <- get_existing(.data)
    if (is.null(existing))
        cli_abort(c("No existing plan found from which to compute cores.",
            ">" = "Add one using the {.arg existing_plan} argument to {.fun redist_map}"))

    redist.identify.cores(adj = get_adj(.data),
        plan = as.integer(as.factor(existing)),
        boundary = boundary, focus = focus, simplify = TRUE)

# redist_plans functions ----

#' Add a reference plan to a set of plans
#' This function facilitates comparing an existing (i.e., non-simulated)
#' redistricting plan to a set of simulated plans.
#' @param plans a \code{redist_plans} object
#' @param ref_plan an integer vector containing the reference plan. It will be
#' renumbered to 1..\code{ndists}.
#' @param name a human-readable name for the reference plan. Defaults to the
#' name of \code{ref_plan}.
#' @returns a modified \code{redist_plans} object containing the reference plan
#' @concept analyze
#' @export
add_reference <- function(plans, ref_plan, name = NULL) {
    if (!inherits(plans, "redist_plans")) cli_abort("{.arg plans} must be a {.cls redist_plans}")
    if (isTRUE(attr(plans, "partial")))
        cli_abort("Reference plans not supported for partial plans objects.")

    plan_m <- get_plans_matrix(plans)
    if (!is.numeric(ref_plan)) cli_abort("{.arg ref_plan} must be numeric")
    if (length(ref_plan) != nrow(plan_m))
        cli_abort("{.arg ref_plan} must have the same number of precincts as {.arg plans}")

    if (is.null(name)) {
        ref_str <- deparse(substitute(ref_plan))
        if (stringr::str_detect(ref_str, stringr::fixed("$")))
            name <- strsplit(ref_str, "$", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2]
            name <- ref_str
    } else {
        if (!is.character(name)) cli_abort("{.arg name} must be a {.cls chr}")

    ref_plan <- as.integer(as.factor(ref_plan))
    ndists <- max(ref_plan)
    if (ndists != max(plan_m[, 1]))
        cli_abort("{.arg ref_plan} has a different number of districts than {.arg plans}")

    # first the matrix
    plan_m <- cbind(ref_plan, plan_m)
    colnames(plan_m)[1] <- name

    # then the dataframe
    prec_pop <- attr(plans, "prec_pop")
    if (!is.null(prec_pop))
        distr_pop <- pop_tally(matrix(ref_plan, ncol = 1), prec_pop, ndists)
        distr_pop <- rep(NA_real_, ndists)

    if (is.ordered(plans$district)) {
        rg_labels = range(as.integer(as.character(levels(plans$district))))
        if (any(rg_labels != c(1L, attr(plans, "ndists")))) {
            cli_abort(c("Cannot add a reference plan to a set of plans which
                        have relabeled district numbers that don't start at 1.",
                        ">"="Match the district labels on the unmatched plans with
                            {.fn match_numbers}")

        # good to go
        plans$district = as.integer(plans$district)
        cli_inform(c("Coercing {.val district} column to integers.",
                     "i"="You may want to run {.fn match_numbers} again to fix district labels.\n"))

    if (name %in% levels(plans$draw)) cli_abort("Reference plan name already exists")
    fct_levels <- c(name, levels(plans$draw))
    new_draw <- rep(factor(fct_levels, levels = fct_levels), each = ndists)
    x <- dplyr::bind_rows(
        tibble(district = 1:ndists,
               total_pop = as.numeric(distr_pop)),
        plans[, -match("draw", names(plans))]
    ) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(draw = new_draw, .before = "district")

    exist_wgts <- get_plans_weights(plans)
    if (!is.null(exist_wgts))
        attr(plans, "wgt") <- c(0, exist_wgts)

    reconstruct.redist_plans(x, set_plan_matrix(plans, plan_m))

#' Pull back plans to unmerged units
#' Merging map units through \code{\link{merge_by}} or \code{\link{summarize}}
#' changes the indexing of each unit.  Use this function to take a set of
#' redistricting plans from a \code{redist} algorithm and re-index them to
#' be compatible with the original set of units.
#' @param plans a \code{redist_plans} object
#' @param map optionally, a \code{redist_map} object, which will be used to set the new population vector
#' @returns a new, re-indexed, \code{redist_plans} object
#' @concept analyze
#' @export
pullback <- function(plans, map = NULL) {
    if (!inherits(plans, "redist_plans")) cli_abort("{.arg plans} must be a {.cls redist_plans}")

    merge_idx <- attr(plans, "merge_idx")
    if (is.null(merge_idx)) {
        cli_warn("No merged indexing found.")

    attr(plans, "merge_idx") <- NULL
    if (inherits(map, "redist_map")) {
        attr(plans, "prec_pop") <- map[[attr(map, "pop_col")]]
    } else {
        attr(plans, "prec_pop") <- NULL

    set_plan_matrix(plans, get_plans_matrix(plans)[merge_idx, ])

# helper function for match_numbers
find_numbering <- function(plan, ref, pop, tot_pop) {
    joint <- plan_joint(ref, plan, pop)

    renumb <- solve_hungarian(1 - joint/tot_pop)[, 2]

    list(renumb = renumb,
        shared = sum(diag(joint[, renumb]))/tot_pop)

#' Renumber districts to match an existing plan
#' District numbers in simulated plans are by and large random.  This
#' function attempts to renumber the districts across all simulated plans to
#' match the numbers in a provided plan, using the Hungarian algorithm.
#' @param data a \code{redist_plans} object.
#' @param plan a character vector giving the name of the plan to match to (e.g.,
#' for a reference plan), or an integer vector containing the plan itself.
#' @param total_pop a vector of population counts. Should not be needed for most
#' \code{redist_plans} objects.
#' @param col the name of a new column to store the vector of population overlap
#' with the reference plan: the fraction of the total population who are in
#' the same district under each plan and the reference plan. Set to
#' \code{NULL} if no column should be created.
#' renumbering options in any plan.
#' @returns a modified \code{redist_plans} object. New district numbers will be
#' stored as an ordered factor variable in the \code{district} column. The
#' district numbers in the plan matrix will match the levels of this factor.
#' @examples
#' data(iowa)
#' iowa_map <- redist_map(iowa, existing_plan = cd_2010, pop_tol = 0.05)
#' plans <- redist_smc(iowa_map, 100, silent = TRUE)
#' match_numbers(plans, "cd_2010")
#' @concept analyze
#' @export
match_numbers <- function(data, plan, total_pop = attr(data, "prec_pop"), col = "pop_overlap") {
    if (!inherits(data, "redist_plans")) cli_abort("{.arg data} must be a {.cls redist_plans}")
    if (!"district" %in% names(data)) cli_abort("Missing {.field district} column in {.arg data}")

    plan_mat <- get_plans_matrix(data)
    if (is.character(plan)) plan <- plan_mat[, plan]
    plan <- factor(plan, ordered = TRUE)
    ndists <- length(levels(plan))

    if (is.null(total_pop))
        cli_abort("Must provide {.arg total_pop} for this {.cls redist_plans} object.")
    if (max(plan_mat[, 1]) != ndists)
        cli_abort("Can't match numbers on a subset of a {.cls redist_plans}")

    # compute renumbering and extract info
    best_renumb <- apply(plan_mat, 2, find_numbering,
        plan = as.integer(plan),
        pop = total_pop, tot_pop = sum(total_pop))
    renumb <- as.integer(vapply(best_renumb, function(x) x$renumb, integer(ndists)))

    if (!is.null(col))
        data[[col]] <- as.numeric(vapply(best_renumb, function(x) rep(x$shared, ndists),

    renumb_mat <- renumber_matrix(plan_mat, renumb)
    colnames(renumb_mat) <- colnames(plan_mat)
    data <- set_plan_matrix(data, renumb_mat)
    data$district <- factor(levels(plan)[renumb], levels(plan), ordered = TRUE)

    orig_groups <- dplyr::group_vars(data)
    dplyr::group_by(data, .data$draw) %>%
        dplyr::arrange(.data$district, .by_group = TRUE) %>%

#' Renumber districts to match a quantity of interest
#' District numbers in simulated plans are by and large random.  This
#' function will renumber the districts across all simulated plans in order
#' of a provided quantity of interest.
#' @param data a \code{redist_plans} object
#' @param x \code{\link[dplyr:dplyr_data_masking]{<data-masking>}} the quantity of interest.
#' @param desc \code{TRUE} if district should be sorted in descending order.
#' @returns a modified \code{redist_plans} object. New district numbers will be
#' stored as an ordered factor variable in the \code{district} column. The
#' district numbers in the plan matrix will match the levels of this factor.
#' @concept analyze
#' @export
number_by <- function(data, x, desc = FALSE) {
    if (!inherits(data, "redist_plans")) cli_abort("{.arg data} must be a {.cls redist_plans}")
    if (!"district" %in% names(data)) cli_abort("Missing {.field district} column in {.arg data}")

    ord <- 1 - 2*desc
    m <- get_plans_matrix(data)
    orig_groups <- dplyr::group_vars(data)
    dplyr::group_by(data, .data$draw) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(district = rank(ord*{{ x }}, ties.method = "random")) %>%
        set_plan_matrix(`colnames<-`(renumber_matrix(m, .$district), colnames(m))) %>%
        dplyr::arrange(district, .by_group = TRUE) %>%

#' Helper function to check types for tidy wrappers
#' @noRd
check_tidy_types <- function(map, .data) {
    if (!is.null(map) && !inherits(map, "redist_map"))
        cli_abort("{.arg map} must be a {.cls redist_map}")
    if (is.null(.data))
        cli_abort("Must provide {.arg .data} if not called within a {.pkg dplyr} verb")
    if (!inherits(.data, "redist_plans"))
        cli_abort("{.arg data} must be a {.cls redist_plans}")

#' Tally a variable by district
#' @param map a `redist_map` object
#' @param x a variable to tally. Tidy-evaluated.
#' @param .data a `redist_plans` object
#' @return a vector containing the tallied values by district and plan (column-major)
#' @concept analyze
#' @export
tally_var <- function(map, x, .data = cur_plans()) {
    check_tidy_types(map, .data)
    if (length(unique(diff(as.integer(.data$district)))) > 2)
        cli_warn("Districts not sorted in ascending order; output may be incorrect.")

    x <- rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::enquo(x), map)
        x, attr(map, "ndists")))

#' Average a variable by precinct
#' Takes a column of a `redist_plans` object and averages it across a set of
#' `draws` for each precinct.
#' @param plans a `redist_plans` object
#' @param x an expression to average. Tidy-evaluated in `plans`.
#' @param draws which draws to average. `NULL` will average all draws, including
#' reference plans. The special value `NA` will average all sampled draws. An
#' integer, logical, or character vector indicating specific draws may also be
#' provided.
#' @return a vector of length matching the number of precincts, containing the average.
#' @concept analyze
#' @export
avg_by_prec <- function(plans, x, draws = NA) {
    plans_m <- get_plans_matrix(plans)

    n_ref <- 0
    # copied from get_n_ref()
    if (!is.null(colnames(plans_m))) {
        refs <- which(nchar(colnames(plans_m)) > 0)
        n_ref <- length(unique(colnames(plans_m)[refs]))

    if (is.null(draws)) {
        draw_idx <- seq_len(ncol(plans_m))
    } else if (length(draws) == 1 && is.na(draws)) {
        if (n_ref > 0) {
            draw_idx <- seq_len(ncol(plans_m))[-seq_len(n_ref)]
        } else {
            draw_idx <- seq_len(ncol(plans_m))
    } else if (is.logical(draws)) {
        draw_idx <- which(draws)
    } else {
        draw_idx <- match(as.character(draws), levels(plans$draw))

    plans <- arrange(plans, as.integer(.data$draw), .data$district)
    n_distr <- max(plans_m[, draw_idx[1]])
    m_val <- matrix(rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::enquo(x), plans), nrow = n_distr)

    plans_m <- plans_m[, draw_idx, drop = FALSE]
    m_val <- m_val[, draw_idx, drop = FALSE]
    m_prec <- matrix(nrow = nrow(plans_m), ncol = ncol(plans_m))
    for (i in seq_len(ncol(plans_m))) {
        m_prec[, i] <- m_val[, i][plans_m[, i]]


#' @rdname redist.parity
#' @param map a \code{\link{redist_map}} object
#' @param .data a \code{\link{redist_plans}} object
#' @param ... passed on to \code{redist.parity}
#' @concept analyze
#' @export
plan_parity <- function(map, .data = cur_plans(), ...) {
    check_tidy_types(map, .data)
    ndists <- attr(map, "ndists")
    total_pop <- map[[attr(map, "pop_col")]]
    if (is.null(total_pop)) cli_abort("Population vector missing from {.arg map}")

    rep(max_dev(get_plans_matrix(.data), total_pop, ndists),
        each = ndists)

#' @rdname redist.compactness
#' @order 1
#' @param map a \code{\link{redist_map}} object
#' @param .data a \code{\link{redist_plans}} object
#' @param ... passed on to \code{redist.compactness}
#' @concept analyze
#' @export
distr_compactness <- function(map, measure = "FracKept", .data = cur_plans(), ...) {
    check_tidy_types(map, .data)

    # districts not in ascending order
    if (length(unique(diff(as.integer(.data$district)))) > 2)
        cli_warn("Districts not sorted in ascending order; output may be incorrect.")

    redist.compactness(shp = map, plans = get_plans_matrix(.data),
        measure = measure, total_pop = map[[attr(map, "pop_col")]],
        adj = get_adj(map), ...)[[measure]]

#' @rdname redist.group.percent
#' @order 1
#' @param map a \code{\link{redist_map}} object
#' @param .data a \code{\link{redist_plans}} object
#' @concept analyze
#' @export
group_frac <- function(map, group_pop, total_pop = map[[attr(map, "pop_col")]],
                       .data = cur_plans()) {
    check_tidy_types(map, .data)
    # districts not in ascending order
    if (length(unique(diff(as.integer(.data$district)))) > 2)
        cli_warn("Districts not sorted in ascending order; output may be incorrect.")

    group_pop <- rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::enquo(group_pop), map)
    total_pop <- rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::enquo(total_pop), map)
    as.numeric(redist.group.percent(plans = get_plans_matrix(.data),
        group_pop = group_pop, total_pop = total_pop))

#' @rdname redist.segcalc
#' @order 1
#' @param map a \code{\link{redist_map}} object
#' @param .data a \code{\link{redist_plans}} object
#' @concept analyze
#' @export
segregation_index <- function(map, group_pop, total_pop = map[[attr(map, "pop_col")]],
                              .data = cur_plans()) {
    check_tidy_types(map, .data)
    group_pop <- rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::enquo(group_pop), map)
    total_pop <- rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::enquo(total_pop), map)
    plan_m <- get_plans_matrix(.data)
    rep(as.numeric(redist.segcalc(plans = plan_m, group_pop = group_pop,
        total_pop = total_pop)),
    each = attr(map, "ndists"))

#' @rdname redist.metrics
#' @order 1
#' @param map a \code{\link{redist_map}} object
#' @param .data a \code{\link{redist_plans}} object
#' @param ... passed on to \code{redist.metrics}
#' @concept analyze
#' @export
partisan_metrics <- function(map, measure, rvote, dvote, ...,
                             .data = cur_plans()) {
    check_tidy_types(map, .data)
    # districts not in ascending order
    if (length(unique(diff(as.integer(.data$district)))) > 2)
        cli_warn("Districts not sorted in ascending order; output may be incorrect.")

    rvote <- rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::enquo(rvote), map)
    dvote <- rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::enquo(dvote), map)
    as.numeric(redist.metrics(plans = get_plans_matrix(.data),
        measure = measure, rvote = rvote, dvote = dvote, ...)[[measure]])

#' @rdname redist.competitiveness
#' @order 1
#' @param map a \code{\link{redist_map}} object
#' @param .data a \code{\link{redist_plans}} object
#' @concept analyze
#' @export
competitiveness <- function(map, rvote, dvote, .data = cur_plans()) {
    check_tidy_types(map, .data)
    rvote <- rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::enquo(rvote), map)
    dvote <- rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::enquo(dvote), map)
    redist.competitiveness(plans = get_plans_matrix(.data),
        rvote = rvote, dvote = dvote)

#' @rdname redist.splits
#' @order 1
#' @param map a \code{\link{redist_map}} object
#' @param .data a \code{\link{redist_plans}} object
#' @concept analyze
#' @export
county_splits <- function(map, counties, .data = cur_plans()) {
    check_tidy_types(map, .data)
    counties <- rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::enquo(counties), map)
    redist.splits(plans = get_plans_matrix(.data), counties = counties)

#' Extract the last plan from a set of plans
#' @param plans A \code{\link{redist_plans}} object
#' @returns An integer vector containing the final plan assignment.
#' @concept analyze
#' @export
last_plan <- function(plans) {
    plan_m <- get_plans_matrix(plans)
    plan_m[, ncol(plan_m)]

#' Extract the district assignments for a precinct across all simulated plans
#' @param prec the precinct number
#' @param .data a \code{\link{redist_plans}} object
#' @return integer vector, a row from a plans matrix
#' @concept analyze
#' @export
prec_assignment <- function(prec, .data = cur_plans()) {
    check_tidy_types(NULL, .data)

    m <- get_plans_matrix(.data)
    if (is.integer(prec)) {
        if (prec <= 0 || prec > nrow(m))
            cli_abort(c("{.arg prec} out of bounds",
                "i" = "There are {nrow(m)} precincts in these plans."))
    } else {
        cli_abort("{.arg prec} must be an integer index")

    assignment <- m[prec, , drop = FALSE]
    if ("district" %in% names(.data) && is.factor(.data$district)) {
        lev <- levels(.data$district)
        assignment <- factor(lev[assignment], lev, ordered = is.ordered(.data$district))


#' Compute a matrix of precinct co-occurrences
#' For a map with `n` precincts Returns an `n`-by-`n` matrix, where each
#' entry measures the fraction of the plans in which the row and column
#' precincts were in the same district.
#' @param plans a [redist_plans] object.
#' @param which [`<data-masking>`][dplyr::dplyr_data_masking] which plans to
#' compute the co-occurrence over.  Defaults to all.
#' @param sampled_only if `TRUE`, do not include reference plans.
#' @param ncores the number of parallel cores to use in the computation.
#' @return a symmetric matrix the size of the number of precincts.
#' @concept analyze
#' @md
#' @export
prec_cooccurrence <- function(plans, which = NULL, sampled_only = TRUE, ncores = 1) {
    if (sampled_only)
        plans <- subset_sampled(plans)
    which <- eval_tidy(enquo(which), plans)
    plan_m <- get_plans_matrix(plans)
    if (is.null(which))
        which <- seq_len(ncol(plan_m))
    prec_cooccur(plan_m, which, ncores)

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redist documentation built on April 3, 2023, 5:46 p.m.